
The Soulforce Q Equality Ride - Fall 2008

The Soulforce Q Equality Ride will launch on October 1, 2008. This year it will focus on the South, journeying to fifteen schools of various denominations, including some faith-based historically black colleges and universities. True to its purpose of going where it is needed, the 2008 Equality Ride will visit both undergraduate schools and graduate level seminaries. Come meet the new Equality Riders and read what they have to say.
Schedules, meet the riders and more......


I kiss girls and guys and liked it!

Many Thanks Havens corner Church in Black Lick Ohio. I was doing serious face time with this gurl but after seeing this bee trading spit wit the guys. Whew, sure are glad you corrected me. (((Hugs))) Kelli (trans woman) Busey