
Reconciling Ministries Network doing Gods Work

For myself 2008 was a year of unanticipated profound change with a avalanche of love, passion, caring, worship, happiness and sorrow all bundled together in Jesus's name and presented as the Reconciling Ministries Network!
I had been called to witness(i didn't even know what that meant) and I was confused and scared by this force appearing out of nowhere drawing me to the United Methodists 2008 conference in FT Worth.
This began the most incredible two weeks of my life. What an absolutely fantastic religion! Alive and vibrant, struggling to understand the rainbow of blessings within. The people of the RMN are a driving force inside of the United Methodist Church and are truly doing Gods work. If you are queer, questioning and/or transgender and feel isolated and alone? Dude pull up a chair because we are among our church. The RM puts the work in network and lives radical inclusion.

The Times of Harvey Milk

Feature Film|1:27:34|
This Oscar-winning documentary film covers the successful career and tragic assassination of San Francisco's first openly gay man to be elected to office.

Grab some popcorn and kickback for a great flick. There are some adds sponsored by HULU so we can watch this high quality.

Thanks to Atomic Gay Wonk for posting this:)


Prayers for Bobby

Prayers For Bobby Prayers For Bobby, is a real life powerful drama based on the best selling book. The story is about a mother who could not accept her sons homosexuality, and as a result of his families ignorance, the boy commits suicide. The mother struggles to make peace with herself, and ultimately becomes an advocate on behalf of gay rights.

The drama will air on Lifetime on January 24th at 9pm EST.

Found on Queers United


Ky Dickens new film "Fish Out Of Water"

"Fish out of Water" by film maker Ky Dickens explores the current misconceptions about the bibles interpretation of homosexuality. Ky is featured in the Windy City Times December 12 2008 edition.

"Religion is a complicated topic. Add in homosexuality, and get ready for an onslaught of people saying, “You're wrong,” “That's sinful” and “We'll never see eye to eye.”

"With her new documentary, Fish Out of Water, Chicago filmmaker Ky Dickens tackles both sides with an arsenal of honesty, passion and a little yellow bird."

"Windy City Times recently caught up with Dickens to gain some insight into this ambitious process."

Read more at the Times......

Related articles

Center Stage Chicago theater editor Alicia Eler interviews film maker and director Ky Dickens about her forthcoming revolutionary Ani-Doc film Fish Out of Water.

planetransgender story
Fish Out of Water - "Every thing you have ever heard about homosexuality and the Bible is going to be turned inside Out!"

Fish Out of Water Blog

By Kelli Busey
Dec 28, 2008


' Doubt ' Show times and Locations Nationwide

Doubt Showtimes and Locations Nationwide

(Doubt) follows 'Catholic Woodstock'

"Some prefer to call it a Catholic Woodstock - a festival of peace, love and Christianity.

But the message of World Youth Day has been undercut by the controversies of the recent past: the sexual abuse scandal which refuses to go away.
In the lead up to the event, Australia's most senior Catholic, Cardinal George Pell, has faced fresh allegations of a cover-up in the case of a young man indecently assaulted in the early 1980s.

In a report which generated a barrage of negative headlines, the ABC's Lateline programme revealed the shocking story of Anthony Jones, a religious education coordinator, who was indecently assaulted by a Sydney priest, Father Terence Goodall.

Originally, the Cardinal dismissed Anthony Jones's allegations of sexual assault, saying the church had received no other complaints against Father Goodall.

But newly-uncovered documents reveal that Cardinal Pell was aware of another allegation against the priest."

Doubt Showtimes and Locations Nationwide

Vatican's Christmas Message : Religious creedence to violence in it's purest sense

If the planet is to be saved we must save ourselves from Gays and Transgender people and save the rain forest.
Religious creedence to violence in it's most damning form.

In the event of a natural or man made catastrophe that endangers humanities survival the average Joe (now a average hate filled homophobic Catholic, Mormon or Islamic bot)will find a rope and hang a gay or transgender person.

All this on Christmas eve on the heals of the Catholic and Mormon contribution to the passage of prop.8 and its recent Opposition to Decriminalization of Homosexuality

From the "leader" of the worlds largest "christian" religion.

On Christmas eve there were people responding to this message by wishing the Pope was dead.

On Christmas eve.

One Christian wishing death on another.

Great job Pope. I will not allow anger and hate to rule my life. You are an example of where that leads.
I will make rational thought, prayer, and love and hope my standard. Everyday. God Bless us.

by Kelli Busey
Dec. 26, 2008


USA Refuses to Sign UN Gay and Transgender Rights Declaration

USA Refuses to Sign UN Gay Rights Declaration

The United States refused to sign the United Nations Gay Rights Declaration presented in December 2008.

Here's what you can do to change this:

Have conversations with your neighbors, friends and family about LGBT rights.

Ask President-elect Barack Obama to support HRC's Blueprint for Positive Change.

Powerful change results when more than 10,000,000 LGBT people come together.

Go to the National DOMA Protests on January 10 and stand among over a million people who want change.

We will not rest until all LGBT people are given full and equal civil rights.

For more information, go to Join the Impact at
Join The Impact


Leeneshia Edwards Memphis Transgender Woman Shot in The Face

Found on CW30 ABC, Dana Rebik reported Transgender Woman Shot in Face
"Police say the shooting happened sometime around 5:00 a.m. Tuesday, December 23, 2008 in the 3100 block of Boxtown Road in south Memphis near T.O. Fuller State Park. Leeneshia Edwards was last seen about an hour earlier at the “C.K.’s Coffee Shop” on Union Avenue in midtown Memphis.

Edwards, is now in critical condition at “The Med”. Her cousin tells us Edwards was shot in the jaw, side and back and is undergoing multiple surgeries.

Investigators have not yet been able to interview the shooting victim. Police say there were no eyewitnesses to the shooting when they arrived, and they don't have a description of the shooter or the shooter's car. As far as Duana Johnson’s case, detectives say they have no solid leads. If you have any information about either of these cases, call Memphis Crime Stoppers at (901) 528-CASH."

LGBT we are one Community

"Harvey Milk Understood"

Queers United: Action Needed on UN Declaration Calling for Global Decriminalization of Homosexuality

Queers United: Action Needed on UN Declaration Calling for Global Decriminalization of Homosexuality


Help a Sister Out "Benefit for Hate Rape Victim Richmond Jane Doe"

From Fight The Hate H8, Join The Impact and Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies "This is about the young woman in No. CA who was brutually beaten and raped by 4 men for being a lesbian and having a rainbow sticker on her car. Please read this article 4 men sought in rape case and invite all your friends."

Event: Help A Sister Out
"Benefit for Hate Rape Victim"
What: Fundraiser
Host: Civil Rights Front
Start Time: Tuesday, December 22 at 5:00pm
End Time: Thursday, December 31 at 5:00pm
Where: From Your Heart

On December 13th, a twenty-eight-year-old California woman was brutally raped by four men because she is a lesbian and had a RAINBOW STICKER on her car.

The woman will need months to recover physically and years and years to recover psychologically. She needs our emotional and financial support.

If you would like to send a card, please mail it to:

Richmond Police Department
Attn: Sgt. Brian Dickerson
1701 Regatta Blvd.
Richmond, CA 94804

If you can send a financial contribution (even a few dollars) to help her pay her medical bills and other costs associated with her recovery, please mail a check payable to Community Violence Solutions to:

Community Violence Solutions
2101 Van Ness Ave.,
San Pablo, CA 94806
Attn: Mrs. Joanne Douglas

In the memo section of the check please write: Richmond Jane Doe

To see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:
Help A Sister Out Facebook page

By Kelli Busey
Dec. 23, 2008


Prop. 8 sponsors seek to nullify 18 Thousand marriages

Not satisfied with striping Americans of their constitutional rights the Prop. 8 sponsors seek to nullify 18 thousand gay marriages.
The passage of Prop 8 has ignited outrage that if allowd to stand, a popular vote nullifies a California Supreme Court ruling allowing that the State's Constitutional rights apply to all citizens. This has been expressed locally and nationwide and may further be inflamed by this recent filing.

California Attorney General Jerry Brown who has long been an opponent of Prop 8 will be filing an opposing brief on Friday.

By Kelli Busey kellibusey@yahoo.com
Dec. 20, 2008


The Homeless Memorial and Tree of Remembrance on Auditorium Shores at South 1st and Riverside

There will be a memorial for Jennifer Gale on December 21, 2008.
Hosted by House the Homeless and Mobile Loaves and Fishes

Date: Sunday, December 21, 2008
Time: 11:00am - 12:30pm
Location: Lady Bird Lake, south shore, west of S. 1st next to Gazebo
Street: Auditorium Shores lot
City/Town: Austin, TX
View Map
Facebook event page
Facebook Everything Gale
Related Article
Donations are appreciated
House the Homeless
Mobile Loaves and Fishes


Dallas Gay Bachelor Auction

Don't miss the sexiest party of the year! The 6th annual Gay Bachelor Auction is scheduled for Sunday, March 15 at JR's from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.

The 6th annual Gay Bachelor Auction will be held at JR's Bar and Grill Dallas
on Sunday, March 15, 2009 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Applications are currently being accepted for men and women who are interested in participating as a bachelor. The 2009 auction will boast an all-new program, including new games and entertainment.

Admission is free, and all proceeds from the auction will directly benefit Bryan's House, a local nonprofit organization that supports children and teens who are affected by HIV/AIDS.

Posted by kelli Busey
December 18, 2008


Transgender Woman, Jennifer Gale, former Dallas mayoral candidate found dead

Many thanks to Stephanie Stevens at Transgender News at Yahoo Groups for alerting us to the sad news that transgender icon and former Austin and Dallas Mayoral candidate Jennifer Gale was found dead.
One Austin activist who was in tears said although the body has yet to be identified and the cause of death determined, there was belief that the recent cold temperatures may have played a role in Ms. Gales untimely demise.
Ms. Gale who's concern for the homeless was born out of living this life brought reality to a conversation often dominated by the wealthy. Ms. Gale presented facts on what the needs of the homeless are from first hand experience.
Ms. Jennifer was well liked and respected at Dallas City Hall for being a gentle and kind person who brought uniqueness and an unfaltering sense of civic duty to their daily lives.
I did not know you Jennifer, but my friends sadness at your passing grieves me deeply. God Bless you Jennifer Gale.

By kelli Busey kellibusey@yahoo.com
December 17, 2008

Ohio: Columbus City Council Passes Transgender Anti Discrimination Laws

Columbus Ohio. From TransOhio. The Columbus City Council passed transgender anti discrimination on Monday 16, 2008.

TransOhio blog "The Columbus City Council voted 6-0 to PASS the ordinance revisions which will add the following classes to Columbus City Code (chapter 2331): Age, Disability, Sex, Military status, Familial status and Gender Identity and Expression."

The Columbus City Council then went on to ask the State Legislature to follow suit according to 365 Gay.com.

This is indeed a tremendous day in our struggle for equality. Every step forward for transgender people is a leap for all LGBT people.

Being a native of Ohio this warms my heart. Thank you to all that made this happen!

TransOhio may also befriended on Facebook at TransOhio


Binghamton NY City council passes anti-discrimination bill

In a much anticipated event the Binghamton city Council acted to include protection of transgender people. According to an article by Neil St. Clair, News 10 Now

"It's another way to let people know that everyone has the same rights. In the old days, it was color, religion, whatever. Now it's size or sexual orientation. It just reinforces it," said Binghamton City Councilman Edward Collins.

The bill specifically protects transgendered and overweight individuals, along with other groups. It adds another legislative layer with respect to housing, employment and other areas of possible public discrimination.

"This law not only tracks New York State human rights law and the protections already enacted at the state level, it also extends some protections at the local level that have not yet passed at the state level," said Barrie Gewanter, New York Civil Liberties Union Executive Director.

Live in NY? Want to be involved? Click here to become a New York Civil Liberties Union Activist!

By Kelli Busey planetransgender December 16, 2008 email kellibusey@yahoo.com


Jimmy Lee Dean Trial Date Set : Unified Community Against Gay Hate Crimes(UCAGHC) Plans Rally

Unified Community Against Gay Hate Crimes(UCAGHC) a Dallas TX group formed in response to the brutal attack on local artist Jimmy Lee Dean has announced the trial date and asked for the LGBT community to show support by attending a rally from 10am to 12pm on January 12, 2009 in front of the Frank Crowley Bldg 133 N. Industrial Blvd. Dallas TX 75207

According to Activist Michael Robinson, key witness and founder of UCAGHC,
(The) "Jimmy Lee Dean case has the opportunity to change or add new amendments to the statute that governs hate crimes cases in Texas. I am asking the GLBT community to stand up together on this very important issue that concerns us ALL. There is a group of people out there that would like to see us all dead. We need to change how hate crimes cases are filed when they go to a grand jury for review so that the D.A.'s offices can indict these cases."

The current legislation does not enable prosecutors in Texas to clearly identify a hate crime. Aggravated assault convictions carry potentially far less penalty less penalty than a hate crime conviction.

By Kelli Busey
Sunday, December 14, 2008


Why Should I?

"Why Should I?"

This is the response I received from a religious leader after he read my scathing note critiquing his behaviour during a transgender event and an invitation to continue the conversation.

I think it gave him the opportunity to slam the door shut.

Why should you care about the effect your actions are having on the gender variant?

By allowing your religion to lend credence to violence committed against gender variant people you are fueling the unbroken cycle of of violence and condemning us to horrific deaths. By being the leader of a major religion you are amplifying this message in a way that none other could, that we are less than you.

What is your motivation? Not the little voices to be sure. Or could that be why you got so angry? Is that why when I attend church some pastors look at me with such fear?
Look at me with fear! My god man, it's not my physical stature for sure. No it only could be one thing.

The Truth.

The fear is that I exposure our monetarily driven religions and the duplicity it nurtures by it's continuation of profiteering from the brutal transgender murders.

What is HRC's Motivation? Make one or two million dollars a night and hand local churches and 501's their 1 for 5 payoffs. Whats the hurry to change anything?Everyone is fat and happy.

Except you. When I show up. And the dead, and oh yeah, Jesus.

By Kelli Busey
December 13, 2008


Join The Impact Light Up The Night In Dallas December 20

Join the Impact is organizing a nationwide rally to take place on December 20, 2008.

On December 20th, we ask that you join us again for a nation-wide demonstration that will make an impact on the private sector.

National food drives, culminating with candlelight vigils will be held at commercial centers in cities across the country in remembrance of the rights that once were for 18,000 marriages, and in honor of the rights that one day will be again - for EVERYONE

On Saturday, December 20th, JoinTheImpact.com asks that you join them again for a nationwide rally. Candlelight vigils will be held at commercial centers in cities across the country in remembrance of the rights that once were for 18,000 marriages, and in honor of the rights that one day will be again - for everyone.
The Dallas vigil will be held outside the Galleria and want to stress we are not protesting the Galleria. Many locals and tourists will be passing by as they carry on a 26 year tradition of visiting the Galleria during the holidays for their shopping needs. This will be a peaceful candlelight vigil in the spirit of the holidays. No protest signs please.

Please click link for directions Join the Impact


Fish Out of Water

Fish Out of Water - "Every thing you have ever heard about homosexuality and the Bible is going to be turned inside Out!"

Center Stage Chicago theater editor Alicia Eler interviews film maker and director Ky Dickens about her forthcoming revolutionary Ani-Doc film Fish Out of Water.

Fish Out of Water Trailer part 1

Fish Out of Water Trailer part 2

By kelli Busey
Dec. 07, 2008

Colorado Teens Protest Transphobic Schools

Colorado Springs Gazette.com Transgender teen decries hate at schools. A group of 25 Transgender teens and allies gathered to protest unacceptable treatment in Colorado High Schools and Colleges.

According to the protesters the shared experience of transphobia in school can be mainly attributed to a ignorant faculty who's binary conception of gender is reflected and amplified in the student bodies transphobic interactions.

When a person's gender identity is stifled by a unknowledgeable (ignorant) school faculty eventually the condition will become intolerable for the youth and can lead to the loss of that person to society.

When I attended a medical school I was humiliated by my instructors. Despite my best efforts before the semester began to introduce myself and subsequent strenuous objections I was constantly addressed with the wrong gender. I was allowed to use the faculties one stall woman's restroom, but this only increased my isolation and disenfranchisement. While in the halls the whispered degrading comments, laughter and finger pointing became increasingly frequent and blatant as students mimicked teachers unveiled bigotry making me extremely self conscious and eventually fearful for my very safety. Granted I was very early in transition and my appearance was not polished but the feeling of failure after escaping this intolerable situation was nearly unbearable. It was after all, my only life experience to that point.

Since then I have been successful in obtaining a physical appearance and mental state which nicely matches my gender and I am gainfully employed. My life has become meaningful and my passion for living intensely rewarding.

If we value all youth we must honor that obligation. All schools must work to become educated, understanding of, and sensitive to gender variant youth. It is a teachers obligation to afford equal opportunity to all not just the ones that fit effortlessly and conveniently in line with patriarchal preconceptions.

Related article Students protest dorm bigotry and violence

By kelli Busey
Dec 07, 2008


Support LGBT Measures passing in Cleveland

Date: Monday, December 8, 2008
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: Cleveland City Hall
Street: 601 Lakeside Ave.
City/Town: Cleveland, OH

Google Maps

Contact Info Phone: 216-651-5428x12
Email: sdoerfer@lgbtcleveland.org

Please read the Action Alert below. We need as many people as possible to attend both the Finance Committee Hearing and the City Council Meeting on Monday Dec. 8th. Please do everything you can to be there yourself….and forward this to as many people as you can think of.

This is important as it sets a standard for other cities in Ohio! Even if you don't live in Cleveland it impacts YOU! Stand up for the rights of your community!


Friday Dec.

5th, 2008

The Legislation Committee of Cleveland City Council heard testimony on both the domestic partnership registry and inclusion of gender identity in the city's anti-discrimination law. Both measures passed on to the Finance Committee for hearing.


Your help is needed to ensure passage of this legislation.

There are several ways you can support this effort:

TODAY (Friday Dec. 5th)

Call your City Council representative (from where you live OR work) and ask them to support the Domestic Partner Registry and the Gender Identity Non-Discrimination Ordinances.

Ask 5 people to do the same thing!

MONDAY(Dec. 8th)

Attend the Finance Committee Hearing 9:45am - 12noon. The Finance Committee will be hearing both ordinances. Both Ordinances need to pass out of the Finance Committee for a vote of the Council.

Ask 5 of your friends to attend with you!

Attend the City Council Meeting 7pm to support the voting, and hopefully to celebrate passage, of these changes to Cleveland City Law. Come early to ensure a seat. Ask 10 of your friends to attend with you.

Cleveland City Hall
Council Chambers
601 Lakeside Avenue
Cleveland, OH

It is crucial that your city council representatives hear from their constituents so they know there is popular support for equality issues. It is important to show strong support through attendance at the Finance Committee Hearing and the City Council Meeting.

For further information or with questions, contact:
Sue Doerfer, sdoerfer@lgbtcleveland.org, 216-651-5428 x12

Sue Doerfer

Gainesville Florida gains in Equality Challenged

By kelli Busey
Dec. 06, 2008

Gainesville Florida a city of vision.

A misleading petition campaign which fostered fear of sexual predators is bringing to vote a proposed amendment whether to allow stand equality afforded presently by this cities laws. The petition campaign gathered the necessary votes by expounding on fear of sexual deviants who would for some reason would suddenly care about societies law and and attack woman in bathrooms now all people in Gainesville are allowed equal rights. This cities determination to protect it's citizenry is being brought to a vote on March 24, 2009.


According to Gainesville.com Mayor Pegeen Hanrahan emphasized Thursday that without the city's added protections, it is perfectly legal for a business owner to refuse to serve a gay person or for a landlord to deny housing to a transgender individual.

She said the city has chosen to protect these people from discrimination.

"If you take away your community's right to do that and cede that right to the state, then you defacto say, that, 'OK, we are willing to allow those discriminations.' "


The petition sponsor "Citizens for Good Public Policy" who orginally objected to transgender people being included in human rights objected to the wording the Council choose for the proposed admendment which clarified which class of people would loose protection as "Gender Idenity" should the admendment pass.


Glaad: Demand The New York Times Discontinues Anti Gay Advertisement

From the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD.)

In the December 5, 2008 edition of The New York Times, The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty published a full page advertisement that makes inaccurate and unsubstantiated claims about supposed “violence and intimidation” against religious groups by “mobs” since the passage of Proposition 8.

The New York Times needs to hear from you. Contact them TODAY and demand that they discontinue allowing inaccurate claims in their advertising.

By kelli Busey
Dec. 5, 2008


Milk in Utah!

From Equality Utah:

Equality Utah is pleased to announce the December 5th opening of MILK at Salt Lake Film Society’s Broadway Centre Cinemas – 111 East 300 South in Salt Lake City. MILK is based on the life of Harvey Milk.

Gay Rights Activist. Friend. Lover. Unifier. Politician. Fighter. Icon. Inspiration. Hero. Harvey Milk’s life changed history, and his courage changed lives.

In 1977, Harvey Milk was elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, becoming the first openly gay man to be voted into major public office in America. His victory was not just a victory for gay rights; he forged coalitions across the political spectrum. From senior citizens to union workers, Harvey Milk changed the very nature of what it means to be a fighter for human rights.

Following each show this weekend and next, Equality Utah volunteers will be in the theater lobby distributing information on our Common Ground Initiative. We are inspired by Harvey Milk and his ability to connect with voters of all persuasions. We hope to follow Harvey's example with this initiative and build a broad network of support. By doing so, we will secure rights for gay and transgender Utahns.

Show times at The Broadway are as follows:


Please take the time to see this powerful movie, invite your friends and family and prepare to be inspired!

Working for a fair & just Utah,

Mike Thompson
Executive Director

Sign the Common Ground Initiative Petition of Support!

Students Protest Dorm Bigotry and violence while established gay community parties

THE GAZETTE Dec 3, 2008: UCCS Students protest physical and verbal attacks while according to a Dec. 3 Market Place article the Gay & Lesbian Fund for Colorado conragulations self across town on making Colorado a friendly state for LGBT people.

Hundreds of Gay Lesbian and Transgender students University of Colorado, Colorado Springs protested the unsafe conditions on the UCCS campus while in the same city the established Gay community was wearing a hole in there shirts patting themselves on the back for "for Making the State a more Welcoming Place for Everybody"

Concerns that gay, bisexual and transgender students at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs have felt unsafe on campus this semester and have experienced verbal and physical harassment drew hundreds of people to a peaceful rally on campus Wednesday.

Contact the Gay & Lesbian Fund for Colorado and make sure that they are aware that our youth are in peril.

kelli Busey
Dec. 4, 2008


Reversing the religious right's tide of indignities

The tyranny of religion is the ignorance it fosters

"The tyranny of religion is the ignorance it fosters"

The sad truth as we have come to view the "religious right" as a valid source of theology our concept of faith has been skewed to beleive that the perverse view of gods will as the right espouses is in fact what god intended.

The political right wing has used religion as a tool as it wages a war on humanity with no real concern for human dignity and safety. How we can use Obama's election as a opportunity? Found on Alternet 9 Ways to Halt the Right Wing Culture Wars and Bring Sanity to Sexual Policy

By Kelli Busey
Dec. 3, 2008


Duanna Johnson's Death Will Not Stop MPD Lawsuit

The slaughter of Duanna Johnson will not stop Transgender Activists from continuing to press for JUSTICE in Memphis. Be it "police" or "Murdering Thugs" we will find out who murdered Duanna Johnson.

Kelli Busey
Dec. 02, 2008

Duanna Johnson's Death Will Not Stop MPD Lawsuit

The slaughter of Duanna Johnson


California Fair Political Practices Commission to Investigate Mormon Church Involvement in Prop 8

Californians Against Hate
NEWS RELEASE November 24, 2008

California Fair Political Practices Commission to
Investigate Mormon Church Involvement in Prop 8

LOS ANGELES, CA – Fred Karger, Founder of Californians Against Hate received a letter today from the California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) regarding the sworn complaint that he filed on November 13, 2008. The complaint requested the FPPC investigate the alleged lack of reporting of numerous non monetary contributions to ProtectMarriage.com / Yes on 8, A Project of California Renewal I.D. #1302592 by the Mormon Church. The letter from FPPC Executive Director, Roman Porter, dated November 21, 2008 was received by fax. Below is the text of the letter from Mr. Porter.

Fair Political Practices Commission
428 J Street, Suite 629, Sacramento
CA 95814-2329
(916)322-5660 Fax (916)322-0886
November 21, 2008

Fred Karger
1278 Glenneyre, #20
Laguna Beach, CA 92651

Re; FPPC File No. 08/735; Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints aka the Mormon Church of Salt Lake City, Utah

Dear Mr. Karger:

This letter is to notify you that the Enforcement Division of the Fair Political Practices Commission (the FPPC) will investigate the allegation(s), under the jurisdiction of the FPPC, of the sworn complaint you submitted in the above-referenced matter. You will next receive notification from us upon final disposition of the case. However, please be advised that at this time we have not made any determination about the validity of the allegation(s) you made or about the culpability, if any, of the person(s) you identify in your complaint.

Thank you for taking the time to bring this matter to our attention.


Roman G. Porter Executive Director

cc: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints aka the Mormon Church of Salt Lake City, Utah

“We are very pleased that the FPPC has agreed to launch an investigation based on our complaint,” said Fred Karger. “My 4 page letter to Chairman Ross Johnson and California and Utah Attorneys General Edmund G. Brown, Jr. and Mark Shurtleff with all of the alleged unreported activities is available on our blog at: Californians Against Hate We’re hopeful the Mormon Church will fully cooperate with the investigation, and that we will find out the full extent of their involvement in the Yes on 8 campaign.”

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Dallas Transgender Day of Remembrance Southern Methodist University

Transgender Day of Remembrance, DOR North Texas.

kelli Busey
November 27, 2008

The evening of November 20th was forecast to turn unseasonably chilly but my shared decision to dress lightly was dictated by vanity and validated by the whirl of the AC.

However the decision of which memorial in the DFW to attend was difficult. With it's close proximity and my love of the Methodist Reconciling Ministries Network or RMN, the service at the Dallas Southern Methodist University became my choice.

It was dark as I drove onto the campus more than a little apprehensively. The last time I did so I spent hours lost among its historic red brick buildings and Bostonian cobblestone style roads. This time my fears were unfounded. True as advertised, the way to the designated parking area was well marked.

Pulling into the brightly lite parking garage my cynicism returned. I thought wasn't SMU found to be one of the 100 most unfriendly to Transgender people in the 2008 Harvard Review and did they not turn down my offers for a gender 101 class? What would SMU be doing holding a DOR?

Once again every step of the way was well marked. Entering the Woman's Center I was greeted with hugs, coffee and candles as we prepared to walk to our memorial site.
Exiting the building, most of us felt comfortable lightly dressed in at most sweaters. But as we moved to our site it became increasingly difficult to ignore the once light breeze whispering of change.

Youtube courtesy of Lindsay who shared "... my husband, and I attended the Transgender Day of Remembrance vigil at SMU in Dallas, Texas. We payed our respects...."

As we sang a cold front descended from the Rockies with a vengeance accompanied with the customary howling high plains winds that cut thru our thin attire slicing to the bone and making us shake and shiver.

The relentless wind, I thought, is this you, Angie, Lawrence? How strange.

So very, very cold, threatening to blow my candle out and freeze my tears to my cheeks. Why now? Unabated and unrelenting everyone freezing, we started to move closer and closer until it became a conscious effort to hug everyone with the most needy centered in our love.

Perhaps it was our fallen brethren bringing us closer, or was it just a cold snap?

Also found in the Dallas Voice Event marks Day of Remembrance, raises awareness

Transgender Day of Remembrance

Atlanta Transgender Day of Remembrance DOR

TDOR 11/2008


Dallas Voice : Trans community meets with Bishop Robinson

Ben Briscoe Staff Writer Dallas Voice

"Majority of those who attended ‘Conversations’ prior to Black Tie also participated in protest."

"Depending on whom you talk to, “Transgender Conversations” with openly gay Episcopal Bishop V. Gene Robinson Saturday, Nov. 22 either provided little closure for transgender activists upset with Robinson’s previous statements or it reassured them that he is a strong trans ally."

Read more at the Dallas Voice....

Revoke LDS Church 501(C)(3) Status

Revoke LDS Church 501(C)(3) Status

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (also known as the “Mormon” or LDS Church) has gone too far in promoting the 2008 California Proposition 8, which would claims to amend the California state constitution to define marriage as one man and one woman in order to supersede a state supreme court opinion issued earlier this year. [Whether the proposition was a lawful amendment or a revision that cannot legally be made by a voter initiative remains an open question.]

Help bring this issue to national attention.

Revoke LDS Church 501(C)(3) Status
Dear Mad Priest,
Thank you for introducing this conversation. There is such a difference in the way we in the states and the UK think of trans and queer. Here we have purloined the seldom used moniker of "Queer".
We are mainly young, disenfranchised from religion and society and are not preoccupied with qualifying for any political definition i.e. gay, lesbian.
Our associations and membership in groups that are identified as "radical queer" gain us attention as many of us are willing to commit civil disobedience as a last resort when all other methods of communication have failed.
Our sexual affinity and physical age are not precursor to inclusion. The wealthy Gay society which has excluded us from the national work place protection legislation, ENDA, and the recent down turn in the economy are the main contributing factors for our quick formation.

Happy Thanksgiving !!!

TransFM would like to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy TG
and to announce that we will be broadcasting LIVE on
Thursday, November 27th beginning at 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM EDT
and again from 8:00 PM - Midnight EDT.

The phone lines will be open during those periods and EVERYONE
is welcome to join in the discussion either on or off the air.

We at TransFM recognize how difficult it can be for some of us in the
LGBTQQI community around the Holiday season and we would like to
provide friendly voices to you, our LGBTQQI family.

Give us a call at 978-373-8898

http://www.TransFM. org


We can show President elect Obama and the world we are serious in our commitment by signing this http://action.humanrightsfirst.org/campaign/hrf_post_elec letter to the world.

Dear World,

We have a new President, and we have hope. But we know that with hope comes immense responsibility.

The problems our new President has inherited are profound, and his job will be huge. I'm writing to tell you that we're here to help. As people of the United States, we are ready to do what it takes to heal the wounds of the last eight years and regain the trust of the world.

I know that will start with doing our part to right some of our own human rights abuses in the world. So today I am pledging to do all I can to support President Obama, Congress and all of our leaders to accomplish four critical actions to restore your trust:

* Close Guantanamo Bay

* Protect Iraqi refugees

* Stop the flow of arms to Darfur

* End the torture of prisoners in U.S. custody

We've come this far and now we have a President committed to right these wrongs. But, we know he can't do it alone. Our work has only just begun. We're ready to do our part, as long as it takes.

Bash Back Radical Queer Agenda

A group called "Bash Back" has gained national attention after performing a act of social awakening in response to "Traditional Church's" unrelenting hate mongering. It is well known that the dogma espoused by "Traditional Churches" targeting Queer folk results in violence and deaths by beatings, burnings, striping and hanging on barb wire ect, ect, ect.

This video produced and distributed by some right wing nutz although highly misrepresentative of Queer concerns is featured with some pride on BB's web page.

In the begining of this video is the disruption then Bill Oreilly pounces on the occasion to incorrectly link the Sisters, babies, Gay marriage and queer/Trans folk together.

No Bill, most Trans and Queer folk are nearly totally disenfranchised from the mainstream religious Churches thanks to HRC, Barney Frank and ENDA and some gay ministries that allow transgender and queer folk to attend as some sort of conditional gift.

Many Queer folk are honestly not overly concerned with "traditional Marriage"(Prop 8), "Traditional" applying to churches that espouse hate and equally associated with "Marriage" as established by gay and straight Churches.

The Babies and families gathered to show support of the American way of life, freedom. The Sisters who dress in quasi religious garb, do so to make a personal, social or political statement, not explicitly to identify a gender or sexual affinity.

Although I actively protest religions spiritual violence against trans/queer folk I make a conscious effort to do so in ways not so violent as Bash Back with all that leaflet throwing and kissing.

We have the right to voice our opposition to religions affirmation of spiritual violence. No a half loaf is not ok, I refuse to beg or eat crumbs from the floor. If that is all that is offered I will do as before and work for my meal, make a place and eat at a different table.

Florida circuit court : Gays may adopt, ruling may go to supreme court

The ACLU reports reports that a Florida couple has won a ruling which will alow them to adopt the children they are foster parents. However, this ruling will disstaisfy the State of florida which contains GLBT people are hibitual substance abusers who have no pemenacy in relationships and are prone to child abuse.
The ACLU suscessfuly by use of highly regarded experts and sientific studies debunked and discredited the state of florida's case.

However the Laywers representing the State of Florida would attempt to http://www.365gay.com/uncategorized/florida-gay-adoption-ban-headed-to-state-supreme-court-2/ challange the circuit court's rulling in the Florida Supreme Court.

Westboro Baptist learns Silverton OR. is Hate free zona libre de odio

Associated Press The protesters from the Westboro Baptist Church arrived with an assortment of signs, such as "God Hates You," "Fags Are Beasts," "Your Pastor is a Whore" and "Barack Obama Antichrist."

"But the town greeted the quartet with a festive counterprotest. More than 100 people paraded in the street and some men wore women's clothing in a show of support for Rasmussen."

"Today, I'm just Joe the Crossdresser," said Silverton attorney Yossi Davidson, 59, who stood across City Hall from the protesters wearing a dress. "Stu's an institution in this town, which is probably why he got elected. He's a straightforward, genuine kind of guy despite his gender complexities."
The person holding the "God Hates You" sign is standing on the American flag.
Courtsy of the The Oregonian

Protest in Silverton

"I'm a Christian," Lesley Brighton said, clearly perplexed by the girl's "God Hates Fags" sign. "This is some kind of joke, right?"

No, it's deadly serious, Phelps replied. Electing a transgender mayor, she said, was an abomination.

kelli Busey


Rear view mirror saying adios Dallas

The questions at the "Dallas Transgender Advocates Conversation With Bishp Robinson" were unrestricted and free flowing. Bishop Robinson with disarming candor explored many topics in depth.
The reactions I saw in our diverse transgender panel was amazing and maybe one of the most gratifying payoffs of the entire experience. Some of our panel members advocacy has artificially split our community over it's response to our removal from ENDA and sadly lengthened the span of time between contacts. It was an amazing sight as once cordial yet distant advocates were rejoined in this room by Bishop Robinson's desire for communication.

After all other questions had been asked only one remained......

What of the "Half Loaf of Bread". Sticking in everyones craw, what is the moral and spiritual justification for leaving us behind, humans who were previously fully committed allies, unprotected in home and workplace in the sights of rapist, murderers and the predatory blood thirsty jackals focus on the family and Westboro baptist church?

All panel members present had previous agonized over Bishop Robinson's response to the Dallas Voice's earlier inquiries which resulted in the half loaf response and soul searched for a way to understand Bishop Robinson's answer.

None accomplished this. Not one of us desired to be anything but beneficial to Bishop Robinson, but when our very survival is being jeopardized by rich party goers the Transgender T once again stands up, proud and brave, a tribute to Rita, Angie and countless other gender diverse dead.

Vanessa, our political expert would ask, and ask she did. Followed up by Lisa Scheps. How do we accept being left behind. How can we be docile to the gay and lesbian community as we are mowed down in the streets?

Our conversation ended without closure as we watched the taillight's of the mercedes and BMW's fade ......

....as one hotel worker I had talked to said "oh ya, you're the street people".

By Kelli Busey
Proud Transgender Woman
November 24, 2008

Help Out Homeless Transgendered Youth This Holiday Season

Sylvia Rae Rivera, 1951-2002, was a Stonewall Riots Veteran and LGBTQ/Drag Queen activist. Many will remember Sylvia as the Coordinator of the Food Pantry for Metropolitan Community Church of New York where she was a member. On her deathbed she insisted that Rev. Pat Bumgardner promise the church would create accommodation so that LGBTQ Youth could find a safe space to spend the night when all other options were exhausted.

Born from that promise is ‘Sylvia's Place’, an emergency night shelter for self identified Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, transgendered, transsexual and questioning youth from 16 to 23 years of age. Its primary focus is to provide a safe space, a good meal, bathroom facilities and toiletries, a cot for the night and breakfast in the morning. The Care Workers provide a listening ear, affirmation, and a friendly voice of encouragement.

Camens Place
Our aim at Carmen’s Place is to transform these young lives from the chaos and brutality of performing sexual acts for money, food or shelter and living in the streets, to stable adults contributing to society with a self-reliance that meets the best of each individual’s abilities, free of shame.

Food Donations:

322 East 14th St.
Between 1st and 2nd Aves
212 477 4744

@ MCC Church
W. 36TH St .
Between 9th and 10th Ave

Carmens Place
Father Braxton

Lucky S. Michaels, Director of MCCNY Homeless Youth Services
212-629-7440 Ext. 226.

Mona Rae Mason
The Transgender Project

Stopping The Hate

Don't Give Up


Sponsors and links to the Conversation with Bishop Robinson

The Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies http://dallastaa.ning.com/ wish to thank to our sponsor The Institute for Welcoming Resources

The Institute for Welcoming Resources - A Program of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.
Bishop Gene Robinson to Participate in a Transgender Panel Discussion

This event would not have been conceived if not for the guiding light of the Reconciling Ministries Network
Reconciling Ministries Network

Star Telegram
Gay bishop to speak at transgender event

Dallas Voice
Transgender Conversation planned with Bishop Robinson

Bishop Robinson to Particpate in Transgender Conversation in Dallas

Dallas Voice
Bishop Robinson: ‘God loves all God’s children’

CQWAM.COM Seattle Gay News
Dallas Trans Advocates Meeting With Bishop Robinson

Queers United
Dallas Trans Advocates Meeting With Bishop Robinson

Transgender Conversation With Bishop Robinson

Religion Blog Dallas News.com
Bishop Gene Robinson to meet with Dallas transgender group

Stand Firm : Bishop Robinson to Meet With Dallas Transgender Advocates

Transgender Conversation With Bishop Robinson

Dallas Peace Center
Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies Conversation With Bishop Robinson

Walking With Integrity
Press Release: Bishop of New Hampshire to Meet with Dallas Transgender Advocates

Kelli Busey
Nov. 22, 2008

coffeeyogurt: dishonor roll

coffeeyogurt: dishonor roll Visit with Coffeeyogurt and read the list of supporters of prop 8.


HRC Shameful Transham Day of self promotion

I have learned to value transgender advocates who work for the
good of our community.
I have come to beleive in Reverend Allyson Robinson.
When I address HRC I am speaking to forces that
Many of us, including myself, have gone beyond mere scepticism to complete disbelief and abhorrence of HRC when the TRANSGENDER day of remembrance rolls around and HRC claims to HONESTLY advocate on our behalf therefor deserving to hold observances of the TRANSGENDER DAY OF REMBERENCE.


Read it HRC.

It does not read abdication.
It does not read "throw a 10 spot at them and claim them on DOR.
It does not read a day of self promotion.


Yeah, thats right. I tell ya what. You leave us alone on the TRANSGENDER DAY OF REMERBRENCE and we just might see each other with a little more respect.

I do know one thing HRC. You sure make the job of reconciliation nearly impossible.
Kelli Busey
Nov. 20, 2008


Texas Transgender Day of Remembrance

Please visit Transgender Day of Remembrance.org

Austin, Texas U.S.A.

Will be holding a Transgender Day of Remembrance on Thursday, November 20th at 6:30 PM Transgender Education Network of Texas will host the event at the Austin City Hall Plaza (fronting Cesar Chavez), between Lavaca and Guadalupe; the event will feature both speakers and artistic expression. For more information please email info@tentex.org or call 877-532-6789.


Dallas, Texas U.S.A.

The Dallas /Ft. Worth Transgender Day of Remembrance observance will be hosted by Out & Equal DFW Affiliate (O&E-DFW), Gender Advocacy and Education Resource (GEAR), the Resource Center of Dallas (RC Dallas), and sponsored by the SMU Women’s Center for Gender and Pride Initiatives . We will gather at the Hughes-Trigg Student Center on the SMU Campus on Thursday, 20-Nov-2008 at 6:30 with the observance starting at 7:00. Take the University Blvd exit off Hwy 75 / Central Expy, and turn west onto University Blvd towards the SMU campus. Follow Signs to parking and the gathering point. Contact Beth Richard (beth_richard@verizon.net) for more information.


Fort Worth, Texas U.S.A.

Will be holding a Transgender Day of Remembrance on Thursday, November 20th at 7:00 PM at the Agape Metropolitan Community Church, 4615 California Pkwy, Fort Worth, Tx 76119.
The service is sponsored by Agape Metropolitan Community Church, Sexuality Education Center, and Trinity Metropolitan Community Church.
For more information please call 817-535-5002


Houston, Texas U.S.A.

University of Houston, 4800 Calhoun Road, Will be hosting a Transgender day of remembrance event on Thursday, November 20 from 6 p.m.- 10 p.m. in the Mediterranean Room (RM 91 UC Underground)
In honor of Transgender Remembrance Day, GLOBAL at the University of Houston will host a free discussion panel with members of Houston’s transgender community, as well as serving free food and drinks while watching a movie/documentary displaying transgender issues in the media. Anyone is welcome to join.
On Saturday, November 22nd, The Houston Transgender Unity Committee invites
you to Remember Our Dead at the Houston Holocaust Museum, 5401 Caroline st.. Doors open at 6:30 PM for museum tours and a wine and cheese reception. The remembrance ceremony will commence at 8:00 PM. This event is free and open to all who wish to share in this year’s Transgender Day of Remembrance.


San Antonio, Texas U.S.A.

San Antonio Gender Association will be hosting a Transgender Day of Remembrance event on Thursday, November 20th at at MCC San Antonio,611 E. Myrtle.San Antonio,Texas. A pot luck dinner will follow.
For information, contact Antonia at studiolight@gmail.com


California Supreme Court to Consider Lawsuits opposing Same Sex Marriage Ban

By Kelli Busey
Nov 19, 2008

LISA LEFF, Associated Press Writer reports that the California Supreme Court has agreed to consider three lawsuits arguing that the voter approved amendment banning same sex marriage should be held as unconstitutional.
The Court also wishes to consider what effect the the amendment would have, if upheld, on the 18,000 same sex couples that wed in California prior to the November vote.
The Ca.gov site has the PDF press release and a copy of the court order.

From the Lambda Legal : The California Supreme Court has agreed to review the validity of Proposition 8 in response to a lawsuit filed by Lambda Legal,The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR). The groups argue that Prop 8 is invalid because it improperly attempts to undo the constitution's core commitment to equality and deprives the courts of their essential role of protecting the rights of minorities. According to the California Constitution, such a radical change in the way the courts and state government work cannot be decided by a simple ballot measure. The legal groups filed the writ petition on behalf of Equality California and six same-sex couples.


Queers United: Equality Utah - Petition for Gay & Transgender Utahns

Queers United: Equality Utah - Petition for Gay & Transgender Utahns
Act Today to remind the LDS we are not going away, we are going to become very intertwined with the politics of the Mormons Church of Latter Day Saints LDS.

Saving Grace

I know this does not come as a surprise to many, and it certainly is not my wish to evangelise, but god really loves us and we may live in full acceptance of her grace. I am sharing this in light of the recent defeat of human rights and the role that some religions played in it.

An amazing woman from the First Baptist Church in Dallas and her husband made their way across the street to our group of protesters. Not an easy task for advanced Seniors.

Like a mother holds a daughter she hugged me and we cried. Just cried. Her love and compassion drew us together like magnets. Two perfect strangers.

Then she looked me in the eyes and said "Come Back, we still love you." I replied in amazement "I haven't gone anywhere, Jesus has always loved me. I am crying for you and your loss at not having all these wonderful people worshiping with you."

It was an epiphany for this woman of faith. We were there because we are mourning this church's Minister's indoctrination of innocents with bigotry. We were there in a plea to the Church members to ask Dr, Jeffers to stop inciting hate and violence.

I attend a lot of different Churches but this is my spiritual home, a radical tranny. May you find peace.


Lez get Real in California Defending our Freedom

How can I express my admiration and pride in our family.

Defend Equality Los Angeles 11.15.08 from p.Johanna on Vimeo.

Found on our sisters blog Lez Get Real is an account by p.Johanna of the time she withstood unimageable verbal assault after volunteering to stand duty to form a human barrier between human rights activists and a line of haters,

"Those of us that had volunteered to stand in front of them immediately got into place. I want you guys to imagine standing in the sun and listening to these idiots talking and screaming through a bull horn: "GOD HATES YOU!" "READ THE BIBLE"! "JESUS IS COMING!" "YOU LOST, GET OVER IT!" "THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN!" "WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT, YOU ARE LOSERS!" and more crap that was vulgar and despicable."

Equality Warriors Stand Tall in the face of hate and bigotry. Not only GLBT people are outraged Straights Against Hate find this situation intolerable.

This Unfair Unjust afront to human dignity will NOT stand.

It is being taken to task by Lambda Legal and the ACLU's combined efforts.