Transgender lawyer Brittany Novotny is also the political Challenger to Sally Kerns for state representative after Kern's homophobic tirade made her infamous among LGBT people everywhere.
Brittany has made it clear that she does not wish gender issues to cloud the race for 2010, but the topic now will be unavoidable in her pursuit of liberty and justice for all.
For Immediate Release
Contact: Keith Kimmel,
Oklahoma City, OK – An Oklahoma taxpayer has filed a civil lawsuit in Oklahoma County District Court against the Oklahoma Tax Commission, continuing a battle for freedom of speech on vanity license plates. The suit seeks to have part of the Commission's rules regarding the issuance of personalized license plates declared unconstitutional.
Keith Kimmel, who filed the suit through his attorney, provided the following statement: "The Oklahoma Tax Commission is continuing to subject Oklahomans to a subjective decision making process in issuing personalized vanity license plates. Under our state Constitution, all Oklahomans enjoy the right to freedom of speech and an equal opportunity to express their viewpoints. Previous testimony in the administrative proceedings held on this matter have shown that the Commission is selectively granting and denying applications based on Commission employees’ own personal prejudices and viewpoints. The Constitution requires that state rules are viewpoint neutral, with an objective standard that puts the taxpayer on notice of what is legal and what is not. This suit is intended to put an end to the Tax Commission’s unconstitutional practice of subjecting taxpayers to the whim of individual employees."
The case is Keith Kimmel v. State of Oklahoma, ex rel, Oklahoma Tax Commission, Oklahoma County Case No. CJ-2010-1072.
OCIS Case Summary Kimmel, Keith , Plaintiff
State of Oklahoma, ex rel., Oklahoma Tax Commission , Defendant
Facebook Keith Kimmel - Oklahoma 'IM Gay' License Plate Litigant