
Kevin Beckner for Hillsborough County Commission

This Quality political candidate in Florida's Hillsboro County Commission race has been endorsed by the St. Petersburg Times;

Democrats, District 6

"There's not a dime's worth of difference among the three candidates in this race on issues of policy or priorities. All recognize the need to better manage growth, invest in mass transit, protect environmental lands and attract more high-quality jobs. Kevin Beckner, though, better articulates how these policies could improve the area's quality of life, and his communication skills could help bridge the partisan divide and move the county forward."

"Beckner, a 37-year-old financial planner, has a command of local issues for a first-time candidate who has lived in the region barely a decade. He can be overly cautious to commit. But his deeper understanding of the roots to the county's development, housing and transportation problems give him ammunition to push the right agenda. His broad community service gives him an ability to connect with people at a retail level."


The political climate in Florida can have a major impact on our country. Just look who we have had for president these past 4 years. We can make a difference by putting the word out about Kevin Beckner.

Click title for the Kevin Beckner home page


A Universal Response to Bigotry; Crews Inn Protest

Protest at Crews Inn; a Universal response to bigotry

Protesting indignities forced on a class of people has drawn together the community of Dallas Texas on Tuesday evenings at Crews Inn.

The desire to demonstrate against oppression unites in a way no other can.
The passion and dedication being shown by people of all ethnic backgrounds and nationalities including straight allies, Gays, Lesbians, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersexed, asexual, gender diverse and those who just wandered in and stayed awhile is awe inspiring.

We all have one united belief. All people are entitled to the basic dignity that one expects to be shown.

This commitment to our belief in the transgender community is most recently demonstrated by our support of the many issue which would normally be associated with Gay and Lesbian rights.

Many transgender people understand that standing up for our entire community is a basic building block for success.

What we are focused on will ultimately benefit our community, city, and country. We even have aspirations we may find a way to stem the outward flow of hate and bigotry that the United States has become known for, i.e. secret torture chambers, indefinite imprisonment without due trial, warrant-less invasions of privacy, etc, etc.

It's a small statement at this henceforth unheralded bar, on this quite street.

But then again, our voices are the ones being heard!

Kelli Busey
Transgender Advocate
Dallas Texas

Protest The Irving PR company thats promoting yes on 8

From my friends at Queers United. Please click title for link.


Dallas Texas a great place to be LGBT

I am able to tell potential visitors to Dallas Texas COME'ON DOWN!!

You are welcome here in Texas. Inside of Dallas City Limits you are
protected by law from discrimination in public accommodations,
workplace and housing based on an individual's real or perceived
orientation as heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or transgender.

Click the logo on the side bar for the legal facts or go to;
http://dallasfairho using.com/

Partake in our sophisticated nightlife or if you have never enjoyed Catfish, Blackeye Peas, Turnip Greens, Corn Bread and Sweet Tea you are in for a real treat.

Fine friendly people will make your stay a experience you will want to repeat!

Click the invitation to visit on the sidebar or go to;
http://www.glbtdall as.com/


Catholic hate mongering or American Inquisition

Murderers, and the very worst criminals have the privilege and permission of freely using their tongue; but, behold here a follower, of Christ, a child of trod, a servant of faith, one separated from the world, in whom dwells righteousness and , no cause of death 'is found-behold, how he is prepared for .death by,closing his mouth and screwing fast his tongue, that the truth may not be proclaimed, righteousness not heard, nor any testimony be given of the name of Christ. O Christ, look down, and succor Thy saints.

Catholic Church intentions towards transgender people have come to light in the opening paragraph from the lawyer spearheading a transphobic campaign in Gainesville Florida published by the Catholic News Agency;

"The concept of ‘gender identity’ was fashioned by radical homosexual groups and advocates to protect the bizarre sexual behavior of a few people,” Thomas More Law Center's Richard Thompson.

History of the Spanish Inquisition

Motives for instituting the Spanish Inquisition

1. To establish political and religious homogeneity.
2. To weaken local political opposition to Catholic dominance.
3. Out of fear.
4. To do away with a powerful minority.
5. Profit.

If you are Catholic and LGBT, my sympathies. You are loved and welcomed and in fact surrounded by people just like you in laity and clergy in many authentic faiths.
Please click the pic of Agape MCC a Church pictured on the right bar, for just one of millions who love you.

Click the title for the unfortunate Catholic news agency article.

PageOneQ; Angie Zapata's killer confessed to first-degree murder as a hate crime

Please click title for link to original post and emotional video with Angie's famly.
Thanks to PageOneQ for this well writen article and keeping us up on this tragady.