What I got wasn't what I wanted.
I had talked to every political action group in Houston who gave Pool thumbs up in spades except one, Transgender and transsexual people. A classic case of me not seeing the trees for the woods.
In retrospect I see my error. I was so focused on her political viability I ignored the most important question. Will this transgender candidate do as many before her have and become a mouthpiece for gay.com or will she break the mold and keep her transgender ties not allowing herself to become a pawn in HRCs assimilist agenda?
Seems in my angst I even unfriended a young transsexual advocate because she kept asking questioning my support of Pool who is a HRC proponent on that same Facebook note. Again I was wrong and I owe Ashley Love an apology for that.
We need to come to terms with our past with HRC and find a way to move forward.
The truth is I protested at the Houston Black Tie and at New Orleans. I also managed that year

And I am aware Jenifer Rene Pool was partying it up at that same Black Tie.
So I asked a longtime Trans friend who wishes to remain anonymous, do you think Jenifer Pool will forsake her transgender community as so many others have done before her?
"Unfortunately, HRC's sock puppets are the only ones of us who get any support. And if any of them ever gets elected, I fear the HRC spin on it (as I do with Jenifer): OUR trans candidate won with all OUR support, etc. They'll do anything to drive unknowing trans people & families into their camp via whatever trickery it takes. They so badly want to revise history and whitewash over their history."So, I don't have a answer to that 64 dollar question and am as hesitant as the next trans activist who endured HR2015 to endorse her.
What I do know is this. Jenifer Rene Pool is a amazingly qualified council candidate and possibly in line for Mayoral run at some point with this win. I know she is being unfairly discriminated against by the Victory Fund and her chances diminished thanks to the labor of an extremely vindictive lesbian Houston council member, Sue Lovell.
And I do know that as we increase our political bankroll (interactions, and media respectability) transgender politicians will be less likely to forget about the value of our political capitol but as one of the smallest and most marginalized minorities we have one tough row to hoe.

So what do you think?
Dear Trans Community:
Hope you have, by this point, gotten used to the taste of bus.
Jenifer Pool
PS: I'm working for HRC, what did you expect?
That comment is not worthy of you becuse you are mocking another Transgender person.
Are you inside her head? Do you know for a fact she will side with Gay.com in legislation that seeks to codify our second class citizenship as Beyer did?
HRC recently proved again how insidiously malevolent they are to us. In Maryland this year they provided the man power and media platform for Equality Maryland and the Gill Foundation as they tried to force a gender 'Equality' bill on us that did not include Public Accommodations Provisions effectively codifying our second class citizenship.
The question for me is not whether we can trust HRC. They have proved time and time again they are our enemies only second to the right wing Christian fundies. The question is specifically this. Being that Jenifer Rene Pool is a card carrying HRC member can we trust her?
Much like the cis womyn who go to Michfest and enrich Lisa Vogel's cavalcade of misogyny, but say they're trying to improve the place on the inside have made their choice, Ms. Pool has made her choice.
There can be no rapproachment with HRC at this point.
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