
Is Transparent Transface or is it tipping us further into the mainstream?

Two suprises for Transparent

They're two sides to this debate neither of which are wrong. One mindset defends the series noting that although the transgender character isn't trans the film has a lot of extras that are. As a kind of a exclamation point to that argument, the New York Times published asking Can Jill Soloway Do Justice to the Trans Movement? That headline from the Times is so emblematic of the progress, we as a community have made.

This isn't the scuzzy Ticked off Tra##ies with Knives were talking about.

Conversely the other camp feels that without a transgender person playing the role of the transgender part, it is nothing less than tranface, a commercialization of transsexualism if you will. Given that historically trans people have been made the brunt of jokes or made out as comical RuPaul like female impersonators its no wonder the show sans a trans lead would be discredited out of hand.

Watching the plot just now I didn't see any reason to be upset, or really entertained, to be blunt. There was a lot of rapid fire upppyish upscale banter that I, and probably most other trans people have little connection with. I don't think the show is really aiming specifically for our demographic.
It ain't OITNB either.

However, from what I've seen so far Transparaent is being done with style and sensitivity. Its worth giving a fair chance to. You can make up your own mind by watching the pilot for free on Amazon.


Parker Marie Molloy : A clear and present danger.

Sorry I told you to kill yourself parker said.
So Parker, where's my apology?

Recently, Parker Marie Molloy came under fire for inexcusably trying to get a sister trans woman to self-harm or worse, to commit suicide. Kelsie Brynn Jones debated long about making this public, and she finally did on queerty.

Jones wondered whether Parker had done this before. Parker has done something awful to me. While she didn't try to get me drink bleach are actions did result in my getting removed as an author for TransAdvocate.

Parker, who had never visited my face book profile before, was alerted by someone to a conversation I was having there with Mark Cummings about the Trans 100. Malloy then began rapid fire messaging me and commenting on my facebook page furious about that conversation. I didn't know this at the time, but parker had a axe to grind with Cummings and saw an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.

Malloy's twitter feed is now private but Roberts posted this link to it on
her facebook thread threatening my intergrity as a advocate.

Molloy then baited me in PM's to say something regrettable about Monica Roberts who saw Molloys tweets mentioning her. Roberts waisted no time in responding. I withered the intense toxicity of her friends and apologised to her publicly on Roberts facebook page.

But that wasn't enough. It wasn't an apology Molloy or Roberts an editor at the Transadvocate, wanted.

I also debated writing this article dedicated to her actions but in light of her recent actions, I thought it's needed.

What makes Molloy a danger? With her envious writing skills, Parker is able to connect with issues and present them with a style that appeals to the trans community.

Even now I find it hard at times not to peek at something written by her.

Then she strikes out at us, intentionally hurting us demolishing our trust in one another. That is unacceptable. There are no apologies she can offer that will repair the damage she has caused. Will her actions some day cause someone to kill themselves? Can we look the other way now? Can we live with ourselves if she does?

This isn't a revenge piece, but as I said back then you will eventually be called out Molloy. Parker needs to park it.

Yesterday Kelsie Drako issued her demands.