
First of Five Charged With Murder of Trans Rapper Evon "Yung LT" Young Convicted

MILWAUKEE: Ashanti Mcalister 19, was found guilty of shooting Evon Young three times and helping to throw his body into a dumpster New Years day. Although Young's body was never found the verdict was supported by testimony from two of the accused, Devin Seaberry and Victor Stewart have turned states evidence in return for a plea deal.

AP reports that Mcalister was found guilty Thursday of first-degree intentional homicide in the death of 22-year-old Evon Young and will be sentenced August 12.

According to testimony, Mcalister delivered three shots to Young's lifeless body after he was suffocated and strangled in the basement of his own home.

The first trial of the five accused, Billy Griffin ended in a hung jury. Griffin will be retried in September.

The murder of Evon Young is being followed closely by national media which to this point have done a exemplary job of reporting on this case.


UK court convicts teen for non disclosure of trans status prior to penetration

A recent court ruling in the UK sets into case law validating transpanic responses.

In a rather lengthy finding a British court ruled that a teenage trans man deceived a cisgender girl by not revealing his trans status prior to vaginal penetration with a strap on. The defendant admits to the sex act but denies using a dildo.

A very good breakdown of the case can be found at Complicity titled: Court of Appeal confirms: Stealth trans people having sex are criminals.

I'm uneducated about British law and American but to me there are a two points to examine. First this turns trans status into a liability.

Para 26 ".... where the complainant is deliberately deceived by a defendant into believing that the latter is a male.."

Paragraph 27: "deception as to gender can vitiate consent" making trans people guilty of deception simply for being trans. That finding is now case law in the UK potentiality criminalizing transsexuality and interex people who do not notify potential sexual partners (in writing?) prior to sexual contact.

Secondly, the case wasn't simply about being trans it was also about deception regardless of whether its about a trans of cis person. The issue is the vaginal penetration of a partner without her consent with a object other than what she expects I.E., a penis.

I'll probably get crucified for saying this but...supposing that both party's accurately described the circumstances prior to penetration I would have to agree the the ruling that aggrieved party was deceived. I am of the belief that disclosure of trans status with a potential sexual partner, before the sexual act occurs, is only right. Doing otherwise could be construed as deception. My opinion does not mean I think we as trans people are of less value, but we have undeniably different history in context with cisgender people and this history has a profound effect on whom we are today.

That being said, it us not right that all other other considerations, non disclouse of I.E. HIV status, age etc, to be considered OK, singling out trans status as the single criminalizing factor.

H/T to Lexie Cannes.