
"I am enough" project by Kye Allums pays it forward

While a sophomore in 2010 at George Washington College Kye informed his school he was transgender. While he remained on the woman's basketball team it was with the understanding he would not be allowed to begin HRT and for some reason, forgo SRS.

Basically Kye put his transition on hold. Understandably a very stressful time.

Kye has decided to pay it forward with Project I Am Enough a storytelling platform dedicated to promoting self-love, acceptance, and respect for everyone on the gender spectrum.

The end goal of the project is to help ten people financially who are just beginning transition in 2014.

Kye on the Go Fund me project: "As a shy, quiet, and closeted teenage girl growing up in Minnesota, I truly believed that I was the only gay person on the face of this earth. I would spend countless nights crying trying to figure out how I could be “normal”. I wanted to be like everyone else. It wasn't until later that I realized that being like everyone else wasn't an option, I could only be me.
Going to George Washington University for basketball gave me an opportunity to be around people that helped validate my identity. I was misinformed. There ARE other gay people in this world! Although that made me happy beyond belief I still felt like something was off, and I didn't know why. I had no words to express how I was feeling."

"All of that changed when I walked into my Human Sexuality class. Right in front of me was a panel of LGBT people sharing their stories. For the first time in my life I was able to hear from a transgender man as he talked about things that he had experienced throughout his life. I now had the vocabulary to explain how I was feeling. I’m a transgender man!"

@KyeAllums on twitter, personal facebook page Kye on the Go Fund me project: 

Male to female and female to male know how it feels to feel like your feet are facing backwards.

Another great way to support our community is through K.Page Productions which has produced a 2014 TransMan Community Calendar from all over L.A. county showcasing their name, contact information and business details.


Steubenville Rape case: Grand Jury Indicts superintendent High School principal and two coaches

An underage girl was repeatably raped by a football team dragged unconscious from party to party across state lines while party goers recorded her being raped and posted those recordings online.

Incredibly mainstream Media remained silent about it and many in the town openly sided with the rapists.

Anonymous was outraged and and called on social media to act and publicly Dox'd the rapists names. Anymomus was rewarded with a visit from the federal law enforcement who invaded the hactivist's house who exposed this atrocity.

With the pompous moral grandstanding of the OHIO Attorney general I find it ironic that the Russian news is reporting this for what it is "Four officials charged in Anonymous-propelled Steubenville rape case" .

So we, the people are forcing justice to happen DESPITE the school's attempted cover up and worse yet the egregiousness of American law enforcements who were complicit with these criminals.

Source Post Gazette:  -- The rape investigation that brought the national spotlight to Steubenville, Ohio, has ended with the indictments of the city's school superintendent and three others connected to the school district.

A special grand jury on Friday indicted superintendent Michael McVey, 50, along with a principal, a wrestling coach and a former assistant football coach on charges related to failing to report or hiding evidence of the sexual assault of a 16-year-old girl by two football players after a drinking party in 2012. The charges were announced Monday.

While players Trent Mays and Ma'Lik Richmond were convicted in March, observers had wondered whether others tied to the district and its powerful Big Red football team would becalled to account.

According to DeWine’s department, Superintendent McVey stands to face a maximum of nearly eight years in prison if convicted on all counts. Belerdine, 26, stands to face at the most one year and 265 days in jail, and Fluharty and Gorman could each get away with serving only one month for their alleged crimes.

REALLY? That was the same response we got when we started demanding justice.

“Some may ask why others were not indicted,” DeWine said during Monday’s presser. “It is simply not sufficient that person’s behavior was reprehensible, disgusting, mean-spirited, or just plain stupid,” he said.