
Interview with "The man with a pussy": Buck Angel female to male porn icon

Buck on being the man with a pussy and acceptance from the porn and LGBT community.. "Oh clearly, first off with the porn industry" incredulously recounting the wide variety of porn available at that time... " for some reason when I chose to do what I was doing they really came down hard on me along with the trans community specifically the trans male community at the time."

"They didn't like what I was doing, they thought it was disrespectful, they thought I showing the whole world we were all men with pussies. It was difficult in the beginning but I've changed that now. Everyone embraces my work."

Growing up Buck said about his transsexuality "I didn't see my future, it was very dismal for me" His mother waving her arms said "we didn't know! We didn't know what to do" while his father sobbed saying he 'wrote him out of his life.'

That rejection almost killed him "It was a bottle of pills, I took them all" Buck tells of his almost becoming another youth trans suicide statistic.

Out of curiosity I created a profile on Buck Angel Dating since this seemed to be of great pride to Mr. Angel. I was hopeful that this trans dating site might have more to offer since it was created by a member of our community.

 But it appears the site is geared towards making money catering to those who want little more than a night of wild unabandoned uninhibited no strings attached kinky sex. But I could be wrong about that, like I said I created a profile for 'educational' purposes. Ya gotta pay Buck for the opportunity to hook up after creating your profile. Not what I'm into but I wouldn't 'buck' a friend if they did.

Georgia Cis Woman's Birth Certificate Gender Marker Discrepancy Gets Fixed By Fox News

Filled under 'why can't we do this too?'

A presumably cisgender Georgia woman went to renew her driver licensee but due to a new law she had to return with her birth certificate. When she looked at it carefully she learned a mistake had been made when she was born, the wrong gender marker had been 'x'ed.

She left the human services office humiliated and mortified because they told her they wouldn't reissue her BC with her correct gender until she provided a physicians letter proving she was really a woman.

Sound familiar gender peeps? Well lucky for her she had Fox News champion of civil cisgender rights to ride in and correct this wrong.

Fox 5's "Kaitlyn Pratt took Grimes' concerns to Vital Records Services. Their director said what happened is not protocol, and she's looking into the incident. She also promised to make things right."

Taaaadaa cisgender privilage.

Georgia's laws are typical of our country's double standards and subjective enforcement. From Transequality.org:

In Georgia: "A person may have the gender designation on their driver’s license changed after a gender reassignment operation upon the presentation to a driver examiner of either a court order reflecting such change, or a physician's letter certifying such change. The letter or court order shall state the person's name and date of birth, and the date of gender reassignment operation, as well as other identifying information. A person applying under Section (1) shall surrender all licenses in their possession and shall be required to pay either the renewal license fee or a duplicate license fee, whichever is applicable. No rebate will be given for any licenses surrendered. In all cases the decision to change the gender designation on the license is at the discretion of the Department."

There are numerous online examples of problematic non enforcement such as the one the cisgender woman benefited from:
megafamilyproject.or "in the last few years the Georgia Department of Motor Vehicle Safety has issued a regulation that requires transpeople to show a notarized affidavit of genital surgery to have the sex marker changed on their driver’s license. This policy is enforced unevenly, however, and many times a person who presents with a certified copy of their order for name change and legal change of gender can get their sex marker change, depending on who is working the counter that particular day."

Although a little dated, the TS Road Map has some more examples.

In my state of Texas there are no laws about this. Changing ones name is easy enough but getting your gender marker changed on the all important drivers license is more about knowing which county to 'live' in and how to approach the clerk to get the right judge.

You can get the up to date information on your states policies here but keep this in mind, some judges are more liable to use good judgement than others so its critical to ask around and contact someone who has recently done a gender marker change for advice.