March forth on the eve of Justice!
There are numerous gatherings, vigils and marches scheduled for March 4 2009 which is the day before the California Supreme Court begins hearing arguments to invalidate Prop 8
There are planned events statewide. For locations, times and details visit these sites;
San Francisco Pride
SF Pride Facebook
Marriage Equality.org
To read the parties' filings and the dozens of amicus 'friend of the court' briefs filed on behalf of Civil Rights Organizations, Bar Associations, Academics, Women's Groups, Faith and Religious Groups, and many others go to www.courtinfo.ca.gov
Equality should not be put up for a popular vote.
• Prop 8 is a radical and unprecedented change to the California Constitution that puts all Californians at risk.
• Prop 8 defeats the very purpose of our constitution, which is to protect minorities and to make sure the law treats everyone equally.
• This is the first time the initiative process has successfully been used to change the California Constitution to take away a fundamental freedom from a particular group and to mandate government discrimination against a minority.
• If prop 8 is upheld, the courts will no longer have a meaningful role in protecting minority groups or women, since any decision prohibiting discrimination could be reversed by a simple majority.
By kelli Busey
March 03, 2009