Showing posts with label Hate Crimes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hate Crimes. Show all posts


Minutemen Shawna Forde Murders 9 year old girl pleading "Please don't shoot me," quiere saber cómo, tiempo tendremos que esperar a la justicia para Brisenia?

How long must we wait for justice for Brisenia?

Breaking Minuteman Shawna Forde has been found GUILTY on all counts. Tuesday the 14th begins the sentencing phase of Justice for Brisenia. Whether Forde receives the death penality or not, we will never see this childs bright eyes again. This makes me cry.

Shawna Forde the Minuteman vigilantly currently on trial for the cold blooded murder of 9 year old Brisenia Flores laughing tells a Norwegian news crew in the video below "you'll be very sorry you do not have a gun when the time comes."

AOL news reports Brisenia's mother has testified she was murdered despite pleading to Forde "Please don't shoot me' after seeing her unarmed father gunned down.


Brisenia’s story has been largely ignored in the mainstream media, but her life has galvanized people around the country to speak out against hate violence towards Latinos. We at Presente designed a poster to honor Brisenia’s memory, and to send a statement that we want justice.

Together, let’s take a stand against anti-Latino violence and the hatred that ruins lives. Please download the memorial poster, display it proudly, and share it with your friends and family.

How long must we wait for justice for Brisenia?


Do you recognize the suspects in pipe beating of SF transgender Woman?

Source examiner.comThe San Francisco Police Department released images and information Friday in an effort to identify two suspects in a Jan. 31, 2010 attack that authorities are describing as a hate-crime assault on a transgender female and a male friend.

Images of suspects released by the San Francisco Police Department

A press release by the SFPD reports that on Jan. 31, 2010, and about 2 a.m., a transgender female and her male companion went to eat at a restaurant on the 3000 block of 16th Street in San Francisco.

Two suspects started to harass the transgender female and one of the suspects took a swing at her. The male friend of the victim then defended her and the fight was broken up by the restaurant owner.

When the victims stepped outside the restaurant at about 2:35 a.m. and tried to hail a taxi cab, the suspects from the earlier fight ran up behind the victims and yelled "remember me now?!" and then started beating them both with a chrome pipe, causing both victims to lose consciousness. The suspects fled on foot westbound on 16th Street to Northbound on Guerrero Street.

Both victims were transported to the ER.

The SFPD is asking for the public's assistance in the investigation by identifying the suspects in the photos and contacting the police.

The first suspect is described by investigators as a Latino male, 5'6" tall at 150 lbs., black hair, tar marks on his lower teeth. He was last seen wearing a black button-up dress shirt and black pants.

The second suspect is also described by investigators as a Latino male, 5'6" tall at 150 lbs., black hair, last seen wearing a black coat, dress shirt, dark pants, black glasses with thick frames.

Anyone with knowledge about the identity of the suspects is asked to call the SFPD Hate Crimes Unit at 415-553-9163 or SFPD Operation Center (after hours) at 415-553-1071 or the anonymous tip line at 415-575-4444 or SFPD Text-A-Tip at 847411 type: SFPD + msg and reference SFPD case no. 100 100 990.


Singleton sentenced to 75 years

The second man to stand trial for the beating of Jimmy Lee Dean is sentenced to 75 years and according to John Wright of the Dallas Voice Bobby Singleton age 30 will not be eligible for parole for 37 1/2 years.

Stay tuned for the Dallas Voice's Friday edition for full coverage.


Gay Couple Beaten After Britney Spears Newark Concert

Source The Star-Ledger. Gay Couple Attacked after Newark New Jersey Concert say police slow to help.

Pictured Daniel Caldwell who's jaw was broken during the attack. According to security guards police drove away despite being flagged down by witness's after a group of twenty people beat the couple. Forty five minutes after Cadwell was transported by ambulance the police finally appeared at the crime scene according to Caldwell's partner, Joshua Kehoe.

The police, reluctant to label attacks 'hate crimes' are looking at DOT video's from the area to help make a determination if the attack was bias motivated. According to the victims, the assailants yelled hate slurs that defame homosexual's while hitting and kicking the couple.

Steven Goldstein, chairman of Garden State Equality said his group is looking into the attack.
"Two people have the living daylights beaten out of them, while they are called a (epithet)," he said. "If that's not a hate crime, then I don't know what it is."

By Kelli Busey
March 18, 2009


Jimmy Lee Dean Trial Date Set : Unified Community Against Gay Hate Crimes(UCAGHC) Plans Rally

Unified Community Against Gay Hate Crimes(UCAGHC) a Dallas TX group formed in response to the brutal attack on local artist Jimmy Lee Dean has announced the trial date and asked for the LGBT community to show support by attending a rally from 10am to 12pm on January 12, 2009 in front of the Frank Crowley Bldg 133 N. Industrial Blvd. Dallas TX 75207

According to Activist Michael Robinson, key witness and founder of UCAGHC,
(The) "Jimmy Lee Dean case has the opportunity to change or add new amendments to the statute that governs hate crimes cases in Texas. I am asking the GLBT community to stand up together on this very important issue that concerns us ALL. There is a group of people out there that would like to see us all dead. We need to change how hate crimes cases are filed when they go to a grand jury for review so that the D.A.'s offices can indict these cases."

The current legislation does not enable prosecutors in Texas to clearly identify a hate crime. Aggravated assault convictions carry potentially far less penalty less penalty than a hate crime conviction.

By Kelli Busey
Sunday, December 14, 2008


Human Rights First : 2008 US Violent Hate Crimes against LGBT Increasing

By Kelli Busey
Sat. Oct 18, 2008

According to a recently released report from Human rights first, violent attacks on people because of sexual preference and gender identity have increased in 2007.

Government statistic's do not report all incidences according to The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (NCAVP) nor differentiate between violence targeting people for their gender identity and sexual orientation in the United States.

Non governmental sources, the only reliable and comprehensive record keeper, indicate that crimes targeting gender identity has increased the most.
Due to the horrific nature of the crimes, usually murder these deaths receive a heavy dose of sensationalistic self promotional commercialization from some unscrupulous mainstream and LGBT media. It is usually the outrage of bloggers that the media has begun recently to consider the consequences of irresponsible reporting.

It is important to note that in 2007 area's with recently defeated anti bias laws saw a increase of violent incidents and areas that saw an enactment of protective laws, a marked decrease.

Those regions included: Minnesota (+85, 135%)which denotes a correlation between the time hate crimes bills were being considered and the increase of violence after the defeat of the bill.

Michigan (+201, 207%) with more than double the number of reported violent incidents in 2007. This is an increase of 133%. Michigan passed a constitutional amendment in 2004 that bans gay marriage,

Kansas City (+17, 142%).

Other regions reporting increased numbers of victims in 2007 over 2006 include San Francisco (+24, 7%) and Pennsylvania(+10, 28%).

Regions reporting decreases in numbers of victims in 2007(Both which enacted gender protective laws) include New York City with 82 fewer victims than in 2006 (-14%) and Colorado (-27%), which received 45 fewer reports.

There is no way to estimate the worldwide suffering caused by the Human Rights Campaign(HRC) and Congressman Barney Frank when they so publicly and inexplicitly removed inclusion of transgender people from the national GLBT human rights movement HR2015 (ENDA), a bill which had no chance of passage.

In an unanticipated backlash to this transphobic behaviour cities, counties and states have moved to enact gender protective laws. Most cities are experiencing protests of HRC by a coalition of disenfranshised, when HRC has subsequently meets to raise 20 million dollars annually at fundraisers while proclaiming to be a advocate for transgender people.

The tentacles of this massive entity extend into religion and respected local LGBT groups as they become inebriated by the availability of funds and make commitments way beyond their means.

It is this current situation that leads some transgender and queer to wonder, what does HRC, lesbian and gays have to motivate it to seriously commit to a inclusive ENDA?