
All Out.ORG: Ukraine Parliament Going on Vacation Before "Gay Propaganda" Vote Is Not A Victory

This is good, but it wasn't a victory, just serendipity.

I received a email from All Out.org thanking me for signing the petition and essentially claiming the lions share of the credit for the Anti LGBT Russian style "Gay Propaganda" bill not being made into law, for now anyways. Then they asked for money, over and over.
"Thank you. Law 8711, Ukraine's proposed gay-gag rule, has been shelved for now. Because of the efforts of All Out members around the world who signed, called, tweeted, shared and stood with local Ukrainian activists, a bill that would have silenced millions has been stalled and hopefully defeated."
All Out is right in that the petition did help immensely but the claim that it was the reason the bill was not enacted is disingenuous.

Even if Gay magazines publish the story with that spin on itover and over it doesn't make that any truer.

There is a struggle inside Ukraine over Russian people's immigration into the country and language which is threatening to tear it apart, again. The Parliament went on vacation instead of recognizing the speakers resignation in protest of a law recognizing Russian as an official language.

All Out.Org, do what's in the best interest of your members, don't be seduced by fund raising and self promotion.

All Out.org, don't deceive your members and become all HRC on us. Stay grass roots, Stay Real.


Police Release Sketch Of Texas Teen Murderer

Portland Police Department statement:

July 4, 2012 5:30 PM

Portland police continue to investigate the murder of Mollie Judith Olgin and the aggravated assault of Mary Kristene Chapa.

The following sketch was developed with the assistance of an eyewitness to the attack. The single suspect is an Anglo male in his 20s, 5 feet 8 inches tall, 140 lbs, skinny build with brown hair.

Persons who believe they may know the identity of this suspect are urged to call police
department at (361) 777-4444. Reports may be made anonymously.

Further statements will be made as conditions warrant.


PuSsY RiOt ON Hunger Strike ** FREE PUSSY RIOT **

Three alleged incarcerated members of the Feminist Punk Rock band "Pussy Riot" have gone on hunger strike according to the Moscow Times. They are protesting the 2 days their lawyers had to prepare a defense after being handed a 2,800-page indictment for a Punk Prayer held at a Russian Orthodox Church.

Putin and the Russian Orthodox wants this travesty of injustice ended as quickly as possible.

Нормальная реакция цивилизованных людей на творящийся в России беспредел. Faith No More показали, что они тоже неравнодушные ЛЮДИ.

The normal reaction of civilized people by in the face chaos in Russia. Faith No More have shown that they too are people who care.

In Moscow......

In Brooklyn New York.....

In London.....

On 25 November, an article attributed to Alexander Litvinenko was published by the Mail on Sunday Online entitled Why I believe Putin wanted me dead...

In his last statement while dieing from poison administered my Putin's assassins Alexander Litvinenko said about Putin:

"...this may be the time to say one or two things to the person responsible for my present condition. You may succeed in silencing me but that silence comes at a price. You have shown yourself to be as barbaric and ruthless as your most hostile critics have claimed. You have shown yourself to have no respect for life, liberty or any civilised value. You have shown yourself to be unworthy of your office, to be unworthy of the trust of civilised men and women. You may succeed in silencing one man but the howl of protest from around the world will reverberate, Mr Putin, in your ears for the rest of your life. May God forgive you for what you have done, not only to me but to beloved Russia and its people."

The howling continues.....

Watch Argentine President Cristina Fernandez Sign New Transgender ID Law

Source IB Times UK Youtube Channel To great cheer the Argentine President Cristina Fernandez signed the decree and then personally delivered the first new National Identity Cards to a handful of transsexual persons featuring their new pictures, names, and perhaps most importantly, the gender with which they identify. Speaking in Spanish, she said.

"I want to say something about all of you. Today you are going to have the same rights that I and millions of Argentines have had from the day we were born. This is the society that we want. A society of reparation for everything you've had to go through to reach this point."

Declaration of Transgender Independence

glitter maker
make animated gifs

Declaration of Transgender Independence

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to arise and demand the political and social rights other Citizens enjoy, a decent respect to the opinions of humanity requires that they should declare the causes that impel them such.

We hold these truths to be self-evident. Regardless of gender identity, expression and sexual orientation, all people are created Equal – that they have been endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these Rights, governments are instituted among people, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to that end, it is the Right of the People to use the electoral process to change such government and institute new representation that will secure these rights and positively affect their safety and happiness.

Prudence, indeed, would dictate that representatives long in office and that have served the people well should not be changed for light and transient causes. Indeed, experience has shown that people are willing to tolerate and suffer positions of their representatives as long as such evils are sufferable.

However, when such abuses and usurpations of Civil Liberties arise providing evidence to dehumanize any one group, it is the right and duty of the People to cast aside such representation in favor of new guardians that would secure the future and the liberties of all.

Such has been patient suffering of the Transgender Community, and such is now the necessity to replace those Oppressors with New Representation. The history of the Transgender Community is a history replete with injury and usurpation designed to dehumanize and eradicate a people within a society. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.

* The Transgender Community has been trivialized and ridiculed before the General Populace.

* The Transgender Community has been casually abused, both physically and emotionally, often without punishment to the abuser.

* Psychological warfare against the Transgender Community has been committed to affect a disassociation between the Community and the General Populace.

* Censure of the Transgender Community for expressing the desire to be treated with the same respect as other Citizens.

* Allowing the Abuse of Freedom of Speech to inspire and incite violence and maltreatment against transgender people.

* Deprivation of liberty against the Transgender Community for expressing their nature.

* The committing of Murder against the Transgender Community with the purpose of eradicating an entire Community within the General Populace.

In every stage of these oppressions, we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms. Our petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. Any representative whose vote and actions have given concurrence with these oppressions is unfit to be a representative of a Free People. And, thus, must be removed from office using the electoral process to place New Representation in its stead.

We, therefore, the Transgender Community, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, declare that we are a Free People – Equal with all other citizens and subservient to none. We state now and for all time that we have the right to Fair Treatment under the Law; Retention of employment and housing; Medical Treatment as deemed necessary and prudent; to Love and marry those Whom We Choose and do all other Acts that a Free People may of right do.

And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, our Time and our Sacred Honor.


Shauna Marie O'Toole, Author
Pam Zastrocky
Zachary T. Shay
Barbara Bouwens Miller
Diana Lynn
Maur DeLaney
Kristi Boyer
Dana Kay
Gen ID
Jennifer Chavez
Zythyra Y2gender
Bonnie J. Keller
Tg Lynns Place
Hannah Equality Miller
Janet L O'Brien


Massachusetts Toothless Transgender Law Goes Into Force Sunday

Fail. Caved. Gave up. All these terms come to mind when considering the Massachusetts Transgender Equal Rights law that does not protect transgender peoples right to be in public places. Why would I condemn a law many see as a step forward? Because on the ground, unemployed or in the workplace, this law means squat.

Perception is 99% of social Conscript. The haters won. Sure they aren't celebrating openly, we are still alive after all.

Point to consider. Im September of last year I was hired to work in a warehouse in a small Texas town. Its a huge state of the art electronics distributor, a place you might assume to have enlightened people employed.

The second day I was there I learned of a rumor that I was seen using the men's room. The next thing I knew I was being questioned by HR as to whether hiring me had been a good idea. It's been a uphill battle since then with myself continually having to be on the defensive, essentially fighting for my life.

Employment revolves around public accommodations. Without a job having housing or credit protections doesn't mean mean jack shit.

No high falutin lawyer came to my defense even if they could have. But there are Lawyers who defend the Transgender Equal Rights In Massachusetts: Likely Broader Than You Think.

I am not a lawyer but the reality for Massachusetts transgender people in Public Accommodations is this. The public now knows for some reason unlike any minority before you, you were judged unworthy, unequal and untrusted enough not to be thought of as fully human. Not to be granted the same dignity.

I'd rather die than live a life so judged.