Religious creedence to violence in it's most damning form.
In the event of a natural or man made catastrophe that endangers humanities survival the average Joe (now a average hate filled homophobic Catholic, Mormon or Islamic bot)will find a rope and hang a gay or transgender person.

All this on Christmas eve on the heals of the Catholic and Mormon contribution to the passage of prop.8 and its recent Opposition to Decriminalization of Homosexuality
From the "leader" of the worlds largest "christian" religion.
On Christmas eve there were people responding to this message by wishing the Pope was dead.
On Christmas eve.
One Christian wishing death on another.
Great job Pope. I will not allow anger and hate to rule my life. You are an example of where that leads.
I will make rational thought, prayer, and love and hope my standard. Everyday. God Bless us.
by Kelli Busey
Dec. 26, 2008
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