
Not Guilty Says Kenneth Furr Drunk DC Cop who Shot at Transsexuals

The police officer who was arrested for standing on the hood of a car firing shots at the transgender people inside, has entered a plea of not guilty.

As absurd as this may seem since so many witness have come forward the comments found on that article make sense of this:

"He was drinking, trying to pick up a hooker, he was armed and started shooting. Yep. Not guilty."

... "He's counting on one or more of the following: an inept D.A.'s office messing up their case, his fellow officers "misplacing" evidence, or witness tampering (aka: "bribes"). "

No wonder the DC Trans Coalition accused the DC Police Chief for "Abdicating" Responsibilities.


Khloe Kardashian: We Don't Talk Like That In Texas, "Homo" and "Tranny" Don't Fly

Khloe Kardashian, a newcomer to Dallas said in this video she never felt such a sincere welcome as she did when she arrived here from LA attributing the hugs to southern hospitality.
Well, I think I can speak for most Texans and say we are glad you feel at home here Khloe. Welcome, but......

.....the next thing we know you're calling people homo's and using the "T" word while hosting on Mix 102.9 Radio. Then you went on to proclaim herself the 'queen bee' of our community to validate your're use of LGBT defamation. Listen to the audio of the show below......

Well Khloe, here some genuine southern advice. Here gay, transgender and allied people talk respectfully about each other. We don't defame transgender people with 'tranny', and we do not call people 'homo's as you did on your radio show. If you truly want to be a 'queen bee' you first must work in the hive, learn how people act and gain our respect.