By Kelli Anne Busey,
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersexed and Questioning community were offered an apology for the police brutality during the raid on the Rainbow Lounge. Many in the community wonder about the timing and value of Chief Halsteads apology and do not aggree with opinion being expressed in this video. We are also wondering why this apology has taken so long to be made.
We are also wondering why Mayor Moncrief asked the Texas Attorney General to conduct a independent investigation and why the Attorneys Generals office took so long to reply.
What Happens in Ft. Worth Isn’t Staying There.
Clearly a Mayor of a major city would know or be advised that the attorney general would refuse such a request.
I would like to know why it took the attorney Generals office so long to respond.
We would like to know if the FBI was asked to investigate as the Attorney General suggested and what the FBI's response is.
I would like to know why it took two weeks for Mayor Moncrief to hold a public forum were the Rainbow Lounge incident could be discussed and why Mayor Moncrief was surprised when the LGBT community would not wait until the wee hours to discuss police brutality.
Yes Mayor Moncrief you may have to throw QueerLiberaction members out of council meetings again if you beat us, falsely arrest us, trample on our civil rights ND THEN ATTEMPT TO IGNORE US.
Gay Activists Kicked out of Council Hearing on Rainbow Lounge Raid.
Mayor Moncrief must be held accountable for the actions of men and woman who are empowered by the city to up hold the law.
Fort Worth TABC Supervisor steps down in wake of Rainbow Lounge Raid
The police chiefs apology IS weak. The officers who decided to wear unauthorized uniforms and beat up American citizens must be fired and arrested for breaching criminal and civilian law.
Rainbow Lounge Raid Rally at Tarrant County Courthouse
Top Blog Sites 'Police Brutality'
Showing posts with label News opinion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News opinion. Show all posts
HRC Board : ENDA Policy Statement March 25, 2009

By Kelli Anne Busey
March 25, 2009
HRC published a statement on March 25th regarding it's policy on a gender inclusive ENDA past and present. HRC emphatically states it will not embrace the policy of 2007 when it abondoned it's support of transgender people.
I have a problem with this statement. HRC is still attempting to rewrite history. HRC is still trying to play the innocent victim. The sexual orientation ENDA had ZERO chance of passing the Senate or be signed by the president and they knew it. The move to abandon transgender people was despicable and we will not, and can not forget.
HRC if people see you as a revisionist that adds fuel to the fears you are also an assimilationist organization. Come clean and you will win hearts.
As a co-captain of the HRC haters club I am highly sceptical of the resolve that HRC will display in the future as it faces the potty mouthed right wingdings on the national front but then.....I can not deny the recent effectiveness of our combined efforts.Go Equality Federation!
I'd say give them a shot. Who knows?
HRC Board ENDA Policy
"It's the policy of HRC that the organization will only support an inclusive ENDA. In 2007 House leadership informed us that there were insufficient votes to pass an inclusive bill, so they decided to vote on a sexual orientation only bill. We made a one time exception to our policy in 2007 because we strongly believed that supporting this vote would do more to advance inclusive legislation. We will not support such a strategy again. We look forward to Congress sending President Obama a fully inclusive ENDA for his signature."
On the web at News
'Man in the Shower' says eye witness Mary Ann Ondray er I mean Mary Ann Andree, I mean Mary ann, oh whatever.
"Have Hate" and no way to express it?
"We have a speical today on the ever popular 'shower' method." According to Mary Ann Jane Doe of the 'Concerned Citizens of whatever' "We have refined the shower method allowing the creation of an extremly dangerous precedents by getting close friends (or club members and even husbands) to cross dress, commit crimes by invading the opposite sex's most personal space while they are most vulnerable."
"Apparently success was achieved in our last effort" according to Whatever Jane Doe, "Not only can someone claim at some point that this was a only 'test' of a law, but it gives credence to potential criminals that this behaviour is permissible hopefully perpetuating violence and validating our incredibly outrageous claims."
"It's a win win for us haters" says Mary Ann Whatever Dope "We can lobby against human rights laws while actually promoting hate crimes and violence against woman and children!"
"Its all for a just cause. Our cause. Hate and Bigotry." says Doe Jane Whatever, "Now here is the kicker. You can even change the names of the perpetrators and continue to highlight this event as 'Evidence' of the dangers of enacting human rights laws and our husbands, club members and good ole buddies can walk away, scott free in full view of law enforcement."
'Concerned Citizens for something or another' did not return latter calls regarding possible 'Testing' of federal perjury laws.
Some links possibly related found somewhere on the web
January 17, 2008
Eye witness Mary Ann Andree told WJLA-Television Theresa Rickman Admits To Locker Room Media Stunt
Eyewitness "Ondray" recounts man in shower to Channel 7 News
Pams House Blend Theresa Rickman Admits To Locker Room Media Stunt Kelly Nicholson, general manager for the gym questioned whether the person was actually transgendered
Possibly written by kelli Anne Busey
testing of planetransgender's ablity to withstand bullshit
Could have been written on March 11, 2009
"We have a speical today on the ever popular 'shower' method." According to Mary Ann Jane Doe of the 'Concerned Citizens of whatever' "We have refined the shower method allowing the creation of an extremly dangerous precedents by getting close friends (or club members and even husbands) to cross dress, commit crimes by invading the opposite sex's most personal space while they are most vulnerable."
"Apparently success was achieved in our last effort" according to Whatever Jane Doe, "Not only can someone claim at some point that this was a only 'test' of a law, but it gives credence to potential criminals that this behaviour is permissible hopefully perpetuating violence and validating our incredibly outrageous claims."
"It's a win win for us haters" says Mary Ann Whatever Dope "We can lobby against human rights laws while actually promoting hate crimes and violence against woman and children!"
"Its all for a just cause. Our cause. Hate and Bigotry." says Doe Jane Whatever, "Now here is the kicker. You can even change the names of the perpetrators and continue to highlight this event as 'Evidence' of the dangers of enacting human rights laws and our husbands, club members and good ole buddies can walk away, scott free in full view of law enforcement."
'Concerned Citizens for something or another' did not return latter calls regarding possible 'Testing' of federal perjury laws.
Some links possibly related found somewhere on the web
January 17, 2008
Eye witness Mary Ann Andree told WJLA-Television Theresa Rickman Admits To Locker Room Media Stunt
Eyewitness "Ondray" recounts man in shower to Channel 7 News
Pams House Blend Theresa Rickman Admits To Locker Room Media Stunt Kelly Nicholson, general manager for the gym questioned whether the person was actually transgendered
Possibly written by kelli Anne Busey
testing of planetransgender's ablity to withstand bullshit
Could have been written on March 11, 2009
Buttars wrist slapped but status quo is maintained. For Now.... video on side bar to the right>>>> > > > > > >
Utah Legislator Chris Buttars latest tirade against LGBT people cost him the chairmanship of the powerful Senate Judicial Committee. This action was confirmed by the ranking Senate Majority leader Waddoups in a public statement viewed by thousands via live Internet on 2-20-09.
Waddoups stated that the Buttars right to free speech will be honored but he was "freeing" Chris Buttars and the Judaical committee so that they may work without the burden of controversy. Waddoups also said by doing this Buttars would be free to pursue his political objectives in regards to LGBT rights issues.
When Waddoups was questioned whether this was considered punishment he responded it was not. When asked if this Censure of Buttars would preclude him from repeating as he has a history of doing, anti GLBT and racist tirades Waddoups responded "I am very bad at predicting the future". Waddoups like the rest of the politicians questioned did not indicate whether they are in agreement with Buttars regarding LBGT issues.
Waddoups attemped to conclude the meeting amid heated requests he clarify why Buttars was not at least removed from his seat on the Rules Committee if not removed completely from the Utah State Senate.
Buttars wrote in the Utah Senate Blog
"I was disappointed to learn of the Utah State Senate’s Censure on Feb. 20, 2009. However, this action will not discourage me from defending marriage from an increasingly vocal and radical segment of the homosexual community."
Buttars will essentially be free to "kill them all" as LGBT bills have to first come before the Rules Committee before moving on in the Senate.
Evidently we are "radical" because we will no longer accept being traumatized by the likes of Chris Buttars, but in Utah for now, the status quo is maintained.
By Kelli Busey
January 20, 2009
Chris Buttars Should Resign
Utah Congressman Chris Buttars attempted to divert criticism of his latest inflammatory racial, transphobic and homophobic tirade by claiming the documentary producer had mislead him about the interview.
The Documentary producers responded that Buttars Lies.
The Documentary producers responded that Buttars Lies.
"Free Queer Hugs!" Wellcomed With Open Arms!
Found in a article reported By JOANNA CATTANACH of the The Dallas Morning News "It was quite a display – just not one officials with the Dallas Museum of Art planned for."
"We have a right to express love just as much as everybody else," said Blake Wilkinson, founder of Queer LiberAction, whose group organized Saturday's "Queer Kiss-in."
What lengths am I as transgender woman willing to go to get a hug? Apparently I will stand on a sidewalk with a "Free Queer Hugs" sign. That would be a aberration from normality, until lately anyways.

Amazingly I got hugs! 10, 15 maybe 17.8 hugs per smile. Wow. Once in a while I was treated to a fellow Christian to a open conversation regarding homosexuality as
the Dallas Morning News story continues...
"One mother instructed her child to avert his eyes from the kiss-in participants. "Don't look at them," she said, grabbing and turning her son's head away. Others simply walked by, avoiding eye contact. One woman murmured, "It's twisted, very twisted." But another cited biblical principles, then exchanged hugs with a transgender activist, (thats me!) saying, "Hate the sin, not the sinner."
The good reporter was unaware of the calmness after we simultaneously found common ground agreeing Jesus has a plan for us and we are both loved by him in his radical inclusion. Then we hugged!
Maybe as the Morning News reported noted, this public display of affection was not planned on by Museum officials, but from the warmth and sincerity of the hugs I think it was welcomed, with open arms!
By kelli Busey
February 10, 2009
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