
Denmark Do Not Send Trans Woman Fernanda Milan To Her Death

Protest Danish acquiescence to the murder of this woman, Fernanda Milan.

***UpDate! Uncommon Scents is reporting an 11th hour appeal has stayed her deportation, for now.

At 22 Fernanda has made some powerful enemies. Adversaries in her country who have beaten her in the past, and now that she revealed to world the fate that awaits her in Guatemala they will stop at nothing to silence her, if she is forced to return.

What has made these people act so violently towards Fernanda? She is transgender and an activist.

Liberal Conspiracy contributor Natacha Kennedy writes : "It has been estimated that the average life expectancy of a transgender person in Guatemala is 25, and there are, quite simply, no trans people there at all over 35. Trans people are excluded from society and have no access to education or employment, most being forced into sex work to survive, where they become easy targets for extra-judicial killings."

"The problem for Fernanda is that Denmark, the UK and Ireland opted out of an EU agreement to include persecution on the grounds of gender identity as a criterion for asylum.

Despite the best efforts to date by ILGA-Europe
Denmark will not allow her asylum leaving one option. Protest.

Save Fernanda Milan Demonstration outside the Royal Danish Embassy,55 Sloane Street,London SW1X 9SR.Monday 10 September 5.30 – 8.00pm .The Facebook demo page


PUSSY RIOT Releases New Video BURNING PHOTOS Of Putin.

The Fight Is Bigger Than This Tyrant. Reuters and MTV report that PUSSY RIOT has released this new video thanking the world for supporting them and calling out the illegitimate leader of Russia, Vladimir Putin.
PUSSY ZDJĘĆ BURN RIOT Putina, Pussy RIOT BURN fotografií Putina, PUSSY RIOT PHOTOS BURN de Poutine, PUSSY RIOT BURN FOTOS von Putin 2012.07.09

Mosca - Nel video diffuso online si vedono tre PUSSY RIOT con il passamontagna colorato che esprimono sostegno nei confronti delle loro tre compagne condannate a due anni di carcere in carcere e ringraziano le star internazionali che le hanno sostenute, tra cui Bjork, Madonna e i Red Hot Chili Peppers

Moscow - In the video posted online there are three PUSSY RIOT with colored balaclava expressing support for their three companions sentenced to two years in prison in prison and thanked the international stars who have incurred, including Bjork, Madonna and the Red Hot Chili Peppers

Масква - У відэа размешчаны ў Інтэрнэце ёсць тры PUSSY RIOT з каляровымі падшлемнікі выказваючы падтрымку іх трыма спадарожнікамі прысуджаны да двух гадоў пазбаўлення волі ў турме, і падзякаваў міжнародных зорак, якія ўзялі на сябе, у тым ліку Б'ёрк, Мадона і Red Hot Chili Peppers

Moskva - I videoen lagt online der er tre PUSSY RIOT med farvet elefanthue udtrykke støtte til deres tre kammerater dømt til to års fængsel i fængslet og takkede de internationale stjerner, der har afholdt, herunder Bjork, Madonna og Red Hot Chili Peppers

Moskou - In de video online geplaatst zijn er drie PUSSY RIOT met gekleurde bivakmuts hun steun voor hun drie metgezellen veroordeeld tot twee jaar in de gevangenis in de gevangenis en bedankte de internationale sterren die zijn ontstaan, daaronder begrepen Bjork, Madonna en de Red Hot Chili Peppers

Moskva - I videon upp på nätet finns det tre PUSSY RIOT med färgad balaclava uttrycker stöd för sina tre kamrater dömts till två års fängelse i fängelset och tackade de internationella stjärnor som har uppkommit, inklusive Björk, Madonna och Red Hot Chili Peppers

Москва - В видео размещены в Интернете есть три PUSSY RIOT с цветными подшлемник выражая поддержку их тремя спутниками приговорен к двум годам лишения свободы в тюрьме, и поблагодарил международных звезд, которые взяли на себя, в том числе Бьорк, Мадонна и Red Hot Chili Peppers

Moscú - En el video publicado en línea hay tres RIOT COÑO con el apoyo pasamontañas de color para expresar sus tres compañeros condenados a dos años de prisión en la cárcel y agradeció a las estrellas internacionales que han incurrido, incluyendo Bjork, Madonna y los Red Hot Chili Peppers

and to all the activists in the world who are joining the fight for Russia, thank you.


CNN Fire Political Commentator Erick Erickson

Erickson's tweet about the woman speakers at the DNC "First night of the Vagina Monologues in Charlotte going as expected" wasn't commentary, it was a betrayal of his true belief.

When we listen to the Vagina Monologues we hear tales of bravery, shared humanity and victory over oppression. When we listened to Michell Obama at the DNC we were in tears in appreciation. When Erickson hears our First Lady, or any DNC female speakers for that matter, he hears whining.

His tweet was a betrayal of objective reporting, the kind we demand from our mainstream news sources. The editor in 'chief' of the RedState has no place on CNN objectifying, marginalizing and dehumanizing womankind. Let him express himself on his "RedState" as I do on my blog to people of like mind.

Its simple CNN.

Listen to the tens of thousands of Americans who are demanding you

Fire Eric Erickson

Read more at Think Progress and please consider signing the petition CNN: Fire Erick Erickson


Michelle Obama's full DNC speech

For all people regardless of who you love or how you look, for woman to have the say about our bodies. Four more years.


Femen: "Une armée française sera formée à Paris" In Paris A New Feminist Army

When Pussy Riot was imprisoned after a mock 'trial' for protesting the Orthodox Church's integration and perversion of the Russian state people worldwide of all genders and political affiliations became upset and the resulting protests took many forms.

One such protest took place in Kiev, Ukraine where members of the feminist group FEMEN cut down crosses. Similar action occurred across Russia where more crosses were cut down, persumably in protest of Pussy Riots mock trial and unfair imprisonment.

The woman in the video who cut the cross down in Kiev escaped her country to Paris after the police attempted to arrest her. The Russian goverment has saturated the Internet with versions of their official media outlet, RT , so it's critical this version be told as well. This is her story.

Femen: "Une armée française sera formée à Paris" from FEMEN Video on Vimeo.


Video: Wayne Besen Takes Down XGay & Anti Trans AFA Front Man

At the 7:06 mark Besen confronts Brown about his use of defamation while demonizing transsexual people. Brown, obviously aware that this would come up backpedaled trying to legitimize his pejorative use of 'tranny' citing Glsen's extremely occasional use the word in respective, and in my opinion misguided attempts to connect with youth.

There's a world of difference between Glsen's research and Browns horrible "poem".

Source: Advocate-
"Wayne Besen, founder of Truth Wins Out, an organization set on debunking the "ex-gay" myth, took on antigay Dr. Michael Brown, who runs a campaign claiming "God Has A Better Way" than homosexuality. On Friday's edition of The David Pakman Show, a public-access news and political talk show, Besen and Brown accused each other of inciting violence and vitriol against their opponents."

"What [Brown] does is he incites people to violence in my view," said Besen on the program. "Just look at his rhetoric... I think it's this combination of militaristic language and the demonizing of a minority that sparked my view of Dr. Brown."

"I also believe that he comes across here as very nice and kind, but again, it's a fraud," Besen continued, as Brown smiled on the split-screen Skype video conference."


As a follower of Christ and former truck driver who spent many nights in between eastern Texas and Louisiana I will testify to this. The AFA radio network all but owned the airwaves late night in those rural areas and the hateful anti LGBT rhetoric they espouse would have convinced any uniformed individual LGBT people are the devils spawn.

Do not be taken in by Brown's smugness, he like all of the signers of the letter to Fox asking that Besen be censored will only be satisfied if they can silence us, imprison our gender expression, or worse, eradicate us as they are trying to do in Russia and Uganda.