
Ravens Superbowl Champion Brendon Ayanbadejo on Transgender Rights: If a man wears womans clothes and is really a man, who cares?

Human rights activist Brendon Ayanbadejo Ravens linebacker explained his support for transgender rights on CNN after eloquently stating his support of marriage equality:

“If a woman wants to wear a man's clothes or if a man wants to wear a woman's clothes or you feel like you're a woman on the inside and you're really a man. Who cares? Let's just treat everyone equally. Let's move on. Let's evolve as a culture, as a people.”

I honestly believe Ayanbadejo ether lacks a understanding of transgender people or was talking about cross dressers. In ether case it was a tragic faux pas at a crucial moment stereotyping transgender people as really men or woman who dress in the opposite sex's clothing. Can we help to understand who we are? Yes we can! (did someone say that before?) Heres Brendon's facebook fan page. Show some love. Be nice, help educate Brendon.


Human Life International (HLI): A Catholic Organization Promoting Death For Being LGBT?

Uganda: a modern day battle ground between indigent LGBT people and Western Catholics power brokers intent on passing the "Kill Gay" bill.

In 2008 I became a soldier in this conflict in this far off land not because the methodologies employed by anti gay groups were so nefarious, but because this hate is being funded and promoted openly by American organizations and secretly by the US goverment officals who belong to the  'family'.

Thes lies and hate mongering have taken an amazingly brave man from Uganda:

American Catholics killed David Kato who lead the fight for Sexual Minorities Uganda. Did an American actually  beat Mr Kato sending him to this agonizingly slow death?? No. Cowardly American Christians such as Scott Lively got someone else to do that for them.

The Kill Gay Bill was reintroduced this year and is intended silence if not by murder by imprisonment.

Mercedes Allen wrote a open letter to Life Site News asking for a clarification about it's relationship with Human Life International. Mercedes has also begun the petition: LifeSiteNews, stop promoting organizations that stir up anti-gay hatred in Africa.

From 2009 about the 'family'....