Sometimes in my wandering I happen to come back to the United Methodist and am instantly thrust into the very passion of Christianity.
A blog post found on "Religion is a Queer Thing" by Rev. Tiffiany Steinwert, pictured right,
"Belovedness and The United Methodist Constitution: Does All Mean All?"
"There is a story that another UM pastor, Janet Wolf, tells about one of her parishioners. This story about Fayette has become gospel for me in understanding the fullness of the meaning of baptism in our Christian tradition. You see Fayette, although new to the Church understood the power of baptism deep her in soul."
"She came to Janet’s church one summer, pacing back and forth outside the open doors, listening intently to the music, the laughter, the words. Occasionally she would crouch down on the front steps engrossed, amazed and astounded at what she heard. Little by little that summer Fayette moved from the sidewalk to the steps, from the steps to the door and finally one day from the door to the pew."
Please read and share Religion is a Queer Thing.