
Drag queen "Miss Kimberly" Parties it up at the 2010 London TDOR with a rendition of "I'm a tranny"

Drag queen "Miss Kimberly", pictured right, regaled the London 2010 TDOR with a rendition of 'I'm a woman' substituting 'tranny' for 'woman'.

Helen G at the UK based blog "Bird of Paradox" seemed to be incensed, as were as she reported, many transgender people in attendance at the vigil. In a post about the 2010 TDOR Bird of Paradox she writes
"The use of the t-word last night by the singer at the London TDoR vigil was, in my opinion, both inappropriate and insensitive. Further, to expect all those of us attending the vigil to happily join in with the singalong as though we were partying at a nightclub, was either jaw-droppingly naive or deliberately provocative."

Why should Helen Boyd be surprised that the 2010 TDOR was desecrated by this man? The attendees weren't upset when he did the same song at the 2009 TDOR. Judging by the laughter of the men room such at the 2009 TDOR like J Jaiden Geirrsson's they thought he was a riot.

The 2010 London TDOR was a party laughing it up as a cisgender man who while performing drag makes a mockery of trans folk.

Where is the spine of London's transgender community? Why is the London Trans community complacent, complicit and silent about this atrocity?

Why has the London TDOR become a drag show? The only things missing from making the London transgender Day of Remembrance a complete insult to our dead was a strip stage, pole and drinks.

Or maybe the London transgender community will reclaim the 2011 TDOR and hold a event respectful of not just the living, but the dead as well.

Up dated November 25 2010.
Misgendering in title.
Clarification of Miss Kimberly's gender to "cisgender man".
Helen Boyd incorrectly identified as 'Bird of Paradox' author.



Survey results

Zoe Ellen Brain, Mercedes Allen, Autumn Sandeen, Monica Roberts, Stephanie Stevens, Jena Lewis, Michelle Lee

Invitation to form "Trans-AuCaUs Media Watch. A Transgender group of advocate bloggers from Australia, Canada and United States of American.

I am writing you because of our shared passion that transgender people be treated with dignity.

How many times have we been assailed by gay media with the word 'tranny' being used as a pejorative?

How any times have we responded individually hoping for a larger transender community response to back us up on a offenders blog?

How many times have we as a community been gang raped by gay media in articles purportly desiring goodwill dialouge with trans people that in realty were thinly disquised efforts crafted to antagonize and dehumanize us?

How many times have you felt as I have, powerless, when responding on my blog knowing good and well I was only reaching 1/10th of the audience as the offending gay blog?

How many times have we watched mainstream media pickup on gay media's predatory practices, parrot the offending gay media's offensive behaviour therby gaining attention exponentially.

How many times have you shared my sense of disempowerment when GLAAD, a gay organization, speaks for transgender people?

I am conducting a simple survey of trans identified people here http://bit.ly/asvzsc that will provide what we now lack to speak on behalf of the trans community.

This simple 5 question survey provides every person to identify, including anyone who considers themselves a 'tranny'.

This survey asks trans people and allies about how they feel about cisgender media using the word 'tranny'.

We will use the results of this survey to provide us a mandate when we confront transphobic media using our new organization "Trans-AuCaUs Media Watch".

As a organization, banding together transgender bloggers and activists and armed with factual evidence of transgender sensitivities we will dismantle gay misogony and hetero transphobia in media. As never before we will have a voice.

I see a organization run by individual bloggers belonging to Trans AuCaUs Media Watch committee. Each possessing her/his unique abilities and passions cross posting from their own blogs on Trans-AuCaUs Media Wach. Each committee member will be empowered with equal abilities to issue statements when necessary, condeming or commending.

Our power united we will easily overcome our singular adversaries. Together we can do this.

Hoping you will join this endeavour. We are nothing without you.

We are unstoppable with you.


kelli Anne Busey