
ACLU of Maryland accessory to EQMD oppression of Transgender Community

After numerous unsuccessful attempts at contacting the ACLU of Maryland this facebook post and tweet mentioning their unconscionable support of inequality Maryland got a reaction. I think I finally struck a nerve.

My tweet:
@ACLU_MD supports #eqMD horrific #HB235 despite MD transgender groups opposition http://goo.gl/GKJCy and experience http://wp.me/plmvK-gu

My Facebook post:

ACLU of Maryland responds "Please contact our legislative team with your concerns: curtis@aclu-md.org"

I will Contact Curtis and ask him why the ACLU of Maryland is supporting EQMD despite their self admitted censorship of transgender objections to HB 235. This action by The ACLU of Maryland is contrary to their opinion on freedom of speech.

Statement to House subcommittee, May 2010

I will ask Curtis why the ACLU of Maryland is supporting a bill that the a minority clearly opposes. NOT being the oppressed ACLU of Maryland is not in a position ton dictate to transgender people what their concerns are.

The first paragraphs of the ACLU testimony at the House hearing.
"The ACLU of Maryland strongly supports HB 235 as providing long overdue protection to
Maryland’s transgendered residents. It should receive a favorable report from this committee."

"The state’s current antidiscrimination law prohibits discrimination based upon race, color,religion, sex, age, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, genetic information, or disability, but provides no protection for transgendered individuals, leaving them vulnerable to discrimination in all areas of civic life. The bill closes this loophole."
NO it OPENS a 'loop hole'.

What HB235 does is places the onus on future legislative efforts to show exactly why transgender people should be treated as equal in societies public accommodations when they were clearly denied that right under previous legislation. This legislation is not better than than nothing it is worst than nothing.

EQMD tries to justify HB235 by suggesting the near future social climate in Maryland will be more conducive to passing public accommodations amendment. EQMD crafted the previous exclusionary amendment a decade ago. Why would we believe they would ever come back' for us now that the Marriage issues remains unsolved. This self serving lie only condemns generations of transgender people to generations of servitude and second class citizenship.

The last ditch defense offered by eqMD of this fail is debunked because HB235 does not protect transgender people in homeless shelters

ACLU, get out of bed with equality Maryland. Maryland Transgender people DO NOT want HB235!

Transgender Marriage Rights Under Attack in Texas

Senate Bill 723 would disallow proof of sex change as appropriate documentation for marriage.

Texas Family code as amended in 2009 currently allows the use of an original or certified court order of name change or sex change for purposes of marriage in the state of Texas. Senator Tommy Williams (R-Woodlands) has authored a bill that would disallow such proof, effective September 1, 2011.

This legislation is a direct attack on civil rights garnered by transgender Texans in 2009 and effectively erases gender diversity from legal protection and public discourse.

What are some things you can do?

In the Austin area: Go by the Senate Committee on Jurisprudence meeting on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 at 1:30 pm room 2E.20 (Betty King Cmte. Rm.) of the Capitol and submit a testimony card AGAINST SB 723.

Please contact the members of the Senate Jurisprudence Committee and tell them to leave the law the way it is, vote NO on SB 723.

Chair Chris Harris 512-463-0109

Vice-Chair Jose Rodriguez 512-463-0129

John Carona 512-463-0116

Robert Duncan 512-463-0128

Mario Gallegos 512-463-0106

Joan Huffman 512-463-0117

Carlos Uresti 512-463-0119

Special thanks to:

Tara Smith Texas Trucker extraordinaire somewhere on the highways of America.

Daniel Williams at: legislativequeery.com


Transgender Education Network of Texas

For more information on this bill:



Tommy Williams is the Senator who wants cities that do not enforce ICE immigration policies during traffic stops to lose state funding.

Senator Tommy Williams tearing apart Texas families one at a time.