Thou Shalt Not Lie: Tell Mormon Church President-Prophet Thomas Monson to stop funding Prop 8
Fight back against the lies and protect the fundamental rights of Californians
It's time for Californians to fight back against the dishonest attacks of the "Yes on 8" campaign funded by the Mormon Church.
'Zack and Miri make a porno' Banned in Utah (the worst porno I ever seen)
Jonathan Crow's humorous candid review appearing in Yahoo Movies of the latest production of Kevin Smith who brought us 'Clerks' and 'Dogma';
"If you're looking forward to seeing Seth Rogen and Elizabeth Banks in director Kevin Smith's new R-rated comedy "Zack and Miri Make a Porno" this weekend and you live in Salt Lake City, you might be out of luck. Utah Jazz and Megaplex Theaters owner Larry Miller has refused to book the film. The chain's spokesman Cal Gunderson expressed concerns about the film with The New York Post, citing the film's "graphic nudity and graphic sex" and that it was "too close to an NC-17."

"The company's standards seem a little odd considering that the chain had no problems screening ultra-violent fare like "Saw V," which features beheadings and explicit self-mutilation. When asked why Megaplex Theaters did not object to the gory horror sequel, Gunderson had no comment."
I loved this movie!! A lovely, sensual, offbeat, explicit, gratuitous nudity, very funny love story, but a really, really bad porno!!!
Riders Arrested Attempting to Attend Chapel at Southwestern Assemblies of God Univ.

By Kelli Busey
Tuesday October 30, 2008
The Dallas Voice reports that Three more Soulforce riders were arrested after attempting to attend a chapel service this time at the Southwestern Assemblies of God University in Waxahachie, TX.

It is unclear to this writer why these Christian Universities find it incumbent upon themselves to keep young Christians separated. Is it a fear that homosexuality is contagious or maybe that freedom of thought may induce enlightenment?
RELEASE: October 29, 2008
For Immediate Release
Contact: Caitlin MacIntyre, Equality Ride Media Director
Cell: 612-715-6138
(Waxahachie, TX) -- Today, Southwestern Assemblies of God University (SAGU) pressed trespassing charges against three young adults who entered the campus to begin a dialogue about faith and fairness for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) students. The young people were members of the Equality Ride, a national bus tour that promotes safety and inclusion for all students on faith-based campuses.
Upon arriving at SAGU, all 16 of the Equality Riders tried to attend chapel services on campus. However, they were stopped by security who told Riders that they would not be allowed to participate in worship. Riders were escorted by guards to a parking lot on the periphery of campus. As Riders got off the bus, they were promptly met by a campus spokesperson who provided an official warning not to come onto the campus property. Once more, Equality Riders expressed their desire to join students in chapel, and were told that was not possible. Three Equality Riders, all of whom identify as Christian, moved forward anyway and were summarily arrested. The three Riders arrested were Manny Lampon, 22, of New York, NY; Zak Rittenhouse, 21, of Frankfurt, OH; and Nicholas Rocco DeFinis, 22, of Philadelphia, PA.
Equality Riders remained at the edge of campus in silent vigil until the Dean of Students, Scott Camp, began to address them. He was soon joined by student leadership and some university staff. Camp led the group in prayer in which he expressed the hope that "the love of Christ would be felt in this circle." In actuality, Equality Riders were forced to remain standing along the boundary that administrators had created while members of the SAGU community gathered freely on the other side.
"It was important for us to acknowledge that there had been a clear line drawn, one that divided Riders from Southwestern representatives. Our hope was that for one day we could erase that line and come together for a genuine and transformational exchange," said Jarrett Lucas, Co-director of the Equality Ride.
Camp indicated that he could understand the feelings of exclusion experienced by Equality Riders, but insisted there was no alternative to the setup, repeatedly saying, "This is where we're at." Unfortunately, very soon after the conversation had begun Riders were told that it was time to wind down. Then, most of the people from SAGU walked away, leaving Riders outside.
Riders will stand vigil throughout the day on Sycamore Street in hopes of continuing dialogue with students. In addition, they are trying to organize an off-campus event where students can feel comfortable discussing issues that affect lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people.
"It's sad to see that Southwestern Assemblies of God University did not welcome us as other schools here in Texas have. In our experience we've seen the value of open discourse and hope that in the future SAGU will embrace the opportunity to allow an affirming voice on campus," shared Katie Higgins, Co-director of the Equality Ride. The Riders recently met with faculty and students at Dallas Baptist University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
The Equality Ride bus is on the road through November 13, 2008. Future stops include:
Nov. 5 Ouachita Baptist University Arkadelphia, AR
Nov. 7 Central Baptist College Conway, AR
Nov. 10-11 Union University Jackson, TN
Nov. 13 Simmons College of Kentucky Louisville, KY
Soulforce Q is the young adult division of Soulforce, a social justice organization that works to end political and religious oppression of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people through relentless nonviolent resistance. For more information, go to www.equalityride.org.
India's police response to LGBT activists cries for mercy “Stop us if you can.”
According to the Human Rights Watch there is a crisis in India's Girinagar neighborhood of Bangalore. GLBT activists are being detained without being allowed to rest, access to food, water or the use of bathrooms. GLBT activists are being verbally, physically and sexually assaulted by police.
On October 20, 2008, police arrested five hijras (working-class, male-to-female, transgender people), detained representatives of a nongovernmental organization trying to negotiate their release, and subsequently attacked a group of peaceful demonstrators protesting the arrests. A total of 42 people were detained. The negotiators later informed Human Rights Watch that police officials told them higher-level authorities had ordered a campaign to arrest hijras on serious charges.
The response by police is "Stop us if you can"
We will stop you.
Girinagar Police Station phone 6721016
bangalore police stations
Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations
235 East 43rd Street, New York, NY 10017
Telephone: (212) 490-9660/9661/9662/9663/9664/9665
Telefax: (212) 490-9656/9658
E-mail: india@un.int, indiaun@prodigy.net
On October 20, 2008, police arrested five hijras (working-class, male-to-female, transgender people), detained representatives of a nongovernmental organization trying to negotiate their release, and subsequently attacked a group of peaceful demonstrators protesting the arrests. A total of 42 people were detained. The negotiators later informed Human Rights Watch that police officials told them higher-level authorities had ordered a campaign to arrest hijras on serious charges.
The response by police is "Stop us if you can"
We will stop you.
Girinagar Police Station phone 6721016
bangalore police stations
Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations
235 East 43rd Street, New York, NY 10017
Telephone: (212) 490-9660/9661/9662/9663/9664/9665
Telefax: (212) 490-9656/9658
E-mail: india@un.int, indiaun@prodigy.net
Human Rights Watch,
India's Girinagar police,
Soulforce at Southwestern Baptist - a conversation
By Kelli Busey
Monday Oct. 27, 2008
Ft. Worth Texas, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary was the home to the latest in Soulforce's string of religious university stops in the deep south. It was a conversation that some locally doubted would ever happen and although the local media was not allowed inside Channel 11 TV filmed from the outdoors.
According to Anna Kirey, Soulforce stop coordinator, her religious activism was ignited by the changes she partook in with the collapse of the Soviet Union. While a student in her native Kyrgyzstan just speaking up was dangerous to her and her partner and this made her all the more dedicated to liberty and justice.
According the the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary press release "The one-hour dialogue was cordial and kind spirited as the two parties discussed their opposing viewpoints about faith and sexuality.."
Trans Activists Protest HRC Dinner
Edge Boston A group of thirty protestors marched outside the Human Rights Campaign’s annual New England Gala Dinner Saturday to show their disapproval of HRC’s position on transgender inclusion in ENDA (Employment Non-Discrimination Act).
Outside the Sheraton Hotel where the dinner was held, the protesters shouted slogans such as: "The HRC doesn’t represent me. We want trans equality." The protestors, some trans, some supporters, marched on the sidewalk while clutching their signs: "HRC = Betrayal," "I May Be Trans But I’m Human Too."
The national office of HRC has been the subject of criticism lately due to their unpopular stance in support of an ENDA bill protecting only sexual orientation and omitting gender identity. Frank was instrumental in splitting the original, trans-inclusive ENDA bill into two bills, the second omitting gender identity.
"They abandoned us," said one protestor. "When Barney Frank split the bill and the HRC came out in support of it, they just left us behind. The HRC doesn’t represent me."
Read on Edge Boston
Outside the Sheraton Hotel where the dinner was held, the protesters shouted slogans such as: "The HRC doesn’t represent me. We want trans equality." The protestors, some trans, some supporters, marched on the sidewalk while clutching their signs: "HRC = Betrayal," "I May Be Trans But I’m Human Too."
The national office of HRC has been the subject of criticism lately due to their unpopular stance in support of an ENDA bill protecting only sexual orientation and omitting gender identity. Frank was instrumental in splitting the original, trans-inclusive ENDA bill into two bills, the second omitting gender identity.
"They abandoned us," said one protestor. "When Barney Frank split the bill and the HRC came out in support of it, they just left us behind. The HRC doesn’t represent me."
Read on Edge Boston
Genetics linked to transsexuality: study

Just in from Austrarlia's Prince Henry's Institute where the nature versus nurture debate rages on but a new study of transsexuals has shown genetics plays a key role in determining our sense of gender.
In the largest genetic study of its kind, 112 male-to-female transsexuals took part in a study involving several Melbourne research bodies and the University of California, Los Angeles.
Researchers measured the variation in the androgen receptor gene, which is involved in the functioning of the sex hormone testosterone.
DNA samples from the transsexuals were compared with the samples from 250 typical men.
Researchers discovered the transsexuals were more likely than non-transsexuals to have a longer form of the gene.
Read on......
Prince Henrey's Institute,
California folks now is the time to spread the word "No on 8!"

Be One of 10,000 voters on the ground spreading the word! Picture it: 10,000 people from Eureka to San Diego--standing together, waving signs and talking to voters!
Join us, as we change lives, as we change the world!
Harvard Business Review to study gender transition
Over at the Bilerico project Dr. Jillian T. Weiss has a fascinating article addressing gender transition in the workplace. How did your employer react when you announced that you were planning a gender transition? How were you treated after you transition was well into effect. Do you beleive in hindsight that you respected co-employees sensitivities in a way that avoided causing turmoil? Are you being treated now consumerate with your expertise? Does your income reflect your value?
Soulforce Equility Riders coming to Dallas and Ft. Worth !

Don't miss it! The Q Riders will be in the DFW !
Friday, October 24th, Dallas Baptist University,
11:30 am, Press conference outside DBU (not open to public)
12:00 noon, Riders enter campus
Saturday, October 25th,
2:00 pm, Community Gathering at Reverchon Park, 3505 Maple Ave. Dallas
Monday, October 27, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
2:00 pm, Equality Riders are escorted onto campus
3:30-5:30 pm, Vigil on the edge of campus
From glaadblog.org
Call and email the Museum of Broadcast Communications and tell them not to induct homophobic,transphobic hate mongering lieing James Dobson into the hall of Fame.
Call: (312) 822-0512
Email: Bruce Dumont (CEO) - brucedumont@museum.tv
Email: Gina Doyle - gdoyle@museum.tv
Call and email the Museum of Broadcast Communications and tell them not to induct homophobic,transphobic hate mongering lieing James Dobson into the hall of Fame.
Call: (312) 822-0512
Email: Bruce Dumont (CEO) - brucedumont@museum.tv
Email: Gina Doyle - gdoyle@museum.tv
California's top educator calls Prop 8 commercials 'despicable'
ACLU : New FBI guidelines permit unrestricted spying
New Attorney General proposed guidelines for the operation of the FBI could open the door for unscrupulous spying according to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) the FBI would have authority to collect information by misrepresentation without limitations to duration or probable cause.
Racial profiling no longer is inhibited and the proposed guidelines are specific in allowing unrestricted spying on any event the FBI deems ".....threats to the national security that occur in the context of or in connection with civil disorders or demonstrations."

This paragraph would permit the FBI to make our dissent of governmental infringement on our personal lives i.e. "NO to California's proposition 8", the unnecessary redundant removal of civil rights proposed by Florida's proposed amendment 2, the protest by Queer Folk over being excluded from the human rights movement or the current Soulforce Equality Ride a legitimate target for unrestricted FBI spying.
Racial profiling no longer is inhibited and the proposed guidelines are specific in allowing unrestricted spying on any event the FBI deems ".....threats to the national security that occur in the context of or in connection with civil disorders or demonstrations."

This paragraph would permit the FBI to make our dissent of governmental infringement on our personal lives i.e. "NO to California's proposition 8", the unnecessary redundant removal of civil rights proposed by Florida's proposed amendment 2, the protest by Queer Folk over being excluded from the human rights movement or the current Soulforce Equality Ride a legitimate target for unrestricted FBI spying.
This just in from Queers with Out Borders
Boston - Over 60 LGBTQ activists from throughout New England have signed up to attend the protest of national gay-rights organization Human Rights Campaign’s (HRC) annual Gala to be held in Boston on October 25th. The protest, organized by local QueerToday.com activists Trevor Wright and Ethan St. Pierre, is in response to HRC’s lack of support for the Trasngender community and their consistent alignment with conservative candidates like Joe Lieberman, a staunch supporter of McCain for president, and Susan Collins of Maine who supported all of George Bush’s Supreme Court Nominees.
“HRC has a long history of ignoring human rights by betraying the trans community and dividing the progressive movement. It’s time to stop giving them your money,” said Arturo Meneses. “When you give to HRC you are supporting transphobia and endorsing pro-war, anti-choice, and anti-labor candidates.”
Transgender activists from around the country have been protesting HRC for over a year in response to their short-sighted support of a version of the Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA) that did not include protections for transgender people. During that time HRC’s only Transgender board member resigned. In New York City last year, every single LGBTQ elected official boycotted the dinner. And in San Francisco this summer the scheduled keynote speaker Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa decided to boycott the dinner in response to queer labor protests.
Labor activists are upset that HRC continues to use non-unionized venues and supported anti-labor candidates. The New England HRC Dinner venue was changed at the last minute due to pressure from Unite Here! Hotel Workers, an ally of QueerToday.com, who have been protesting the Hynes Convention Center and Aramark Catering. Anti-war activists are upset with HRC because of their support of candidates like Joe Lieberman, who celebrate the occupation of Iraq. Ironically, Lieberman who only supports civil-unions was endorsed by HRC over Ned Lamont who supports full same-sex marriage rights. Women’s rights activists note HRC’s endorsements of several ant-reproductive justice Republicans including Al D’Amato (R) who voted to repeal abortion rights. Mary Bono (R), also endorsed by HRC, received a 20% rating from NARAL on women’s rights, a 27% rating from ACLU on Civil Rights, and a 36% rating from the NAACP. This year HRC criticized the Log Cabin Republicans for their endorsement of John McCain but they continue to sponsor the Log Cabin’s annual dinner and give them and other Republicans tens of thousands of dollars. QueerToday.com activists believe such endorsements and donations divide progressives who we need to act in coalition to enact human rights reforms.
Activists from around the country have endorsed the protest including The Massachusetts Chapter of The Transgender American Veterans Association (TAVA), Know Thy Neighbor, Queers Without Borders, The World Gender Coalition, Dallas Transgender Advocates, What Queer!, and TransFM.org,
The protest of the New England HRC Dinner will be held on October 25th at 5pm at the Sheraton Boston. All are invited to join a sign making party to be held at the conference room at 14 Beacon Street at 3pm. An after party, the “Left Out Party,” will be held at Spontaneous Celebrations in Jamaica Plain located at 45 Danforth St.Ethan St. Pierre
Trevor Wright
QueerToday.com is an activist group that uses the internet to organize campaigns and protests. It was founded in Boston in 2000 and has garnered headlines worldwide for organizing direct-action protests including the largest ever protest of James Dobson’s Focus on The Family. The organization recently transitioned its website to a platform that lets activists create blogs and profiles, and allows for national organizing and networking. For more information about QueerToday.com contact Mark Snyder at markdanielsnyder@gmail.com or 617.416.0552
Boston - Over 60 LGBTQ activists from throughout New England have signed up to attend the protest of national gay-rights organization Human Rights Campaign’s (HRC) annual Gala to be held in Boston on October 25th. The protest, organized by local QueerToday.com activists Trevor Wright and Ethan St. Pierre, is in response to HRC’s lack of support for the Trasngender community and their consistent alignment with conservative candidates like Joe Lieberman, a staunch supporter of McCain for president, and Susan Collins of Maine who supported all of George Bush’s Supreme Court Nominees.
“HRC has a long history of ignoring human rights by betraying the trans community and dividing the progressive movement. It’s time to stop giving them your money,” said Arturo Meneses. “When you give to HRC you are supporting transphobia and endorsing pro-war, anti-choice, and anti-labor candidates.”
Transgender activists from around the country have been protesting HRC for over a year in response to their short-sighted support of a version of the Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA) that did not include protections for transgender people. During that time HRC’s only Transgender board member resigned. In New York City last year, every single LGBTQ elected official boycotted the dinner. And in San Francisco this summer the scheduled keynote speaker Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa decided to boycott the dinner in response to queer labor protests.
Labor activists are upset that HRC continues to use non-unionized venues and supported anti-labor candidates. The New England HRC Dinner venue was changed at the last minute due to pressure from Unite Here! Hotel Workers, an ally of QueerToday.com, who have been protesting the Hynes Convention Center and Aramark Catering. Anti-war activists are upset with HRC because of their support of candidates like Joe Lieberman, who celebrate the occupation of Iraq. Ironically, Lieberman who only supports civil-unions was endorsed by HRC over Ned Lamont who supports full same-sex marriage rights. Women’s rights activists note HRC’s endorsements of several ant-reproductive justice Republicans including Al D’Amato (R) who voted to repeal abortion rights. Mary Bono (R), also endorsed by HRC, received a 20% rating from NARAL on women’s rights, a 27% rating from ACLU on Civil Rights, and a 36% rating from the NAACP. This year HRC criticized the Log Cabin Republicans for their endorsement of John McCain but they continue to sponsor the Log Cabin’s annual dinner and give them and other Republicans tens of thousands of dollars. QueerToday.com activists believe such endorsements and donations divide progressives who we need to act in coalition to enact human rights reforms.
Activists from around the country have endorsed the protest including The Massachusetts Chapter of The Transgender American Veterans Association (TAVA), Know Thy Neighbor, Queers Without Borders, The World Gender Coalition, Dallas Transgender Advocates, What Queer!, and TransFM.org,
The protest of the New England HRC Dinner will be held on October 25th at 5pm at the Sheraton Boston. All are invited to join a sign making party to be held at the conference room at 14 Beacon Street at 3pm. An after party, the “Left Out Party,” will be held at Spontaneous Celebrations in Jamaica Plain located at 45 Danforth St.Ethan St. Pierre
Trevor Wright
QueerToday.com is an activist group that uses the internet to organize campaigns and protests. It was founded in Boston in 2000 and has garnered headlines worldwide for organizing direct-action protests including the largest ever protest of James Dobson’s Focus on The Family. The organization recently transitioned its website to a platform that lets activists create blogs and profiles, and allows for national organizing and networking. For more information about QueerToday.com contact Mark Snyder at markdanielsnyder@gmail.com or 617.416.0552
Three Equality Riders Arrested at Heritage Christian University
National Tour of Christian Colleges Advocates Safety for Gay and Transgender Students
For Immediate Release
Contact: Caitlin MacIntyre, Equality Ride Media Director
Cell: 612-715-6138
(Florence, AL) -- At 10:30 am today, three Equality Riders walked onto the campus of Heritage Christian University (HCU) to deliver letters that described their personal experiences and advocated for the safety and acceptance of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students. The young women were arrested for trespassing before they reached the end of the driveway. Prior to the arrests, an HCU administrator read a letter stating that the university was officially declining their request for dialogue.
Yesterday, Equality Riders met with one student from HCU who described the climate on campus as a "homophobic panic." He explained that students and staff were discouraged from speaking to members of the Equality Ride.
"The way we were treated today is a clear indication that gay and transgender people are not welcome at this institution. The school's choice to arrest us shows just how far they will go to suppress the message we bring," said Jarrett Lucas, Equality Ride Co-director. "HCU trains missionaries to go beyond the walls of their school to spread the inclusive gospel of Christ, but today they chose not to uphold the principles they preach."
This visit to HCU is the sixth Equality Ride stop this year. Now in its third year, the Equality Ride has visited over fifty schools, most of which have been welcoming. At other schools, participants have hosted public forums, participated in panel discussions, and taken part in worship services and Bible studies. The goal is to inspire further conversation and to empower students, faculty, and administrators to make their school welcoming to all students. The organizers of the Equality Ride use a collaborative approach, writing to college administrators months in advance and inviting them to work together to design programming that examines diverse points of view -- including points of view that affirm gay and transgender students.
The three women arrested were Caitlin MacIntyre, 19, of Houston, TX, Katie Higgins, 26, of Charleston, SC, and Taueret Manu, 21, of the Bronx, NY. The remaining Equality Riders are standing vigil in hopes that students will come out for conversation. They will remain there until 4pm CST.
Soulforce Q is the young adult division of Soulforce, a social justice organization that works to end political and religious oppression of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people through relentless nonviolent resistance. For more information, go to www.equalityride.com.
For Immediate Release
Contact: Caitlin MacIntyre, Equality Ride Media Director
Cell: 612-715-6138
(Florence, AL) -- At 10:30 am today, three Equality Riders walked onto the campus of Heritage Christian University (HCU) to deliver letters that described their personal experiences and advocated for the safety and acceptance of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students. The young women were arrested for trespassing before they reached the end of the driveway. Prior to the arrests, an HCU administrator read a letter stating that the university was officially declining their request for dialogue.
Yesterday, Equality Riders met with one student from HCU who described the climate on campus as a "homophobic panic." He explained that students and staff were discouraged from speaking to members of the Equality Ride.
"The way we were treated today is a clear indication that gay and transgender people are not welcome at this institution. The school's choice to arrest us shows just how far they will go to suppress the message we bring," said Jarrett Lucas, Equality Ride Co-director. "HCU trains missionaries to go beyond the walls of their school to spread the inclusive gospel of Christ, but today they chose not to uphold the principles they preach."
This visit to HCU is the sixth Equality Ride stop this year. Now in its third year, the Equality Ride has visited over fifty schools, most of which have been welcoming. At other schools, participants have hosted public forums, participated in panel discussions, and taken part in worship services and Bible studies. The goal is to inspire further conversation and to empower students, faculty, and administrators to make their school welcoming to all students. The organizers of the Equality Ride use a collaborative approach, writing to college administrators months in advance and inviting them to work together to design programming that examines diverse points of view -- including points of view that affirm gay and transgender students.
The three women arrested were Caitlin MacIntyre, 19, of Houston, TX, Katie Higgins, 26, of Charleston, SC, and Taueret Manu, 21, of the Bronx, NY. The remaining Equality Riders are standing vigil in hopes that students will come out for conversation. They will remain there until 4pm CST.
Soulforce Q is the young adult division of Soulforce, a social justice organization that works to end political and religious oppression of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people through relentless nonviolent resistance. For more information, go to www.equalityride.com.
Equality Ride to Visit Three Texas Colleges
National Tour of Christian Colleges Advocates Safety for Gay and Transgender Students
For Immediate Release
Contact: Caitlin MacIntyre, Equality Ride Media Director
Cell: 612-715-6138
(Dallas, TX) On October 24-29, the third annual Soulforce Equality Ride, a national bus tour to faith-based colleges, will bring a message of inclusion and safety to three area schools: Dallas Baptist University, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, and Southwestern Assemblies of God University in Waxahachie. The Equality Ride advocates safe educational settings for all students, including those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT).
The schools' responses to the Ride demonstrate the diversity of contemporary evangelical cultures. Dallas Baptist University (DBU) is collaborating with the Equality Ride to create a full day of dialogue with faculty, students, and administrators. Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) has offered the Riders time to make a presentation about faith and fairness. In contrast, Southwestern Assemblies of God University (SAGU) has informed the Equality Riders that they are unwelcome on campus and has refused further communication.
The third annual Equality Ride comes to Texas at a moment when research suggests that young white evangelicals are diverging from previous generations on social justice issues. A September 2008 poll commissioned by Religion and Ethics Newsweekly found that 58% of 18-29 year old white evangelicals support some form of legal recognition of civil unions or marriage for same-sex couples; a quarter (26%) support the full right for same-sex couples to marry.
However, in spite of these indications that significant numbers of 18-29 year olds support equality, more than 200 U.S. colleges and universities have explicit policies that discriminate against LGBT students. The DBU student handbook expressly prohibits "student organizations which are homosexual/bisexual in nature." Southwest Baptist lists " homosexual behavior" as grounds for unspecified disciplinary action. The SAGU student handbook lists "homosexuality" and "lesbianism" as grounds for disciplinary action, including "termination from the university."
"It's very difficult to learn in an environment where you don't feel safe," said 22-year-old Jarrett Lucas, Co-director of the Equality Ride. "When students can be punished just because of who they are, it's very difficult for them to speak up about their quality of life on campus. That's where we come in. We can speak up for a community where everyone can learn without fear."
Since 2006, the Equality Ride has visited more than 50 schools, hosting public forums, participating in panel discussions, and taking part in worship services and Bible studies. The goal is to inspire further conversation and to empower students, faculty, and administrators to make their school welcoming to all students.
Equality Riders invite students at all three schools, as well as members of the Dallas/Fort Worth community, to a community gathering on Saturday the 25th at Reverchon Park in Dallas.
The young adult organizers of the Equality Ride use a collaborative approach, writing to college administrators months in advance and inviting them to work together to design programming that examines diverse points of view -- including points of view that affirm gay and transgender students.
Dallas Baptist University
Friday, October 24th, 2008
11:30 am, Press conference outside DBU
12:00 noon, Riders enter campus
DFW/Equality Ride Community Gathering
Saturday, October 25th, 2008
2:00 pm, at Reverchon Park in Dallas
Soulforce Q is the young adult division of Soulforce, a social justice organization that works to end political and religious oppression of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people through relentless nonviolent resistance. For more information, go to www.equalityride.com.
For Immediate Release
Contact: Caitlin MacIntyre, Equality Ride Media Director
Cell: 612-715-6138
(Dallas, TX) On October 24-29, the third annual Soulforce Equality Ride, a national bus tour to faith-based colleges, will bring a message of inclusion and safety to three area schools: Dallas Baptist University, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, and Southwestern Assemblies of God University in Waxahachie. The Equality Ride advocates safe educational settings for all students, including those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT).
The schools' responses to the Ride demonstrate the diversity of contemporary evangelical cultures. Dallas Baptist University (DBU) is collaborating with the Equality Ride to create a full day of dialogue with faculty, students, and administrators. Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) has offered the Riders time to make a presentation about faith and fairness. In contrast, Southwestern Assemblies of God University (SAGU) has informed the Equality Riders that they are unwelcome on campus and has refused further communication.
The third annual Equality Ride comes to Texas at a moment when research suggests that young white evangelicals are diverging from previous generations on social justice issues. A September 2008 poll commissioned by Religion and Ethics Newsweekly found that 58% of 18-29 year old white evangelicals support some form of legal recognition of civil unions or marriage for same-sex couples; a quarter (26%) support the full right for same-sex couples to marry.
However, in spite of these indications that significant numbers of 18-29 year olds support equality, more than 200 U.S. colleges and universities have explicit policies that discriminate against LGBT students. The DBU student handbook expressly prohibits "student organizations which are homosexual/bisexual in nature." Southwest Baptist lists " homosexual behavior" as grounds for unspecified disciplinary action. The SAGU student handbook lists "homosexuality" and "lesbianism" as grounds for disciplinary action, including "termination from the university."
"It's very difficult to learn in an environment where you don't feel safe," said 22-year-old Jarrett Lucas, Co-director of the Equality Ride. "When students can be punished just because of who they are, it's very difficult for them to speak up about their quality of life on campus. That's where we come in. We can speak up for a community where everyone can learn without fear."
Since 2006, the Equality Ride has visited more than 50 schools, hosting public forums, participating in panel discussions, and taking part in worship services and Bible studies. The goal is to inspire further conversation and to empower students, faculty, and administrators to make their school welcoming to all students.
Equality Riders invite students at all three schools, as well as members of the Dallas/Fort Worth community, to a community gathering on Saturday the 25th at Reverchon Park in Dallas.
The young adult organizers of the Equality Ride use a collaborative approach, writing to college administrators months in advance and inviting them to work together to design programming that examines diverse points of view -- including points of view that affirm gay and transgender students.
Dallas Baptist University
Friday, October 24th, 2008
11:30 am, Press conference outside DBU
12:00 noon, Riders enter campus
DFW/Equality Ride Community Gathering
Saturday, October 25th, 2008
2:00 pm, at Reverchon Park in Dallas
Soulforce Q is the young adult division of Soulforce, a social justice organization that works to end political and religious oppression of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people through relentless nonviolent resistance. For more information, go to www.equalityride.com.
Queers United Asks :WTF? Tyra Banks Show Seeking "Ex-Gays"
Transgender people be aware. We are not immune or isolated from dangerous groups such as "NARTH" which advocates the discredited use of "aversion therapy" to "cure" homosexuality. Being "cured" of a natural sexual affinity by making normal=intolerable translates to depression and suicides.
Queers United asks us to let Tyra Banks please do not air any shows that cause harm to GLBT people.
Queers United asks us to let Tyra Banks please do not air any shows that cause harm to GLBT people.
Palin breaks with McCain on gay marriage amendment
Just in, in case you wondered Palin will campaign as vigorously against gay rights on a national level as she did in Alaska.
… NEW YORK – Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin says she supports a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, a break with John McCain who has said he believes states should be left to define what marriage is. In an interview with Christian Broadcasting Network, the Alaska governor said she had voted in 1998 for a state amendment banning same sex marriage and hoped to see a federal ban on such unions.
"I have voted along with the vast majority of Alaskans who had the opportunity to vote to amend our Constitution defining marriage as between one man and one woman. I wish on a federal level that's where we would go. I don't support gay marriage," Palin said. She said she believed traditional marriage is the foundation for strong families.
McCain, an Arizona senator, is supporting a ballot initiative in his state this year that would ban gay marriage. But he has consistently and forcefully opposed a federal marriage amendment, saying it would usurp states' authority on such matters.
As governor, Palin vetoed a bill that would have denied benefits to the partners of gay state employees. In a debate with Democratic rival Joe Biden, Palin said she was "tolerant" of gays and said she supported certain legal protections for same-sex couples, like hospital visitation rights.
In the CBN interview, Palin also said she would speak out if she heard a supporter at a rally yell violent or threatening comments about Barack Obama, the Democratic presidential nominee.
"What we have heard through some mainstream media is that folks have hollered out some atrocious and unacceptable things like 'kill him,'" Palin said, referring to a Washington Post story two weeks ago about angry supporters at a Palin rally in Florida. "If I ever were to hear that standing up there at the podium with the mike, I would call them out on that, and I would tell these people, no, that's unacceptable."
CBN released excerpts of the interview Monday and planned to broadcast it in its entirety Tuesday.
Palin also claimed religion and God had been "mocked" during the campaign, although she offered no evidence to support that.
"Faith in God in general has been mocked through this campaign, and that breaks my heart and that is unfair for others who share a faith in God and choose to worship our Lord in whatever private manner that they deem fit," she said.
Palin is a conservative Christian who was baptized and grew up attending Pentecostal churches. In September, Obama defended Palin's religious beliefs and said it would be "offensive" to portray her faith as strange or wrong.
Palin also reaffirmed her view that Obama had been "palling around with terrorists" because of his association with Bill Ayers, a 1960s-era radical who helped found the violent Weather Underground group to protest the Vietnam war. The group was responsible for bombings of several government buildings.
"I would say it again," she said.
Ayers and Obama live in the same Chicago neighborhood and have served together on charity boards. Ayers also hosted a house party for Obama when he was first running for the Illinois state Senate.
On the Net:
Christian Broadcasting Network: http://www.cbn.com
McCain-Palin: http://www.johnmccain.com
Obama: http://www.barackobama.com
… NEW YORK – Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin says she supports a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, a break with John McCain who has said he believes states should be left to define what marriage is. In an interview with Christian Broadcasting Network, the Alaska governor said she had voted in 1998 for a state amendment banning same sex marriage and hoped to see a federal ban on such unions.
"I have voted along with the vast majority of Alaskans who had the opportunity to vote to amend our Constitution defining marriage as between one man and one woman. I wish on a federal level that's where we would go. I don't support gay marriage," Palin said. She said she believed traditional marriage is the foundation for strong families.
McCain, an Arizona senator, is supporting a ballot initiative in his state this year that would ban gay marriage. But he has consistently and forcefully opposed a federal marriage amendment, saying it would usurp states' authority on such matters.
As governor, Palin vetoed a bill that would have denied benefits to the partners of gay state employees. In a debate with Democratic rival Joe Biden, Palin said she was "tolerant" of gays and said she supported certain legal protections for same-sex couples, like hospital visitation rights.
In the CBN interview, Palin also said she would speak out if she heard a supporter at a rally yell violent or threatening comments about Barack Obama, the Democratic presidential nominee.
"What we have heard through some mainstream media is that folks have hollered out some atrocious and unacceptable things like 'kill him,'" Palin said, referring to a Washington Post story two weeks ago about angry supporters at a Palin rally in Florida. "If I ever were to hear that standing up there at the podium with the mike, I would call them out on that, and I would tell these people, no, that's unacceptable."
CBN released excerpts of the interview Monday and planned to broadcast it in its entirety Tuesday.
Palin also claimed religion and God had been "mocked" during the campaign, although she offered no evidence to support that.
"Faith in God in general has been mocked through this campaign, and that breaks my heart and that is unfair for others who share a faith in God and choose to worship our Lord in whatever private manner that they deem fit," she said.
Palin is a conservative Christian who was baptized and grew up attending Pentecostal churches. In September, Obama defended Palin's religious beliefs and said it would be "offensive" to portray her faith as strange or wrong.
Palin also reaffirmed her view that Obama had been "palling around with terrorists" because of his association with Bill Ayers, a 1960s-era radical who helped found the violent Weather Underground group to protest the Vietnam war. The group was responsible for bombings of several government buildings.
"I would say it again," she said.
Ayers and Obama live in the same Chicago neighborhood and have served together on charity boards. Ayers also hosted a house party for Obama when he was first running for the Illinois state Senate.
On the Net:
Christian Broadcasting Network: http://www.cbn.com
McCain-Palin: http://www.johnmccain.com
Obama: http://www.barackobama.com
Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies in the Episcopal Blaze
The Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies after petitioning the Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson, the only openly gay Anglican Bishop, not to attend the Dallas Black Tie has inadvertently found it's self at a confluence of passion, faith and the possible reshaping of the American Anglican landscape.
The original desire of the Advocates was to illuminate the current struggle of transgender people in light of their exclusion from the national human rights movement (ENDA)as a result of efforts by the group "Human Rights Campaign", their political allies and religion.
Bishop Robinson responded by asking for dialogue, and the "Transgender Conversation" with Bishop Robinson was scheduled for November 22, 2008 to correspond with the day that Bishop Robinson is accepting the Elizabeth Birch award from the Human Rights Campaign.
The uproar that the Episcopal Church is experiencing has escalated with the withdrawal of the Pittsburgh Diocese partly in reaction to the instalment of Bishop Robinson and the voting November 4, 2008 by the Fort Worth Diocese which will determine whether they will follow Pittsburgh and join the "Southern Cone"
In respect of Bishop Robinson's request the Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies will hold a moderated conversation in order to maintain the topic's within the agreed boundries.
However the actions of individuals following the conversation may include a vigil, prayer and protest at the site of the fundraiser being conducted by HRC.
Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies(DTAA)
Elizabeth Birch became the Executive Director of the HRC in 1995 was quoted as saying that "trans inclusion in ENDA would take place over her dead body."
Human rights cowards
Lambda Legal Scorch's Barney Frank over ENDA
Religion receives exemption from human rights
Human Rights violence cause and effect
Human Rights First : 2008 report
Petition to end spiritual violence
Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies Press Release
DTAA Press Release
A Faith's Dwindling Following
Pittsburgh Anglican
Southern Cone
Iglesia Anglicana del Cono Sur de las Americas
The original desire of the Advocates was to illuminate the current struggle of transgender people in light of their exclusion from the national human rights movement (ENDA)as a result of efforts by the group "Human Rights Campaign", their political allies and religion.
Bishop Robinson responded by asking for dialogue, and the "Transgender Conversation" with Bishop Robinson was scheduled for November 22, 2008 to correspond with the day that Bishop Robinson is accepting the Elizabeth Birch award from the Human Rights Campaign.
The uproar that the Episcopal Church is experiencing has escalated with the withdrawal of the Pittsburgh Diocese partly in reaction to the instalment of Bishop Robinson and the voting November 4, 2008 by the Fort Worth Diocese which will determine whether they will follow Pittsburgh and join the "Southern Cone"
In respect of Bishop Robinson's request the Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies will hold a moderated conversation in order to maintain the topic's within the agreed boundries.
However the actions of individuals following the conversation may include a vigil, prayer and protest at the site of the fundraiser being conducted by HRC.
Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies(DTAA)
Elizabeth Birch became the Executive Director of the HRC in 1995 was quoted as saying that "trans inclusion in ENDA would take place over her dead body."
Human rights cowards
Lambda Legal Scorch's Barney Frank over ENDA
Religion receives exemption from human rights
Human Rights violence cause and effect
Human Rights First : 2008 report
Petition to end spiritual violence
Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies Press Release
DTAA Press Release
A Faith's Dwindling Following
Pittsburgh Anglican
Southern Cone
Iglesia Anglicana del Cono Sur de las Americas
London Calling : Transphobic Julie Bindel Nominated Writer of the year by Stonewall UK

Liz McLaren posted an announcement to the Facebook cause Stop Transphobia
Subject: A call to action from Trans London regarding journalist Julie Bindel's nomination for Journalist of the Year by the Stonewall organization.
Hi Everyone! I want to forward to all of you a letter I received from Tessa Hauke regarding a journalist by the name of Julie Bindel with arguably trans-phobic views. Please have a read and if you or others you know are in the London area, please let them know!
Liz McLaren
Founder, the "Stop Transphobia" Facebook cause
Hello to the Stop Transphobia Cause Members,
I am writing to you asking for your support in protesting against Stonewall's nomination of Julie Bindel for their "Journalist of the Year" award. Please see http://www.stonewall.org.uk/
Stonewall" is a very influential gay political lobbying group in the UK. It differs from Stonewall organisations in the US in that it does not include Trans issues in its agenda, except for its youth affiliate, which is very queer in its outlook.
Just to outline the situation, Julie Bindel has previously made many transphobic comments, on her column in the Guardian UK newspaper, on message boards and when she took part in a debate on BBC Radio 4 regarding gender reassignment surgery as "unnecessary mutilation".
I have included the following links to some of her work:
She believes that the use of "Talking Therapies" should be used instead of gender reassignment surgery. Whilst this may be a viable option for some people, it is certainly not a panacea for all.
As recently as April 2008, she criticised the British Film Institute when they hosted the London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival for making available "Gender Neutral" toilets for Trans people who were uncomfortable with using male or female toilets (including some Trans people who use wheel chairs).
Trans Activists in the UK believe that by Stonewall giving her recognition, she will do considerable damage to Trans people in the UK.
We have organised a campaign on Facebook: Transphobic Julie Bindel nominated for Stonewall Award and to date, the number of people offering their support has reached over 400 members, including the radical feminist Linda Bellos who campaigned vigorously in the 1970s and '80s..
On November 6th, activists will be demonstrating outside the venue for the Stonewall Awards Ceremony.
Kindest regards,
Co-Founder TransLondon.org.uk
You can tell Stonewall of your objections by email: info@stonewall.org.uk
Human Rights First : 2008 US Violent Hate Crimes against LGBT Increasing

By Kelli Busey
Sat. Oct 18, 2008
According to a recently released report from Human rights first, violent attacks on people because of sexual preference and gender identity have increased in 2007.
Government statistic's do not report all incidences according to The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (NCAVP) nor differentiate between violence targeting people for their gender identity and sexual orientation in the United States.
Non governmental sources, the only reliable and comprehensive record keeper, indicate that crimes targeting gender identity has increased the most.
Due to the horrific nature of the crimes, usually murder these deaths receive a heavy dose of sensationalistic self promotional commercialization from some unscrupulous mainstream and LGBT media. It is usually the outrage of bloggers that the media has begun recently to consider the consequences of irresponsible reporting.
It is important to note that in 2007 area's with recently defeated anti bias laws saw a increase of violent incidents and areas that saw an enactment of protective laws, a marked decrease.
Those regions included: Minnesota (+85, 135%)which denotes a correlation between the time hate crimes bills were being considered and the increase of violence after the defeat of the bill.
Michigan (+201, 207%) with more than double the number of reported violent incidents in 2007. This is an increase of 133%. Michigan passed a constitutional amendment in 2004 that bans gay marriage,
Kansas City (+17, 142%).
Other regions reporting increased numbers of victims in 2007 over 2006 include San Francisco (+24, 7%) and Pennsylvania(+10, 28%).
Regions reporting decreases in numbers of victims in 2007(Both which enacted gender protective laws) include New York City with 82 fewer victims than in 2006 (-14%) and Colorado (-27%), which received 45 fewer reports.
There is no way to estimate the worldwide suffering caused by the Human Rights Campaign(HRC) and Congressman Barney Frank when they so publicly and inexplicitly removed inclusion of transgender people from the national GLBT human rights movement HR2015 (ENDA), a bill which had no chance of passage.
In an unanticipated backlash to this transphobic behaviour cities, counties and states have moved to enact gender protective laws. Most cities are experiencing protests of HRC by a coalition of disenfranshised, when HRC has subsequently meets to raise 20 million dollars annually at fundraisers while proclaiming to be a advocate for transgender people.
The tentacles of this massive entity extend into religion and respected local LGBT groups as they become inebriated by the availability of funds and make commitments way beyond their means.
It is this current situation that leads some transgender and queer to wonder, what does HRC, lesbian and gays have to motivate it to seriously commit to a inclusive ENDA?
Equality Ride Faces Vandalism, Arrests at Palm Beach
Equality Ride Faces Vandalism, Arrests at Palm Beach
For Immediate Release
Contact: Caitlin MacIntyre, Equality Ride Media Director
Cell: 612-715-6138
(West Palm Beach, FL)-- Just hours ago, sixteen young adults arrived at the DeSantis Family Chapel on the campus of Palm Beach Atlantic University. The Equality Riders were immediately restricted to the far side of the sidewalk and were greeted by an organized group of parents. During the conversations that ensued, a few students did join the group and one came out as a lesbian who is in her first year at PBAU. She was able to speak firsthand about the lack of safety for gay and lesbian students on campus, which affirms Soulforce Q's reasons for visiting the Christian school: to talk about safety and inclusion for all.
At 11:00 am EST, the sixteen Equality Riders walked to the DeSantis Family Chapel doors and were confronted by city police at the doors. School officials read a statement that barred the young adults from participating in the worship service with the students with whom they had been talking. A similar statement followed from the West Palm Beach Police Department. Inspired by the conversations that they had with students during a picnic hosted by the Equality Ride on Sunday, the Riders moved forward with good faith that they would be allowed into Chapel.
As ten of the Riders were turned away, six remained and were arrested, one by one. Those arrested were Jarrett Lucas, 22, from Philadelphia, Danielle Cooper, 19, from Maplewood, NJ, Lauren Parke, 25, from Seattle, Enzi Tanner, 24, from Minneapolis, Nicholas Rocco DeFinis, 22, from Lansdale, PA, and Zak Rittenhouse, 21, from Frankfort, OH. Students looked on as the young adults were placed in handcuffs and moved into a police van.
The remaining Equality Riders are still standing vigil and speaking with students on the corner of S. Olive Avenue and Okeechobee Road. They will remain there until 4:00 pm EST. The arrested young adults are scheduled to go before a magistrate Tuesday morning.
Today's visit to PBAU comes after a night of harassment for participants of the Equality Ride. Sunday evening, the glass door of the bus was bashed in with a hard object. Two panes of glass were shattered and small portions of the vinyl wrap were scratched off. A police report of the incident was filed.
Since 2006, the Equality Ride has visited 50 schools, hosting public forums, participating in panel discussions, and taking part in worship services and Bible studies. The goal is to inspire further conversation and to empower students, faculty, and administrators to make their school welcoming to all students. The organizers of the Equality Ride use a collaborative approach, writing to college administrators months in advance and inviting them to work together to design programming that examines diverse points of view -- including points of view that affirm gay and transgender students.
Soulforce Q is the young adult division of Soulforce, a social justice organization that works to end political and religious oppression of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people through relentless nonviolent resistance. For more information, go to www.equalityride.com.
For Immediate Release
Contact: Caitlin MacIntyre, Equality Ride Media Director
Cell: 612-715-6138
(West Palm Beach, FL)-- Just hours ago, sixteen young adults arrived at the DeSantis Family Chapel on the campus of Palm Beach Atlantic University. The Equality Riders were immediately restricted to the far side of the sidewalk and were greeted by an organized group of parents. During the conversations that ensued, a few students did join the group and one came out as a lesbian who is in her first year at PBAU. She was able to speak firsthand about the lack of safety for gay and lesbian students on campus, which affirms Soulforce Q's reasons for visiting the Christian school: to talk about safety and inclusion for all.
At 11:00 am EST, the sixteen Equality Riders walked to the DeSantis Family Chapel doors and were confronted by city police at the doors. School officials read a statement that barred the young adults from participating in the worship service with the students with whom they had been talking. A similar statement followed from the West Palm Beach Police Department. Inspired by the conversations that they had with students during a picnic hosted by the Equality Ride on Sunday, the Riders moved forward with good faith that they would be allowed into Chapel.
As ten of the Riders were turned away, six remained and were arrested, one by one. Those arrested were Jarrett Lucas, 22, from Philadelphia, Danielle Cooper, 19, from Maplewood, NJ, Lauren Parke, 25, from Seattle, Enzi Tanner, 24, from Minneapolis, Nicholas Rocco DeFinis, 22, from Lansdale, PA, and Zak Rittenhouse, 21, from Frankfort, OH. Students looked on as the young adults were placed in handcuffs and moved into a police van.
The remaining Equality Riders are still standing vigil and speaking with students on the corner of S. Olive Avenue and Okeechobee Road. They will remain there until 4:00 pm EST. The arrested young adults are scheduled to go before a magistrate Tuesday morning.
Today's visit to PBAU comes after a night of harassment for participants of the Equality Ride. Sunday evening, the glass door of the bus was bashed in with a hard object. Two panes of glass were shattered and small portions of the vinyl wrap were scratched off. A police report of the incident was filed.
Since 2006, the Equality Ride has visited 50 schools, hosting public forums, participating in panel discussions, and taking part in worship services and Bible studies. The goal is to inspire further conversation and to empower students, faculty, and administrators to make their school welcoming to all students. The organizers of the Equality Ride use a collaborative approach, writing to college administrators months in advance and inviting them to work together to design programming that examines diverse points of view -- including points of view that affirm gay and transgender students.
Soulforce Q is the young adult division of Soulforce, a social justice organization that works to end political and religious oppression of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people through relentless nonviolent resistance. For more information, go to www.equalityride.com.
Six Soulforce Q Riders Arrested Trying to go to Church

According to a article by By Scott Travis of the SunSentinel.com six Soulforce members were arrested Monday the 13th of November after attempting to enter the Atlantic Palm Beach University chapel sanctuary to attend a 11:00am service.
The SOULFORCE PRESS RELEASE of October 13, 2008 tells of the terrifying night leading up to the arrests of the Q Riders. Late at night the door of one of the buses was broken and the exterior damaged.

It is this writers question, what was the Q-riders offensive behaviour that predicated such a preemptive move by this University. Did the University beleive that perhaps this sexual Conduct code found in "the navigator" was in immediate danger of being violated?

"*Sexual Misconduct
Sexual activity that is inconsistent with biblical teaching, such as: sexual activity outside
the bonds of marriage, sexual harm*, sexual harassment and homosexual behavior"
Or perhaps the University feared the unraveling of historic and religious misconceptions and rhetoric by the realization that GLBT people experience the same irresistible love for Jesus Christ as non LGBT people and that we all are sinners and loved by Jesus the same?

Kelli Busey
Day Of Remberance, Transgender people mourn our dead
The Transgender Day of remberence, November 20, 2008 is a annual event held by transgender people worldwide to solomly come together and remember the transgender people who violence has claimed from us.
It is not a event for orginizations who benifit in sales of our on going trajedy.
HRC to avoid the trama of 2007, http://www.washblade.com/2007/11-22/news/localnews/11602.cfm HRC DO NOT HOLD A DOR. You are expecialy NOT welcome November 20, 2008.
Your continued adherence to a agenda which EXCLUDES transender people from ENDA MAGINLIZES transgender pepole while you continue to profit in the MILLIONs nightly at your "Black Tie Dinners."
The DOR belongs to transgender people. It is our family that has been victimized.
It is not a event for orginizations who benifit in sales of our on going trajedy.
HRC to avoid the trama of 2007, http://www.washblade.com/2007/11-22/news/localnews/11602.cfm HRC DO NOT HOLD A DOR. You are expecialy NOT welcome November 20, 2008.
Your continued adherence to a agenda which EXCLUDES transender people from ENDA MAGINLIZES transgender pepole while you continue to profit in the MILLIONs nightly at your "Black Tie Dinners."
The DOR belongs to transgender people. It is our family that has been victimized.
Presidential McDivorcee Court/zowee who's getting the state?

The Huffington Post Trooper Gate A story of the use of political power being wielded against law enforcement in a vindictive attempt to settle a score over a contentious divorce. It could be on cops or divorce court but nooo it's on the big world wide television in the sky. Guess what. We are the chimps running around for the global viewers delight. I'm suddenly craving some crackers.
Its a good thing we didn't have to spend the last 8 years watching the same channel. Oh ya, we did. Mcbush reality island. Watch as judges run for cover as pot shots from a drunk vice president wings their little behinds. Hilarious. Rated (s) stupid.
Justin Flippen for Wilton Manors City Commission

Justin Flippen who is running for Wilton Manors City Commission, Florida, has won the endorsement of U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz according to a Sun-Sentinel.com article.
Rep. Wasserman Schultz is a member of the House Sub Committee on the Judiciary: Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties.
You may wonder, why does kelli in Dallas care so much about Broward County, Florida? Waymon Hudson's

Waymon and friends have remained vigilant, a true T friend, sounding an alarm when the White House was being spirited away by someone who figured out how to us paper chafe to insure a Republican stayed in the white house 4 four more economy busting, war waging, liberty crushing years.
Our LGBT family in south Florida have remained vigilant. They have let us know about Justin. Flippen is a good man. Justin Flippen has invited us to a fund raiser so he get this thing kicked off!
Soulforce Equality Riders coming to North Texas
In the Dallas Voice a article by By John Wright News Editor
"Dallas Baptist official says LGBT advocates will be allowed on campus, but Fort Worth seminary, Waxahachie school not so welcoming.
Harley, dean of spiritual life at Dallas Baptist University, said school officials have been well aware of Soulforce’s annual Equality Ride, a bus tour that takes young activists to conservative college campuses across the country in an effort to foster dialogue on LGBT issues.
Both Harley and Soulforce representatives confirmed that DBU officials have agreed to allow the Equality Riders on campus Oct. 24 for a full day of dialogue with students and faculty.
DBU is one of three North Texas schools Equality Riders will visit this fall as the three-year-old event makes its debut locally. Equality Ride 2008 also will stop at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth on Oct. 27 and Southwestern Assemblies of God University in Waxahachie on Oct. 29, according to a schedule released by Soulforce on Sept. 9."
"Dallas Baptist official says LGBT advocates will be allowed on campus, but Fort Worth seminary, Waxahachie school not so welcoming.
Harley, dean of spiritual life at Dallas Baptist University, said school officials have been well aware of Soulforce’s annual Equality Ride, a bus tour that takes young activists to conservative college campuses across the country in an effort to foster dialogue on LGBT issues.
Both Harley and Soulforce representatives confirmed that DBU officials have agreed to allow the Equality Riders on campus Oct. 24 for a full day of dialogue with students and faculty.
DBU is one of three North Texas schools Equality Riders will visit this fall as the three-year-old event makes its debut locally. Equality Ride 2008 also will stop at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth on Oct. 27 and Southwestern Assemblies of God University in Waxahachie on Oct. 29, according to a schedule released by Soulforce on Sept. 9."
No Equali_y Without the T
No Equali_y Without the T
by Kelli Busey
Oct. 10, 2008
Found in a article by by Mark Gabrish Conlan/Zenger's Newsmagazine
HRC Head Does Damage
Control on Transgender Rights
"Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign — America's largest Queer-rights organization — came to San Diego July 24 to organize support for his group's campaign against Proposition 8, which would reverse the California Supreme Court's decision allowing same-sex couples to marry. But most of his 10-minute speech was damage control to repair HRC's relations with the Transgender community, strained by the group's decision last October to support a federal Queer-rights bill that doesn't protect Transgender people."
Illustrated in that article are the tensions that have been created and maintained unchanged since HRC's withdrawal from it's previous pledge to support a gender inclusive only ENDA.
Since HRC's betrayal of trust transgender advocates and the queer nation have protested singularly and recently as a NATIONAL ENITY at HRC fund raisers where HRC insists on maintaining a public stance that it is a advocate of transgender rights when in fact it lobbied congress with threats of lower "human rights score cards" unless legislators feel in line to support a sexual inclusive ENDA only.
It is also noted with the same pragmatic view that brought about this situation, the transgender tragedy is indeed a huge selling point in inducing the wealthy to part with money.
HRC has made some small but noticed local steps in supporting of Maryland's Montgomery county effort, among others. These progressive moves are noted and as Joeso told me once regarding the current HRC position "We're Darned if we do and Darned of we don't". The Montgomery effort is a start, but the support of a National Level Gender Inclusive ENDA would signal to the transgender community that protests of HRC would not be as critical. It would signal to the Legislature that the GLB community was in fact standing in solidarity as LGBT. It would signal to potential criminals considering violence against Transgender people that the repercussions would parallel that of a straight person.
We sincerely hope that HRC is paying attention to the current political climate. The American people are growing impatient with a government that ignores it and wealthy social "rights" groups that abuses it.
No Equali_y Without the T
by Kelli Busey
Oct. 10, 2008
Found in a article by by Mark Gabrish Conlan/Zenger's Newsmagazine
HRC Head Does Damage
Control on Transgender Rights
"Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign — America's largest Queer-rights organization — came to San Diego July 24 to organize support for his group's campaign against Proposition 8, which would reverse the California Supreme Court's decision allowing same-sex couples to marry. But most of his 10-minute speech was damage control to repair HRC's relations with the Transgender community, strained by the group's decision last October to support a federal Queer-rights bill that doesn't protect Transgender people."
Illustrated in that article are the tensions that have been created and maintained unchanged since HRC's withdrawal from it's previous pledge to support a gender inclusive only ENDA.
Since HRC's betrayal of trust transgender advocates and the queer nation have protested singularly and recently as a NATIONAL ENITY at HRC fund raisers where HRC insists on maintaining a public stance that it is a advocate of transgender rights when in fact it lobbied congress with threats of lower "human rights score cards" unless legislators feel in line to support a sexual inclusive ENDA only.
It is also noted with the same pragmatic view that brought about this situation, the transgender tragedy is indeed a huge selling point in inducing the wealthy to part with money.
HRC has made some small but noticed local steps in supporting of Maryland's Montgomery county effort, among others. These progressive moves are noted and as Joeso told me once regarding the current HRC position "We're Darned if we do and Darned of we don't". The Montgomery effort is a start, but the support of a National Level Gender Inclusive ENDA would signal to the transgender community that protests of HRC would not be as critical. It would signal to the Legislature that the GLB community was in fact standing in solidarity as LGBT. It would signal to potential criminals considering violence against Transgender people that the repercussions would parallel that of a straight person.
We sincerely hope that HRC is paying attention to the current political climate. The American people are growing impatient with a government that ignores it and wealthy social "rights" groups that abuses it.
No Equali_y Without the T
Screaming Queens: The Riot at Compton’s Cafeteria
"We were fighting for our rights. Not as gay people but for our individual freedom."

We were selling our bodies to stay alive one more day
A new identity emerged "Transexual" and hope for a normal life.
The possibilities and reality of change!
We willingly stand on the corner, be it one or a thousand, without fear, to fight for our right to be FULLY recognized in 2008 as EQUAL in the "Human Rights Campaign".

We are still fighting for our rights. Not as GAY people but for our individual freedom. We will NOT disgrace the ones who came before. We will NOT be left behind.
Kelli Busey
October 5, 2008

We were selling our bodies to stay alive one more day
A new identity emerged "Transexual" and hope for a normal life.
The possibilities and reality of change!
We willingly stand on the corner, be it one or a thousand, without fear, to fight for our right to be FULLY recognized in 2008 as EQUAL in the "Human Rights Campaign".
We are still fighting for our rights. Not as GAY people but for our individual freedom. We will NOT disgrace the ones who came before. We will NOT be left behind.
Kelli Busey
October 5, 2008
RI schools required to teach about dating violence

"He'd incessantly call her at night, keep her from her family, and, ultimately, physically abuse her during a tumultuous relationship that ended with her death three years ago."
Burke's 23-year-old daughter, Lindsay, may not have understood the dynamics of an abusive relationship, but her death is helping to ensure that other young people do.
Please read on....
This law has no boundaries as to gender presentation, sexual affinity, religious or enthic background. Its enactment could unite all concerned in a effort to stem the increase in horrific violence and murder that is taking our youth.
American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America

Found on happening-here.blogspot Ruminations often on Democracy as it lives and dies for anyone who asks "Can it happen here?"
As long as scripture, blessed and accepted by the church, teaches that at the end of time there will be a Day of Wrath and Christians will control the shattered remnants of a world cleansed through violence and war, as long as it teaches that all nonbelievers will be tormented, destroyed and banished to hell, it will be hard to thwart the message of radical apocalyptic preachers or assuage the fears of the Islamic world that Christians are calling for its annihilation.........Read on.....
Soulforce Equality Riders at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia.

"Throughout the day, we engaged dozens of people. We discussed scripture and shared our stories, eagerly making the most of dialogue and fellowship. It was truly inspiring and productive. Speaking to our solidarity and the beauty of the experience, many Riders expressed that they felt a divine grace and unimaginable peace in their hearts, and I certainly agree."
Q Equality Riders
We are with you:)
Kelli Busey
RMN Voter Guide: Employment Non-Discrimination

RMN Voter Guide: Employment Non-Discrimination
We seek, in short, full civil equality, defined as: the right to live and work free from discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, to be evaluated on merit, to be free of unfair discrimination by our government (Adapted, Vaid 376).
What I find as the essence of my heart is the life's work of the Reconciling Ministries, ~Kelli Busey.
Rambling to a far lef T/Stepping UP/an Invitation

Bishop Robinson Stepping UP/an Invitation
Letters and petitions were sent to the Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson, Bishop, New Hampshire the only openly gay Bishop in the Anglican communion, asking him to consider how his attendance at certain social organizations fund raiser might affect transgender people. It is the belief of many transgender people that the exclusion from the national human rights movement was inhumane and his attendance would validate a sense that Transgender people were somehow less than Gays and Lesbians.
Our petitions and protests are without constraint from political and religious influence.
The response we received from Bishop Robinson took us completely off guard. Bishop Robinson asked to meet us, anywhere anytime! Well, how dare he? A religious leader of the Anglican communion willingly stepping up and taking this risk to meet? I was astounded and had to rethink how could we best respond to such a offer.
I went back to my roots at the Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN), and what I have learned of philosophy and faith. I considered what could be the most important out come of such a meeting?
In response to Bishops Robinson's invitation we formed the Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies from previously friendly but separate people.
We all realized our need to be cohesive yet diverse and to respect each other for our common goal of lifting up the Transgender, Queer, Intersexed, Asexual and Questioning people from the sense of despair, frustration and anger we have found ourselves in since our exclusion from the national Gay and Lesbian human rights movement.
Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies are now extending our hand in friendship and welcome to all. We are everything, from radical to conservative and there are no guarantees. It is a leap of faith.
Come and be part of the Conversation with Bishop Robinson on November 22 in Dallas Texas.
We are so different yet so much the same. This realization of our humanity is due to Bishop Robinson "Stepping UP!"
Texas sized welcome to Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies!

Texas sized welcome to Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies!
By Kelli Busey
October 1, 2008
Dallas Texas has become home to a Nationwide membership of activists and writers who collectively call themselves the "Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies(DTAA)."
The DTAA is comprised of people who identify as Transgender, Queer, Intersexed, Asexual, Questioning and Allies(TQIAQA).
The life blood of the DTAA is our diversity in Gender, Sexual Orientations, Ethnic Background, Political Views, and Religion.
The DTAA has no central steering membership or is obligated to abide by any social, religious or political decorum. It is not a requirement that any member gain a consensus or approval to conduct advocacy, be it conversation, Education or Protest. Our hope is that the right to conduct this advocacy is recognized by our membership and that the outcome will further the advancement of TQIAQA folk in Politics, religions and society.
DTAA Home Page
Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies!
Queer Today.COM
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