
SexMind's Mcalc Transgender Friendly Gender Neutral Menstruation Calculator

Sex Mind a group that describes itself as a interface between humanity and medical professionals is on Indigo seeking crowd funding for the development of a menstrual cycle app for mobile devices.

Why? With the advent of dads having children why shouldn't we have apps that treat us respectfully?

From the Indego site:

"There is a large amount of people in the world who do not identify with the traditional conception of gender, or who don´t express their gender in the same way as others. A gender neutral app like Mcalc is the perfect alternative for people who menstruate and have a hard time using overly feminized apps, or simply, for people who don´t want their tracking app to assume their gender and their sexual orientation. Aside from that, Mcalc helps to promote the inclusion of the LGBTQA community in the app market , joining plenty of other apps that have been supportive from the start."

Sex Mind has already released a beta version for Android. What bothered me was that I couldn't find a link to that app on their Tmblr or any other sites run by Sexmind. I found it by googling Sexmind  and down loaded the app to my Android.

The App worked the first I used it but then it quit accepting input. Even if it is in Beta thats not too impressive but then nether are the reviews.

Being a trans woman I have never had period but one of my partners did make timing hers my business. And I think its a great idea from my experiences presenting as male. I don't think there are too many manly trans men who would appreciate the flowery designs or being misgendered on the other apps I downloaded.

Its defiantly a idea who's time is due. (pun intended). Maybe the funding will help them have the resources to work the bugs out.


ACT drops Transgender and Intersex people from the marriage equality bill at last moment

The Australian Capital Territory or ACT dropped transgender and intersex people from the territories new same sex marriage law. According to Out in Perth the changes were made so the bill would have a better chance of standing up to the federal government’s promised High Court challenge.

ACT Attorney General Simon Corbell had told the ABC that the government is following the advice of constitutional law experts and provisions for transgender people will be added at a later date.

“We recognise that the views of a number of constitutional experts are that we should put that issue beyond doubt and the terminology that’s applied in our bill.”

“If our bill is upheld we will certainly move at a later date to expand its scope,” Mr Cordell said.

Australian trans and intersex people express their frustration at being excluded at the last moment. Trans Health Australia had this to say about it on facebook:

  • It is such a pity that "Gay Marriage Rights in Australia" also fails to change their name, and realise that "GAY MARRIAGE" or "SAME SEX MARRIAGE IS NOT MARRIAGE EQUALITY and now they wonder why the trans* and intersex communities have these types of problems? "

    'Separate but equal' is not equal. It shouldn't matter where you live, who you love or what sex you are.

    After the bill passes in the ACT tomorrow, thousands of Australian couples will be able to marry their 'same-sex' partner for the first time in the ACT but there will still be couples who are excluded and there will still be couples forced to divorce because of their legal sex status or the sex of their partner. This is not the 'fair go' Australians pride themselves on. This is not 'marriage equality' for Australia. This is 'same-sex marriage' in the ACT. The only way we can achieve full and inclusive marriage equality is to change the Federal Marriage Act. It's important that as we celebrate tomorrow that we remember that and most importantly tell all our family and friends and our Federal politicians.

    We will not rest until ALL Australians in ALL states are treated fairly and have the right to marry the person they love and have their love recognised as equal. "No freedom till we're equal. Damn right I support it."

Listen to Professor George Williams, constitutional law expert at the University of New South Wales explain to ABC why he believes these changes challenge proof the law Click here (opens in a MP3 window).