
This Pussy Writer Riots Against Putin's Russian Orthodox Inquisition

Эта киска Writer Бунты против Русской православной инквизиции Путина

I know from my site meter the vast majority of American trans woman could give a fuck less what happens outside our borders. The interest shown to articles published on planetransgender about Russia would would prohibit a commercial enterprises from publishing, but I'm not a paid writer.

I am a fucking Pussy (w)Rioter! Я чертовски Pussy (ш)мятежник!

For this, praying for the church and country, similar to what we have done time and again with Soulforce here, the three Pussy Riot members are facing a 7 year sentence.

The head of the Russian branch of Amnesty International Sergei Nikitin announced on Tuesday, April 3, that has recognized the three arrested women, Maria Alyokhina, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Ekaterina Samucevich, as prisoners of conscience and demands their immediate release.

Suzi Parker's article on the Washington Post What American women could learn from Pussy Riot, a Russian punk rock girl band is a very good read.

This could be our reality in the United States should religions war on woman be won. Make no mistake.

The Ameican trans community needs to start thinking outside the box. We can influence world opinion, the same as we are doing here in the states because when you step out of the forest, its obvious the very foundations of transmisogyny here are crumbling.

Please sign the Free Pussy Riot.org petition Alexander Konovalov, Minister for Justice, Russia to release the imprisoned band members.


Thanks to the Prism Direction

The Sad State of Ashley Love's Advocacy

I remember a time not long ago when Ashley Love, Glaad and I joined forces in advocacy that resulted with activists on the ground in NYC, Fort Worth Texas and Seattle Washington that exposed Israel Luna's movie "Ticked off "T" with Knives" for what it was.

The profiteering and of transgender and transsexual murders by a gay man.

You did an amazing job Ashley. Our work contributed to a universal understanding regarding trans defamation. "Tranny" or the "T" word, used cavalierly or for profiteering, is socially unacceptable, the same as the "F" bomb or the "N" word.

Near the end of that effort Ashley and I had forged a very close relationship but that's when she started to change. About that time she attacked me on my facebook page with such obnoxious vitriol about her new transsexual identity issue I didn't just unfriend her, I banned her.

The first time Ashly was truly sorry. The second time I banned her for the same behaviour she was less apologetic but made a strong case for rebuilding our friendship. I decided at that time having Ashley for a friend despite our differences was the right thing to do, so I allowed her back into my heart.

I felt she had tremendous potential as a young trans advocate and I had seen her in action. Charismatic, beautiful, slightly narcissistic in a movie star way.

Ashly threw all that good will away after she again tagged me on another one of her facebook notes regarding the differences between transgender and transsexual peoples. Up to that time I had stayed away from her invitations having read the conversations, but this time I made the mistake of joining in it.

I was repeatedly attacked like a collie by a pack of ravenous rabid wolfs, and Ashley who is very much into controlling her personal spaces, did nothing despite my pleas. Her acquiescence was silent approval.

All because I identify as transgender and because of a simple personal preference not transsexual.

I mourn our community's lose at your departure Ashley. You were a rising star but now with the lose of credibility and most importantly the trust of most people who knew you Ashley, there is little good you can do for our community until you stop acting like we are all your enemy.

People who identify in the most conventional sense as transgender have more in common with the most radical WBT or transsexual identifying person than differences.
how to make a gif
Its all about the potential of dichotomy. It can build understanding or it can tear apart friendship and communities.

But Ashley I won't sit silently any longer on the sidelines as you make outrageous contentions, muddying the understanding of who we are by the cis world. That is why I am posting this. I am reaching out to you Ashley, not as the transgender Borg you believe me to represent (despite some obvious similarities lol), but as a friend.

You are is a woman born with chromosomal and anatomy diversity (which transpired into a medical condition).

I am totally cool with that!

I am a transgender woman who believes every gender gifted person under our umbrella has a home here, who wants it. Including you.


Paige Clay Your Murder will not get "Swept Under The Rug"

Paige was found slain in a cold back Chicago ally last week. Local advocates and friends disllusined with perceived police ineptitude and uncaring attitudes have begun a campaign to make sure her murder doesn't go unsolved.

The Chicago Taskforce will be rallying for JUSTICE FOR PAIGE and have issued this statement:
No one with genetic ties have claimed Paiges body from the morgue as of this posting. If I died today the same would happen with me. I didn't know Paige personally but am I am her family, the only real family ether of us have.

More at the Chicago Phoenix

AP Report: It Made Me Feel Like I was of Worth: Transgender Workplace Discrimination

"It makes me feel like I am of worth, like I have a chance to get a job." These are the words of one black transgender woman describing how it felt to be at the LTBG job fair. But that chance for Mocha remains slim as nearly half of us, according to the the AP report, experience "some sort of workplace discrimination." I'm pretty sure that number is much higher, especially for trans people of color.

Most of us have experienced long periods of under and unemployment. When we do find jobs that actually supply a pay check we are targeted by co workers with schemes to hurt our reputations and feelings and supervisors who overlook us when training becomes available.

For the record, the narrator incorrectly described gender as an 'orientation' conflating transgender peoples gender expression and identity with sexual orientation.


Alternating Gender Incongruent Transsexuals, All-ee All-ee In Come Free!

Gender fluid peeps, the waters fine!

For too long the right wing has repeatedly tried tearing off pieces of our trans umbrella mangling the truth and maligning those gender fluid peeps (GFP) who identify as male, female, asexual or a variety of other expressions, depending on when you ask them.

The ease which some move between gender expressions is oil for the 'not in my shower' and a wayward transphobic splinter faction of feminism, radfem's fear mongering machines.

Time after time while we advanced inclusive legislation they never missed a opportunity to fail miserably trying to validate outrageous lies about transgender people. "Radfems" only insinuate, not having justifiable cause but the Not in My Shower crew makes movies and mounts campaigns presenting us as threatening to innocent children in restrooms.

And I will admit, that while I stand proudly under our umbrella, I never pointed explicitly to GFP's while advocating for our inclusion in public accommodation provisions bills. But nether has other advocates from our community, to my knowledge. I should have more faith in these individuals for even if they are different from me in the way that didn't stop me from loving one as I had never loved before. I still love you Deborah, after all these years.

My trepidation in being inclusive has no more basis in fact than does the "not in my showers assertions".

The intellectual community is leading our way out of the shadows. This Scientific American article asks whether You Can Be a Man in the Morning and a Woman at Night using the on going study by the Center for Brain and Cognition, University of California paper "Alternating gender incongruity: A new neuropsychiatric syndrome providing insight into the dynamic plasticity of brain-sex" for empirical proof.

Transgender gender fluidity is a naturally occurring phenomenon the same as my static gender incongruence.

All-ee All-ee In Come Free everyone!