
Memnosyne Foundation

World peace!

What we do this moment directly affects people around the globe. It is our responsibility to make this a GOOD Thing! Please watch this video and pause to reflect. Did that coffee purchase mean? What does that extra tank of gas a week do? What can we do? Did 9/11 have to happen?

When in history can we recount acts of violence precluded violence?



Courage Campaign: Urge your Congressmember to co-sponsor the Respect Marriage Act

From: The Courage Campaign

"The Defense of Marriage Act unfairly singles out legally married same-sex couples for inequitable treatment, denying those couples the protections and responsibilities cited over 1,100 times in federal statute that otherwise apply to married couples."

"Ask your Representative to co-sponsor the Respect Marriage Act, which would repeal DOMA as an important first step towards full equality. Remind them that we won’t stop until we reach full equality for all Americans."

Click Here to speak out for Equality!

Ohio House of Representatives passed H 176, the Equal Housing and Employment Act.

Anti-Discrimination Law Passes Ohio House of Representatives
History is made in Ohio

Today, with a vote of 56 to 39, the Ohio House of Representatives passed House Bill 176, the Equal Housing and Employment Act. The historice vote marks the first time in Ohio that a vote on the floor of the Ohio General Assembly has occurred on legislation protecting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people. The bill now moves to the Senate.

This win would not have been possible without years of hard work and dedication to change from activists across Ohio . Congratulations and thank you to everyone who played such a vital role in making today a reality.

Please take a moment to find your legislator's name below and click on the link to either thank them or express your disappointment.

Voting YES were (Democrats) Stewart, Belcher, Bolon, Book, Boyd, Budish, Brown, Carney, Celeste, Chandler, DeBose, DeGeeter, Domenick, Dodd, Driehaus, Dyer, Foley, Garland, Garrison, Gerberry, Goyal, Hagan, Harris, Harwood, Heard, Koziura, Letson, Luckie, Lundy, Mallory, Moran, Murray, Newcomb, Okey, Otterman, Phillips, Pillich, Pryor, Sayre, Schneider, Skindell, Slesnick, Sykes, Szollosi, Ujvagi, Weddington, B. Williams, S. Williams, Winburn, Yates, Yuko. (Republicans) McGregor, Blair, Dolan, Hite, Lehner. Click here to thank them.

Voting NO were (Republicans) J. Adams, R. Adams, Amstutz, Bacon, Baker, Balderson, Batchelder, Blessing, Bubp, Burke, Combs, Coley, Daniels, Derickson, Evans, Gardner, Goodwin, Grossman, Hackett, Hall, Hottinger, Huffman, Jordan, Maag, Mandel, Martin, McClain, Mecklenborg, Morgan, Oelslager, Ruhl, Sears, Snitchler, Stautberg, Stebelton, Uecker, Wachtman, Wagner, and Zehringer. Click here to express your disappointment

Absent: Boose, Fende and Patten

Celebrate with us tonight beginning at 6:00 p.m. at Union, 782 N. High St., Columbus
sign up for Equality Ohio Action Center.

Democratic National Committee appoints first transgender member

"Barbra Casbar-Siperstein is among the six LGBT nominees the DNC approved at a meeting in Austin, Texas. Others include Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, Victory Fund co-founder Terry Bean and Dallas County [Tex.] sheriff Lupe Valdez. Siperstein, who was also elected vice chair of the DNC’s Eastern Regional Caucus, reflected upon her appointment during an interview with EDGE last week."
Source: Boston Edge


Last Chance to speak up for Harvey Milk Day!

This bill would require the governor proclaim May 22 each year as Harvey Milk Day. It would encourage public schools and educational institutions to conduct suitable commemorative exercises on that date.
Capitol Office
(automated line)
Fresno Office
Los Angeles Office
Riverside Office
San Diego Office
San Francisco Office

Dustin Lance Black, Oscar-winning writer of the screenplay for Milk, testifies before the California Senate Education Committee on behalf of SB 572 | The Harvey Milk Day bill authored by Mark Leno and sponsored by Equality California. Add your name to the petition to Governor Schwarzenegger urging him to sign this important legislation.

Eight Years Later: A Week of Media Action Against the War in Afghanistan!

Thousands join CODEPINK, United For Peace & Justice, Peace Action West, MADRE and Community Leaders Medea Benjamin, Jodie Evans,Tom Hayden, Barbara Ehrenreich and Paul Haggis in Calling for Change
WASHINGTON D.C. - On the 8th Anniversary of the Authorization for Use of Military Force in Afghanistan, with public opinion opposing the war at an all time high, CODEPINK, United For Peace & Justice, Peace Action West, MADRE, Brave New Films and a coalition of progressive and antiwar organizations call on leaders for an exit strategy and near-term withdrawal.
Catalyzing the shift in public opinion toward a change in policy, the coalition is speaking out across the country supported by thousands of members. A petition to Take Action Against the War is being circulated widely signed by hundreds of community leaders, including longtime leader and activist Tom Hayden, CODEPINK founders Jodie Evans and Medea Benjamin, author Barbara Ehrenreich, filmmaker Paul Haggis and many more (view the petition at: http://bit.ly/rNDFS).
“The tide has turned on the war in Afghanistan, we need to raise our voices over the din of distraction, so that turning tide can bring our troops home and much needed peace and development to the people of Afghanistan” said CODEPINK co-founder Jodie Evans. “This week we aim to shake the ground below those who profit from and push for war and remind Congress a majority of the U.S. citizens want military engagement in Afghanistan to end, NOW.”
This week of action comes at a pivotal moment, as President Obama considers authorizing more troops for Afghanistan. Congressional leaders including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Carl Levin are expressing opposition to increased troop levels and according to a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey, 57 percent of Americans now oppose the war in Afghanistan. “Our military is overstretched, our wallets are empty and there are no military solutions to these conflicts," said CODEPINK co-founder Medea Benjamin. "We can save money, save lives and honor the will of the American people by focusing on negotiated solutions and bringing our troops home.”
The coalition and petition call on leaders to oppose escalation of troops, adopt an exit strategy based on all-party talks, regional diplomacy, unconditional humanitarian aid, and timelines promising an American and NATO military withdrawal from Afghanistan The Petition to Take Action Against the War will be delivered to Congress Thursday, just one day before the September 18th anniversary of the AUMF - the bill that authorized the invasion of Afghanistan.
CODEPINK Founders Medea Benjamin and Jodie Evans are available for interview. Contact Dana Balicki, 202.422.8624, dana@codepinkalert.org For more information go to http://www.codepinkalert.org/article.php?id=4895.