
Michelle Obama's full DNC speech

For all people regardless of who you love or how you look, for woman to have the say about our bodies. Four more years.


Femen: "Une armée française sera formée à Paris" In Paris A New Feminist Army

When Pussy Riot was imprisoned after a mock 'trial' for protesting the Orthodox Church's integration and perversion of the Russian state people worldwide of all genders and political affiliations became upset and the resulting protests took many forms.

One such protest took place in Kiev, Ukraine where members of the feminist group FEMEN cut down crosses. Similar action occurred across Russia where more crosses were cut down, persumably in protest of Pussy Riots mock trial and unfair imprisonment.

The woman in the video who cut the cross down in Kiev escaped her country to Paris after the police attempted to arrest her. The Russian goverment has saturated the Internet with versions of their official media outlet, RT , so it's critical this version be told as well. This is her story.

Femen: "Une armée française sera formée à Paris" from FEMEN Video on Vimeo.