Showing posts with label Transphobia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Transphobia. Show all posts


Australia to Include SO and exclude GI Questions from 2026 Census

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) House Image Courtesy: Bidgee, Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported | Wikimedia Commons

In lightening fast flip-flops the Australian Federal government went from apologizing for not including the LGBTQI community, to dropping all questions about Sexual Orientation (SO) and Gender identity (GI), to omitting questions about the transgender community from the upcoming 2026 Census.

On August 25, Lucy Martinez, an Australian blogger, wrote on Substack, "The Australian federal government has decided not to include questions on gender identity, sexual orientation, and variations of sex characteristics in the 2026 Census. This decision follows ABS releasing a rare statement of regret in 2023 for excluding non-binary and other LGBTQI+ individuals from being properly counted in the 2021 Census and collaborating with the community to enhance inclusion in future Censuses.

"This is all despite the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) recognizing the increasing need for accurate data representing transgender individuals in Australia. However, today’s decision by the federal government will render those efforts futile."

Just a day after his ministers explained the census change had been scrapped to avoid a "divisive debate", Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced Friday that a question about sexuality would in fact be included in the 2026 survey.

Read more at Transcend Australia.

When questioned about these changes on Friday Prime Minister Albanese told ABC that it was the first time that he had been asked about it and that it was "common sense" to exclude transgender people from the 2026 census and include a new, single question about sexual orientation.

The editor's opinion from learned experience:

Excluding transgender people from the census is paramount to disappearing the gender-diverse community. Transgender people are fighting off attacks daily sometimes dying from a lack of basic human rights. The core reason for this inhumanity is a government's denial that we exist.

It's not "common sense" to cave to TERFs, and Hate Groups, it is androcide, it is femicide, it is gendercide.

As a leader of a major Western country with influence way past your borders, Prime Minister, the world expects that at a bare minimum acknowledge that trans people exist and live in Australia.


Parent Arrested While Calling out Ryan Walters For Transphobia

Parent Audra Beasley was arrested while calling out Ryan Walters for bigoty and transphobia.
Photo Screen shot KOCO Video

"Y'all are arresting me in front of my children because this man over here is a bigot and a bully, picking on trans kids, picking on disabled kids, picking on my kids. My kids are crying, Ryan Walters," Audra Beasley said while being arrested.

Troopers arrested Beasley during an April board of education meeting when her child was up for public comment just after her time had ended. Beasley wants the state to add adult diaper changing tables in schools and state buildings throughout Oklahoma for people with disabilities being put in through the state.

Oklahoma Highway Patrol officials said the mother was arrested on complaints of willfully disrupting state business/public meeting and a person causing disruption willfully refuse to disperse or leave.

The video above references a child who took their life. That child's name is name is Nex Benedict a non-binary High School student.

Nex Benedict Parents: Bullying Began When Bathroom Bill Became Law

Nex Benedict, 16, died on Feb. 8, one day after what one witness described as an assault perpetrated by others against Benedict in an Owasso High School bathroom. According to Benedict's family, Benedict was nonbinary and went by they/them pronouns.


Gov. Abbott promises to "end" transgender and non-binary people living in Texas

Greg Abbott on X

Listen to a recording of Texas.Gov. Greg Abbott tell a convention of young conservatives he wants to end gender nonconforming and transgender people living in "his state".

Abbott then segways as an example to the recent bullying of a teacher in north Texas. Rachmad Tjachyadi was suspended and eventually resigned after being targeted by anti-LGBTQI influencer Chaya Raichik. She posted a continuous loop of Tjachyadi wearing a red dress on Spirit Day which has over 5 million views on X.

Opinion: Abbott this isn't "your state" to rule by decree. He was speaking for himself, as proof, to wit, a petition to reinstate this beloved teacher presently has over 20,000 signatures.

In the recording, Abbott repeatedly said that he did not know if Rachmad Tjachyadi is transgender or nonbinary or if Tjachyadi talked about those topics in the classroom.  He indicated in that recording he just hates everyone who is, or anyone he suspects is, and he will "end that behavior."

The firing of Rachmad Tjachyadi violates the new Title 9 rules just announced by the Biden administration. The new rules explicitly protect LGBTQI people for the first time and will go into effect in August 2024.

The Supreme Court ruled in 2020 that Civil Rights Law Protects Gay and Transgender Workers, as reported by the NY Times. The court said the language of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits sex discrimination, applies to discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Trigger Warning. Chaya Raichik posts on X as Libs of Tic Toc. She is an anti goverment and anti-LGBTQI extremist who is possibly connected to dozens of high school and children's hospital bomb threats.

As first reported on by Erin Reed on substack.


Nex Benedict Parents: Bullying Began When Bathroom Bill Became Law

Owasso Police Body Cam

Benedict’s family told ABC News that the teen had experienced bullying from other students which began after Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt signed SB 6, a law that barred transgender and gender-expansive youth from using bathrooms consistent with their gender identity.

Benedict, 16, died on Feb. 8, one day after what one witness described as an assault perpetrated by others against Benedict in an Owasso High School bathroom. According to Benedict's family, Benedict was nonbinary and went by they/them pronouns.

Education department investigating bullying at Owasso schools

The American Psychological Association (APA) overwhelmingly passes policy condemning transgender healthcare bans

Oklahoma State Sen. Tom Woods doubles down on his statement calling LGBT people "Filth" in response to the death of Nex Benedict.

Glaad responds to the death of Nex Benedict with several questions. First and foremost is "Why is the police department rushing to release premature and incomplete information? As reported before, Owasso police have already rushed to release incomplete information about Nex’s death amid an ongoing investigation, admitting that doing so was not normal practice and that it was to “head off” national scrutiny."

American Medical Association (AMA) policy supports transgender and gender-expansive individuals’ use of public restrooms in line with their gender identities and opposes laws barring non-binary and transgender people's use of those facilities.


Duke Ellington School of Arts will not be named after David Chappelle

(L) David Chappell  (R) Daphne Dorman 

The Duke Ellington School of Arts, David Chappelle's alma mater will not be renamed after the transphobic comedian we learned on Monday.

Chappelle earned a place in infamy by launching into a transphobic tirade posthumously bashing transgender woman Daphne Dorman, his former prodigy who took her own life just days after NetFlix "Closer" aired.

Students protested the proposed name change and forced postponment of the renaming in November.

Chappelle, who self-identifies as a "TERF" in solidarity with Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling said on Monday that he was "hurt" by the student's rejection.

Chappelle stated that he refused to allow his artistic freedom and expression to be a victim of "cancel culture," a catch phrase used by neo-nazies as a pejorative to denigrate transgender "woke" resistance.

The theater at the school was renamed the "Theater of Artistic Freedom & Expression" on Monday amid a kickoff of a million-dollar fundraising campaign championed by Chappelle.


First ever Indian Cis-trans rom-com Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui panned as a success

Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui
Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui / youtube screen grab

Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui is a groundbreaking Hindi romantic comedy about a high-profile cisgender man and a beautiful transgender woman.

Except the official trailer makes no mention that the co-star is trans, just 'different', admittedly to interest and not to dissuade moviegoers from buying a ticket.

The star playing her opposite, Ayushmann Khurrana, calls her a transgender person (not woman, in the follow-up interview), and the actress who plays his romantic love interest, Vaani Kapoor, is a cisgender woman.

In an interview published by The Indian Express on the day the movie was released director Abhishek Kapoor came to the defense of Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui.

The trailer of the film merely hinted at the larger subject of the film and Abhishek said that it was a conscious call so the audience feels curious. “What happens is the trailer is of 2 minutes. It has a certain tone. The subject and representation could be misunderstood and that could be very damaging to the film, and to the issue itself. Hence we just kind of hinted about it but did not go all out.
Well obviously any interest Abhishek Kapoor gained from the trailer is now negative and probably considered misleading by moviegoers, not to mention transgender people. 

 SATVIK a Trans man reviews the movie on The Quint.

"To give a glimpse, the movie is about Punjabi hunk Manu Munjal (Ayushmann), whose dream is to win an annual gym competition. Enter Zumba instructor Maanvi Brar (Vaani Kapoor) who joins his gym."

"There is instant attraction, and the couple are drawn to each other. Several steamy scenes later – Maanvi comes out as a trans woman. A slew of dysphoric, triggering, transphobic words and gestures follows."

"I must admit that it hurt me a lot when people in the movie theatre started sniggering and laughing when the transphobic slurs were hurled relentlessly. It even made me scared to use the washroom during the interval."

"Several transphobic comments and words are used like- 'Andar se Bahar se' or 'Thi ya tha' or ‘'Ladke ke sath sex, tu toh ladka bhi nahi hai' – are simply crass and reflects nothing educational about it. The constant stare of eyes from head to toe – sent the audience into hysterical laughs".

"But as someone who was feeling dysphoric, I felt there was nothing funny about it. I can say that this movie was not about empowering the community, it was used horribly as a twist in the rom-com. If you are saying that the movie is about empowering the community, it should be well-researched, and inclusive – and mostly importantly, you are accountable to the community," wrote SATVIK.

It would be safe to say the people who panned this movie as a revolutionary success are the investors and cisgender moviegoers who want to laugh at the transgender plot twist without taking accountability for their actions.


14-Year-Old Transgender Student Attacked in School Hallway left with a concussion

Armstrong High school Pa

A disturbing video has emerged showing transgender student Willow Andring being attacked from behind by a boy who then beat her in a hallway. The October 27 attack at Armstrong High school left her with a concussion and the nation in shock.


One person who identified as a parent with 5 children blamed the attack on Andring. Her Facebook profile also pushes the big lie and anti-vax propaganda. Donna Bates wrote:

"Im the parent of 3 boys and 2 girls and no I never made excuses for my kids,I made sure they took ownership of their actions . The problem is parents encourage their kids to do whatever it takes to be the victim and unfortunately that includes hormone therapy, race pity, and mental health. I don't agree with bullying or violence but it's not right to label one child as such along with saying he's abusive to girls while the other child is said to have been the bully and is not biologically a girl . It's a fantasy world that is discriminating against those who live in reality."

Following that attack Armstrong district school students grades 7-12 were banned from hocky games for the rest of the year after students chanted "she's a whore" at the opposing school female goaly during a game.

Armstrong's principal, Kirk Lorigan, said school officials were “appalled and embarrassed” and he was “disgusted” that parents and security guards did nothing to stop the chants. He apologized to the player, the team and the Mars community, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported. 

 Lorigan said that officials were still investigating but that “appropriate school discipline has been used." The Post-Gazette reported that he declined to say Thursday night whether suspensions were imposed. 

The school board also didn't specify disciplinary measures. It was unclear whether discipline was imposed only on students.

Armstrong County commissioners, however, extended the ban on students in grades nine to 12 attending hockey games at the Belmont complex to include grades seven and eight, as well. In addition, high school administrators have demanded that the Armstrong hockey association hire two security guards for all future games. 

 High school hockey in western Pennsylvania is not a school-sponsored sport, but a club sport run by parents and boosters at each school.


Meet Daphne Dorman, The Trans woman who Killed Herself After Dave Chappelle Humiliated Her

Mia Satya (L) and her bestie Daphne Dorman (R) in better days.

Transgender woman, aspiring comedian, and beloved human Daphne Dorman was tricked by Dave Chapelle into thinking he liked her style. 

After she opened for her newfound mentor Chapelle attacked her very being, destroying her confidence. She committed suicide a week afterward. 

But that's not the last of it. Dave Chapelle didn't respond to invitations to three memorials held on both the east and west coast, but he did use her posthumously as a transphobic prop in his last Netflix specials.


LGB Alliance defends #TERF operative ejected from the Manchester Pride Parade

LGBT+ marchers ejected Alexander Bramham to chants of "Trans lives matter" 

 A man wearing a t-shirt with the hate group "LGB Alliance" logo on it was ejected from the Alternate Manchester Pride parade on Aug 29, 2021.

The LGBT+ marchers who ejected Alexander Bramham to chants of "Trans lives matter" were proceeding peacefully until then. Bramham chooses that day because it is a peaceful alternative to the commercialized parade held later and is attended overwhelmingly by the trans, queer, and non-binary community. He must have drawn their ire by doing something extraordinary hateful.

‘They would have torn me apart, it was terrifying’ - said Alexander Bramham, a gay man from the Manchester LGB Alliance in an interview afterward.

Placing a "victim" in a compromising position surrounded by a crowd of  LGBT+ people is the modus operandi of the  #TERF movement. By all accounts, this TERF puppet was in no danger.

"Media outlets note: the 'LGB Alliance' does not represent lesbian, gay or bisexual people in any shape or form." wrote Owen Jones on Twitter.


Related: The government’s Charity Commission is investigating the LGB Alliance after it compared LGBT+ inclusion to bestiality

The LGB Alliance were recently at the centre of a social media storm, finding themselves in breach of Twitter’s Hateful Conduct Policy after posting  “Adding the + to LGB gives the green light to paraphilias like bestiality – and more – to all be part of one big happy ‘rainbow family’. Wake up policy makers."

“LGB people refuse to be used in your artificial and dangerous argument that we must all be lumped together. #NoToHomophobia.”


The LGBT+ acronym is used to describe all people who fall under the queer umbrella, including the intersex, asexual and aromantic communities.

LGB Alliance openly attacking the LGBTQ+ community, saying we are "dominated by gender identity extremism" - this is inflammatory hateful rhetoric against all LGBTQ+ people, and should be reported to @ChtyCommission
Who is the The "LGB Alliance" why the Manchester Pride to make a fuss?
The Manchester 2021 Pride proudly bills it self as the "boldest, queerest, most diverse and inclusive community celebration of LGBTQ+ life yet!"
That and the LGB alliance is opposed to the LGBT+ conversion therapy ban because it included transgender people.
Related: REVEALED: The links between the government’s top diversity civil servant and the LGB Alliance


Ashlee Evans-Smith MMA Cage fighter who beat Fallon Fox says she shouldn't fight woman

"Fallon Fox shouldn't fight dudes, Fox shouldn't fight woman. Transgender people should have a unique organization for those needs" - Ashlee Evans-Smith.

So why does Evans-Smith think Fallon Fox and other trans people should be segregated?

"She (fallon Fox) did have did have a unfair advantage."

And that was after Ashlee Evans-Smith she she won because she hit harder, grappled better, had better ground techniques, cardio and leg strength.

Would I fight Fallon Fox again? "No because I want to fight someone and I think all other woman want to compete against people on a equal playing field."

Meaning of course she doesn't think transgender woman are really woman.

"Oh and I hope LGBT people please don't hate me."

 Ironically after reading some of the comments on Youtube it appears that the Ashlee Evans-Smith interview enlightened many who were previously opposed Fallon Fox fighting other woman.

Fallon Fox responds to this interview rather incredulously on Outsports:

But, that's clearly not really what this is about. This is about the category she has me in within her own mind. It's apparent to me that many people see me as "transgender" and not "woman," meaning they don't look at me as female, they don't look at me as male, they look at me as something "other". How rude and uneducated! All of this "misgendering" because they are not used experiencing a trans woman.
I am not an "other." I am female, a woman. I am classified as a transgender woman or transsexual woman. The terms simply label the type of woman that I am. Black woman, white woman, lesbian woman, and straight woman are other examples of labels we put on different types of women. Saying that I should be segregated in a class of only trans women is ignorant and discriminatory. It's much like how they tried to say that black women shouldn't be allowed in track when they first competed. They said they belonged in a separate category all to themselves.
Every minority in sports has to go through this, and all because of ignorance and fear. It's only been within the last hundred years or so that modern medicine has created the ability for people to change their sex. Individuals like myself will have to struggle against the mindset of people like Ashlee Evans-Smith. It's sad that we have to repeat history over and over again. But, this is the reality.
I wonder if Ashlee Evans-Smith recognizes the historical irony of her discriminatory beliefs.


Watch Larry King's former teacher Shirley Brown on "Valentine Road" say she 'relates' to transphobia

Oxnard California junior high school teacher Shirley Brown said she understands how the boy who murdered Larry king felt after being given a Valentine card by King. “I relate to Brandon because I could see my own self being in that very same position.

In fact, she thinks Larry's murder was comical, perhaps poetic justice explaining how she would have reacted:. “I don’t know if I would have taken a gun, but a good swift kick in the butt might work really well,’ she added, laughing.

Completely irate about the LGBT pride parade that followed in Oxnard she asks "Who would do such a thing? Who would do that?" She needs to ask that question to the man in the center of his apostles in the picture on her wall. His answer has been there for the taking all along.

Is this person still teaching? Is she still enabling transphobia and homophobia in public schools?


Watch: Denver Wrangler gay bar Deny Entry To a Drag Queen Telling Him He's Not Transgender

Got this message via Facebook from Jed Rosenberg of the Denver Wrangler demanding I take a picture down which was being used under the "Fair Use"  exception to the copyright law. New images courtesy of the creative geniuses at Transadvocate where this is cross posted.

Fair Use:
Commentary, Criticism, Parody. 

My name is Jed Rosenberg and I'm an online marketing consultant for the Denver Wrangler. I couldn't find an email for you, so I'm writing you today via Facebook to request the removal of an image that appears on the blog site,, specifically on your authored blog article, "Watch: Denver Wrangler gay bar Deny Entry To a Drag Queen Telling Him He's Not Transgender" ( The name of the file is "lugg.png"
The Denver Wrangler did not give you permission to use the image on your blog and violates their legal rights. Could you please take it down? I wanted to ask you first before submitting a report to Blogger.
Also, this image appears in your Facebook images and timeline in a related post on September 3, 2013. Can you please remove that image as well?

As time goes on more people people are speaking up about the Wranglers history. This is a screen grab from the Wranglers website from around 2007 according to Daniel Gonzales who posted it to Boycott the Denver Wrangler facebook page. This image has since been removed from the Denver Wrangler website.

Update 9/12/13The Denver Wrangler has pressured You Tube into sending a privacy statement to Vito, threatening to take the video down. ANYONE who has tried to get youtube to respond to a request to review videos knows what it means to be frustrated.

Vito posted this to the Boycott Denver Wrangler Facebook page:

The Wrangler is shaking! I just got a YouTube Privacy Violation threat. Even though they knew they were being videotaped, even though it was on a public sidewalk, even though I clearly state I'm uploading the video, even though it has been up for days, it seems that as this people become aware the Wrangler continues its systematic policy of retaliation.

Facebook is not letting me post this on saying it is a 'security' risk. Out of the 2100 blogspot articles I have posted on facebook THIS ONE post is a security risk?

Now back to the original story......

Drag artist Vito John Marzano was denied admittance to the Denver Bear bar the Wrangler because according to the manager his license did not match his gender expression. This was in direct violation of the Colorado Department of regulatory agencies (Dora) Public Accommodations Discrimination policy posted below.

This was not the first time the Wrangler has been called out on transphobia. Autumn Sandeen posted about this bar while while trying to find a trans friendly watering hole for a upcoming visit to Denver on Pams House Blend in 2008.

The Wrangler has since removed that discrimination policy from their website but obviously they still adhere to it in thought word and deed.

Vito John Marzano posted this to the facebook group "Boycott the Denver Wrangler":
"The Denver Wrangler has a well documented history of discriminating against people whose perceived gender identity on their ID does not match how they present."

"I did not know this until the night of 8/31, when I went there in Drag after a drag pageant at Hamburger Mary's. I was denied entry for the above stated policy by General Manager Phil and the Assistant Manager Pat."

The Denver Wrangler managed to get Youtube to take the video of them ejecting Vido :(


But you can still watch it on Vimeo :)

Wrangler Video from Vito Marzano on Vimeo.

Vito John Marzano continues:
"I pointed out that Colorado has an anti-discrimination law against transphobia, their response is that I am not trans. I asked how would they know the difference and they tried to say the first step for any trans individual is to get a new ID from the state. I then got into a four minute argument with them (all on video) about this discriminatory policy. Their response was very clear: no drag queens, no trans (unless your ID matches your gender identity), and nobody who doesn't adhere to their myopic view of masculinity. I also want to point out that after this incident, I went into three different bars (two of which are straight) with my ID and asked the bartender if they would serve me. They were shocked I was even asking and more shocked that a gay bar on Denver would do this. Then women started telling me how they are discriminated and treated horribly by the Denver Wrangler when they have gone with their friends."

"This entire policy is bullshit. Not only is drag an integral part of LGBT culture, our trans- and genderqueer kin should not be denied entry into an established whose primary function is to take money from the LGBT community. I am also going to point out that that Denver Wrangler has been previously challenged. Their "policy" was taken off their website. It may not be on their website but it is still going strong and it is enforced by the bar staff."

"The LGBT community needs to come together and fight any form of discrimination, even if it comes from our own community. Boycott the Denver Wrangler until they treat all of their patrons equally."
Update 9/5/13 

The Wrangler Retaliates and threatens allies and boyfriends on the Rush Rugby Team. A email forwarded to me by Vito John Marzano.

Colorado Law prohibits discrimination in places of public accommodation based on certain protected classes (characteristics). Examples of prohibited discriminatory practices include: terms of service; denial of full and equal service; intimidation; failure to accommodate; access; conditions; privileges; advertising; and retaliation. A place of public accommodation can be a: bar; restaurant; financial institution; school or educational institution; health club; theater; hospital; museum or zoo; hotel or motel; public club; retail store; medical clinic; public transportation; nursing home; recreational facility or park; and library.

Colorado law prohibits discrimination in places of public accommodation based on actual or perceived sexual orientation. By legal definition, sexual orientation means heterosexuality, homosexuality (lesbian or gay), bisexuality, and transgender status. Transgender status means a gender identity or gender expression that differs from societal expectations based on gender assigned at birth.

Denver Wrangler on Facebook and on Twitter.


Beating death of Harlem transgender woman Islan Nettles being investigated as a hate crime

Saturday just after midnight, Islan Nettles, a 21-year-old fashion design student was walking down 8th Avenue near West 147th Street right in front of a police precinct, when a group of men started saying some very mean things.

"They were called f****, they were called he-she's, she males, things of that nature," her mother Delores Nettles said.

Police say one of the men was 20-year-old Paris Wilson, who they say punched Nettles, knocked her down, and wouldn't stop.

She was taken to Harlem Hospital with severe head trauma where she slipped into a coma and was pronounced brain dead Tuesday. ~ ABC Local

A spokeswoman for the New York City medical examiner’s office, Ellen Borakove, said on Friday that the death had been ruled a homicide and the cause was “blunt force trauma.”

ABC Local reports

Ms. Nettles, who, according to her LinkedIn page, was an intern assistant designer at Ay’Medici, a Harlem fashion company, was walking with a group of transgender friends on Frederick Douglass Boulevard between 147th and 148th Streets when they encountered several men across the street from the station house of Police Service Area 6, which patrols public housing developments in the area.

When the men concluded Ms. Nettles and her friends were transgender, a scuffle broke out, the police said, with punches thrown and homophobic slurs shouted.

A 20-year-old Harlem man, Paris Wilson, was arrested late Saturday and, according to a criminal complaint, was charged in the case by the Manhattan district attorney’s office with misdemeanor assault and harassment. At the time of the arrest, police officers did not realize that the confrontation might have involved bias. At some point later, prosecutors said, a witness went into the Area 6 station house and told the police that homophobic language had been used.

The Police Department’s hate crimes task force is now investigating the case.

Prosecutors also said that more, and graver, charges could be filed against Mr. Wilson, who on Friday remained free on bail.


Peruvian nightclub Gotica Discoteca fined $123,302 and shutdown for discriminating against a transgender woman

Peru nightclub Gotica Discoteca was fined S/370,000 for denying Godfrey Arbulú entrance and later trying to charge her a higher cover than normal. All of this was caught on video and audio which Ms Arbulú successfully used in social media, radio talk shows and Television in a bid to get the government to protect her human rights.

Panamericana Televisión S.A. "Indecopi multó a la discoteca Gótica con 370,000 soles por discriminar a Godfrey Arbulú por su orientación sexual. Además, la empresa deberá emitir una carta pidiendo disculpas por el trato discriminatorio y tendrá que publicar por seis meses un aviso en su página web al igual que un letrero en el local donde indique que ahí se prohíbe toda práctica discriminatoria."

Gotica Discoteca is contesting the ruling has this sign posted above its shuttered doors stating “Gotica Entertainment S.A. informs the public that all discriminatory practices to consumers for any reason, including unjustified distinctions by origin, race, sex, language, religion, opinion, economic status, sexual preference or any other reason are prohibited.”

Read more at Peru this


PGN! TERF Victoria Brownworth Teaches Us About Transphobia?! What, Julie Bindel wasn't Available?

Having read The Philadelphia Gay News (PGN) article by Victoria A. Brownworth titled "Victims of the night: Stories of trans sex workers"  I was very impressed by the authors personal investment in her neighbors well being. Her writing indicates a deep compassion for the most marginalized of our community, Tiffani, a black transgender working woman and offered many teaching moments. I was totally cool with her piece until I read the comments and began wondering why trans people were so upset with her writing this article.

Brownworth's article was quick to point out she is a white middle class woman who sometimes feels extremely vulnerable in this prevalently black part of Philadelphia.

It's from her life experiences living their that she feels validates her latest metaphor explaining why she is a Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist (TERF).  June 5th 2013, just prior to the PGN publishing Brownworth's latest article she explains why, in her opinion, trans woman have no right to be at the Michigan womyns music fest. She believes trans people aren't real woman the same as she can empathize with black peoples plights, but she could never be, well, black. *Facepalm*
"MWMF is about women who are oppressed by men every minute of every day being free of that oppression for one week of their year or possibly their lives and reveling in that and celebrating each other, just like the Greek picnic is about solidarity among African-Americans who are oppressed by racism every day of their lives being free of that in all-black space.
SLAP!....she asks would it be appropriate for white people to have a 'camp Caucasian' outside of the Greek picnic...?
But if you can’t leave your male privilege there, as well as your penis, then MWMF is not the place for you and your presence will harm other women who, like me, have been brutalized by men. It will also alter the atmosphere for every woman who has come specifically to be in women-only space because they will feel just as constrained as they feel in straight society."
 Brownworth has a long history of helping to create the social economic conditions that put Tiffani on the street.  In fact it stretches back until at least 1981. TS Roadmap reports:

Victoria Brownworth was on the 2003 selection committee for the Lambda Literary Awards. This committee voted to honor The Man Who Would Be Queen by J. Michael Bailey as a finalist for an award in the trans category in February 2004.

On 24 February 2004, the selection committee inlcuding Victoria Brownworth voted to retain the nomination of this book over the objections of the trans community and other concerned parties around the world.

In March 2004, the committee reconsidered and withdrew this nomination.
"When we talk about the role of male-to-female transsexuals in the women’s movement as a whole and the lesbian movement in particular I feel we are talking about the ultimate in male power-tripping."-Victoria Brownworth, Philadelphia Gay News - May 29, 1981, pp, 22, 27

To put this into context, her first anti trans article published by PGN  was three years BEFORE Gendernet, the first ever online group for the betterment of trans people.

Brownworth's latest story offered what appears to be a personal narrative recounting encounters with transgender sex workers. It's graphic, without being sensationalistic. All in all a great article, except that one little TERF detail. Has Victoria Brownworth had an epiphany and now understands genitals does not a person make? This was Brownworth's first installment so maybe she will reveal a revelation later.

Or maybe not.

Brownworth just commented on the PGN article in response to the trans commenter's outrage:

The "Segment"? Going for the victimization meme already? Typical TERF MO. It would be totally inappropriate and disingenuous for Brownsworth to to give us lessons about the hardships she is at least partially responsible for creating and doubly so in a gay publication.

I don't know if PGN has a trans contributor but from my observations I would say it's focus is gay issues, not transgender concerns. And for the record trans sex workers of color are not 'with out a voice'. There are many transgender people and allies who strive to lift up our sisters and brothers who have no history of slamming them back down with sledge hammer force.

It wouldn't be unreasonable to wonder if this wasn't just another instance of the gay media manipulating transgender people's sensitivities for a cheap shot at notoriety.

But in all fairness we shouldn't jump to conclusions.

I messaged PGN publisher Mark Segal with whom I had made personal acquaintance with this year at the Philly LGBT convo for a statement. The facebook message was read but as of this writing I have not received a response.

*Update after mentioning Brownworth in a tweet she responded with this tweet, then blocked me:

This article does express my appreciation for your present effort and my hope that you would stop promoting TERF transphobia in the future.

And just so you know, as most of my friends and readers already know, I am a former addicted sex worker who is trans. Back in the 80's after nearly being beaten to death on the street twice I got clean and began the long journey to lucidity. I did that IN SPITE of TERF's like yourself who were at that same time using the power of the word to dehumanize, marginalize and disempower  us.

You don't get to judge me Brownworth.

Kelli Anne Busey
Transgender activist blogger, journalist,
former sex worker, recovering addict.


NC Trans DNC 2012 Delegate Was Told By Woman's Democratic Group that She belongs In the Men's Auxiliary

In a story broken by the Gorilla Angel Report Janice Covington the first transgender woman in history from North Carolina to be elected as a Delegate to the Democratic National Convention was told by the Mecklenburg Country Democratic Woman’s Association that they turned turned her down for membership.

She wasn't just rejected she was insulted to the core. The Mecklenburg Country Democratic Woman’s Association administrators said she belongs in the men’s auxiliary.

Janice Covington asked in in a facebook status:

"I joined the Democratic Woman’s Association when asked to become a member during the Mecklenburg County Democratic Convention back in April of 2013. I filled out the application and then paid my membership fee. After a month or so I received a phone call from Mary Belk chair of the membership committee. During our conversation she said she remembered me and realized I was a Transgender Woman. We talked a little longer and she then said she accepted me as a member. I was then contacted about 3 weeks later to inform me of a meeting at the Asian Library in Charlotte NC on June the 12th 2013.

I arrived at the meeting early and was asked to help set up chairs for the meeting, I did this without hesitation. I then received my name tag and was checked off on the role when I checked in at the table near the entrance. After a great meeting, I was approached by a person who was on the board of directors of the Democratic Woman’s Association; she then informed me they had a problem with my membership. I asked what it was and she stated that I could not belong to the Woman’s association and that it would be better for me to be in the men’s auxiliary. I was insulted to greatest extent. I informed her that her request was not an option. She then informed me that the North Carolina State Democratic Woman’s Association would have to vote on me to allow me to remain a member. I feel that this is not acceptable and is in contrary to the policies of the Democratic Party’s mission statemen"
It just happened that when I reading the article by Courtney O'Donnell I had been on the phone receiving some ground breaking news from a life long friend in Dallas Texas, Pamela Curry, who told me she is exploring grassroots support for a run at the 2014 Texas Democratic primary for the 32nd Congressional District of Texas.

That's huge news in it self since as a transgender woman she could be running against the Chairman of the House Rules Committee Republican Pete Sessions .

Curry, who has served as election day judge and democratic precinct chairwoman for six years shed some light on Covington's predicament. Curry explained she was instrumental in the amending of the Texas Democrats  non discrimination policy in 2012 which now reads
"No test of membership in, nor oaths of loyalty to, the Texas Democratic Party shall be required or used if it has the effect of requiring prospective or current members of the Democratic Party to acquiesce in, condone, or support discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, economic status or disability. Further, discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, economic status or disability in the conduct of the Democratic Party affairs is prohibited."
.Curry explained that a states party's auxiliaries purpose is to help candidates get elected and with that being said it only follows that they adhere to their state's political party's rules.

The North Carolina 0.03 NON-DISCRIMINATION Rule is vague and could be interpreted as leaving wiggle room for bigotry:
No test for membership in, or any oath of loyalty to, the North Carolina Democratic Party shall be required or used which has the effect of requiring prospective or current members of the Democratic Party to acquiesce in, condone or support discrimination based on status.

The Democratic Women of Mecklenburg County just posted a response to The Gorilla Angel Report to their facebook page:

Janice Covington replied asking if she has voting rights which is valid question since men are allowed to be associate members but are not allowed to vote.

The DEMOCRATIC WOMEN OF NORTH CAROLINA membership qualifications:

"Any woman who is an active Democrat in North Carolina as defined in the Plan of Organization, Democratic Party of North Carolina, and who pledges herself to the principles of the Democratic Party and to work for the election of Democratic candidates through her local Democratic Women’s organization, if such exists, shall be eligible for membership in this organization."

Enough dancing around transphobia in Mecklenburg County.

The North Democratic party's rules needs to be expanded to specifically include transgender people but that does not excuse how Ms. Covington is being treated. She isn't just any woman she is a transgender woman who deserves the respect she is being denied.

Facebook page Democratic Women of Mecklenburg County

Facebook Group Democratic Women of North Carolina (state group)