Set for 1:00 PM on Saturday, August 15 our Queer love fest is to include women kissing women, men kissing men, free queer hugs, signs, placards and even a Queer kissing booth!
If you haven’t met that special someone yet, maybe lady luck will smile upon you when you win one of our fabulous prizes while playing our Queer kiss-in games, and of course meeting the love of your life too! There will be something for everyone whether it’s sporting the wonderful Queer kissing booth, smoochin’ yo honey or handing out flyers and Queer chocolate kisses to passers by.
So often our voices are silenced because of our sexuality. We are bullied and beaten into the closet. By holding a queer kiss-in we are asserting our right in a very celebratory and fun way to unabashedly love someone of the same gender.
So come OUT, and Share some LOVE!
For more info please visit: www.queerliberaction.org
Queer LiberAction lgbtliberaction@gmail.com
Showing posts with label Queer Liberaction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Queer Liberaction. Show all posts
LGBT LiberAction's QUEER LOVE FEST 2009
Rainbow Lounge Raid Rally at Tarrant County Courthouse

Please be advised that part of I30 between Dallas and Fort Worth is closed. I20 and 183 are better alternatives. You can find a map here with info on the closure.
Rainbow Lounge Raid Rally
Tarrant County Courthouse
100 E Weatherford
Sunday, July 127:00 PM
Almost two weeks after the raid on the Rainbow Lounge we are still left with lots of questions and very little action by city, police and TABC officials. We are pleased that that TABC officers involved have been placed on desk duty and that calls for independent investigations have been made, but this is not nearly enough. On Sunday, July 12 the LGBT community of N Texas will stand together to call for answers from the Fort Worth Police Department, the TABC and an independent third party.
We demand swift action condemning homophobia and violence against LGBT people!
Dr Stephen V Sprinkle associate professor of practical theology at Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University, Chuck Potter witness to the raid at the Rainbow Lounge raid and Rick Vanderslice local radio and television personality are some who are set to speak. This brief but powerful event will recount the raid at the Rainbow Lounge, illustrate the injustices behind this incident and call out for action.
For more information please visit our website at http://www.queerliberaction.org/
Forth Worth Criminal Injustice / Queer LiberAction Today
Queer LiberAction Soap Box TODAY! Air your views on the Raid at Rainbow Lounge.
According to a letter sent by Fort Worth Mayor Mike Moncrief in response to the TABC FT Worth joint actions the Fort Worth police do not have a reputation of heavy handedness, intimidation, inciting criminal behaviour, brutality and false arrests. Mayor Moncrief then go's on to state that although he is confidant that the investigation being pursued by his cities police force into the joint TABC Rainbow Lounge raid is in fact impartial and fair, just for good measure he is calling in the Federal Attorney Generals office now to make sure they do live up to all his expectations.
I say we can not leave this insurance up to the politicians and law enforcement agencies.
Anyone who has come into contact with the Fort Worth police department and announced that a act of civil disobedience was a possibility was informed by the local police that unlike anywhere else in our country, our actions would be pursued to the uppermost possiable level, by law enforcement!
In other words, in Fort Worth the police will trump up the charges, and escalate an incident in order to imprison and fine an individual to the fullest extent of the law. What occurs while one is in the custody of police is often obscured by societies acquiescence to brute force.
Sometimes our countries law does NOT satisfy the Fort Worth's police's desire to enforce it's own version of American justice.
Who else knows this? Evidently Fort Worth Mayor Moncrief does.
Source: Pegasus News content partner - Dallas Voice
by Taymme Nash
"This letter was sent out by Fort Worth Mayor Mike Moncrief on Friday:"
"We all join in wishing Mr. Gibson a speedy and full recovery."
"Currently, two investigations are underway to review the circumstances and events that took place at the Rainbow Lounge early Sunday morning. The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) is conducting an investigation and the Fort Worth Police Department’s Internal Affairs Division is conducting its own investigation."
"I join Police Chief Jeff Halstead in encouraging any eye-witnesses to the events under review to come forward and share their observations."
"Members of the City Council and I have confidence that Chief Halstead is leading a thorough and professional investigation. Once the Fort Worth Police Department’s examination is complete, I have asked the acting U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Texas, James T. Jacks, to independently review the findings of the Fort Worth Police Department’s investigation to ensure the department has thoroughly and impartially carried out its obligation to all the citizens of Fort Worth. I encourage the TABC to follow the same course."
"Fort Worth has a history of inclusiveness, and the Fort Worth Police Department has a history of responsible and professional service to our citizens. The police department’s internal investigation and the outside review is meant to ensure all citizens are professionally and responsibly represented by our police department. I am most appreciative to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for assisting us in this effort."
According to a letter sent by Fort Worth Mayor Mike Moncrief in response to the TABC FT Worth joint actions the Fort Worth police do not have a reputation of heavy handedness, intimidation, inciting criminal behaviour, brutality and false arrests. Mayor Moncrief then go's on to state that although he is confidant that the investigation being pursued by his cities police force into the joint TABC Rainbow Lounge raid is in fact impartial and fair, just for good measure he is calling in the Federal Attorney Generals office now to make sure they do live up to all his expectations.
I say we can not leave this insurance up to the politicians and law enforcement agencies.
Anyone who has come into contact with the Fort Worth police department and announced that a act of civil disobedience was a possibility was informed by the local police that unlike anywhere else in our country, our actions would be pursued to the uppermost possiable level, by law enforcement!
In other words, in Fort Worth the police will trump up the charges, and escalate an incident in order to imprison and fine an individual to the fullest extent of the law. What occurs while one is in the custody of police is often obscured by societies acquiescence to brute force.
Sometimes our countries law does NOT satisfy the Fort Worth's police's desire to enforce it's own version of American justice.
Who else knows this? Evidently Fort Worth Mayor Moncrief does.
Source: Pegasus News content partner - Dallas Voice
by Taymme Nash
"This letter was sent out by Fort Worth Mayor Mike Moncrief on Friday:"
"We all join in wishing Mr. Gibson a speedy and full recovery."
"Currently, two investigations are underway to review the circumstances and events that took place at the Rainbow Lounge early Sunday morning. The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) is conducting an investigation and the Fort Worth Police Department’s Internal Affairs Division is conducting its own investigation."
"I join Police Chief Jeff Halstead in encouraging any eye-witnesses to the events under review to come forward and share their observations."
"Members of the City Council and I have confidence that Chief Halstead is leading a thorough and professional investigation. Once the Fort Worth Police Department’s examination is complete, I have asked the acting U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Texas, James T. Jacks, to independently review the findings of the Fort Worth Police Department’s investigation to ensure the department has thoroughly and impartially carried out its obligation to all the citizens of Fort Worth. I encourage the TABC to follow the same course."
"Fort Worth has a history of inclusiveness, and the Fort Worth Police Department has a history of responsible and professional service to our citizens. The police department’s internal investigation and the outside review is meant to ensure all citizens are professionally and responsibly represented by our police department. I am most appreciative to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for assisting us in this effort."
police brutality,
Queer Liberaction,
Rainbow Lounge
North Texas Queer LiberAction Gears up for – 'STONEWALL 2009'

An update of upcoming events from Queer LiberAction
"This past Sunday, June 28th was the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellions, the moment which sparked our civil rights movement. At Stonewall we were indignant and outraged. With this anger we got energized, got creative and got organized and stood up to society to proclaim that we are not going to be treated like any less than the human beings that we are."
"Forty years on, GLBT people are still being harassed and brutalized within their own bars and clubs. At about 1:00 AM on the exact anniversary of Stonewall, the Fort Worth Police, along with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC), raided the Rainbow Lounge. A patty wagon along with several police cars were parked outside as the police entered with plastic handcuffs ready to make arrests."
"The Fort Worth Police are claiming that arrests were made for public intoxication. You can’t get drunk at a bar in Texas anymore? The police are also claiming that customers made “sexually explicit movements toward the police supervisor” and that other officers were “groped'."
"Customers from the Rainbow Lounge have a sharply different account of the events. First hand accounts indicate that this raid was a clear-cut case of police brutality and harassment. These sorts of vile intimidation techniques must not be allowed to pass without angry condemnation from the North Texas LGBT community. "
"While there is still uncertainty as to the exact number of arrests made, those who were present at the Rainbow Lounge that evening are reporting that about fifteen people were arrested."
"Violence was used to such an extent that a Rainbow Lounge customer, Chad Gibson, is still in the ICU suffering from internal hemorrhaging on the brain. His condition is reported to be worsening. Our thoughts and prayers are with Chad and the Gibson family."
"Please visit the Dallas Voice Instant Tea blog for a more complete story and for the latest developments. "
"LGBT North Texas will rally again at the Tarrant County Courthouse on Sunday, July 12 at 7:00 PM. If in the next two weeks there is city-wide condemnation of the Rainbow Lounge Raid then the rally will then be one to congratulate the city on their swift and sharp action. On the other hand, if first hand reports still contradict the official story, if arresting officers are not seriously disciplined, if the officer responsible for Chad Gibson’s brain hemorrhage is still an active member of the Fort Worth Police Department, if apologies are not issued by the mayor, Mike Moncrief, and the Fort Worth Police Chief, Jeffery Halstead then the tone of the rally will adequately express the indignation from our community regarding the City of Fort Worth’s less than aggressive response to homophobia and police brutality. "
"All the information coming out regarding the Rainbow Lounge Raid is all very new and a single consistent story has been difficult to establish. Please keep checking Queer Liberaction’s website for the latest steps we will be taking in the coming weeks."
Queer Liberaction
"Free Queer Hugs!" Wellcomed With Open Arms!
Found in a article reported By JOANNA CATTANACH of the The Dallas Morning News "It was quite a display – just not one officials with the Dallas Museum of Art planned for."
"We have a right to express love just as much as everybody else," said Blake Wilkinson, founder of Queer LiberAction, whose group organized Saturday's "Queer Kiss-in."
What lengths am I as transgender woman willing to go to get a hug? Apparently I will stand on a sidewalk with a "Free Queer Hugs" sign. That would be a aberration from normality, until lately anyways.

Amazingly I got hugs! 10, 15 maybe 17.8 hugs per smile. Wow. Once in a while I was treated to a fellow Christian to a open conversation regarding homosexuality as
the Dallas Morning News story continues...
"One mother instructed her child to avert his eyes from the kiss-in participants. "Don't look at them," she said, grabbing and turning her son's head away. Others simply walked by, avoiding eye contact. One woman murmured, "It's twisted, very twisted." But another cited biblical principles, then exchanged hugs with a transgender activist, (thats me!) saying, "Hate the sin, not the sinner."
The good reporter was unaware of the calmness after we simultaneously found common ground agreeing Jesus has a plan for us and we are both loved by him in his radical inclusion. Then we hugged!
Maybe as the Morning News reported noted, this public display of affection was not planned on by Museum officials, but from the warmth and sincerity of the hugs I think it was welcomed, with open arms!
By kelli Busey
February 10, 2009
Queer Kiss-in Saturday, February 7 : Couple arrested in San Antionio for kissing in a mall!!
The Dreaded Lesbian Kiss!!!
You Read it correctly! A peck on the cheek from a same sex or same gender couple, a leg draped over another's and Get Busted or so to speak. We can not let this go unnoticed.
Queer Kiss-in Saturday, February 7 Ross and Harwood By the DMA downtown
Noon (Dallas Museum Of Art DMA with that red propeller looking thing>>

Kiss IN FaceBook Event Page
National Freedom to Marry Day
Thursday, February 12
Records Building 509 Main St
11:30 am
Queer Liberaction
Queer Kiss-in Saturday, February 7 Ross and Harwood By the DMA downtown
Noon (Dallas Museum Of Art DMA with that red propeller looking thing>>

Kiss IN FaceBook Event Page
National Freedom to Marry Day
Thursday, February 12
Records Building 509 Main St
11:30 am
Queer Liberaction
Queer Liberaction's Queer love fest, women kissing women, men kissing men, free queer hugs

Queer Liberaction's kiss-in is just around the corner. A week before Valentine's Day our Queer love fest is to include women kissing women, men kissing men, free queer hugs, signs, placards and even a Queer kissing booth (which can be seen on the cover of this week's Dallas Voice!
If you haven't met that special someone yet maybe lady luck will smile upon you when you win one of our fabulous prizes while playing our Queer kiss-in games! There will be something for everyone whether it's sporting the wonderful Queer kissing booth, smoochin' your honey or handing out flyers and Queer chocolate kisses to passers by.
So often our voices are silenced because of our sexuality. We are bullied and beaten into the closet. By holding a queer kiss-in we are asserting our right in a very celebratory and fun way to unabashedly love someone of the same gender.
Please join us at Buli (3908 Cedar Springs) this Wednesday at 6:00 PM to help hand out flyers.
Queer Liberaction kicks off "Milk Box" Dallas January 24

What is Queer Liberaction's "Milk box" you might be asking yourself. It is a way to celebrate our freedom of speech, but instead of getting up on a soapbox we will be getting up on a Milk box in honor of Harvey Milk. Our rights might be able to be taken from us, but they will never be able to steal our voice.
Help Queer Liberaction kick the Milk box off right this Sunday at 4:00 PM. We will meet at the corner of Throckmorton and Cedar Springs in front of the old Crossroads Bookstore to publicly speak our mind and educate Dallas's Queer Community as to exactly how we are being oppressed. Angry over the current state of things, or tickled pink? Come tell Dallas Gays and Lesbians about it or just come and listen and help hand out flyers. Anyone and everyone is welcome!
If you haven't already done so, be sure to put our upcoming events on your calendar. QL will stage a Queer kiss-in on Saturday, February 7 at noon. This will take place by the Dallas Museum of Art at Ross and Harwood in Downtown Dallas. Also, be sure to attend our big Freedom to Marry Day demonstration at 11:30 am on Thursday, February 12. The festivities will begin in Founder's Plaza outside the Records Building at 509 Main St.
Queer Liberaction is also in need of a few things to help make the Freedom to Marry Day demonstration a success. Please contact us if you're able to help us with any of the following.
* Limousine rental for a couple hours* Flowers, bouquets of flowers* Rice, flower petals to throw, bubbles* Poster board* Professionally printed banners * Donations
Queer Liberaction
Dallas Defense of Marriage Act Protest

For Immediate Release
Nationwide Defense of Marriage Act Protest
Queer Liberaction
Blake Wilkinson
January 10 at 11:30 am
Historical Plaza behind Records Building
Historical Plaza behind Records Building
509 Main St. in downtown Dallas
Just ten days before Barak Obama will be sworn in as the next president of the United States Queer people across the country will be protesting against the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Let's send a message to the future president that the Queer community is resolutely opposed to this discriminatory piece of federal legislation. We will also demand that the purportedly most GLBT friendly president-elect in history use his new political weight to repeal DOMA along with taking other pro-Gay and pro-equality action.
The Defense of Marriage Act is an anti-Gay piece of federal legislation which does two things. First, it legally excludes GLBT families from marriage benefits by defining marriage on a federal level as between a man and a woman. All the federal benefits that accompany marriage, such as immigration rights and tax breaks, are denied to non-heterosexual couples. DOMA also states that a marriage between two people of the same sex does not need to be recognized outside of the state where that marriage took place. Because of this, same-sex marriages that take place in the two states with marriage equality, Massachusetts and Connecticut, are not required to be recognized by other states.
On paper Obama is for the repeal of DOMA. We can't make the mistake of sitting back and expecting Obama to act on our behalf by taking on pro-Queer initiatives while we sit idly by. Let's hold Obama to his word by keeping the fight for our civil rights unapologetic and in the streets. While the president-elect might be on record as being on our side on the DOMA issue, he still asserts his opposition to marriage equality by saying, "I do not support gay marriage. Marriage has religious and social connotations, and I consider marriage to be between a man and a woman". We can do better. From day 1 of his presidency we will be demanding that Obama stand up for full marriage equality.
Queer Liberaction is an organization dedicated to struggling for the civil rights of GLBT people. We use direct action activism to directly, visibly and publicly confront homophobia along with organizations, institutions, groups or individuals who support or promote discrimination toward the GLBT community
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