
NGblog: Judy Shepard on Rachel Maddow/MSNBC

NGblog: Judy Shepard on Rachel Maddow/MSNBC 9pm EST
I want to watch this. Foxx(R) NC tirade against naming human rigts bills "Mathew Shepard" in honor of Judy's son has brought new energy that helped to pass the House version HR(1913.) It is now in the Senate Judiciary committee waiting recommendations as S.909 with a final destination at the White House where President Obama promised to sign it.
Thanks NG Blog


Republican Congresswoman Foxx (NC) calls Matthew Shepard's brutal murder "a hoax."

Republican Congresswoman Foxx(R)NC said continuing to name a hate crimes bill "The Mathew Shepard Act" is a hoax becuse she said everyone knows he was robbed.

Mathew Shepard's mother was reported to be in the gallery.

Source You Tube Comentary:

"The House Republican chosen to lead the charge against including women, people with disabilities, and gays in America's already-existing hate crimes law - existing law already counts violent crime based on the race, religion or national origin of the victim as a "hate crime" - just referred on the US House floor to Matthew Shepard's murder as "a hoax." Her name is Virginia Foxx, and she's from, of course, North Carolina. At what point will Republicans stop letting their party be lead by bigots and extremists?"