
Urge the state of New Hampshire to allow same-sex Marriage

Urge the state of New Hampshire to allow same-sex couples to share fully in the rights, responsibilities and commitment of civil marriage.

HB436 is close to going to the governor.

He is undecided as to what to do .
His personal feeling is against marriage equality, but he represents the people and if enough people call and ask him to support marriage equality we believe he will put his personal feeling aside and sign the bill.


Next Steps

The bill must go back to the house so that they may approve the changes made by the Senate. This will happen Wednesday. It then moves on to the Governor.

Actions needed

1) We must collect thousands of signatures on our equality petition. Please click here to help collect signatures. Return these signatures to us.
2) Write a letter to the editor click here
3) Spread the word click here

Pro LGBT Obama Vanishing Act | 1st 100 Days

Has Obama used our LGBT community for political fodder and now quietly kicked the cannon so as to let the flotsam float away?

At Bilereco Project Author Alex Blaze's article "White House website de-gayed" presents some very disturbing information. Well worth the click..

My personal take is Obama is a politician, nothing more, nothing less. I'm involved as an ally with the ACLU and have been made very aware that Obama's political promises are only as good as the vigil that watches and the magnitude of the responds to his inaction.

On the web

planetransgender Obama : Torture is NOT Tolerated by America