
Call For Transgender Unity After St. Petersburg Russia Anti LGBT Law Proposed!

Google doc English translation

The police simply stand by as St Petersburg pride celebrants were beaten this year but thats not enough for Putin. This purposed amendment to a St Petersburg law would further criminalize public gatherings of LGBT people equate us with pedophiles effectively banning all transgender, lesbian and gay gatherings be it for social functions like a picnic or activism events.

LGBT Asylum News reports Putins national party is enacting regional laws one city at a time shutting and dead locking the closet door.

The world is responding by petitioning the Russian government not to enact this draconian law. This English translation can be found on Moscow resident Anno Komarov's facebook page:

Anno Komarov in brown jacket being led by police from the rally

"Against the adoption of the St. Petersburg law restricting freedom of association, peaceful assembly and freedom of expression
Public law regulation, laws and legislation
St. Petersburg
... Author:
Semenov, AA
Maintained by:
Organizations do not
№ 5832
Gathering signatures.
Документы (1)
Voted (525/19)
Comments (22)
История (2)
Against the adoption of the St. Petersburg law restricting freedom of association, peaceful assembly and freedom of expression
in the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg Governor Poltavchenko GS COPIES Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation, VP Lukin, Commissioner on Human Rights in St. Petersburg, AS Kozyrev Ombudsman for Children in St. Petersburg, SJ Agapitovoy November 11 faction "United Russia" made in the Legislative Assembly amended the Law "On Administrative Offences in St. Petersburg." "United Russia" proposed to introduce administrative liability and impose a fine for public action aimed at the so-called "propaganda of sodomy, lesbianism, bisexuality, transgender," and to promote pedophilia among minors. We, the undersigned, urge you to pay attention to the use of improper language in the law and definitive substitution of concepts. We consider it inadmissible to compare the public mention of homosexuality, bisexuality and trangendernosti propaganda of sexual crimes against minors (pedophilia). We consider it inadmissible to the adoption of this law to homosexuality, bisexuality and transgender as a normative act, which violates the basic rough shape human rights (as well as groups and organizations) to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as a number of international human rights instruments. We believe that the law contributes directly to the feuding and an increase in xenophobic attitudes in society . We ask you not to allow adoption of the Act without proper public hearings, taking into account the full range of scientific views of the Russian and the international community, as well as peer review. We urge the authorities to respect the Constitution, in which the protection of human rights is the highest value. We ask the authorities to pay attention to the significant risk of the consequences that inevitably follow in the event of adoption of this law, namely fomenting xenophobia against homosexuals, bisexuals and transgender people, fomenting discord in society and the increase in aggressive mood among the population."

Please sign the petition at Проблема 5832: Против принятия в Санкт-Петербурге закона, ограничивающего свободу объединений, мирны


APA Petitions DSM Task Force to Stop pathologization for Wealth and Power

The American Psychiatric Association Implodes Petitions the DSM task force to Stop Patholigizing for Fame and Fortune!

Exert from the Open Letter "To the DSM-5 Task Force and the American Psychiatric Association:

"As you are aware, the DSM is a central component of the research, education, and practice of most licensed psychologists in the United States. Psychologists are not only consumers and utilizers of the manual, but we are also producers of seminal research on DSM-defined disorder categories and their empirical correlates. Practicing psychologists in both private and public service utilize the DSM to conceptualize, communicate, and support their clinical work."

In other words, psychologists research, write the DSM and earn their living by it.

The letter continues For these reasons, we believe that the development and revision of DSM diagnoses should include the contribution of psychologists, not only as select individuals on a committee, but as a professional community.

This is esentialy what the 9,5000 transgender people and allies said who signed the petition "Objection to DSM-V Committee Members on Gender Identity Disorders" after it was learned Dr. Kenneth Zucker a repratitive therapy proponent was named as Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders Chair.

The world wide organization STP2012 believes strongly that the pathologization of transgender people has degraded our lives. Most believe that we have made great strides in the past five years gaining our voice and social equality. Most transgender people be live they transitioned in spite of the DSM which has rendered itself inconsequential only enabling a gate keeper mentality of the few therapists who treated us and providing our opponents cornerstone proof that we are unworthy of equality since after all, we are according to the DSM mentally ill.

The DSM enables the Pathologization of transgender people for fame and wealth and this must stop. Over 2500 transgender people who have signed the petition Remove transgender from the DSM believe this.

For this reason we will be outside the Texas November Texas Psychiatric Convention asking those in attendance to add their names to the their comrades Open Letter to the DSM-5 and call on the DSM task force to heed the European Parliament call on World Health Organizations to stop considering transgender people as mentally ill.