
Baltimore County Votes Tuesday on Transgender Bill: At Risk Public Accommodations

Baltimore County votes Tuesday on whether to include transgender protections. There has been considerable opposition to including public accommodation provision. A bill without public accommodations provisions is nothing more that a Jim Crow Law.

Please take a moment and contact these council members!

Contacting Baltimore County Council Members .
Please feel free to email any and all of the Councilmembers.

If you are not sure what you would like to write we have offered you a sample email below. Please personalize it as needed. If you are a resident of Baltimore County we urge you to say so. If you are unsure of who your Councilmember use this link to find out. These same themes can be used in a phone call.

Councilman Tom Quirk

Councilwoman Vicki Almond

Councilman Todd Huff

Councilman Kenneth N. Oliver

Councilman David Marks


Councilwoman Cathy Bevins

Councilman John Olszewski

Baltimore County Council

400 Washington Avenue, Room 205
Court House, Second Floor, Mailstop 2201
Towson, Maryland 21204

Internet: http://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/countycouncil
E-mail: countycouncil@baltimorecountymd.gov
Phone: 410-887-3196

Example email:

Dear Councilmember __________________,

I am writing you in support of bill 3-12. I am a firm believer that all people should be treated equally under the law. This should be the case regardless of any factor including Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation. These are basic civil rights and it is important that we secure them for all members of our community. It is important the people have a right to a job, a place to live, to be treated fairly with credit and most importantly in public accommodations. These rights are not novel or new, they have been in place in 16 states and over 150 municipalities including Baltimore City for the last decade, and Montgomery and Howard Counties.

I urge you not to be swayed by a very vocal and fearful minority who have opposed these rights. As has been the case with every civil rights movement there are always people who are afraid of progress and equality for all. I know I can count on you to support this bill for the people of Baltimore County

More at Gender Rights Maryland


Paddy Power Video Ad Campaign: Transgender Woman Are "Dogs" Others Just "Pussy"

This advertisement for ladies day at a Irish race track invited attendees to engage in singling out transgender woman by spotting the "Stallions from the Mares" calling the ones perceived as unattractive or transgender, "dogs".

Since drunk men are known to make subjective judgments of femininity based solely on perceived sexual attraction this cruelly objectifies females and invites rape and violence against all womankind including those perceived as 'dogs'.

This add is found on Paddy Power's Horse Racing page by clicking the picture on the right titled "new tv ads".

Find this offensive? First report the video to youtube then report it to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA)

It appears Paddy Power has already begun to feel the heat as its facebook link no longer functions and links supplied by others to its profile do not work.

But you can still add a public comment mentioning @paddypower on Twitter.