
Protest Dallas First Baptist November 16 2008

Protest Dallas First Baptist November 16 2008

Rev. has refused to at least consider the timing of his unfortunate anti gay sermon "Politically Incorrect" ~read Intentionally insulting demeaning, denigrating and marginalizing~ so there will be a protest Sunday.

Starting at 10:00 am
1707 San Jacinto St., Dallas, TX 75201

Driving Directions (From first baptist web site. I used them takes ya right to a parking garage next to the church)

From the North
Take Houston I-45 exit (Woodall Rogers Frwy.)
Exit on Field/ Griffin Street. Follow Griffin Street.
Turn left on Ross Avenue.
Turn right onto St. Paul to Ross Avenue Parking Garage.

Hwy. 75 (Central Expressway)
Take I-35E Waco exit (Woodall Rogers Frwy).
Take St. Paul exit
Follow St. Paul to Ross Avenue Parking Garage.
Dallas Tollway
Follow Harry Hines Blvd. to St. Paul
Follow St. Paul straight ahead to Ross Avenue Parking Garage.

From the South
Take Sherman exit #428B (Woodall Rogers Frwy.)
Exit Field/ Griffin Street. Follow Griffin Street.
Turn left (east) on Ross Avenue.
Turn right on St. Paul to Ross Avenue Parking Garage.
Follow Hwy. 75N to I-35 exit (Woodall Rogers Frwy.)
Take St. Paul exit
Follow St. Paul straight ahead to Ross Avenue Parking Garage.

From the East
Follow Hwy. 75N to I-35E exit (Woodall Rogers Frwy.)
Take St. Paul exit.
Follow St. Paul straight ahead to Ross Avenue Parking Garage

From the West
Take I-35E Denton exit.
Take Hwy. 75 (Sherman exit #428B and Woodall Rogers Frwy.)
Exit Field/ Griffin Street. Follow Griffin Street.
Turn left (east) on Ross Avenue.
Turn right onto St. Paul to Ross Avenue Parking Garage.

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Dr. Jeffress You should just sit in your tower and jet hard cover Bibles at people. Safe and economical. What jury could possible convict a minister for offering the word of god?

By Kelli Busey
Nov. 15, 2008

Dallas Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, Transgender and Queers SHOUT "YES WE CAN"

The crisp clear air stired emotion excitement and passion.......

Uniting GLBT and Allies young and old. This is America at its finest. Proud and Brave.

Thoughts on Joe Sellout

Thoughts on Joe Sellout

By Tina Seitz
contributor planetransgender
Originally posted on Joe Sellout
Nov. 15, 2008

Over the last year, I have struggled. I have tried to think positively about the HRC and Joe Solmonese in regard to their representation, or lack thereof, as it pertains to transgender people. I have looked for a change in direction or at least some remorse over the lies (my opinion) told to the transgender community but that has never happened. Joe did apologize for “misspeaking” at the Southern Comfort Convention in 2007, but he has never apologized for lying to the transgender community, he has never apologized for a policy where he sold us out. In fact, to this day, he is adamant that he, along with the HRC took the correct course of action by ignoring the needs of the transgender community despite the tremendous backlash from all the other LGBT organizations that continued to stand with the transgender community after the announcement from HRC.
What really brought this to light once again, was the article that Joe Solmonese wrote last week about the passage of prop 8 in California. I know that this has been written about and commented on before, but I feel the need to expand upon what I have already read. In his article; Proposition 8 broke our hearts, but it did not end our fight Joe wrote “We have to say to the man with the Yes on 8 sign -- you disrespected my humanity, and I am not giving you a pass. I am not giving you a pass for explaining that you tolerate me, while at the same time denying that my family has a right to exist. I do not give you permission to say you have me as a "gay friend" when you cast a vote against my family, and my rights.”
I fully support same sex marriage and I feel that this is an issue that transgender people need to pay more attention to. It is difficult to concentrate on marriage however when so many transgender people are more concerned about having a roof over their heads, about having something to eat, about being able to get a job that will keep them out of the sex trades. So many in our community are placed in life and death situations every day in the streets. This is because they can’t find work; they are denied jobs due to discriminatory practices that a fully inclusive ENDA would begin to solve. To Joe I have to say; you disrespected my humanity, along with that of the entire transgender community. I do not give you permission to represent me as a transgender person when you decided that our rights don’t matter now, when you decided that transgender lives are not as important. You cast a vote against me, my family, and my very life. You did this for political expediency at the expense of more transgender lives and you don’t even have any remorse over those lives. You went on to donate money to the Log Cabin Republicans so that money, money that is supposed to be used to obtain equality for the LGBT community, was used to promote the candidacy of someone who has continually shown his highly bigoted point of view. How many of the transgender dead whose names will be read off at this year’s Day of Remembrance wouldn’t be on that list if they had a job. You ask the transgender community to stand with you to demonstrate we are in this together for same sex marriage and you have shown that you don’t think that my very life is worth standing up for.
Joe, I cannot accept your views on ENDA, your views which demonstrate once again to society that transgender people’s lives don’t matter. Your views tell society that transgender peoples very LIVES aren’t important enough for even the gay, lesbian, bisexual community to pay attention to. Your version of ENDA is so bad that it fails even at protecting those same gay, lesbian and bisexual communities. Your version of ENDA still allows for anyone to be fired if they don’t adequately fulfill their birth gender roles. The slightly effeminate male and the butch female will have no protection what-so-ever with your version of ENDA. All this for the sake of saying you got a bill passed, you have sold out the entire LGBT community. Still there is no apology, no remorse. How can I or the rest of the transgender community forgive, forget and move forward with your hypocritical views. Your placement of the needs of same sex marriage well above those of my very life demonstrates what you truly feel about transgender people. Joe speaks of denying the right for his family to exist. What Joe did to the transgender community is to deny them the very right to exist. Joe, I will not forgive you. I will not give you a pass on this issue, I can’t. My life is more important than that.


Dallas TX Proposition 8 Protest Rally

Join The Impact
Dallas TX Proposition 8 Protest Rally
Saturday, November 15th 12:30 to 2:00pm
Dallas City Hall
1500 Marilla St
Dallas, TX 75201

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On Election Day of this year while the world celebrated a historical moment, LGBT inequality was being written into the California, Florida, Arizona and Arkansas constitutions. In California where LGBT people had enjoyed marriage equality since June our rights were ripped away from us over night.

Since the elections, tens of thousands of people have been pouring into the streets throughout California in protest over the passing of Prop 8. Dallas' Protest is part of a nationwide peaceful day of action against Prop 8. This effort coordinated through the website www.JoinTheImpact.com will take place at exactly the same time this coming Saturday in front of City Halls throughout the country.

Please join us this Saturday, November 15 at 12:30 PM, in front of City Hall for a peaceful protest rally with community speakers.

Let us show California, and the nation, that we will stand united until we have Equality.

For more information, please email our Community Organizer at StopTheH8@ymail.com or visit:

MySpace: MySpace.com/the1Roomie
Facebook Join-the-Impact-Dallas

Dallas TX Proposition 8 Protest Rally
Saturday, November 15th 12:30 to 2:00pm
Dallas City Hall
1500 Marilla St
Dallas, TX 75201

On Election Day of this year while the world celebrated a historical moment, LGBT inequality was being written into the California, Florida, Arizona and Arkansas constitutions. In California where LGBT people had enjoyed marriage equality since June our rights were ripped away from us over night.

Since the elections, tens of thousands of people have been pouring... (read more)
Mission: To promote equality through education and peaceful demonstration
Products: For mobile updates text FOLLOW jointheimpacttx to 40404

Etta Zamboni


Dallas Voice : Transgender Conversation planned with Bishop Robinson

kelli Busey
Nov. 14, 2008

In this article by Ben Briscoe Staff Writer, Dallas Voice "Transgender Conversation planned with Bishop Robinson" Briscoe examines the transitional effect that Bishop Robinson has had on our advocacy and our lives since suggesting dialogue in place of anger. It is continuously challenging to live the exclusivity that we extol our contemporaries to embrace but in its effort lays the rewards. .


Join The Impact Nationwide Prop 8 Protest Nov 15

Find your cities protest 8 on Nov 15, 08

Mission Statement
JoinTheImpact.com Mission Statement

In an effort to make a positive impact in the lives of our community, our allies, and even our opposition, JoinTheImpact.com emerged. Our movement seeks to encourage the LGBTQ community not to look towards the past and place blame, but instead to look forward toward what needs to be done now to achieve one goal: Full equality for ALL. We stand for reaching out across all communities. We do not stand for bigotry, for scapegoating, or using anger as our driving force. Our mission is to encourage our community to engage our opposition in a conversation about full equality and to do this with respect, dignity, and an attitude of outreach and education.

JoinTheImpact, as an entity, will not encourage divisiveness, violence, or disrespect of others and we do not approve of this. We do not stand for pointing the finger at one group and placing blame. The LGBTQ community comes in all different colors, creeds, religious beliefs, and political parties. If we allow ourselves to place blame on one community or another, then we are no better than those who oppose us. We will not pit one community against another.

At JoinTheImpact, we are all inclusive. As such, we will continue to encourage debate from all sides of the conversation provided it is civil and respectful. We will encourage our community to not let anger steer the conversation, but with an understanding that anger is a human reaction and we hope that it can be used as a catalyst toward positive change.

Finally, we stand for national unity in the face of opposing forces that have steered the conversation into a state by state issue. We will celebrate our state by state wins, but work as one large entity to help gain these wins and will unite in the conversation against us to plant the seed of change and community.


The JoinTheImpact Team