
2nd Annual International Transgender Day of Visibility March 31st

The Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies are celebrating our lives with the second annual International Transgender Day of Visibility!

Being out today is the cornerstone of our lives for many of us. We have been blessed to spend at least a part of our lives living in our true gender.

As we may celebrate living out and proud we may also pause a moment in recognition of our transgender sisters and brothers still living in seclusion, unable to live in true freedom.

Come join in the celibrations at the Dallas Transgender Advocates and Feministing!

City of Houston Texas ENDA Passed

Cross posted from Transgender Foundation of America "The TG Center is very pleased to report that Mayor Annise Parker signed Executive Order 1-8 (Revised) and 1-20 (Revised) barring workplace sexual orientation and gender identity/expression discrimination for City of Houston employees. Order 1-8 will prohibit discrimination and/or retaliation on the basis of sexual orientation and/or gender identity at every level of municipal government, including in hiring, contracting and/or access to City facilities and program/activities. The order goes on to explicitly state: “It is further the City’s policy to provide each City employee a work environment free of discrimination and harassment based on either sexual orientation and/or gender identity.”

Section 3.1.3 addresses access to bathroom facilities, stating that the GLBT community will not experience harassment and/or discrimination concerning “availability of City facilities” in all “City interactions with the public.”

Section 9.2 of the Executive Order goes further stating, “It shall be a violation of this Executive Order for an employee to fail or refuse to recommend and contract or purchase for award based upon any contractor’s or vendor’s sexual orientation and/or gender identity; or to fail to make available to any member of the public or employee use of a City facility or receipt of a City service, if that person otherwise would be entitled to such use or receipt, based upon a person’s sexual orientation and/or gender identity; or to impede access by any employee or member of the public to a City restroom facility that is consistent with and appropriate to that person’s expression of gender identity…”

Full article at TG Center News: City of Houston ENDA Passed


Transgender Advocates respond to promised changes to 'Ticked off trannies with knives' trailer.

For immediate Release

kelli Busey
Activist Organizer
Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies

Darlie Brewster
Film Maker

Constance Macintosh-Mascherin

Melissa Sklarz
New York Trans Rights Organization (NYTRO)

In response to a outcry from the transgender community condeming the movie trailer linking a murdered transgender woman, Angie Zapata, with 'Ticked off trannies with knives' movie director Israel Luna has agreed to produce a trailer so that Angie Zapata's name no longer appears.

email sent to Kelli Busey from Israel Luna March 29, 2010


My initial thought of placing both Angie Zapata and Jorge Mercado's names was to give a disturbing reality to my film about transgender violence. Something horrible and disturbing does happen to my characters in the first half of the film.

After listening to many of the voices in the trans-community I've realized that the association between the names at the beginning of the trailer and the content of the film in it's entirety has been difficult to connect.

I've had time to think about it, and have decided to take their names off the beginning of the trailer. I'll begin working on this later today and have it posted this week. I’m not sure if you noticed, but the trailer on the Tribeca site has never included the reference.

Thank you for your email and I wish you the best as well.


We are immensely relieved that Angie Zapata's horrific bludgeoning death by Allen Andrade will not be associated directly with this comedy.

However, we are still at odds with any inadvertent associations that this movie may produce with transgender people in real life.

We therefore ask Israel Luna in his amended trailer to place instead a acknowledgement that that this movie is meant for entertainment purposes only and the fictional personalities therein should not be confused as a portrayal of how transgender people interact socially.


Click the birdie and your status will be updated to

#Transgender Advocates respond to promised changes to 'Ticked off trannies with knives' Trailer http://bit.ly/ctXJgZ #LGBT #TTWK PLS RT

Easy Resolution to Ticked off Trannies With Knives Refused: Luna's silence Confirms ill intent

Update 3/29 11:49pm Israel Luna has committed to changing the trailer so Angie Zapata's murder would not be connected with this movie.

Setting the record straight.

In a effort to reach out to Israel Luna director of "Ticked off trannies with knifes" I sent him this email over the weekend:

I beleive we might have a way to defuse this divisive situation. If you agreed to remove the references to Angie Zapata's murder from the begining of the trailer I beleive most including myself would view this film in a very different light,

What I said before stands, I wish you the best,

Kelli Busey

Israel Luna has not responded to this email and the trailer remains unchanged.

Israel Luna is intentionally and with forethought slandering transgender people with a slur that would be used in the court of law by the prosecutor to prove a aggravated assault was in fact a hate crime.

*Israel Luna was fully cognisant of the offensiveness of his movie before it went into production.

The announcement of his project came as a comment by him on a Dallas Voice Blog article which was the very post that responded to my objection to the Dallas Voices indiscriminate and often use of the word "tranny".

*Israel Luna demonstrates his awareness of transgender sensitivities.

Luna, frustrated after receiving objections from the overwhelming majority of commenter's to the name and content of his planned movie singled me out for attack since I was the most outspoken. In a lowlife maneuver Luna attempted to shame me into silence by OUTING me as a pre-op transsexual.

Israel Luna Says: February 1st, 2009 at 11:47

I don’t know if this will matter or not but the simple story to my script is:
GIRLS perform.
GIRLS get bashed by STRAIGHT MEN.
GIRLS are left for dead.
GIRLS come back and kick their ass!
The End.
These characters will be so empowering, so strong, so amazingly-kick-ass hot and feirce!

Outing someone intentionally ia a act of violence meant to endanger their well being. However I was not and am not ashamed of my poverty I endure since transitioning that prohibits me from obtaining sexual reassignment surgery.

Israel Luna is seeking wealth and fame by intentionally antagonizing and marginalizing transgender people. That deserves the recognition it is owed.

This movie may very well be shown at the Tribeca and the Q Cinemas in Fort Worth as planned regardless, but notice to all who will pay tribute to this tragic betrayal of their transgender brethren. You are paying homage to a deceitful and malicious man who's only joy is in tearing our society apart.

Do you believe Luna will be sedated by targeting transgender people exclusively? And so what if he does, you're not transgender?

You say you are already out so who cares? You trans/gay closeted child loves you and needs a chance in life. Your fellow church member who lives in fear of being outed deserves your concern. The unborn transgender, gay and lesbians who have yet to face a homophobic/transphobic family and society deserve better from you.

Courage Campaign and GetEqual: Speaker Pelosi Pass ENDA Now!

Speaker Pelosi: It's time to pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act
Sign our petition asking the Speaker to bring ENDA to a vote now
After the historic passage of health care reform, we now have an opportunity to transform the lives of Americans again by passing the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.

As shocking as it may be to believe in the year 2010, in 29 states a lesbian, gay or bisexual person can be fired simply because of their sexual orientation and in 38 states a transgender person can be fired because of their gender identity. That's why the Employment Non-Discrimination Act is so vitally important.

We've seen the passion Speaker Pelosi brought to the challenge of passing health care reform. Now more than ever, we need her passion and skill to achieve the passage of ENDA. Please join Cleve Jones, the Courage Campaign and GetEQUAL in adding your name to this petition that we will hand-deliver to Speaker Pelosi:

Dear Speaker Nancy Pelosi --

With health care legislation passing, now is the time to institute workplace protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people by passing the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.

Rep. Tammy Baldwin says she believes that we have the votes to pass ENDA, and Rep. George Miller has said the bill is ready to come out of committee now that the health care bill has passed.

As Speaker of the House of Representatives, we call on you to act boldly and decisively and bring ENDA to the floor for a vote now.

Click here to go to the petition site


Jenna Lives with her arms wide open

My dear friends, every once in a while we get some news so fantastic, so wonderful we just want to shout it out, I am in love with life! I love life so much I have declared myself free! Free to live to day as whom I truly am. Free to live my life with my arms wide open!

This is a day of celebration unlike any other a person may have. It is our day of transbirthday!

Jenna, ecstatic that her gender marker was changed to show who she knows with her heart she truly is shared her joy with me. This is a unique celebration that only transgender people have. It is a meeting place we can all gather at for a moment and forget about the trials and tribulations that have defined our trip.

Jenna, my dear friend thank you for making our day so valuable by sharing this day with us!


GLADD Demands That Ticked Off Trannies with Knives Be Pulled from Tribeca Film Festival

GLAAD Contacts: Taj Paxton, Director of Entertainment Media,
(323) 634-2028,

Rich Ferraro, Director of Public Relations,
(646) 871-8011,

GLAAD was recently alerted by community members and allies to a film called Ticked-Off Trannies with Knives that will be screened at the upcoming Tribeca Film Festival.

GLAAD has since seen the film in its entirety and can report that the title is far from the only problem with this film. The film, its title and its marketing misrepresent the lives of transgender women and use grotesque, exploitative depictions of violence against transgender women in ways that make light of the horrific brutality they all too often face.

Misrepresenting the Lives of Transgender WomenWriter/director Israel Luna based his film on the "exploitation films" of the 1970s such as I Spit On Your Grave, about a woman who was raped and sought revenge on her attackers. The five lead characters in Ticked-Off Trannies with Knives are brutally attacked by a group of men; two do not survive the attack, but the surviving three seek gruesome revenge on their attackers. The film is a pastiche of graphic violence and horror movie clichés, with a few scenes of campy humor.

Sign the petition Here

By marketing Ticked-Off Trannies with Knives as a "transploitation" film, by using the word "trannies" (a pejorative term for transgender people) in the title of the film, by casting transgender women in some roles, and by citing the murders of Angie Zapata and Jorge Mercado in the trailer, Israel Luna has attempted to place his film squarely within a transgender narrative.

*Caution Trailer contains graphic violence*

Sign The Petition Here

However, while some of the actors in the film identify as transgender, the characters are written as drag queens, “performing” femininity in a way that is completely artificial. The very names of these over-the-top female caricatures (Emma Grashun, Rachel Slurr, et al.) drive this point home.

Because of its positioning as a transgender film, viewers unfamiliar with the lives of transgender women will likely leave this film with the impression that transgender women are ridiculous caricatures of "real women." It demeans actual transgender women who struggle for acceptance and respect in their day-to-day lives and to be valued for their contributions to our society.

Exploiting and Sensationalizing Anti-Transgender ViolenceTransgender people are a marginalized and vulnerable minority in our culture, subjected to horrific hate crimes and pervasive discrimination. Relatively few media images of transgender people exist, so every media image becomes essential in educating audiences about transgender lives and working to eliminate the discrimination and violence they face.

In this context, it is irresponsible and insulting to make a film that serves up graphic anti-transgender violence as a "hook" for an homage to B-movies of the 1970s. Anti-LGBT hate crimes are serious issues that do not translate into an exploitation film. The very nature of exploitation films is to shock and titillate audiences with extreme, sensationalized violence.

Sign The Petition Here

Films like Boys Don’t Cry and A Girl Like Me: The Gwen Araujo Story have graphically portrayed the murders of transgender people. In a serious dramatic context, such depictions convey the tragic reality of the violence that many transgender people face. But in this film, repeated shots of a baseball bat covered in clumps of hair and blood are grotesque – and serve only as horror movie-like gore. Depictions of violence and brutality are immediately followed by ridiculous scenes that make light of the horrific crimes that have been committed. There is nothing funny about the murders of the countless LGBT people who have fallen victim to hate-motivated violence.

Furthermore, the filmmakers have chosen to market Ticked-Off Trannies with Knives using a crass trailer that opens with references to the recent murders of Angie Zapata and Jorge Mercado, putting their brutal murders on par with the outlandish violence in this film.
Sign The Petition Here

GLAAD finds it troubling that the respected Tribeca Film Festival would give a film that sensationalizes anti-transgender violence and misrepresents the lives of transgender women, a platform that affords such great exposure. The Tribeca Film Festival has a history of screening powerful LGBT films, such as the GLAAD Media Award-nominated Quentin Crispbiopic An Englishman in New York, and the GLAAD Media Award-winning film Transamerica, about a transgender woman reconnecting with her son. Ticked-Off Trannies with Knives does not meet, and in fact devalues, the standard of excellence established by the festival.

GLAAD has reached out to writer/director Israel Luna, the film’s producer and the Tribeca Film Festival, and both have refused to take responsibility for the problematic content and offensive marketing of this film.

We urge you to contact the Tribeca Film Festival and call on them to pull Ticked-Off Trannies with Knives from their schedule.

Tammie RosenVice-President of Communications - Tribeca Film Festivalhttp://www.glaad.org/calltoaction/trosen@tribecaenterprises.com
(212) 941-2003

David KwokDirector of Programming – Tribeca Film Festivaldkwok@tribecafilmfestival.org
(212) 941-2420

Kimberly Kress
Senior VP, Rubenstein Communications
(212) 843-9394
Film & Programming
(212) 941-2305

To send an email with suggested text to the Tribeca Film Festival contacts above, go to glaad.org/2010/calltoaction/tribeca.

Concerned community members have developed a Facebook group called "Boycott 'Ticked-Off Trannies with Knives' at the Tribeca Film Festival" that you can join at Here.


Demand Tribeca Film Festival removes 'Ticked Off Trannys with Knifes'

Tribeca Film Festival contact
Tammie Rosen at (212) 941-2003

DEMAND that they not show 'Ticked-Off Trannys With Knives' at the Tribeca Film Festival.

From the facebook group Boycott Ticked off Trannys with Knifes" Recently the Tribeca Film Festival has announced that it will be screening the movie "Ticked-Off Trannies With Knives" directed by Isreal Luna. Billed as comedy/thriller/‘transploitation’.

Humour can be used to challenge and subvert, but this movie fails on both counts. In a society where trans people struggle to be accepted and have their lives viewed as equally valuable, this film does them no service at all. Instead, it perpetuates negative and harmful stereotypes.

Crucially, the movie fails to be funny because of the social context within which trans people live: transphobia is systemic, trans people experience disproportionate levels of violence and discrimination, and each year hundreds are murdered just for being trans. Portraying trans women as murderous vigilantes hunting down their abusers is hardly going to improve understanding about this heavily marginalized group of people.Those of us who are trans, or who love and respect trans people, won't let this movie go unchallenged.

For more information about the movie you can check the links section and read this blog post on Skip the Makeup: skipthemakeup.blogspot"

You Tube trailerFacebook page



GetEqual's Co-Founder Robin McGehee’s Post-Arrest Statement

GetEqual’s Robin McGehee, who was arrested Thursday with Lt. Dan Choi at the White House as part of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” protest, filmed a statement explaining why GetEqual is taking action and pushing for a repeal of DADT and a trans-inclusive ENDA.

"We believe we need to do more than lobbying, making phone calls, and giving money to people who are not making true to the promises we were given. And that's the reason that we organized with Lt. Dan Choi and Cpt. James Pietrangelo today, to take action at the White House where true pressure needs to be given. Everyone knows that without repeal language added to the defense authorization bill, that there is not a true course or a true plan of action that will be successful by this year's end."


GetEqual ENDA Heroes freed Rallies in support planned Nationwide

ENDA's Dog tail

Pelosi's office says despite the civil disobedience in which four members of a newly formed group 'GetEqual' were arrested at her office she will not move ENDA untill she is sure the bill has all the votes needed to pass. Education and Labor chairman Miller more optimistically stated Thursday that "ENDA HR3015 will be marked up and moved [out of his committee] after heath care reform", but protocol dictates he cannot actually do so untill Pelosi gives him the go ahead.

ENDA Dog chases tail.

Inclusive ENDA leader Dr. Julian Weiss has compiled a exhaustive straw poll survey which indicates that there are the votes needed to pass ENDA in the House. However Pelosi's office contests this unique citizen poll maintaining that straw polls are conducted only after a bill is moved out of committee and onto the house for a vote. Pelosi says untill then there is no way to know how each individual representative will vote.

In the ENDA Dog raises it's tail to avoid the...

Pelosi's feet dragging enrages LGBT community who resort to committing a act of civil disobedience. The group GetEqual entered the House of Representatives speakers offices on both coasts spontaneously. Their stated goal was to remain in Pelosi's office untill she agreed to move ENDA HR3015 for a vote by the months end if she denied that request, to refuse to leave. The GetEqual members were arrested and release.

Calls going out for protests and rallies demanding ENDA move forward! please direct message queerunity on twitter with details or leave information on Queers United post.

DC Agenda 4 arrested in ENDA protest on Capitol Hill

More Activist arrested

GetEQUAL on twitter
Pelosi aide Dan Bernal says Pelosi has no commitment or timeframe to act on ENDA #GetENDA. Epic #fail of leadership. Tweet using hashtags #lgbt #ENDANOW

ENDA votes compiled by Inclusive Enda's straw poll.

Unconfirmed Senator contact info: http://bit.ly/45WGMc

US Senate ENDA Spreadsheet: http://bit.ly/14TDll

Unconfirmed Reps contact info: http://bit.ly/NUFUd

US Reps ENDA Spreadsheet: http://bit.ly/Q5YMJ


Civil Disobedience happening NOW: LT Dan Choi handcuffed to White House, Sit in' at Nancy Pelosi offices in DC and SF

Dear friends,
Nancy Pelosi has the ability to end workplace discrimination of LGBTQ people, but she is refusing to act. It's time to let her know that we won't wait any longer.
As you read this, GetEqual.org members are entering Pelosi's offices in DC and her district office in San Francisco. They won't leave until Speaker Pelosi commits to bring the Employment Non-Discrimination Act to the floor for a vote this month - or until they are arrested.

Speaker Pelosi needs to hear from our community today. Can you call Speaker Pelosi right now to demand that ENDA (HR 3017) move to the floor for a vote? (202) 225-4965
After you call, please click here to tell us about it, even if you get a busy signal or can't get through.

A majority of Congress supports this bill to stop job discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, but promises to bring it to a vote last fall were broken several times. ENDA has been jammed up in committee for six months, awaiting a signal from Speaker Pelosi that hasn't come. We have visited, called and written Congress by the thousands, and have been ignored. The usual lobbying tactics do not appear to be having the needed effect. Now the midterm elections are coming, and Speaker Pelosi has promised Congress no more "controversial" votes. The "controversy" is whether LGBT Americans have the right to a job. This "tyrrany of the majority" must stop. Nonviolent direct action is relevant and needed and it's happening now.
ENDA is important because studies show that LGBT workers endure high unemployment, underemployment and harassment. We have to lie and hide in order to get and keep a job. In 30 states across America, there is no law against firing someone based on his or her sexual orientation, and the same is true in 38 states for gender identity. Ask Police Officer Michael Carney of Springfield, Massachusetts, who testified before Congress about the harassment he had to endure in the station house before being fired. Ask Vandy Beth Glenn of Atlanta, Georgia, who told Congress about being fired from her job as a proofreader with the Georgia legislature because she is transgender. This has gone on long enough.
If you want more information on Speaker Pelosi's position, and the demand that she move ENDA forward, you can find it here.

Will you join with us in demanding that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people be protected from job discrimination?

Call Speaker Pelosi's office at (202) 225-4965 to ask that ENDA (HR 3017) move forward to a vote. Be polite, but firm. Take action now, and please let us know how it goes.
As President Obama himself said, quoting Frederick Douglass: "Power concedes nothing without a demand." We know Speaker Pelosi is sympathetic to our cause, but is she ready to act on our civil rights? It is time for a demand.

-Jillian Weiss and the GetEQUAL crew

LGBT High School discrimination in Fulton MS Demands we support HR 4530

Why must we wait for the next tragedy to arouse our passions sufficiently that we act to protect our LGBT children?

kdvr.com WESTMINSTER - Congressman Jared Polis introduced H.R. 1450, known as "The Student Anti-Discrimination Act", in January, two months before anyone outside of Fulton, Miss. knew the name Constance McMillen.

But McMillen's story, that of an 18-year-old lesbian who wanted to bring her girlfriend to prom and the school district that canceled the prom for the entire school, has gotten national attention -- and, Polis said, highlighted anew the need for his bill, which would extend civil rights protections to students who are discriminated against based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.

"What a shame that the school district said no prom for anybody," Polis said. "No one's going to have any fun, just because they didn't like the date one girl was taking. I mean, what a ridiculous example of why we need to protect kids from this kind of thing -- and, obviously, there's a lot more serious cases than that. In other cases, gay and lesbian kids are getting beat up and even killed."

Learn about HR 4530 "The Student Anti-Discrimination Act".

Click here to write your Congressional representative in support of HR 4530


LGBT Task Force Marches On DC For Immigration Reform

Inga Sarda-Sorensen
Director of Communications(Office)
646.358.1463(Cell) 202.641.5592

Task Force: Congress must pass comprehensive immigration reform this year

National LGBT rights group to join thousands at this Sunday’s
national march on Washington, D.C., to demand Congress pass
comprehensive immigration reform

WASHINGTON, March 17 — The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, a longtime advocate for comprehensive and humane immigration reform, is joining thousands of people from across the country for the March 21 mass mobilization on the nation’s capital to demand Congress pass comprehensive immigration reform this year. The Task Force is an official endorser of the March for America and will be marching behind its banner at the event. (For those wishing to march with the Task Force, meet at 12:30 p.m. at 12th Street, NW and Pennsylvania Avenue, NW. Just look for the Task Force banner).

During her annual State of the LGBT Movement speech just last month, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Executive Director Rea Carey vowed the Task Force would continue to “stand with our allies in the immigration reform movement, come what may.”

“If we are truly a community and a movement committed to freedom, justice and equality then reforming our nation's cruel and broken immigration system must be on our agenda for action. Today, there are 12 million undocumented immigrants, including at least half a million lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people who are forced to live in the shadows of our society,” she said, later adding, “And, of course, there are at least 36,000 binational couples who cannot live together here in this country because federal law bans recognition of their relationships. So, yes, immigration reform is an LGBT issue.

”The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Action Fund is advocating for the inclusion of the Uniting American Families Act (UAFA) in any comprehensive immigration reform. The measure would end discrimination against LGBT binational families and provide Americans in same-sex relationships the same opportunity to sponsor their partners for residency in the United States. It’s estimated that more than 36,000 such couples are facing separation, or currently living separately or abroad, due to existing discriminatory policies that UAFA’s passage would end.

Complete press release here


Black market hormones put trans folks’ lives in danger

Cross posted from McGill Daily

A couple of summers ago, I met a transwoman in New York City who was planning on ordering estrogen and an anti-androgen over the Internet. She had conducted meticulous research and claimed to have figured out the proper dosage, given her weight, her medical history, and other factors.

My reaction: “Isn’t that dangerous?”

Hormones produce sweeping effects on the body. In addition to encouraging the development of secondary sex characteristics, hormones also affect one’s libido, alcohol tolerance, and behaviour. Testosterone affects heart functioning and can increase the risk of sleep apnea. Estrogen generally produces sterility in transwomen in under a year.

Many buyers lack the information to determine the correct dosage, which varies from person to person. And without the help of medical providers, most people either cannot or do not monitor their hormone levels – which is necessary to prevent harmful effects.

The way you take hormones can produce additional risks. Hormone pills strain the liver, which has to process the hormones that one’s body produces naturally and those delivered by the pills at the same time. Hormone injections necessarily involve needle use – without safeguards, some people use unclean needles or share them with other people, increasing the risk of spreading HIV and other infections.

The black market also leaves buyers without legal protections. Unscrupulous sellers can scam them by providing impure dosages or substituting the wrong substance without legal repercussions.

Despite all of these risks, I never had to wonder why she chose that way to transition. For her, the other options were extreme depression or suicide. When those are the alternative, dangerous choices make sense.

Continue reading at http://mcgilldaily.com/articles/28604


ENDA Now or Never Trans-Advocates March on DC

The not so distant beat of war drums is a irrefutable reminder, the republicans relentlessly attack, culling the herd of the weakest and unwary. Meanwhile the dithering democrats, afraid to publicly hold our hands are throwing away the only opportunity transgender people may ever have to pass ENDA.

And the Drums go on

March has arrived. One calendar year after the last of two House Education and Labor hearings unequivocally illustrated the need transgender people have for work place protections

One year after the House Education and Labor chairman George Miller stated for the second time after the second consecutive hearing that he fully supported a gender inclusive ENDA.

One more year of congressional excuses, vacations and other priorities. One more year that house representatives enjoyed exorbitant salaries and incredible publicly financed health care.

One more year of high unemployment and underemployment desecrating the ranks of transgender people helplessly victimized by tyrannical employers.

And the DRUMS go on.

One more year of our people suffering and dieing because we can't see a DOCTOR.

MARCH on Washington. No more excuses Speaker Pelosi. MOVE ENDA NOW.

Punch these buttons 202-225-4965. Call Speaker Pelosi's office and demand she move ENDA NOW!


DVTV Video of DART Meeting: Equality Texas Weighs In

Israel Luna of DVTV attends the DART board meeting in which the GLBT community voiced it's concerns over the regional transportation providers reaction to a transgender woman's need to transition.

Texas Heavy Weight Equality Texas Weighs in on DART Advocacy

Equality Texas Joins with Resource Center Dallas and Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies in Calling for DART to Amend its Nondiscrimination Policy to Include Gender Identity/Expression
Discrimination, harassment, and violence against people with nonconforming gender identities/expressions must be prohibited.

Classrooms, communities, and workplaces should be safe for every person, regardless of whether or not the person fits expectations for masculinity or femininity. From workplaces to homes, to just walking on the streets, people who do not conform to stereotypical gender identities/expressions face widespread discrimination, harassment, and even violence.

While DART (Dallas Area Rapid Transit) has long been recognized for having a diverse workforce, its internal Diversity and Equal Employment Opportunity (DEEO) policy does not currently include gender identity/expression in its nondiscrimination language.

Adding gender identity/expression to DART's nondiscrimination language would remedy this inequity.

Equality Texas Foundation's Workplace Project, a public education program on the economic and social benefits of comprehensive workplace non-discrimination policy, joins with Resource Center Dallas (RCD) and Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies in asking DART to amend its DEEO Nondiscrimination Policy to add the words gender identity/expression so that it has a fully inclusive diversity strategy.

RCD is to be commended for their exemplary efforts, which will result in discussions with DART human resources and diversity staff on this issue. You will be called upon in the next ten days to two weeks to assist in this effort with a coordinated and targeted advocacy campaign. Please join in this effort.

Equality Texas news letter March 11, 2010

Go here to read John Wright’s latest story on the situation.

Many thanks to Israel Luna for doing such a great job.

President Obama at Int'l Women's Day praises our "gay and lesbian brothers and sisters"

President Obama "The story of America over the past 200 years -- past 233 years is one of laws becoming more just, of a people becoming more equal, of a union being perfected. It’s a story of captives being set free and a movement to fulfill the promise of that freedom. It’s a story of waves of weary travelers reconsecrating America as a nation of immigrants. It’s a story of our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters making the most of that most American of demands –- to be treated the same as everybody else. And it’s a story of women, from those on the Mayflower to the one I’m blessed to call my wife, who looked across the dinner table, and thought, I’m smarter than that guy."

Complete remarks by the President and the First Lady at International Women's Day Reception at Whitehouse.gov

Following Mrs. Obama as only a brilliant orator could, President Obama captured the spirit of International Women's Day as he adoringly spoke of his wife and what incredible sacrifices and contributions have been made to bring Womankind to where we are now in society.

Suddenly my chest swelled with pride and I stood and applauded as our president proud of our efforts included LGBT people in his woman's day remarks! God, I am so proud to have Mrs. and Mr. Obama guiding our country.


CNN invites Transgender people to Picture Yourself Here!

Transgender and questiong gender diverse people CNN wants you to share your life in a picture, as little or as much as you are comfortable with. Maybe this is you....

or perhaps you may also be....
What ever or when ever you are in your transgender quest, express yourself. CNN invites you to picture yourself here....


Every Child Deserves a Family Act (H.R. 4806) Important Adoption and Foster Care Legislation

Today Representative Pete Stark (CA-13) introduced Every Child Deserves a Family Act (H.R. 4806), a child welfare bill that takes into consideration the best interests of children in the foster care system. The bill would open up permanent homes to more foster youth by working with states to eliminate laws, policies, practices and procedures that exclude potential adoptive and foster parents because of their sexual orientation, gender identity or marital status.

As the House Ways and Means Committee begins to review and analyze this bill, we need you to urge your representative to co-sponsor this critically important legislation that will help give foster children permanent, safe and supportive homes.

E-mail Your Representative TODAY!

Tragically, approximately 125,000 foster children across the US are waiting to be adopted. With only 50,000 adoptions each year, there is a clear shortage of adoptive parents. The result is that children, especially minority and special needs children, languish in foster care and bounce from placement to placement. The 25,000 youth who never find a permanent family and "age out" of the system each year are more likely than nearly any other group to experience poverty, homelessness, incarceration, early pregnancy or suffer with mental illness or substance abuse.

Despite the need for more adoptive and permanent foster homes; some states have enacted discriminatory bans that prohibit children from being placed with qualified parents due to the parent's sexual orientation, gender identity or marital status. The result is less children being adopted and more children bouncing around the foster care system with no permanency and no security. In some cases these bans have resulted in a grandparent having to go through costly litigation in order to care for their own kin who are in foster care. This kind of discrimination does a disservice to many children who need a permanent, safe and supportive home. It robs far too many young people of a family, a core value that many Americans hold dear, and it's time to take a stand.

Click here to e-mail your representative to co-sponsor and pass the Every Child Deserves a Family Act (H.R. 4806). Loving homes are on the line for far too many children seeking a permanent, safe and supportive home to call their own.

LGBT Activist Take DART to TASK over it's Intervention in Family Court

Dallas Area Rapid Transit board members sat quietly during the public comment time. Alternately seemingly attentive and distracted mainly depending whether the speaker was suggesting a legal inquiry about the propriety of DART's interference in family court or a measure to correct it's nondiscrimination policy to include gender expression/identity.

When comments focused on DART's nondiscrimination policy and proposed meetings to rectify it the Board members at best feigned interest but when confronted with the Resource Center of Dallas response to DART's letter justifying it's legal wrangling in civil court the Dart Board members attention was suddenly undivided.

[Click to Enlarge]


Kelli Busey comments to DART Board Members Feb. 9, 2010

Dear chairman Velasco and board members,

Thank you for you unselfish commitment to bettering the regions public transportation system. As time progresses America will come to highly appreciate the work you are doing now.

I am kelli Busey. Co administrator of the Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies. I also author a Dallas positive blog, planetransgender.

A lot has already been said about what has filled this room with people so passionate about fairness and equality. I wish to focus on the present and the future.

The Dallas Fort Worth region has long enjoyed robust prosperity and growth which in part is brought by a perception people have. A vision all people have before they even depart for a convention or Gala event in the DFW. People think of the DFW as a safe place for visitors. A place that companies when consider moving here, take into consideration that Dallas is a city that will welcome all of there employees, LGBT included.

This perception held by residents and visitors alike is due in part to the commitment the city of Dallas has to LGBT human rights.

I beleive that vision is our reality, but our reputation as a welcoming city for all GLBT people is receiving negative press worldwide which would lead one to beleive otherwise.

The Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies have encountered a situation not unlike the one DART finds it self in today. A situation that nothing positive could possibly result.

However there is a option. I would like to invite you Chairman Velasco, and Board members, to attend a meeting that may very well be the answer that we mutually seek.

The Dallas Office of fair housing which is tasked with enforcing the Cities gender inclusive nondiscrimination ordinance has graciously offered to attend such a meeting in a educational role. The North Texas chamber of Commerce would also like to contribute it's experiences and share with you what it has done to make equality truly Dallas's business.

I will leave with you my contact information and I would like to arrange such a meeting at your convenience.

Thank you,

Kelli Anne Busey
Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies


Take Action Against DART Transphobia

What if?

What if you woke one morning to find your employer had changed your name?

What if they altered your legal documents changing your gender marker from female to male?

What if as a woman, your employer made you dress in clothes of the opposite sex, made you use the wrong restroom and addressed you as sir?

What if your employer did not allow you to have routine medical procedures because they now insist that you are not whom your legal documents previously said you were?

What if your employer did these things and then threatened your job, your pension, the very foundation of your family home, if you asked anyone for help?

This is not a nightmarish Orwellian big brother scenario. This is happening now, today, to Ms T DART, a transgender Texan silenced by intimidation into anonymity.

If you are you a resident of:

• Collin County
• Dallas County
• Denton County
• Ellis County
• Kaufman County
• Rockwall County
• Tarrant County (TRE operates in Dallas and Tarrant counties)

Then this could also happen to you regardless of how secure you feel you are.


Please email your city council members and elected Dart representative and tell them that you will not allow this to stand. Tell your representatives at your cities DART board meetings that we live in a country that is built on the promise that all people are equal and everyone has the right to life liberty and justice.

We do not live in a country that allows employers to influence judges to reverse court findings in a way that strips us of our very identities.

Please attend this DART Board meeting on February 9, 2009
RSVP on the Face Book event page

Sign in before the meeting to be given three Minutes to speak.

Board Meeting: Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Board Room
DART Headquarters
1401 Pacific Ave. (Akard Station)
Dallas, TX 75202

• DART Customer Response Center
Customer Service Feedback Form.
• DART Customer Response Center

DART member city councils that elect represenitive who serve on DART's Board.

One click to Email Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert and ALL the Council Members

Cockrell Hill

Farmers Branch

city of Carrollton


Glenn Heights

Highland Park

City of Irving

No email links to Plano City Council members just a phone# 972-941-7107



Upcoming regional DART Board Meetings / Próximas Juntas

3/3/2010 Pre-Public Hearing Community Meeting
DART 2010 Service Change Proposals
Wednesday, March 3, 2010, 6:30 p.m.
Grauwyler Recreation Center
7780 Harry Hines Boulevard
Dallas, TX 75235

3/4/2010 Pre-Public Hearing Community Meeting
DART 2010 Service Change Proposals
Thursday, March 4, 2010, 6:30 p.m.
Dr Pepper StarCenter
12700 North Stemmons Freeway
Farmers Branch, TX 75234

3/4/2010 Pre-Public Hearing Community Meeting
DART 2010 Service Change Proposals
Thursday, March 4, 2010, 6:30 p.m.
Skyline Library
6006 Everglade Road
Dallas, TX 75227

3/8/2010 Pre-Public Hearing Community Meeting
DART 2010 Service Change Proposals
Monday, March 8, 2010, 6:30 p.m.
Dallas Police Department
9915 East Northwest Highway
Dallas, TX 75238

3/8/2010 Pre-Public Hearing Community Meeting
DART 2010 Service Change Proposals
Monday, March 8, 2010, 6:30 p.m.
Addison Conference Center
15650 Addison Road
Addison, TX 75001

3/10/2010 Pre-Public Hearing Community Meeting
DART 2010 Service Change Proposals
Wednesday, March 10, 2010, 6:30 p.m.
DeWitt Perry Middle School
1709 Belt Line Road
Carrollton, TX 75006

3/11/2010 Pre-Public Hearing Community Meeting
DART 2010 Service Change Proposals
Thursday, March 11, 2010, 6:30 p.m.
MLK Senior Center
2922 Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard
Dallas, TX 75215

3/13/2010 Pre-Public Hearing Community Meeting
DART 2010 Service Change Proposals
Saturday, March 13, 2010, 12:00 p.m.
DART Board Room
1401 Pacific Avenue
Dallas, TX 75202

3/15/2010 Open House
DART 2010 Service Change Proposals
Monday, March 15, 2010, 5:00-7:00 p.m.
(Open House)
DART Board Room
1401 Pacific Avenue
Dallas, TX 75202

3/18/2010 Pre-Public Hearing Community Meeting
DART 2010 Service Change Proposals
Thursday, March 18, 2010, 6:30 p.m.
Bachman Recreation Center
2750 Bachman Drive
Dallas, TX 75220

3/18/2010 Pre-Public Hearing Community Meeting
DART 2010 Service Change Proposals
Thursday, March 18, 2010, 6:00 p.m.
Lakewood Library
6121 Worth Street
Dallas, TX 75214

3/22/2010 Pre-Public Hearing Community Meeting
DART 2010 Service Change Proposals
Monday, March 22, 2010, 12:00 p.m.
DART Board Room
1401 Pacific Avenue
Dallas, TX 75202

3/23/2010 Public Hearing
DART 2010 Service Change Proposals
Tuesday, March 23, 2010, 6:30 p.m.
DART Headquarters Board Room
1401 Pacific Ave.
Dallas, Texas 75202


Dallas Blue Moon Dance Transwoman Welcome!

I stepped inside the hall and was greated by "We love to see you here" and early in my transition when I the attended my first blue moon dance these were words I desperately craved.

Attired in my tightest skirt and very best chest enhancement I commenced to sashay across the women's only dance floor, swaying to disco, rap and country! Latter when I sat down, the blur of lights still winking in my memory, I met a stream of wonderful woman who came to my table and made a point to make me feel at ease, to let me know I am one of them and loved.

But if you are a guy, even a CHARMING guy with chips, sorry! Read about Riches hysterical blue moon experience at the Dallas Voice

University of Texas Austin Hate Crime Attack Protested by Hundreds

Hate crime victims Emmanuel Winston and Matt Morgan lead fellow University of Texas Austin students and hundreds of supporters on march to retrace path that led to the attack.

We need the police to prosecute this and we need the tools in place that are afforded by the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act to in insure local law enforcement agencies and prosecutors pursue hate crime and accurately record the statistical data. Source Daily Texan GLBT citizens rally against homophobia