
Watch Live the Evangelical Lutheran Church Vote on Gay and Lesbian Clergy 8/21/09

From Episcopal Cafe:

Breaking Today the Churchwide Assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church is voting on a major piece of legislation that modifies their ministry policies. If passed in its entirety then the ELCA will allow people "in such publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationships to serve as rostered leaders of this church."

The proposal may be found here. They are voting on each section one-at-a-time that is listed in bold type. There are four resolutions:

1. Step one asks the assembly whether, in principle, this church is committed to finding ways to allow congregations and synods that choose to do so to recognize, support and hold publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationships. (Passed)
2. Step two asks the assembly whether, in principle, this church is committed to finding a way for people in such publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationships to serve as professional leaders of this church. (To resume later today, 2 pm CST)
3. Step three asks this church whether, in the future implementation of these commitments, it will make decisions so that all in this church bear the burdens of the other, and respect the bound consciences of all. (Passed)
4. Step four proposes the specifics of how this church can move toward change in a way that respects the bound consciences of all. (To resume later, time unknown yet.)

You may follow the debate via live video stream here.
Read the rest here.

TransMentors and West Valley UU Present TRANSFORM ARIZONA

TransMentors International, Inc. and West Valley UU Present

TransForm Arizona

Uniting the T and the LBG
October 16, 17, 18 2009
A weekend filled with entertainment, educational workshops and the opportunity to connect and enhance the entire LGBT community and beyond!

Location: UUCP,

Bottled water provided Friday night & Saturday.
Registration is necessary for the workshops and meals on Saturday.

Registration Cost: $15 Includes Saturday Box Lunch, $20 Includes Saturday Box Lunch & Full Dinner
(Price increases on October 1st, so Register early to save!)
Limited number of Scholarships available. Email for details.

Note: Peterson Toscano's performances, as well as the Picnic, are FREE to everyone.

An event to bring awareness to the specific needs and special circumstances within the Trans community, and educate all those open to gaining new insights and knowledge of this special group within the LGBT.

The conference weekend kicks off Friday night with our keynote speaker, Luis Garcia, followed by a fun-filled Variety show performed by Peterson Toscano, including hilarious excepts from Queer 101-Now I know my gA,B,C's and Ho Mo No Mo Halfway House.

Saturday you'll have the opportunity to enjoy hearing and learning from well-known speakers on issues within the Trans community, as well as attend educational workshops to enlighten you on the day-to-day lives of Trans men, women and youth.

Speakers on Saturday include Donna Rose (Trans Activist) Dr. Rebecca Allison (DrBecky.com), Allyson Robinson (HRC), and Kim Pearson (TransYouth Family Allies).
Speaker for the Saturday Dinner will be Arizona's own Rep. Kyrsten Sinema.
Saturday night brings another great performance by Peterson, this time with his play " Transfigurations- Transgressing Gender in the Bible".
Sunday morning, wake up to a inclusive and welcome service at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix, followed by an All-Ages Trans & Allies community picnic, complete with an MC and Entertainment, games for the kids and adults, and the chance to interact with the many people within our diverse community.

Download our Event Flyer. (pdf)

Israeli Haredi extremists 'Gay Youth center volunteers " “should be forced to face a firing squad.”

[Israel society can be very secretive and at the time of publication I have not been able to obtain a copy of the original note nor have I found the web site the original note was reported to have appeared on.]

A purported anonymously written note by a member of a haredi Jewish Ultra Orthodox sect defaming LGBT people supposedly appeared on the mystery web site Tzofer.com.

The Tzofer author Yisrael Artzi was interviewed by Uri Blau a correspondent for the Haaretz newspaper. Yisrael Artzi said he did not know who wrote the original note that appeared on the Tzofer web site, but that he concurred with the notes content and intent.

Yisrael Artzi went on to say that homosexuals "are worse than beasts, at least a beast knows it's [homosexuality] wrong, or not natural" and that the managers of the J'lem youth center “should be forced to face a firing squad.”

In response to the murders the The Jerusalem Post reports that the J'lem gay center hired armed guard and asked retribution of 500,000 in damages from Tzofer.

This hateful note gives religious creedence to hate and is enabling to people who only need a nudge to commit violence and murder against LGBTIQ people.

By Kelli Busey/planetransgender/tags: "you talking to me?, The nut falls close to the tree"

On the web;
wikipedia.org Halacha
Dictonary.com haredi
Wiki Tzofer.com< wiki
Wiki Kelli Busey
Haaretz.com Haredi writer: Gays should be forced to face firing squad
The Jerusalem Post J'lem gay center hires armed guard
Advocate.com Advocate.com


Transgender Sanam Cricket Team Win First Game

Source Advocate.com
"A cricket team made up of hijras -- the common term for South Asia's "third sex" population, many of whom identify as female -- played its first official match in Pakistan, scoring 65 runs to beat a local men’s team, reports the BBC."

"Sanam XI ("sanam" means "beloved" in Urdu) beat the Olympians men’s cricket club in an exhibition game in Sukkur, in southern Pakistan."

In the AWESOME column it goes:D

Oestrogenix "Go Fly Slow"

Oestrogenix "Go Fly Slow"

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Approves Pro LGBT Statement ~ Vote on Hiring LGBT Clergy Friday!

By Kelli Busey/planetransgender

In a close vote the ELCA Assembly Adopts 'Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust'

The ELCA approved a Statement on human sexuality that is being celebrated Interdenominationally as a leap towards positive inclusion of all people in faith. The statement is intended to guide the Lutheran Church in America. An excerpt from the 34 page statement reads....."this church also will attend to the need for equal protection, equal opportunities and equal responsibilities under the law, and just treatment for those with varied sexual orientation and gender identity."

"Wednesday’s vote sets the stage for a bigger debate Friday, when delegates will discuss a proposal that would allow ELCA congregations to hire people in committed same-sex relationships as clergy."

On the web

Source: Lutherans in favor of LGBT equality gather at ELCA Churchwide Assembly in Minneapolis

Source: Minnesota Independent.comNinety-five Lutherans come out during ELCA vote on gay pastors

Source: U.S. Catholic.org Gays and the ELCA