
Carta Aberta enviada para a Embaixada Russa Lisboa, Portugal: Free Pussy Riot

Open Letter sent to the Russian Embassy Lisbon, Portugal: Free Pussy Riot!


versão castellano, Português e Inglês

Carta Aberta/ Open Letter
enviada para a Embaixada Russa/sent to the Russian Embassy in Lisboa, Portugal/ Abril 2012/April 2012
Contra a Censura LGBT na Rússia e pela Libertação do colectivo punk-feminista Pussy Riot

As organizações e pessoas abaixo assinadas vêm deste modo protestar junto da Embaixada da Federação da Rússia em Portugal, Presidência da Federação da Rússia e da Duma contra a possível aprovação da lei Anti-Propaganda Homossexual e contra a detenção dos membros da banda punk feminista Pussy Riot.

Como ativistas LGBT, feministas e defensores dos direitos humanos estamos extremamente preocupados com a lei Anti-Propaganda Homossexual aprovada e em vigor nas cidades de São Petersburgo, Arkhangelsk e Kostroma.

Esta lei visa criminalizar a divulgação de mensagens que promovam os direitos LGBT punindo com multas quem as emitir ou propagar. Os promotores desta lei, para além de equipararem a homossexualidade à pedofilia defendem que a promoção desta constitui uma influência negativa para as crianças, podendo igualmente ofender a maioria da população russa.

No dia 29 de Março, uma versão similar da mesma lei deu entrada na Duma (parlamento da Federação Russa). A ser aprovada estender-se-á a toda a Rússia e colocará em risco não só os direitos de todas as pessoas LGBT mas também de todos os defensores dos direitos humanos. Apesar de esta lei não prever a pena de prisão, no dia 8 de Abril Sergey Kondrashov foi preso por segurar um cartaz que dizia "Uma querida amiga da família é lésbica. Minha esposa e eu a amamos e a respeitamos. E sua família é exatamente igual a nossa."

O Parlamento Europeu já emitiu, este ano, uma resolução condenando e exortando “todas as autoridades russas a porem termo às restrições à liberdade de expressão no que se refere à orientação sexual e à identidade de género, em conformidade com a Convenção Europeia dos Direitos Humanos e o Pacto Internacional sobre os Direitos Civis e Políticos; solicita à Alta Representante/Vice-Presidente da Comissão que transmita a oposição da União Europeia a estas leis”.
Por isso, exigimos a imediata suspensão da lei Anti-Propaganda Homossexual e o efetivo cumprimento dos tratados internacionais por parte das autoridades russas.

Como defensores da liberdade de expressão exigimos igualmente a libertação de Maria Alekhina, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova e Ekaterina Samucevich membros da banda punk feminista Pussy Riot.

No dia 4 de Março, as autoridades russas detiveram Maria Alekhina e Nadezhda Tolokonnikova e, no dia 15, Ekaterina Samucevich por conduta desordeira e hooliganismo depois de terem cantado numa catedral um hino anti-Putin. Estas mulheres podem ser condenadas a 7 anos de prisão por isso, a Amnistia Internacional reconhece-lhes o estatuto de prisioneiras de consciência e pede a sua libertação imediata no entanto, as detenções mantêm-se estando o julgamento marcado para o dia 19 de Abril de 2012.

Consideramos inadmissível a violação dos direitos LGBT, a recusa em proteger as minorias sexuais e o ataque à liberdade de expressão que está a ser promovido pelas autoridades políticas e pela Igreja Ortodoxa russas.

Vimos assim demonstrar a nossa solidariedade com todas as organizações, grupos e pessoas afetados por esta lei homofóbica, exigir a libertação das Pussy Riot e condenar as politicas discriminatórias das autoridades russas que têm como objetivo atacar as minorias sexuais, impedir a liberdade de expressão e de exercício duma cidadania livre pondo em risco o regime democrático e a laicidade da Rússia.


Subscrições Individuais:

Alexandra Silvestre Coimbra
Alexandra Tavares Teles
Alistair Grant
Ana António
Ana Botica
Ana Nicolau
Anabela Rocha
António Costa Santos
António Pedro da Silva Pereira
António Subtil
Artur Neves
Artur Queiroz
Bárbara Rocha
Bruno Portela
Carla Rafaela Macedo
Carlos António Caeiro Vargas
Carmo Pereira
Cláudia Belchior
Cláudia Figueiredo
Cristiana Pena
Cristina Andrade
Cristina Paixão
Daniel Cardoso
David Agudo
Eduarda Ferreira
Emmanuel Theumer
Eugeni Rodríguez
Fernanda Câncio
Fernanda Lérias
Fernando André Rosa
Fernando Gouveia
Fernando Sánchez-Avila Estébanez
Fernando Sousa
Filipe Couto Gomes
Francisco João Martins e Sá Barbosa
Gracia Trujillo
Helena Alves Velho
Inês Meneses
Isabel Justino
Isabela Preto Junqueira
Joana Bizarro
João Labrincha
Joana Lobo Antunes
Joana Lopes
Joana Manuel
João de Sousa
João Manso
João Pacheco Paulo
João Pedro Prates de Oliveira
João Pereira
João Santos
José Carlos Tavares
José Manuel Duarte Fernandes
José Martínez Escamilla
Josué González
Lia Nogueira
Luciana Moreira Silva
Luciano Balisa Cavaco
Luís Amorim
Lourdes Baginha
Magda Alves
Magdala Gusmão
Manuela Góis
Margarida Paredes
Margarida Salema
Maria Galamba Sá Pessoa
Maria João Pires
Maria Olímpia A. Pereira Gordon Pinto
Mariana Avelãs
Marília Guerreiro Santos
Mónica Barbosa
Mónica Redondo
Natalia Telega-Soares
Nuno Canha
Pablo Pérez Navarro
Paula Antunes
Paula Gil
Paulo Jorge Vieira
Paulo Martins
Pedro Pereira Neto
Raquel Freire
Rita Paulos
Rita Veloso
Rosa Maria Santos
Rosário Simões
Sara Barbosa
Sara Boavida
Sara Martinho
Sarah Saint-Maxent
Sérgio Lavos
Soraia Pereira Silva
Tiago Braga
Tiago Neves
Vânia Martins
Vera Tormenta Santana
Veronica Alcalde Fernandez

Associações e Colectivos:
AMPLOS – Associação de Mães e Pais pela Liberdade de Orientação Sexual
Asamblea Transmaricabollo de Sol (15M- Madrid)
Associação Clube Safo
Associação Comunidária
Associação ILGA Portugal
Caleidoscópio LGBT
Ciclobollos Dykes On Bikes (estado espanhol)
Coordenação Portuguesa da Marcha Mundial de Mulheres
GAT - Grupo Português de Activistas sobre Tratamentos de VIH/SIDA
Grupo Transsexual Portugal
não te prives – Grupo de Defesa dos Direitos Sexuais
Opus Gay
Panteras Rosa - Frente de Combate à LesBiGayTransfobia
PATH - Plataforma Anti-Transfobia e Homofobia
rede ex aequo
Rede Portuguesa para a Igualdade entre Mulheres e Homens
Secção de Defesa dos Direitos Humanos da Associação Académica de Coimbra
SlutWalk Lisboa
SOS Racismo
UMAR – União Mulheres Alternativa e Resposta



The undersigned organizations and individuals present their protest to the Russian Federation Embassy in Portugal, the Presidency of the Russian Federation and the Duma against the possible adoption of the Anti-Gay Propaganda law and against the detention of the feminist punk band Pussy Riot.

As LGBT activists, feminists and human rights defenders we are extremely concerned with the Anti-Gay Propaganda law approved and in force in the cities of St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk and Kostroma. This law seeks to criminalize the dissemination of messages that defend LGBT rights, punishing with fines those who “promote or propagate” it. In addition to equate homosexuality with pedophilia, the promoters of the law are arguing that this gay propaganda can be a negative influence on children and may also offend the majority of Russians.

On March 29, a similar version of the Anti-Gay Propaganda law was proposed to the Duma (parliament of the Russian Federation). If approved, this law will be extended to all Russian territory endangering not only the rights of all LGBT people but all human rights’ activists. Although the law does not foresee detention for the ones who violate it, on April 8 Sergey Kondrashov was arrested for holding up a sign saying: "A dear family friend is a lesbian. My wife and I love and respect. And his family is exactly like ours. "

Therefore, we call for the immediate suspension of the Anti-Gay Propaganda law as well as the commitment to implement and respect international human rights treaties.

The European Parliament has already issued a resolution condemning the Legislative Assembly of St Petersburg’s decision and calling “all Russian authorities to stop restricting freedom of expression in relation to sexual orientation or gender identity, in line with the European Convention on Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; calls on the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative to convey the European Union’s opposition to these laws"[1].

As advocates of freedom of expression, we also demand the immediate release of Mary Alekhina, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Ekaterina Samucevich, members of the feminist punk band Pussy Riot. On March 4, Russian authorities arrested and accused them of disorderly conduct and hooliganism after singing inside a cathedral an anti-Putin feminist punk anthem.

These women can be sentenced to seven years in prison. It is important to note that Amnesty International recognizes their status as prisoners of conscience and calls for their immediate release, but Pussy Riot members are still in jail waiting for the trial, scheduled to April 19, 2012.

We consider unacceptable the violation of LGBT rights, the refusal to protect sexual minorities and the attack on freedom of speech that is being promoted by the political authorities and the Russian Orthodox Church.

We are here to demonstrate our solidarity with all organizations, groups and individuals affected by this homophobic law, to demand the immediate release of Pussy Riot and condemn Russian authorities for their discriminatory policies that aim to attack sexual minorities, prevent freedom of speech and limit the exercise of full citizenship. endangering secularism and democracy in Russia.




[1] European Parliament resolution on the upcoming presidential election in Russia, 2012.

Alexandra Silvestre Coimbra
Alexandra Tavares Teles
Alistair Grant
Ana António
Ana Botica
Ana Nicolau
Anabela Rocha
António Costa Santos
António Pedro da Silva Pereira
António Subtil
Artur Neves
Artur Queiroz
Bárbara Rocha
Bruno Portela
Carla Rafaela Macedo
Carlos António Caeiro Vargas
Carmo Pereira
Cláudia Belchior
Cláudia Figueiredo
Cristiana Pena
Cristina Andrade
Cristina Paixão
Daniel Cardoso
David Agudo
Eduarda Ferreira
Emmanuel Theumer
Eugeni Rodríguez
Fernanda Câncio
Fernanda Lérias
Fernando André Rosa
Fernando Gouveia
Fernando Sánchez-Avila Estébanez
Fernando Sousa
Filipe Couto Gomes
Francisco João Martins e Sá Barbosa
Helena Alves Velho
Inês Meneses
Isabel Justino
Isabela Preto Junqueira
Joana Bizarro
João Labrincha
Joana Lobo Antunes
Joana Lopes
Joana Manuel
João de Sousa
João Manso
João Pacheco Paulo
João Pedro Prates de Oliveira
João Pereira
João Santos
José Carlos Tavares
José Manuel Duarte Fernandes
José Martínez Escamilla
Josué González
Lia Nogueira
Luciana Moreira Silva
Luciano Balisa Cavaco
Luís Amorim
Lourdes Baginha
Magda Alves
Magdala Gusmão
Manuela Góis
Margarida Paredes
Margarida Salema
Maria Galamba Sá Pessoa
Maria João Pires
Maria Olímpia A. Pereira Gordon Pinto
Mariana Avelãs
Marília Guerreiro Santos
Mónica Barbosa
Mónica Redondo
Natalia Telega-Soares
Nuno Canha
Pablo Pérez Navarro
Paula Antunes
Paula Gil
Paulo Jorge Vieira
Paulo Martins
Pedro Pereira Neto
Raquel Freire
Rita Paulos
Rita Veloso
Rosa Maria Santos
Rosário Simões
Sara Barbosa
Sara Boavida
Sara Martinho
Sarah Saint-Maxent
Sérgio Lavos
Soraia Pereira Silva
Tiago Braga
Tiago Neves
Vânia Martins
Vera Tormenta Santana
Veronica Alcalde Fernandez

Associações e Colectivos:
AMPLOS – Associação de Mães e Pais pela Liberdade de Orientação Sexual
Asamblea Transmaricabollo de Sol (15M- Madrid)
Associação Clube Safo
Associação Comunidária
Associação ILGA Portugal
Caleidoscópio LGBT
Ciclobollos Dykes On Bikes (estado espanhol)
Coordenação Portuguesa da Marcha Mundial de Mulheres
GAT - Grupo Português de Activistas sobre Tratamentos de VIH/SIDA
Grupo Transsexual Portugal
não te prives – Grupo de Defesa dos Direitos Sexuais
Opus Gay
Panteras Rosa - Frente de Combate à LesBiGayTransfobia
PATH - Plataforma Anti-Transfobia e Homofobia
rede ex aequo
Rede Portuguesa para a Igualdade entre Mulheres e Homens
Secção de Defesa dos Direitos Humanos da Associação Académica de Coimbra
SlutWalk Lisboa
SOS Racismo
UMAR – União Mulheres Alternativa e Resposta

(versão castellano)

Las organizaciones e individualidades abajo firmantes deseamos protestar ante la Embajada de la Federación Rusa en Portugal, el presidente de la Federación Rusa y la Duma contra la posible aprobación de la ley Anti-Propaganda Homosexual y la detención de miembras de la banda punk feminista Pussy Riot.

Como activistas LGBT, feministas y defensorxs de los derechos humanos, estamos muy preocupadxs por la ley Anti-Propaganda Homosexual aprobada y en vigor en las ciudades de San Petersburgo, Arkhangelsk y Kostroma.

Esta ley tiene por objeto criminalizar la difusión de mensajes que promuevan los derechos LGBT, castigando con multas a quienes los emitan o difundan. Los promotores de esta ley, además de equiparar homosexualidad y pedofilia, defienden que la promoción de esta es una influencia negativa para lxs niñxs, pudiendo igualmente ofender a la mayoría de la población rusa.

El 29 de marzo, una versión similar de esta ley fue admitida en la Duma (el parlamento de la Federación Rusia). De ser aprobada e implantarse en el conjunto de Rusia pondría en peligro no sólo los derechos de todas las personas LGBT, sino también los de todxs lxs defensorxs de los derechos humanos. Aunque esta ley no prevé la pena de prisión, el 8 de abril, Sergey Kondrashov fue arrestado por portar una pancarta que decía: “Una querida amiga de la familia es lesbiana. Mi esposa y yo la amamos y respetamos. Su familia es exactamente igual a la nuestra”.

El Parlamento Europeo ha emitido este año una resolución condenando y exhortando a “todas las autoridades rusas a que pongan fin a las restricciones a la libertad de expresión en lo que se refiere a la orientación sexual e identidad de género de las personas, en conformidad con el Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos y el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos; pide al Alto Representante/Vicepresidente de la Comisión que transmita la oposición de la Unión Europea a estas leyes. “

Por lo tanto exigimos la suspensión inmediata de la ley de Propaganda Anti-Homosexual y el efectivo cumplimiento de los tratados internacionales por parte de las autoridades rusas.

Como defensorxs de la libertad de expresión exigimos igualmente la liberación de María Alekhina, Tolokonnikova Nadezhda y Ekaterina Samucevich, miembras de la banda punk feminista Pussy Riot.

El 4 de marzo, las autoridades rusas detuvieron a María Alekhina y Nadezhda Tolokonnikova y, el día 15, a Ekaterina Samucevich, por conducta desordenada y hooliganismo después de cantar un himno anti-Putin en una catedral. Estas mujeres pueden ser condenadas a siete años de prisión, por lo que Amnistía Internacional les reconoce el estatuto de presas de conciencia y pide su inmediata liberación. Sin embargo, las detenciones se mantienen y siguen pendientes del juicio programado para el día 19 de abril de 2012*.

Consideramos inadmisible la violación de los derechos LGBT, la negativa a proteger a las minorías sexuales y el ataque a la libertad de expresión que están promoviendo las autoridades políticas y la Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa.

Queremos mostrar así nuestra solidaridad con todas las organizaciones, grupos e individualidades afectadas por esta ley homofóbica, exigir la liberación de las Pussy Riot y condenar las políticas discriminatorias de las autoridades rusas que tienen como objetivo atacar a las minorías sexuales e impedir la libertad de expresión y el ejercicio de una ciudadanía libre, poniendo en peligro el régimen democrático y la laicidad de Rusia.




*La sentencia ha sido pospuesta hasta el 24 de junio. Mientras tanto, las tres Pussy Riot siguen presas.

Ending Transsexual Hospital Horror Stories: HHS Confirms We are Covered

I think pretty much every trans identified person can recount instances when we were made to feel uncomfortable, misgendered, and even denied emergency service because of our gender expression. And nearly everyone of us have reservations about returning to those intimidating institutions.

Under Obama-care this is no more according to HRC who reported this:

"In response to a letter from LGBT organizations, including HRC, the Department of Health and Human Services confirmed that the non-discrimination provision in the Affordable Care Act prohibits discrimination based on gender identity and sex stereotyping.

This part of the law, referred to as Section 1557, extends the protections of existing federal civil rights laws – which prohibit discrimination based on race, national origin, sex, disability and age – to anyone served under any federally funded or administrated health program or activity, or any entity established under the Act. Individuals who feel they have been discriminated against in a healthcare program that may fall under this protection can file a complaint with HHS’s Office of Civil Rights here"

Kudo's to HRC for working WITH and and giving CREDIT to others who contributed to this project. I think it's a sign of the times.


VOTE Republican Kinsey Sicks for President:

I have changed party affiliations and vow to vote Republican! Vote Eerictile Dysfunction 2013, vote The Kinsey Sicks for President!

Just one more!!

Have some fun:)


Will Madonna's St. Petersburg Concert Be the Mother of all Pussy Riots?

The world holds it's breath for Madonna's August 9th St. Petersburg Russia concert. Will the material girl be good to her facebook pledge and speak against the newly enacted draconian law criminalizing "the propaganda of male homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, transgenderism among minors" despite being threatened with legal action and possible arrest? Its my belief she will and it's my prayer that she does so while wearing a balaclava, the trade mark of the feminist punk rock group Pussy Riot who's current trial for freedom of speech has been called Worst Than Stalin Era Trials.

The law author — Vladimir Putin’s United Russia deputy Vitaly Milonov "said Madonna and her concert organisers are most likely to face fines and that he “will have to attend her concert to monitor the concert’s moral content”. Previously Milonov mentioned he had planned forbid rammstein concerts in Saint-Petersburg."

"Together with his colleagues Vitaly Milonov is planning to introduce a bill to the Russian State Duma banning “homosexual propaganda” across Russia. “United Russia” has a majority in State Duma, and rights activists fear that such federal law could pass."

So what has Putin to fear? Obviously he's afraid of something. I think it's freedom of expression. Freedom of speech but as some one said "You can't jail an idea".
If Madonna does speak out as I believe she will, it's my hope when she does speak out against the repressive goverment in Russia that her fans are also wearing balaclavas.

Madonna hasn't shied away from controversy in the past. I hope its a all out Madonna style Pussy Riot!

Picture of Madonna in balaclava credit: sparla.

Madonna Facebook Screen snip from Madonna Facebook

Việt Nam đầu tiên LGBT Pride : Vietnam's 1st Pride Happening Now!

Vietnam a country so foreign is not so different as it turns out. August 3rd,4th, and 5th 2012 mark the inaugural Viet LGBT pride. What so struck me when reading the Viet Pride 2012 homepage was that it featured a video of Barack Obama's Pride Month opening remarks, the first time to my knowledge any United States President declared in a speech, transgender deserve to be treated equally.

I think our countries have a lot more in common than the war we waged on them. We are one people united in LGBT.


Worst Than Stalin Era Trials Say Pussy Riot Defence Lawyer

Хуже, чем испытания сталинских Скажите киска Riot Адвокат. Lo peor que los ensayos era de Stalin Di Riot coño abogado defensor. Pire que les essais ère stalinienne Dites Riot Pussy avocat de la défense.

ANTI-FLAG: PUNK-PRAYER "Virgin Mary, redeem us of Putin" (Pussy Riot Cover) by antiflag. Lyric's and statement at the bottom of this post.

Source: Rolling Stone "After five days' sitting in the cage, some days for 10 hours at a time, the women appear exhausted. Violetta Volkova, one of their lawyers, said they were being tortured – denied food and adequate sleep. After a week of being dismissed and lectured by the judge, she could no longer hide her anger. On Friday, as the judge, Marina Syrova, denied yet another defence objection, Volkova began to shout."

Syrova, her glasses forever perched perfectly in the middle of her nose, answered tartly: "You're losing the frames of dignity."

"Those frames long haven't existed here," Volkova replied, seething.

According to Pussy Riot's lawyers, Russia has revived the Soviet-era tradition of the show trial with its case against the group. "Even in Soviet times, in Stalin's times, the courts were more honest than this one," lawyer Nikolai Polozov shouted in court. Outside, during a rare break, he explained: "This is one of the most shameful trials in modern Russia. In Soviet times, at least they followed some sort of procedure."

I a unprecedented act of courage one of the Pussy Riot members, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova smuggled out of prison this interview sent to her by hecksinductionhour, published on Wordpress by www.colta.ru

What have you learned about himself, about society, about the state at the time of your arrest? How have you changed?

- "The state and society behave like a textbook on the left of the theory: the state punishes and represses, the company is struggling and changing. Behind bars you see, the theory comes to life. One can only wish to be, to develop and to give and share. I want to prison ecstasies, inspirations, revelations about freedom, and lack of freedom that follows from this after all a person needs to develop. I would like greedy to think, feel - because in the absence of external develops a mad interior life."

Lyrics to Punk-Prayer "Virgin Mary, Put Putin Away" by PUSSY RIOT
Lyrics via FreePussyRiot.org


Virgin Mary, Mother of God, put Putin away
Рut Putin away, put Putin away

(end chorus)

Black robe, golden epaulettes
All parishioners crawl to bow
The phantom of liberty is in heaven
Gay-pride sent to Siberia in chains

The head of the KGB, their chief saint,
Leads protesters to prison under escort
In order not to offend His Holiness
Women must give birth and love

Shit, shit, the Lord's shit!
Shit, shit, the Lord's shit!


Virgin Mary, Mother of God, become a feminist
Become a feminist, become a feminist

(end chorus)

The Church’s praise of rotten dictators
The cross-bearer procession of black limousines
A teacher-preacher will meet you at school
Go to class - bring him money!

Patriarch Gundyaev believes in Putin
Bitch, better believe in God instead
The belt of the Virgin can’t replace mass-meetings
Mary, Mother of God, is with us in protest!


Virgin Mary, Mother of God, put Putin away
Рut Putin away, put Putin away

(end chorus)


"Dear Friends and Family,

Punk rock is much more than a t-shirt, a sound, a record, or a band, and it knows no borders or nationality. Punk rock is a community and a family that spans around the globe. By now you may have heard that three members of our community, three young women who are members of the band Pussy Riot, are being detained by the Russian authorities for performing their protest song ‘Virgin Mary, redeem us of Putin’ in Moscow's Christ the Saviour Cathedral on 21 February 2012. The three have been charged with "hooliganism" under Article 213 of the Russian Criminal Code. If found guilty, they could be jailed for up to seven years."

"Pussy Riot embody the spirit of punk rock which speaks truth to power that inspired the members of Anti-Flag to start our band and dedicate ourselves to the punk rock community and the planet. The Russian authority’s actions against Pussy Riot are clearly an attack on freedom of thought, opinion and artistic expression which must be protected for any society to be free. Anti-Flag calls for the immediate release of Pussy Riot and all prisoners of conscience. Whether it be trumped up charges levied by police against Occupy protestors, or the trumped up charges levied by the Russian authorities against the members of Pussy Riot, there is no difference in the police-state tactics that those in power will stoop to in order to oppress those who are willing fight for equality and justice for all, not just the wealthy few."