
Get it for FREE! One Issue of FROCK the HOTEST TG Magazine EVER!

My Editor at FROCK the fastest growing online glossy TG magazine wants me to give it away for free. One Free copy that is. I love FROCK. Its informative, entertaining, a little sexy and the activism is in your face!


Two Spirits Murdered Today But In another time Honored

Durango Herald A boy remembered :"Ten years ago, 16-year-old Cortez resident Fred Martinez was murdered, bashed repeatedly with a heavy rock held by a man he met just that night. In what came to be central aspects of his death, Martinez was Navajo and described himself as “two-spirited,” a distinctly Native American term describing those who engender a male spirit and a female spirit."

"His death became another addition to a harrowing stream of hate crimes that have shocked the public with their brutality while also sparking unique conversations about two-spirited people and acts of intolerance against them."

Least we forget.