
Stonewall Democrates proposed party platform to be brought to Denver

The Stonewall Democrats were in Pittsburgh this weekend to work with members of the Democratic Platform Committee as we pressed for - and passed - the most pro-LGBT proposed platform in Democratic Party history.

Here is what the proposed platform calls for:
- A united, comprehensive strategy on ENDA that includes both sexual orientation and gender identity.

- An end to the failed "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy

- Security in adoption rights for all caring parents

- More inclusive Census reporting

- Passage of Hate Crimes legislation

- A National HIV/AIDS strategy

- Opposition to the "Defense of Marriage Act" and similar initiatives

- Opposition to voter ID laws which unfairly target transgender voters

Those are just some of the policy areas addressed. More importantly, for the first time the platform amends the Democratic Party's description of family to include same-sex couples. This enables Democrats to reflect their commitment to pro-equality positions in host of areas including health care, retirement, family care and medical decisions.

In just two weeks, Stonewall Democrats will gather with LGBT delegates from across the country at the Democratic National Convention. There, we will show delegates, party operatives and elected officials how our inclusive platform translates into a winning strategy and successful public policy. Through briefings, press events and lobby visits, our members and delegates will use this opportunity to push our party forward to victory in November. But, we need your help to make that happen.

You've seen our success this summer. The largest number of LGBT delegates in history. The most pro-LGBT party platform ever. Strong statements from our candidates on issues of equality.

Take this moment to keep our momentum going. Don't let it stop in these closing weeks of summer. We need your support to push our efforts through August and on to victory in November.

Please take a moment and click the post title to donate towards the political success of our community in its bid to include a fair representation of all LGBT concerns in the national agenda.



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to alix olson and all women who go to michigan women's festival


Say No 2 by Florida Red and Blue

Help us defeat the so-called "Marriage Protection Amendment" to the Florida Constitution that will take away important rights from ALL non-married Floridians

Say No 2 urges voters to Vote No on Amendment 2, which will be on the November ballot. Amendment 2 is also known as the “same sex marriage ban” amendment, but it’s really a benefits ban that will harm ALL unmarried couples in Florida, whether they’re gay or not.

Say No 2 taking away existing benefits and legal protections.

Say No 2 hurting Florida’s seniors who are unmarried by choice.

Say No 2 eliminating shared health care and pension benefits.

Say No 2 someone else deciding who can visit you in the hospital.

Say No 2 more government intrusion into our private lives.

Florida Government has more important things to do than take away rights and benefits from non-married Floridians.

Posted by Florida Red Blue (Creator) Click Title for Facebook Link


Soulforce and Atticus Circle, the sponsors of Seven Straight Nights for Equal Rights 2008

For Immediate Release

Contact: Paige Schilt, 
Media Director
Cell: 512-659-1771


(Austin, TX) - There's never been a more exciting time for straight Americans to take a stand for their lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) friends and neighbors. That's according to Soulforce and Atticus Circle, the sponsors of Seven Straight Nights for Equal Rights 2008, a project that will spotlight straight Americans' support for equality over the week of September 14-20.

In 2007, the project's inaugural year, a week of nighttime vigils lit up 36 American cities in 25 states, providing unprecedented visibility for fair-minded straight people.

This year, Seven Straight Nights events will again provide a unique venue for straight Americans across the nation to express their support and hone their advocacy skills - now, amidst a changing cultural and political landscape.

According to a recent Newsweek poll, 57% of adults believe that gays and lesbians should be allowed to marry or form civil unions, up 10% since 2004. In addition, a July 2008 Washington Post poll found that 75% of Americans now support allowing gay and lesbian soldiers to serve openly in the U.S. military.

"We can feel the momentum of change, yet we know that much more must be done to protect our LGBT friends," says Jodie Eldridge, Executive Director of Atticus Circle and a straight ally. "Ironically, this year's divisive ballot measures provide ample opportunity for straight and LGBT Americans to find common cause."

The measures on the ballot this fall include Florida's Proposition 2, which would inadvertently affect the state's straight seniors, many of whom form domestic partnerships rather than remarry after they are widowed in order to keep essential benefits. And in Arkansas, a proposed ballot measure would ban all unmarried couples, gay and straight, from fostering and adopting children, thus harming children and potential parents.

By creating an opportunity for straight Americans to learn about discrimination and connect with LGBT equality organizations, Seven Straight Nights will provide further opportunities for LGBT and straight Americans to come together across perceived differences.

And by providing straight-organized and headlined events all across the nation, Seven Straight Nights seeks to create an empowering experience for straight Americans who believe that everyone deserves to be treated fairly, but have not yet taken a public stand for LGBT equality.

Atticus Circle and Soulforce are currently seeking straight people who are interested in organizing a Seven Straight Nights event in their communities. For more information, visit www.sevenstraightnights.org


Atticus Circle is a national organization that educates and mobilizes fair-minded straight people to advance equal rights for LGBT partners, parents, and their children.

Soulforce is a national social justice organization that advocates freedom for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people from religious and political oppression through the practice of relentless nonviolent resistance.

Kevin Beckner for Hillsborough County Commission

This Quality political candidate in Florida's Hillsboro County Commission race has been endorsed by the St. Petersburg Times;

Democrats, District 6

"There's not a dime's worth of difference among the three candidates in this race on issues of policy or priorities. All recognize the need to better manage growth, invest in mass transit, protect environmental lands and attract more high-quality jobs. Kevin Beckner, though, better articulates how these policies could improve the area's quality of life, and his communication skills could help bridge the partisan divide and move the county forward."

"Beckner, a 37-year-old financial planner, has a command of local issues for a first-time candidate who has lived in the region barely a decade. He can be overly cautious to commit. But his deeper understanding of the roots to the county's development, housing and transportation problems give him ammunition to push the right agenda. His broad community service gives him an ability to connect with people at a retail level."


The political climate in Florida can have a major impact on our country. Just look who we have had for president these past 4 years. We can make a difference by putting the word out about Kevin Beckner.

Click title for the Kevin Beckner home page


A Universal Response to Bigotry; Crews Inn Protest

Protest at Crews Inn; a Universal response to bigotry

Protesting indignities forced on a class of people has drawn together the community of Dallas Texas on Tuesday evenings at Crews Inn.

The desire to demonstrate against oppression unites in a way no other can.
The passion and dedication being shown by people of all ethnic backgrounds and nationalities including straight allies, Gays, Lesbians, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersexed, asexual, gender diverse and those who just wandered in and stayed awhile is awe inspiring.

We all have one united belief. All people are entitled to the basic dignity that one expects to be shown.

This commitment to our belief in the transgender community is most recently demonstrated by our support of the many issue which would normally be associated with Gay and Lesbian rights.

Many transgender people understand that standing up for our entire community is a basic building block for success.

What we are focused on will ultimately benefit our community, city, and country. We even have aspirations we may find a way to stem the outward flow of hate and bigotry that the United States has become known for, i.e. secret torture chambers, indefinite imprisonment without due trial, warrant-less invasions of privacy, etc, etc.

It's a small statement at this henceforth unheralded bar, on this quite street.

But then again, our voices are the ones being heard!

Kelli Busey
Transgender Advocate
Dallas Texas