
Anti-Bullying Rally Today at Lake Cliff Park Dallas, Texas

Now is the Time to Stand Up For All Kids
Help bring attention to the recent tragic loss of young lives, highlight opportunities to bring an end to bullying in schools, and learn about volunteer opportunities and direct services available locally.
What: Make Sure They're Here for Tomorrow: A Call to Action
When: Friday, October 15, 2010
Where: Lake Cliff Park, 201 E. Colorado Blvd, Dallas 75203
Time: 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Other: Wear purple, if possible.
Sponsored by Dallas Gay and Lesbian Alliance, with support from Youth First Texas, Cathedral of Hope, Resource Center Dallas, LULAC-4871, and Equality Texas. Special Guests: Dallas County School Board President Larry Duncan; Dallas City Council Member District 1, the Honorable Delia Jasso; and Texas State Representative District 104, the Honorable Roberto Alonzo.
Equality Texas advocates and lobbies for the elimination of discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity/expression.


Bowling Green meet the world's Transgender people!

Dear activist friends,

You were taged on this note because you justifiably felt left out. Your picture was not present on the orignal planetransgender post introducing ourselves to BG. Your picture (hopefully I got everyone) is now included and I will attempt to explain why it was not there.

The size of a advocacy post is critical. One page down max is optimum. More than that and interest and empathetic compassion wane on the readers part and the chance that she/he takes action diminish.

After 100 pics were posted it became clear the including more would make the post's pictures seem redundant and the 'teaser effect' would be compromised.

You conveyed your displeasure n not being pictured. You are motivated passionate advocates.

I need your help on the next step.

We will be submitting a letter to the BG's local paper introducing this event. We need 5-6 peeps to tell us about how the presence of a inclusive ordanence has positively impacted your life, your city,,,,,or,,,,,:(

If you live in a place that sill has no laws tell us of how you would be positively inpacted should your city have these laws like BOWLING GREEN PRESENTLY HAS!

Make it one or two sentences I can quote you on. Post it on this thread by the 17th of Oct!

Now you wil not only be seen but heard in Bowling Green!

Love~kelli anne

Transgender led response to the hateful misleading mailer being sent to area residents. We are 200 activists of the 5000 member group "TranAction ConVergence" and we would like to introduce ourselves to you with our facebook profile picture.

You may recognize some of us as your next door neighbours, and maybe some as state residents but most of us live out of state with some far away as India and Australia! All the pictured are transgender, lesbian, bisexual, gay and allies participating in our TransAction ConVergence event "Picture Yourself in Bowling Green Action Countering Group's Hate Mailer".

We hope all Bowling Green voters recognize that no matter where we live are just like you. We are the worlds working citizens, just like you. Many of us do live in places of equality, but sadly avatars sometimes replace photos because some are persecuted still living in inequality.

Because like bowling green's "BG Citizens Voting NO to "Special Rights" Discrimination" there are people worldwide who would exclude us from all that society offers. So we want you to know, TransAction ConVergence stands with you, the good people of Bowling Green Ohio with love and ask that you Vote YES for equality!