
Transgender athlete Schuyler Bailar calls for trans inclusion in abortion rights

Schuyler Bailar
Schuyler Bailar
Schuyler Bailar, the first transgender athlete in history to compete on an NCAA Division 1 men's team spoke at the DC Woman's March Saturday. 

Bailar, a transman identified as female at birth spoke emphatically about the right of all humans, regardless of gender, to have access to safe abortions.

Since graduating from Harvard in 2019, Yahoo first reported, Bailar has used his platform to advocate for others in the LGBTQ community. He has taken aim at the numerous legislative propositions this year that sought to ban transgender athletes from playing on teams.

"I am a transgender man, which means that although I am a man, I was assigned female at birth, which means that I have a uterus. Which means that I could get pregnant. Which means that I could need an abortion," he said. "I am here to remind you to make it absolutely clear that people of all genders can have abortions, and people of all genders should have safe and legal access to abortions." "This is a women's issue and it is also a transgender man's issue": Schuyler Bailar, the first transgender athlete to compete on an NCAA Division 1 men’s team, talks LGBTQ inclusion at Saturday's Women’s March rally for abortion justice.


Trans Woman Tessa Ganserer nominated for the German LGBT+ Diversity Award

Tessa Ganserer
Tessa Ganserer
Tessa Ganserer, one of the two transgender members of the German Federal Parliament is asking you to vote for her again, this time for the German LGBT+ Diversity Award.

Ganserer, won the election and did it her way. She refused to pay the exorbitant fees and jump through the bureaucratic hoops to change her name that the law currently requires. She won despite being forced to out herself on every ballot of the Bundestag. And now as an experienced member of the Greens Party, she has been given a platform to change that law so she and others can self-identify.

Click here to cast your vote before October 10th and help her achieve her goal! It's easy! Scroll down to the LGBT+ category and click on it. You will see her picture and click on it. Below that you will see a tab "Abstimmung" or "Vote" and you are done!  

Tessa Ganserer (* 1977) is a member of the Bundestag. She is the queer political spokeswoman for the green parliamentary group and came out as trans * at the end of 2018. Ganserer is now finally living her true gender and is the woman she always was in public every day.

 In parliament, she campaigns for the rights of all queer people. But it also makes itself strong outside of parliamentary politics so that everyone can live their sexual orientation and gender affiliation freely and without fear.

As a voluntary trade unionist, Ganserer tirelessly promotes the acceptance and appreciation of sexual and gender diversity. Queer politics have gained visibility and relevance in Bavaria and far beyond thanks to Tessa Ganserer. Its declared aim is to replace the degrading and constitutionally unlawful “transsexual law” with a self-determination law.