Kim Pearson executive director of TransYouth Family Allies is visiting and speaking in the Austin TX community during the month of May at various locations sponsored by TACT(Transgender Advocates of Central Texas) Equality Texas, and PFLAG. During her talk at the monthly membership meeting of TACT at Genuine Joe in Austin Kim Pearson related how this group founded in the fall of 2006 could have enjoyed such phenomenal growth and success.
According to Kim " Amazing things can happen when you put 4 mothers in a room". Transyouth gained national acclaim documented in this interview on CNN.
According to Kim Pearson the children with whom she becomes involved with who have gender expression issues have come to a point in their lives when the reality of the situation dictates a response. Kim Pearson states " the child does not transition, we do".
. TYFA's mission is to empower children and families by partnering with educators, service providers and communities, to develop supportive environments in which gender may be expressed and respected. They envision a society free of suicide and violence in which all children are respected and celebrate.