
HRC and Youthfirst Texas

An article posted in the Dallas voice by Wayne Arnold Jones titled "Where your Money Goes" may be read by clicking the title.

Mr Arnold's article first draws to attention what one benefactor of the Dallas Black tie, Youthfirst of Texas where I volunteer at, must do in order to be a recipient of the $38,000 dollars(US) it received in 2007 from the Dallas Black Tie.

He next draws attention to the salaries that Joe Solmonese and the seven highest paid HRC executives received last year.

YouthFirst must Generate (tabling) $14,500 dollars to receive $38,000 dollars.

Joe Solmonese compensation was $259,096 in 2007.

The seven highest-paid officers received $1,274,989 in 2007.

The 2007 Dallas Black Tie generated 1.27 million .

Is it just coincidence that the salries of these rich people = the gross of the Dallas Black Tie?

Is everyone ok with this?

Queers hither and yon!!!

Call For Papers: “Queering Anarchism”

Radical queer politics and anarchism have much in common. Queer theory argues against traditional identity politics, recognizing the social construction of “sexuality” and identity categories.

Read on.......

Cross posted from Queers Without Borders Please click title for link:)