
Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies Member(DTAA) Rev. Allyson Robinson to Testify In New Hampshire

A proud moment.

DTAA's own Rev. Allyson Robinson, who is HRC's associate director of diversity will testify before a committee of New Hampshire lawmakers on House Bill 415, legislation to add gender identity and gender expression protections to the state’s non-discrimination statutes.

Rev. Allyson who was sadly unable to attend our conversation with Bishop Robinson was presenting witness in Florida at a Transgender Day of Remembrance found in the video below.


HRC Back Story, DC, USA

Human Rights Campaign testifies on NH gender identity and expression bill

February 05, 2009

Chris Johnson

Today Allyson Robinson (pictured), our associate director of
diversity, will testify before a committee of New Hampshire lawmakers
on House Bill 415, legislation to add gender identity and gender
expression protections to the state's non-discrimination statutes.
The legislation will also make additions to the state hate crimes law
to ensure that perpetrators of hate crimes against transgender people
are subject to the same extended sentencing terms as perpetrators of
hate crimes based on other prohibited bases, such as race, sex and
sexual orientation.

Allyson's testimony before the state House Judiciary Committee will
draw upon her experience not only as an LGBT advocate but as a
transgender woman with a family. Here is the full text of her
prepared testimony:

"Chairman Cote, members of the committee, thank you so much for
adding my voice to the others you're hearing today. My name is
Allyson Robinson. I work as Associate Director of Diversity for
transgender concerns with the Human Rights Campaign, America's largest
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender civil rights organization, and
I'm here today to testify on behalf of HRC's over 8,600 members in New
Hampshire. But more importantly, I'm here simply as a transgender
American to lift up my voice on behalf of the thousands of transgender
New Hampshirites who are rendered voiceless by the very real and
persistent threat of discrimination and violence."

"I am able to speak out for them because I'm one of the lucky ones,
one of the privileged few in our transgender community. I have a
wife, children, family and friends who love, support, and encourage
me. I have meaningful work that allows me to preserve my sense of
human dignity, with an employer committed to evaluating me solely on
the basis of my ability to do my job. I have a roof over my head and
I enjoy three meals a day; I haven't had to violate my moral
principles to keep my family clothed, sheltered, and fed. And I'm
fortunate enough to live in a place where I can dine in a restaurant,
shop in a store, or take my children to a public playground without
fear of being kicked out or having police summoned—a place where those
basic rights are protected by the law. All of these things are
blessings most people in America take for granted, but which no
transgender person can."

"And yet despite my good fortune, I want you to know that I'm often
afraid. Like so many other transgender Americans, the faces of the
hundreds of our brothers and sisters who have lost their lives to
targeted hate violence in recent years are constantly on my mind, as
are the stories of thousands more who have suffered humiliating
discrimination. Because of this shared experience, and the lack of
legislation to protect many of us, we look at people we pass on the
street differently. We worry when we notice someone staring at us or
our families in a public place. We get scared when we hear footsteps
behind us in a parking lot. When I get home from work each night, I
hug my wife and kids tight and thank God I've made it. This is what
it's like to be a transgender person in our country today, but
together we—you—can make things better."

"This moment, this very day, is perhaps the most crucial your
transgender constituents have ever faced. The decisions you make here
today and in the days to come will determine the way of life for
future generations of transgender New Hampshirites. For some, it will
make the difference between life and death. I urge you to affirm
their basic humanity, and mine, by passing this important legislation.
Thank you."

HRC President Joe Solmonese also submitted a letter to Chairman Cote
and members of the House Judiciary Committee in which he wrote:

"A person's gender identity or expression has nothing to do with
their ability to be a good employee, a qualified renter, or a solid
citizen. Like existing laws prohibiting discrimination based on, for
example, national origin, gender, or sexual orientation, prohibiting
discrimination based on gender identity or expression helps ensure
that people will be judged on their merits, not on stereotypes,
misunderstanding, or bias."

"Right now, transgender people in New Hampshire simply have no
legal protection against even the most blatant and outrageous forms of
discrimination. HB 415 speaks directly to this gap in the law and
makes a clear statement that New Hampshire does not tolerate arbitrary
discrimination in any form."

"I hope that you will vote to pass this important legislation, and
that it will be enacted into law."

Human Rights Campaign testifies on NH gender identity and expression bill

Visit Reverend Allyson Robinson's DTAA page

Transgender News

A proud moment.

Posted by kelli Busey
Member Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies (DTAA)
February 6, 2009


Straights for No on 8

As American citizens', we oppose Proposition 8 on the basis that it denies other American citizens basic civil liberties.

Tell the Supreme Court to invalidate Prop 8, reject Ken Starr's case, and let loving, committed couples marry. DEADLINE: Valentine's Day

"Fidelity": Don't Divorce... from Courage Campaign on Vimeo.

As Californians, we will not take a step backwards, no matter how much funding special interest out-of-state extremists raise to "scare" us into changing our constitution.

This battle isn't just for homosexuals, but for all of us, so that our children can live in a world where love is celebrated and hate eradicated.


We are a nation full of diversity, to enforce specific religious views on our people is not only unjust but unconstitutional and anti-American.

PLEASE help in these perilous times to spread the word, volunteer, and donate. As "straights", let's reach out to others, conservative as they might be, and plead our case as humans, to treat everyone the way we, ourselves, would like to be Treated.

Tell the Supreme Court to invalidate Prop 8, reject Ken Starr's case, and let loving, committed couples marry. DEADLINE: Valentine's Day ! click here !

We, the undersigned, share President Barack Obama's view that "for too long, issues of LGBT rights have been exploited by those seeking to divide us. It's time to move beyond polarization and live up to our founding promise of equality by treating all our citizens with dignity and respect."

Yet, on December 19, 2008, Ken Starr and the Prop 8 Legal Defense Fund filed legal briefs defending the constitutionality of Prop 8 and seeking to nullify the 18,000 same-sex marriages conducted between May and November of 2008.

The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in this case on March 5, 2009, with a decision expected within the next 90 days. We, the undersigned, ask that the Court invalidate Prop 8 and recognize the marriage rights of these 18,000 couples -- and all loving, committed couples in California -- under our state's constitution.

As Americans who believe in the rule of law and fundamental civil rights, we know that Ken Starr and the Prop 8 Legal Defense Fund's shameful attempt to nullify these unions will not be vindicated in the eyes of history. We know that, ultimately, love will prevail, no matter how hard they try to fight it.


Tell the Supreme Court to invalidate Prop 8, reject Ken Starr's case, and let loving, committed couples marry. DEADLINE: Valentine's Day ! click here !

No On Prop 8 .Com

Facebook Straights for No on 8!

Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies Supports Marriage Equality