
Task Force : Turn Anger Into Action

Rea Carey, Executive Director
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Action Fund

I know that right now, many of you are still shocked, saddened, and extremely angry about the passage of Proposition 8 in California — and let me tell you, so are we.

Losses on similar constitutional amendments in Arizona and Florida, and an adoption ban in Arkansas, are equally devastating. But we're picking ourselves back up here at the Task Force, and we're continuing the fight. And today I want to ask you to turn the anger you may feel at this moment into positive action.

Start by signing your name to our Anger into Action Declaration right now. This declaration is about showing wide public support for the fundamental rights of LGBT people. The latest marriage amendments and adoption ban passed by our fellow citizens are built on lies and deception, and we can't stand for it.

After you sign the declaration, think about what you can be doing in your own life to keep the visibility high and voice your support for full equality. Here are a few examples of what people all around the country are doing to keep up the fight.

Cathy and Ellen, married in California after the May 2008 Supreme Court ruling, are attending a rally and march tonight, protesting discrimination being written into our state constitutions.

Madeline in New York is keeping her "No on 8" button up on her Facebook profile, in solidarity with her Californian friends and family.

A straight ally wrote us a moving e-mail, letting us know he and his wife just donated $100 in honor of their six-month-old son — in hopes that, regardless of his sexual orientation, their child would grow up with the opportunity to share his life with the partner of his choice.

Brian is writing a letter to the editor of his local newspaper in Florida, sharing his views on how discrimination persists, even in light of the progress his state saw in the presidential election.
There is no action too small, and every action — symbolic or more tangible — makes a difference.

I am so proud, despite our losses, of our efforts this election season and continue to be moved by the outpouring of support from our community and our allies. We've called on you, our most loyal supporters, time and time again — to give, to knock on doors, to make phone calls, and to do everything you could to make sure that LGBT people are treated with the dignity and respect they deserve.

(Authors note; The Task Force has been a Bastion of Solidarity for Queer and Transgender folks. A call for rational thought when emotions are high may be the last thing we want, but in the long run the results of will be admired by the very ones we currently are at odds with~:)k

Marriage INequality after the dust settles

kelli Busey
November 11, 2008

Now that we have had a week to let the magnatude of the havoc that was wrecked on the GLBT agenda there have been a wide varance of responses. Some protest loudly. Some pray. Some are arrested( do not dance on patrol cars). Many of us wish to localize the pain and blame.

The responses are varied in focus and the expected amount of time for results. I do not advocate the exclusive use of one but will post all.

The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force has http://www.kintera.org/c.qkIWKaMZIxF/b.4746361/k.29E1/Anger_Into_Action_Declaration/siteapps/advocacy/ActionItem.aspx?sid=192351509&msource=anger2acte1&auid=4217042 Anger into Action Declaration for you to consider signing. Rea Carey, Executive Director asks that you sign this as an action, a first progressive step. Not a bad idea since we have morality and joesphine public with us.

The L.A Gay and Lesbian Center understandably has taken a direct route to a major orhginizer in the passage of Prop 8, the Church of the Latter Day Saints (Mormons). The Center is asking for you to make a donation in the name of the President of said institution for the defeat of marriage inequality. Not a bad idea.

I have done neiter of te above. I will not limit my advocacy, nor promise not to take action out of angrer or stupidity.

I am a woman of faith and find it objectionable to single out a religious leader for expressing his views. This individual is facing the indignation of the nation as the most cinical of Republicians are now asking "WHY".

Bishop Robinson visits Dallas for a "Transgender Conversation"

For immediate release

Kelli Busey, Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies (DTAA)

posted November 11, 2008

Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies are thrilled to welcome to Dallas the Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson, Bishop of New Hampshire for a public conversation with transgender people.

Sheraton Dallas Hotel
Seminar Theater
400 North Olive Street · Dallas, Texas 75201 · United States

Map and Directions

November 22, 2008 from 1:00 until 2:00pm

Bishop Robinson will attend a "Transgender Conversation" with the Dallas Transgender Advocates, and Allies(DTAA) to share with us his wisdom and faith and to learn of the transgender struggle for equality.

Bishop Robinson has bravely stepped forward to answer questions regarding religion and it's influence on progressive social action, and to share with us what he has learned from the recent Lambeth and how his diocese situation parallels the Queer and Transgenders class struggle against social, religious and political exclusionary and revisionist agendas.

Who are the Dallas Transgender and Advocates Queers and Allies?
We are Transgender Questioning Intersexed Asexual Queers and allies. We comprise a nationwide network of diversity in ethnic, social, educational, economic, religious, gender identities, sexual orientations and political views. Our goal is to unite the Transgender Questioning Intersexed Asexual Queer community through realization of potential in soul and mind and moving forward as a whole in the cause of social, legal and religious equality.

Hosting entity
Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies

Donations are encouraged and appreciated to defray expenses. All remaining funds will forwarded to Carmens Place, an Episcopal home and outreach for LBGT youth, Astoria, New York
Carmens Place

Allied and concerned organizations

Reconciling Ministries Network(RMN)

Dallas Peace Center
Dallas Peace Center.org

Queer Today
Queer Today

Left In SF
Left In SF

Organisation Intersex International, OII-USA




Tell President Elect Obama Your Story

Courtesy of the LGBT Democrats and the Atomic Gay Wonk we have learned of the President elect Obama's web page where he is asking Americans to tell him your story.

Start right now. Tell us your story in your own words about what this campaign and this election means to you. Share your hopes for an Obama Administration and a government for the people.

Tell President-elect Barack Obama your thoughts about gay marriage, an inclusive ENDA, DOMA, Don't Ask Don't Tell, gay adoption, gay immigration equality, the need for national leadership in fighting anti-gay ballot initiatives, and more at Change.gov

kelli Busey
Nov. 10, 2008



posted by Kelli Busey

On election day of this year while the LGBT community was celebrating the end of Bush politics our inequality was being written into the California, Florida, Arizona and Arkansas constitutions. In California where LGBT people had enjoyed marriage equality since June our rights were ripped away from us over night.

Since the elections tens of thousands of people have been pouring into the streets throughout California in disgust over the passing of Prop 8. This Saturday, November 15 at 12:30 PM, we in Dallas will stand in front of City Hall with those in California in expressing our abhorrence of the passing of this hateful measure.

Dallas’ Protest is part of a nationwide day of action against Prop 8. This effort coordinated through the website www.jointheimpact.com will take place at exactly the same time this coming Saturday in front of City Halls throughout the country.

Although last Tuesday’s vote in California prompted officials in that state to cease issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples, it’s an open question whether the Supreme Court in that state will confirm the ballot referendum or throw it out. Officially, their decision will probably hinge on a legal technicality, whether or not the referendum language broke a vaguely worded provision of the state constitution that says that referenda cannot be overly-broad in the matters they cover.

However, the real reason for the court’s decision will probably have much more to do with the amount of protest heat that LGBT people and our allies can generate outside of the courtrooms. While courts are always loath to admit that public protest influences their decisions, some of the most important progressive decisions have in fact been the direct results of such public protest. A large women’s movement in the streets of America made the Nixon-packed, anti-abortion US Supreme Court give us the Roe v. Wade pro-choice decision in the 1970s to name one example.

Saturday’s nationwide protests are aimed at pressuring the California Supreme Court to reaffirm its earlier pro-gay decision and restore the state’s reputation as a beacon for progressives elsewhere. Also on the agenda is repealing the Texas state constitutional amendment prohibiting same-sex marriage and advancing LGBT equality here in our home state, this is not an impossible task that our elected leaders often present it as being.

For more information about Saturday’s demonstration please contact the following individuals:

Blake Wilkinson

Etta Zamboni

Dallas Voice Instant Tea


Stu Rasmussen Oregon Transgender Mayor

The Silverton Appeal maybe the small town atomsphere of trust and understanding that accompanies fresh air living.

Silverton Oregon just elected lifetime resident Stu Rasmussen Oregon Mayor. Stu is a self described man who is comfortable looking and dressing as a woman.

Gender diversity rocks and Stu you are the king of Rock and Roll!

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