
Jesus Christ, Kelli Busey and Whoopi Goldberg Give a Damn

I hope my transgender friends join this effort and are counted! Its the only way people will know you are alive. A New PSA from We Give A Damn.Org!

My shared story on Wegiveadamn.org

I am transgender male to female and having completed many of the prerequisite steps in rectifying my gender expression to match my identity and yet I still felt something was missing. I felt a unexplainable emptiness.

That was untill a cisgender friend finally convinced me to attend a service at a Metropolitan Community Church. The next few Sunday's my legs would buckle, my heart would roar and tears of joy fell from my eyes with uncontrollable joy!

After all these years of denial I could show love for Christ without reservation, without being belittled, without shame.

This is a love story, a begining, a wonderfull joining with Christ as I walk in his footprints on a shared 'path less taken'.

I wanted to share this what after all these years remains the very most important part of my transition. I hope you like it.

We give a Damn On twitter


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Section 377 :- Side Effectts of Legalizing GAYSEX Will Destroy Social Fabric in INDIA ?
Huge Financial Corruption in MsmCBO or NGO in INDIA Encourages by NACO and others ?

Wordpress :- http://shemalejasmin.wordpress.com/
Blogger :- http://section377india.blogspot.com/
Blogger :- http://sideeffectsof377.blogspot.com/
YahooGroups :- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/section377india
Hjiras,Gandu’s,MsM,Kinar,Aravanies,6no’s,Mamu & Dogs Not Allowed ??

Section377 > GAY Get FUCKED on Roads freely ?
Section377> HEJADS do CRIMAL ACTIVETES freely ?
Section377 > HEJADS do SEXWORK on Roads freely ?
Section377 > GAY & HEJADS and MsM,s Terrible ?
Section377 > No Opinion HEJADS are Crimals of Society ?
Section377 > Hjiras & Dogs Not Allowed ?
Section377 > MsM have 89% are AIDS Check MSM CBO in INDIA ?
Section377 > Hijads have 89% are AIDS Check MSM CBO in INDIIA ?
Section377 > MSM CBO & NGO have a PLHA centers ?
Section377 > GAYSEX will Destroy Social Fabric in INDIA ?