
Watch: Denver Wrangler gay bar Deny Entry To a Drag Queen Telling Him He's Not Transgender

Got this message via Facebook from Jed Rosenberg of the Denver Wrangler demanding I take a picture down which was being used under the "Fair Use"  exception to the copyright law. New images courtesy of the creative geniuses at Transadvocate where this is cross posted.

Fair Use:
Commentary, Criticism, Parody. 

My name is Jed Rosenberg and I'm an online marketing consultant for the Denver Wrangler. I couldn't find an email for you, so I'm writing you today via Facebook to request the removal of an image that appears on the blog site, http://planetransgender.blogspot.com/, specifically on your authored blog article, "Watch: Denver Wrangler gay bar Deny Entry To a Drag Queen Telling Him He's Not Transgender" (http://planetransgender.blogspot.com/2013/09/watch-denver-wrangler-gay-bar-deny.html). The name of the file is "lugg.png"
The Denver Wrangler did not give you permission to use the image on your blog and violates their legal rights. Could you please take it down? I wanted to ask you first before submitting a report to Blogger.
Also, this image appears in your Facebook images and timeline in a related post on September 3, 2013. Can you please remove that image as well?

As time goes on more people people are speaking up about the Wranglers history. This is a screen grab from the Wranglers website from around 2007 according to Daniel Gonzales who posted it to Boycott the Denver Wrangler facebook page. This image has since been removed from the Denver Wrangler website.

Update 9/12/13The Denver Wrangler has pressured You Tube into sending a privacy statement to Vito, threatening to take the video down. ANYONE who has tried to get youtube to respond to a request to review videos knows what it means to be frustrated.

Vito posted this to the Boycott Denver Wrangler Facebook page:

The Wrangler is shaking! I just got a YouTube Privacy Violation threat. Even though they knew they were being videotaped, even though it was on a public sidewalk, even though I clearly state I'm uploading the video, even though it has been up for days, it seems that as this people become aware the Wrangler continues its systematic policy of retaliation.

Facebook is not letting me post this on saying it is a 'security' risk. Out of the 2100 blogspot articles I have posted on facebook THIS ONE post is a security risk?

Now back to the original story......

Drag artist Vito John Marzano was denied admittance to the Denver Bear bar the Wrangler because according to the manager his license did not match his gender expression. This was in direct violation of the Colorado Department of regulatory agencies (Dora) Public Accommodations Discrimination policy posted below.

This was not the first time the Wrangler has been called out on transphobia. Autumn Sandeen posted about this bar while while trying to find a trans friendly watering hole for a upcoming visit to Denver on Pams House Blend in 2008.

The Wrangler has since removed that discrimination policy from their website but obviously they still adhere to it in thought word and deed.

Vito John Marzano posted this to the facebook group "Boycott the Denver Wrangler":
"The Denver Wrangler has a well documented history of discriminating against people whose perceived gender identity on their ID does not match how they present."

"I did not know this until the night of 8/31, when I went there in Drag after a drag pageant at Hamburger Mary's. I was denied entry for the above stated policy by General Manager Phil and the Assistant Manager Pat."

The Denver Wrangler managed to get Youtube to take the video of them ejecting Vido :(


But you can still watch it on Vimeo :)

Wrangler Video from Vito Marzano on Vimeo.

Vito John Marzano continues:
"I pointed out that Colorado has an anti-discrimination law against transphobia, their response is that I am not trans. I asked how would they know the difference and they tried to say the first step for any trans individual is to get a new ID from the state. I then got into a four minute argument with them (all on video) about this discriminatory policy. Their response was very clear: no drag queens, no trans (unless your ID matches your gender identity), and nobody who doesn't adhere to their myopic view of masculinity. I also want to point out that after this incident, I went into three different bars (two of which are straight) with my ID and asked the bartender if they would serve me. They were shocked I was even asking and more shocked that a gay bar on Denver would do this. Then women started telling me how they are discriminated and treated horribly by the Denver Wrangler when they have gone with their friends."

"This entire policy is bullshit. Not only is drag an integral part of LGBT culture, our trans- and genderqueer kin should not be denied entry into an established whose primary function is to take money from the LGBT community. I am also going to point out that that Denver Wrangler has been previously challenged. Their "policy" was taken off their website. It may not be on their website but it is still going strong and it is enforced by the bar staff."

"The LGBT community needs to come together and fight any form of discrimination, even if it comes from our own community. Boycott the Denver Wrangler until they treat all of their patrons equally."
Update 9/5/13 

The Wrangler Retaliates and threatens allies and boyfriends on the Rush Rugby Team. A email forwarded to me by Vito John Marzano.

Colorado Law prohibits discrimination in places of public accommodation based on certain protected classes (characteristics). Examples of prohibited discriminatory practices include: terms of service; denial of full and equal service; intimidation; failure to accommodate; access; conditions; privileges; advertising; and retaliation. A place of public accommodation can be a: bar; restaurant; financial institution; school or educational institution; health club; theater; hospital; museum or zoo; hotel or motel; public club; retail store; medical clinic; public transportation; nursing home; recreational facility or park; and library.

Colorado law prohibits discrimination in places of public accommodation based on actual or perceived sexual orientation. By legal definition, sexual orientation means heterosexuality, homosexuality (lesbian or gay), bisexuality, and transgender status. Transgender status means a gender identity or gender expression that differs from societal expectations based on gender assigned at birth.

Denver Wrangler on Facebook and on Twitter.


Obama to сохранить надежду keep LGBT hope alive at St. Petersburg G20

"Four Russian non-governmental organizations told BuzzFeed Monday they had been invited to the meeting, scheduled for this Thursday at St. Petersburg’s Crowne Plaza Hotel. The groups include veteran human rights activists Lev Ponomarev and Lyudmila Alexeyeva, legal aid NGO director Pavel Chikov, and Coming Out, a St. Petersburg-based LGBT organization."

 Coming Out St Petersburg just won a district court battle annulling a lower court ruling finding that the organization is a 'foreign agent'. The director would have been fined 300,000 Rubles ($9,000 US Dollars) if the ruling stood.

"Another local LGBT group, the LGBT Network, is believed to be attending, though director Igor Kochetkov declined to comment to BuzzFeed, saying that he had been “asked not to say anything.” 
The LGBT Network Russia is promoting "Keep Hope Alive" on facebook which is a "campaign asking world leaders to challenge Russia on the deteriorating human rights situation and escalating clamp down on civil society in the context of the G20 meeting taking place in St Petersburg on 5-6 September."

Keep Hope Alive from Keep Hope Alive on Vimeo.
"Election monitoring group Golos is also believed to have been invited, though BuzzFeed could not reach its director or deputy director to confirm. Russia’s justice ministry forced Golos, which used to receive funding from USAID, to disband this summer under a law on “foreign agents” that many believed was created specifically to target the group."

"Obama’s trip to Russia for a summit of the Group of 20 industrialized nations comes amid a deep rift between the US and Russia, not least over the countries’ competing stances on Syria. Obama was due to hold a one-on-one meeting with Putin in Moscow before heading to the summit, but abruptly called that off last month in the wake of deteriorating relations and Russia’s sheltering of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. Putin has repeatedly accused members of Russia’s civil society as being in the pay of the U.S. State Department."


Not you mothers Prairie Home Companion

Via Transadvocate
poe is someone who parodies fundamentalism in such a way that it is ridiculous yet simultaneously difficult to tell if the media is real or a parody. The “radio show” mixes absurd reality with absurd comedy to make a deadly serious point.

San Antonio stopping Trans protections at the bathroom door may mean a full NDO Meltdown

San Antonio's Mayor and Council face a complete loss of support even recall campaigns sans allies with the changes to the proposed amendments to the city's non discrimination Ordinance (NDO).

The new language says:  "Nothing herein shall be construed as directing any policy or practice regarding the use of restrooms, shower rooms, or similar facilities which have been designated for use by persons of the opposite sex."
City attorney Michael Bernard said the language was added to clear up confusion that’s come with the city’s proposal to add gender identity and sexual orientation to the list of protected classes under its nondiscrimination ordinance.
The language change did nothing to placate the bus loads of church partitioners, whipped into a indignant righteous fury by their pastors who spoke out against having trans people in restrooms despite it being made clear that provision had been removed.

Jay Morris-Spriggs state lead for Get Equal Texas had this to say
"This past Tuesday, Councilman Diego Bernal, who authored the ordinance revisions without the "bathroom" exemptions, added such exemptions to the ordinance without notice it consultation with any LGBT leaders within the CAUSA coalition. Since that time, we have been pushing for the language to be removed. We are hopeful that Mayor Castro will not fail our community, and that a new revision will be released on Tuesday."

"If council attempts to include this exemption in the final revision, GetEQUAL TX will pull it's support for the entirety of the ordinance and continue to work on an ordinance that is fully inclusive and leaves no part of our community behind. We have an escalation strategy in place should such exemptions not be removed."

Tiffani FullEquality Bishop a valued and respected Texas advocate posted this comment on the author of the ordinance  Council member Diego M Bernal's wall:

  • Tiffani FullEquality Bishop Diego Bernal - Where is your honor when you throw the trans community under the bus by allowing bathroom amendments to the NDO? Where is your courage? Where is your commitment? With the LGB and not T apparently. Shameful! Beyond disappointed. Is this how you have our backs when we're protesting those trying to remove you?!
    Like · Reply · 1 · August 27 at 10:43pm via mobile
  • Diego M. Bernal Tiffani- I think you're mistaken. Again, it's an ordinance. Like I tell the other side, I'm happy to sit down and talk with you about it. Set it up. 2077279.

At the meeting District 9 Councilwoman Elisa Chan expressed her own lack of knowledge in the area as she promised to do in this secretly recorded meeting with staff members . She became concerned about an example that a transgender woman could use the restroom with her 13 year old daughter under the ordinance.

City Attorney Michael Bernard said "beyond the legal answer, (meaning we would remain in violation of the law) there is a practical one."

"People are going to go to the restroom the same place and the same way two weeks from now they did two weeks ago," he said. "Nobody checks the plumbing, nobody does a chromosome count. Things will get back to normal."

City attorney Michael Bernard said the language was added to clear up confusion that’s come with the city’s proposal to add gender identity and sexual orientation to the list of protected classes under its nondiscrimination ordinance.
Bernard said no matter what the city decides, nothing will change.
As abhorrent as that philosophy is there is a grain of truth to it. I fully supported the Fort Worth NDO as a transgender resident but at the time I did not understand the provision that stopped our protected class at the bathroom door.

In the years that have followed I have not had the police called on me for using the ladies room but I am, a) passable and 2) legally a woman.

But that could change at anytime. My home state of Ohio does not amend or reissue birth certificates so if the legality of my being in the ladies room was challanged in court I could go to jail.

Bernard would be correct. With his amendment nothing changes. I live in constant awareness and fear my life that I have worked so hard at, may end at any moment. For using the bathroom. OMG.

Sources have told me off the record that Causa coalition partners will pull there support of the ordinance if the exclusionary language is retained. This has of course angered Mayor Castro disrupting his plans to keep transgender people out of the full equality equation.
The opposition to the NDO has used the Fort Worth Non Discrimination policy  as an example apparently successfully to pressure council member  Deigo M Bernal to edit  full equality out (in green):

I talked to Lauryn Farris, Alamo Area Board of Directors Transgender Education Network of Texas (TENT) and a member of the San Antonio Gender Association (Saga) who said
"We have been in contact with the mayor and are confident that the language will be changed and hopefully it will be changed to something we can support."

"I feel confident that nether SAGA or TENT would support the NDO should it have discriminatory language"
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P Club Update: Judge Awards Portland T Girls $400,000 but they don't want the money

Almost exactly one year ago I reported on a group transgender woman   in Portland Oregon who were thrown out of a local bar, the P Club. The owner of the club left a voice mail on one of the woman phones telling her and her friends not to come back because he didn't want people to think he was running a 'tranny' bar.

Well, that man is out $405,000 dollars.  Oregon's Equality Act makes it illegal to discriminate against transgender people in public accommodations.

It's not about the money.

Susan Miller posted this to her blog August 31st giving us an idea why.
"It has been a long 14 months and although we won it is not over as we are sure and actually looking forward to Chris Penner the bar owner appealing this ruling. This was an administrative Judge ruling which is good but an appeals Judge ruling or even the state Supreme Court ruling would be better." 


An Act of Violence: Evangelist "Dr. Chaps" Klingenschmitt's "debate" with Dr. Dana Beyer about ENDA

The embedded video by "Dr. Chaps" Klingenschmitt a retired Air Force chaplain, is framed by him as a debate although Dr. Klingenschmitt doesn't debate.
He only asks leading questions about  ENDA'a mark up which much to the credit of Dr. Beyers, were answered truthfully with tact and grace.

I was aghast as Klingenschmitt maliciously insulted Dr. Beyers in every way he could on the video and accompanying article Co-Ed Bathrooms? Chaplain Debates Transgender on ENDA Bill, yet Klingenschmit seemed so respectful while interviewing Dr. Beyers.

Calls to Dr Klingenschmitt media contact number have not been returned at this time.
* Update Dr. Klingenschmitt has left a voice mail which I intend on answering.

I was successful in contacting Dr. Bower for a statement regarding this interview. She offered this:

I will say: “I think it’s time that we in the trans community learn from our gay allies, who leap from success to success, and come out fully so that America can get to know us. Coming out is the critical act, and that includes speaking with those who are most opposed to our rights, be it from personal bias or just plain ignorance. I have been speaking with religious fundamentalists for years, having grown up in an orthodox Jewish environment, and have actually made inroads. Too often, though, some let their prejudices overwhelm them and they hoist themselves on their own petard. I had no expectations of the interviewer, and we treated each other civilly during the process.

I asked Dr. Beyers if she had any inkling of Klingenschmitt Malintent.

"Apparently he just couldn’t help himself. It’s his loss, but I remain hopeful that some in his community will see how limiting close-mindedness and incivility can be.”

ENDA as marked up exempts religious employers so Klingenschmitt's arguments against ENDA are not founded on legislative fact.

Dr, Klingenschmitt's arguments against ENDA are not based on Biblical truths ether. This was clearly intended as a act of violence by Klingenschmitt to willfully hurt Dr. Beyers.

It is a sin when a man, who proclaims to speak for the lord invokes hate maliciously against fellow humans especially when then the bible tells him to do otherwise.

It is a sin because biblical passages by God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit make it clear transgender people are welcome in the kingdom.

Dr.Klingenschmitt's youtube comment policy:
 COMMENTS will be APPROVED unless vulgarity or name-calling. (After 
20:27 is best)

I posted this comment  to Dr. Chaps You tube but it was not approved at post time.
*Update Dr. Klingenschmitt has informed me he has published my comment..

Mr. Chaps please read these Biblical passages:

Isaiah 56: "Do not let the foreigner joined to the LORD say, ‘The LORD will surely separate me from his people’; and do not let the eunuch say, ‘I am just a dry tree.’ For thus says the LORD: To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths . . . I will give, in my house and within my walls, a monument and a name better than sons and daughters.

Mathew 19:11 and 12 Jesus asks his disciples to accept transgender people.
Acts 8:26-40 Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch

*edited: I hope Dr.Klingenschmitt reads these Biblical passages confirming transgender peoples place in gods kingdom.


District Judge: If Inmate Ophelia De’Lonta is transgender she is entitled to state funded SRS

Virginia transgender inmate Ophelia De’Lonta is a 'step closer'  to getting the medical treatment prescribed by the APA. A district Judge has ruled that Ms De’Lonta has the right to be diagnosed by a therapist of her choice and if the prognosis indicates she is transgender she has the right to get state funded gender confirmation surgery.

The APA  definition of transsexualism  published August 19th 2013 in their Healthy Minds blog:
"A transgender individual is someone with the desire to live and be accepted as a member of the opposite sex. This can be accompanied by the wish to make his or her body as congruent as possible with the preferred sex. A transsexual individual is someone who has taken measures, through surgery or hormone therapy, to achieve their desire of living and being accepted as a member of the opposite sex. In general, transgender individuals prefer to be addressed using pronouns and other culture norms that are congruent with their preferred gender identity.

"You want to be a woman? Don’t rob, don’t murder. Act like a lady"

There are some even within our community, who feel that if a trans person commits a crime she or he has lost the right to medical treatment. If Ophelia De’Lonta receives SRS it would further confirm our right to medical treatment and you will see a lot less commentary like the following video.


Video: Islan Nettles Vigil Draws hundreds

Vaughn Taylor-Akutagawa, the leader of Gay Men of African Descent, spoke at the vigil and referred to Nettles as "he."

"She was a woman!" shouted Mariah Lopez, a transgender activist who told The Huffington Post that she asked to speak at the vigil and was turned down by organizers. "Gay Men Of African Descent shouldn't be speaking for trans people, period."

Vaughn Taylor-Akutagawa, the leader of Gay Men of African Descent, spoke at the vigil and referred to Nettles as "he."

"She was a woman!" shouted Mariah Lopez, a transgender activist who told The Huffington Post that she asked to speak at the vigil and was turned down by organizers. "Gay Men Of African Descent shouldn't be speaking for trans people, period."

"My girlfriend died last year and the year before," Lopez continued, over the speaker on the stage. "And none of you came, none of you!"

Taylor-Akutagawa said on Wednesday that working with the transgender community at a vigil like this is "still a learning process for me."

"We do our best to include them, but what wasn't being effectively communicated yesterday is that the family determined who was going to speak, and why," he said.

Read more at Huffpost and Pix11.com


SB 323 a bill that strips tax exemption from Boy Scouts Little League and FFA to get final vote

A California bill that could strip tax-exempt status from Little League, the Boy Scouts of America and other “discriminatory” nonprofit youth-serving groups could come up for a final vote this week.

The first-of-its-kind bill, SB 323, passed the California Senate and sailed through Assembly committees to a floor vote, possibly this week.
But opponents are taking heart that there might not be enough votes in the state Assembly to pass the bill.

The chamber did not consider the bill in its Monday session, but may take it up when it convenes Friday.
The bill, introduced by State Sen. Ricardo Lara, names the Boy Scouts, Little League, Future Farmers of America and 19 other organizations as examples of groups that could be stripped of their tax-exempt status if found to discriminate based on gender identity, sexual orientation, nationality, race, religion or religious affiliation.

The measure also threatens tax-exempt status for public and private schools found to sponsor discriminatory youth groups. One critic said it could even threaten an exemption status held by a church.
“Traditional values regarding heterosexuality are being branded as the legal equivalent of racism, and so there’s the quite genuine fear that the tax code really is the battleground against the traditional churches,” said Alan Reinach, executive director of Church State Council, which opposes SB 323.

Read more: Washington Times

This bill ( SB 323 leginfo.ca.gov) would revise the Sales and Use Tax Law exemption for those
organizations, as provided. This bill would also provide that an
organization that is a public charity youth organization that discriminates
on the basis of gender identity, race, sexual orientation, nationality,
religion, or religious affiliation is not exempt from the taxes imposed
by that law.

The right wings worst nightmare

Transgender woman are being slaughtered at a rate 50X that of LGB people

Walk late at night. Go to night clubs. Take the bus. Live in a apartment. Walk across the street.Being black and transgender. Any of this puts a target on a person's back if that person is trans .


Dantjier Powell, your Dad needs you to turn yourself in. Please.

Loueadry Powell makes a heart wrenching plea for his son to come home and turn himself in.
Dantjier Powell disappeared after transgender woman 
Domonique Newburn was found murdered.
Dantjier if you read this, please turn yourself in before law enforcement is forced to act.

You loved 
Domonique, there is no shame in that.
More at KTLA 

Click here to view Video opens in new window

DR Judy Meissner comment on planetransgender caused me to detransition?

Yesterday Los Angeles doctor of psychology Judy Meissner commented (posted below) on the post "Counter the Christian Family Coalition's Miami Dade Anti Trans Hate Tactics.

Basically she said  I was insane to falsely, freely disregard and openly misrepresent my biological sex.

Meissner's blogger profile  (click to enlarge) 
identifies her as therapist from Los Angeles and a director of the of the "International Center for the Study of Aberrosexualism (ICSA), an organization of mental health professionals dedicated to the research of biologically aberrant sexual behavior and practices, or aberrosexualism, and other psico-sexual phenomema."

Dr. Meissner's words were heart breaking! To know that a California certified therapist would tell me in essentially I was insane broke my spirit. How could I believe that I am transgender and not suffering from narcissistic psychotic self delusion after reading her comment?

I mean after all she's not just a California (Licensed presumably) therapist but a Master of Public Health (MPH) as well!

Who could argue with those credentials. Wanting to find some way to express my appreciation I decided to learn about Dr. Meissner first, so I googled her.

All I got in return was a litany of like comments by her deriding marriage equality, gay rights conflating constitutional rights with theocacy and deriding transsexualism.

OK, I so tried to find the web address for her 'estemed' group "International Center for the Study of Aberrosexualism (ICSA), but google, even DOG PILE came back with nothing even remotely resembling credentials or authenticity. Not even a web address. Nothing.


Well no, I didn't detransition because
 a) I am a woman and
 b)  just a tad to cynical.

 so here are the rest of my search results.

I couldn't find ether Dr. Judy Meissner or her group on LinkedIN, White pages, Yellow Pages and Guidestar does not list the "International Center for the Study of Aberrosexualism (ICSA)"

Dr. Judy Meissner is not listed with the California Psychological Association but here's the clincher.
Dr. Judy Meissner is not  licenced in the state of California to practice psychotherapy. She would have to be licenced by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences, which she is not.  

I'm not saying she hasn't earned degrees, there are few resources to check on that.

What I am saying isthat  her opinions as a 'doctor' of psychotherapy are without empirical truth and are diametrically opposed to WAPTH and The American Psychiatric Association regarding transsexualism and homosexuality. In fact she sounds more like a TERF and they ARE certified transphobic WACK JOBS suffering from schizophrenia delusional disorder.

So here, for you're viewing pleasure is the comment made by Dr. Judy Meissner on the post 
"Counter the Christian Family Coalition's Miami Dade Anti Trans Hate Tactics:

1 comment:

Dr. Judy Meissner said...
WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE! Objectively speaking, a human being’s sex, age, color, race, and ethnicity, or biological ancestry, among many other personal traits, are not up to them to arbitrarily decide; they are not based on a personal opinion, private fantasy or subjective perception. Sex is a precisely determinable genetic fact. It is a scientifically demonstrable biological reality. As such, like it or not, sex can never be altered or changed. While an individual's physical appearance can be cosmetically changed or modified, or they can change their personal opinion as to their sex; their DNA, or chromosomes, can never be altered. Gender Identity” and “Gender Expression” are non-scientific, ideological terms, i.e., terms specifically concocted to advance an ideology. Neither term is scientifically demonstrable, genetically verifiable, nor an objectively definable biological reality. Both terms are difficult if not impossible to scientifically interpret and define. It is contrary to sound public policy to recognize or grant an individual the false “right” to freely disregard and openly misrepresent their biological sex because this will thereafter recognize and grant the false “right” of individuals to disregard and misrepresent their age, race, ethnicity, or any other biological realities. SAVE Dade: You need to understand that there is no constitutional or rational right to demand that society accept my sexual fantasies, my personal opinions or my subjective ‘feelings’ about whether I’m a man or a woman! This ordinance has absolutely nothing to do with civil rights. It is simply an excuse to unjustly discriminate. You’re not advocating equality, your pushing insanity! Deal with it, sisters. You need to turn the page!

So...the next time you see a comment by this person you'll know who you are dealing with.

Have a nice day Judy.

You're trans sister,
kelli anne Busey


Putin's "enhanced" Sochi Olympics Decree seen as a ban on objections to his orwellian rule

The Russian newspaperSource: RG.RU Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 19, 2013 N 686

"On the use of high security during the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 in Sochi"

Published: August 23, 2013 in the "WP" - federal issue number 6163
In order to implement enhanced security measures during the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 in Sochi, under Part 1 of Article 10 of the Federal Law of December 1, 2007 N 310-FZ "On the organization and holding of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 in Sochi, the Development of Sochi as a mountain resort and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation, "the decree:

1. Approve the attached:

a) A list of controlled areas;

b) a description of the restricted border zone.

2. Determine that:

a) controlled areas are established for the organization of authorized access to their persons and vehicles;

b) access of individuals and vehicles in controlled areas is carried out after the police inspection of individuals and their belongings, vehicles and transported for them things (including the use of technical means);

c) exclusion zone is set to prevent access to its citizens and vehicles without service or operational needs;

g) the boundaries of controlled areas and exclusion zones marked on the ground (in the territory, buildings, structures, objects) are well visible signs, labels, and are equipped with engineering and (or) technical means of protection.

3. Deny from January 7 to March 21, 2014 to enter the territory and movement on the territory of the municipality of Sochi vehicles, except:

a) railway vehicles;

b) vehicles registered in the municipality of Sochi;

a) vehicles of emergency services;

d) vehicles with the accreditation certificate as provided in paragraph 5 of this Ordinance.

4. Restrict:

a) drive through the checkpoint of the border of the Russian Federation Adler (Krasnodar Territory) vehicles, categories of which (including with regard to their state registration), as well as the time for which this restriction is introduced, defined by the operations staff to ensure safety during XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 in Sochi (hereinafter - the operational headquarters);

b) the movement of vehicles on the roads and a special lane highways, road signs and traffic regulations specific markings, administered at the time of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 in Sochi (hereinafter - the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games ), except for vehicles of emergency services, vehicles will be allowed to enter vehicles in the facilities used for the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, and (or) the parking of vehicles in these areas.

5. Accreditation certificates for vehicles intended for the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, as well as vehicles used for life support Sochi, issued an autonomous non-profit organization "Transport Directorate of the Olympic Games," in consultation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

6. Set the permissions on the entry of vehicles in the facilities used for the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, and (or) the parking of vehicles in these areas are issued by independent non-profit organization "The Organizing Committee of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 in Sochi "(hereinafter - the Organizing Committee) to owners of vehicles with the accreditation certificate as provided in paragraph 5 of this Ordinance.

7. To establish that the territory and waters within which introduces increased security measures, meetings, rallies, demonstrations, marches and pickets that are not associated with the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, and planned for the period from January 7 to March 21, 2014 are carried out in that period of time.

8. Deny from January 7 to March 21, 2014 in the territory and waters within which introduced enhanced security measures:

a) the sale of arms, ammunition (bullets) and special funds, the armament state military organizations (hereinafter - special funds);

b) the sale of explosives and materials for industrial use and products containing them;

c) the sale of toxic substances in the list of toxic substances for the purposes of Article 234 and other articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2007 N 964, except insofar as such substances are part of the drug registered in the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with established procedure.

9. To establish that the period of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games:

a) located in the municipality of Sochi objects of industrial, social, cultural, sporting and household purpose, plots, designed to contain these objects, and other territories in respect of which requires the implementation of special measures for their anti-terrorism protection, subject to enhanced protection in the manner prescribed in the period of preparation for the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games;

b) the admission of visitors to the non-sporting events with events held at the Olympic sports facilities is carried out at registration cards, issued in the manner prescribed for the participants and spectators of sports events.

10. Operational headquarters:

a) determine the order of the access of people and vehicles in controlled areas and no-go zone, as well as the entry into the territory of the municipality of Sochi and its traffic vehicles are not subject to the prohibitions and limitations provided for in paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Ordinance ;

b) to determine the list of prohibited and restricted to authorized pronose (to transportation) in the controlled area and the restricted area;

c) establish rules for certain types of activities in controlled areas and restricted area;

d) to organize the protection of these areas;

d) identify the categories of vehicles (including with regard to their state registration), as well as the time for which is a restriction under subparagraph "a" of paragraph 4 of this Ordinance.

11. The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation in coordination with the operational headquarters set from January 7 to March 21, 2014:

a) the exclusion zone and restrictions in the airspace over the territory and water area within which introduces increased security measures, and to identify cases of use of the airspace in these areas, in which introduced restrictions do not apply;

b) forbidden to swim in the waters of areas within which introduces increased security measures and the rules for such areas, and to identify cases in which in said zones imposed restrictions do not apply.

12. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the period of the introduction of enhanced security measures:

a) ensure, within its competence enhanced mode of stay of athletes, sports facilities, and to address the operational staff, facilities and other areas;

b) to organize the ad hoc inspections of legal entities engaged in the sale of weapons, ammunition (bullets) and special funds for compliance with the provisions under sub-paragraph "a" of paragraph 8 of this Decree;

c) provide for the seizure and acceptance in custody until March 20, 2014 weapons, ammunition (bullets) and special equipment relevant territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the case of detection of the sale of weapons, ammunition (bullets) and special funds;

g) Ensure that since March 21, 2014 and received by return of the seized for safekeeping of weapons, ammunition (bullets) and special funds to their owners with no reason preventing such refund in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

13. Federal Migration Service to determine the features of registration permits for employment of foreign nationals and stateless persons on the territory of the municipality of Sochi between the organization and holding of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games.

14. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation to inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia on the restrictions imposed under paragraph 4 of this Ordinance.

15. Federal Road Agency, the Krasnodar Territory and the municipal administration of the city of Sochi in coordination with the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation to provide timely information to road users about the time constraints of movement of vehicles on the roads, possible detour routes and places for parking of vehicles by arrangement Information road signs, reports in the media and information and telecommunications network "Internet" in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.

16. Administration of Krasnodar Region to organize within the territory within which introduces increased security measures, legal persons (medical, pharmacy organizations and wholesale trade of medicines), engaged in the provision of medicines under license for activity on trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their Precursors cultivation of narcotic plants and providing medical assistance to the population with the use of medicines containing narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or harsh on the basis of a license for medical activities, measures to ensure the adequate supply of medicines for the smooth functioning of these organizations.

17. Autonomous non-profit organization "Olympic Games Transport Directorate":

a) to determine in consultation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and the procedure for issuing the form of accreditation certificates for vehicles designed for life support of Sochi and the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, as well as in consultation with the municipality resort city of Sochi and the Organising Committee - a list of individuals and entities, vehicles that are eligible for accreditation certificates;

b) to issue accreditation certificates;

c) ensure that a unified database of issued certificates of accreditation.

18. Organising Committee:

a) to determine in consultation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and the procedure for issuing authorizations for the entry of vehicles in the facilities used for the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, and (or) the parking of vehicles in these areas ;

b) to issue permits;

c) ensure that a uniform database of permits.

19. Government of the Russian Federation, Krasnodar Territory Administration to arrange for temporary parking of vehicles for the period of the ban on the entry and movement of vehicles specified in paragraph 3 of this Decree, as well as the movement of public transport in the areas of finding these sites.

20. This Decree shall enter into force on the day of its official publication.

Russian President Vladimir Putin