
Pvt. Bradley Manning's trial nearing the end. So why is the mainstream press mainly silent?

The judge will announce the verdict as early as Monday yet there are only few mainstream media articles about it.

Army private Bradley Manning purportedly came out to his commanders as Breanna and has paid the price while in Marine Corps custody in Quantico. Although his web page defines his gender as male and asks people to refrain from speculating about his gender the article's title does not state this implicitly unfortunately leaving many like myself unaware of his wishes. I researched this issue extensively before publishing because it is extremely important not to misgender anyone.

 I apologize for unintentionally misgendering Bradley and have made the necessary corrections.

For nine months he was at Quantico he was stripped, slept naked, mocked and made to stand formation with other prisoners while naked.  USA today report Dec 2012 makes me wonder if his major offense was declaring himself trans to his superiors. This happened before DADT was repealed at a time when being trans was considered being gay and from my experience as a vet, the worst crime a soldier could commit. It got you three month's restriction to the barracks while waiting court martial.

FORT MEADE, Maryland (AP) — A former supervisor of the Marine Corps brig that housed an Army private charged with sending U.S. secrets to the WikiLeaks website denied Wednesday that he was making light of Pfc. Bradley Manning's homosexuality when he referred to the soldier's underwear as "panties" in a staff memo.

Marine Corps Master Sgt. Brian Papakie testified as a prosecution witness on the seventh day of a pretrial hearing at Fort Meade, near Baltimore. The hearing is to determine whether the nine months Manning spent in Marine Corps custody in Quantico, Virginia, amounts to illegal pretrial punishment, and whether his case should be dismissed as a result. The military contends Manning had to be confined to his cell at least 23 hours a day, sometimes without clothing, to prevent him from hurting or killing himself during his confinement from July 2010 to April 2011.

Papakie testified on cross-examination about a memo he wrote after the brig commander ordered Manning stripped of his underwear each night starting March 2, 2011. Manning stood naked at attention for a prisoner count the next morning, causing a stir that prompted Papakie to write an email to ensure it didn't happen again.

"Make sure he is not standing at attention naked for evening count right before taps. You should be taking his panties right before he lays down," Papakie wrote.

Under questioning by defense attorney David Coombs, Papakie said he uses the word interchangeably with "skivvies" and "underwear" when discussing men's undershorts.

Marine Corps Master Sgt. Brian Papakie fucking lied under oath. As a veteran Army Sargent I find that repugnant. Now I would have never considered doing what Manning did but I served during peace time long before Drones slaughtered innocent civilians and by remote control.

Her crime? Among other things this video: The RPG? It was latter identified as a camera lens. They slaughtered a journalist and parents carrying weapons to protect there children in a war zone.

So who is Bradley Manning? According to his father (who appears to be lieing) and a friend she suffered awefully as a young person.


Federal Government Resolves Complaint Filed by CA Transgender Student

Each time a trans child is affirmed and given the opportunity to shine a star gets just a little brighter. The press release from The National Center for Lesbian Rights

Agreement Affirms that Transgender Students Are Entitled to Equal Access in Schools

(San Francisco, CA, July 24, 2013)—Today, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights and U.S. Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division announced a resolution to a complaint filed by the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) on behalf of a transgender student in California’s Arcadia Unified School District. The resolution requires the school district to treat the student as male in all respects and keep his transgender status private. Furthermore, the school district agreed to revise its policies to ensure that all students who do not conform to sex stereotypes, including transgender students, have equal access and opportunity to participate in all of the district’s activities and programs. Those policy changes will be complemented by district-wide training for personnel and students. The implementation of this agreement will be overseen by a qualified expert agreed upon by the district and federal government.

The student and his family—who asked that their names not be made public--filed a complaint with OCR and DOJ in October 2011 when the school district required him to sleep in a cabin by himself instead of allowing him to room with his male peers on an overnight field trip. Not wanting to miss out on this important educational opportunity, he attended the field trip, but could not escape the feeling that he was being "quarantined" for no legitimate reason.

In addition to preventing him from fully participating in the overnight field trip, the school district excluded the student from the boys’ restroom and locker room, insisting that he use the nurse’s office. That arrangement resulted in the student being ridiculed by peers and limited his ability to participate in afterschool activities because the nurse’s restroom was locked during those times.

The student and his family are represented by the NCLR.

"I am glad that my school district has agreed to put in place the protections that I, and other transgender students, need to feel safe and welcome in school," said the student. "Knowing that I have the school district’s suppport, I can focus on learning and being a typical high school student, like my friends."

Said NCLR Staff Attorney Asaf Orr: "We commend the federal government for taking this necessary step to ensure that schools are safe and supportive environments where all students can thrive, including transgender students. Federal law obligates school districts to affirm and respect a transgender student’s gender identity in all of their programs, activities, and facilities. Treating transgender students based on their assigned sex at birth is psychologically harmful and interferes with their healthy social development. Hopefully, school districts will take this opportunity to proactively address the needs of transgender youth through district-wide policies and training."

The National Center for Lesbian Rights is a national legal organization committed to advancing the civil and human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and their families through litigation, public policy advocacy, and public education.