
LGBT & Lutheran, Methodist, Episcopal or Presbyterian? Progressive Inclusive or exclusive dogma.

LGBT people are in a struggle that is part of the continuum. As long as one person is different from another there will be those in power who's fulfillment will come from excluding others.

Source New Jersey On-Line

* The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (4.7 million members), whose weeklong meeting in Minneapolis begins today will vote on whether non-celibate gay people can be ordained as Lutheran clergy, and on a statement saying same-gendered relationships have a place in the church.

* In July, the United Methodist News Service announced that the United Methodist Church (11 million members, 8 million of whom are Americans) is on track, based on early voting results, to reject an amendment that would let any professed Christian become a church member. Conservative opponents viewed the proposed change as implicit acceptance of homosexuality.

* Last month, the Episcopal Church USA (2.1 million members) rescinded a moratorium on electing gay bishops, a moratorium imposed under Anglican pressure three years after Robinson's election. It also said clergy can bless same-sex unions.

* In June, the Presbyterian Church USA (2.3 million members) announced the rejection of an amendment that would have let non-celibate gay people become clergy.

.John 6:58
The bread that comes down from heaven isn't like what your ancestors ate. They died, but whoever eats this bread will live forever.
John 6:57-59 (in Context) John 6 (Whole Chapter)

Thanks to walking with Intergrity for posting this.

walking with integrity.blogspot

Sentencing Tomorrow in Lateisha Green Trial

Source: Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund

On July 17, Dwight R. DeLee was convicted of manslaughter in the shooting death of 22-year-old Lateisha Green in Syracuse, New York. Tomorrow, DeLee will be sentenced to a maximum of 25 years in prison for his role in the killing. TLDEF staff members are currently en route to Syracuse. We'll once again be blogging and posting Twitter and Facebook updates about developments on the ground at the sentencing.

The image you see in this message is from Essence magazine's recent coverage of Lateisha's story. When we first began working with Lateisha's family after her death last year, they asked us to help ensure that her death would not be in vain, and that people would learn something from their tragic loss. We're very proud - and Lateisha's family is very proud - that Essence has chosen to feature Lateisha's story. Essence occupies a special place in the hearts of millions of Black women. Since it was launched in 1970, Essence has become a cultural institution in the African-American community. By speaking out about Lateisha's story, Lateisha's family is connecting with audiences that might otherwise never have heard about her life or death as a transgender woman. From the Associated Press to the Los Angeles Times, and now to Essence, Lateisha's story is touching the hearts and minds of millions of people who probably knew very little about the continuing violence that affects the daily lives of transgender, lesbian, gay and bisexual people. We're grateful to Lateisha's family for speaking out, and we're grateful to our friends at GLAAD, whose expertise helped to keep this story alive for millions of people.

If you're not familiar with Lateisha's story, you can learn about it by reading the following articles and blog postings on our web site. They're chock full of information, photos and videos, and we think they're well worth your time:

The Lateisha Green Murder: Violence Against Transgender People Resource Kit (4 pages);
The Lateisha Green Murder Trial: Sunday Blog Post;
The Lateisha Green Murder Trial: Monday Blog Post;
The Lateisha Green Murder Trial: Tuesday Blog Post;
The Lateisha Green Murder Trial: Wednesday Blog Post;
The Lateisha Green Murder Trial: Thursday Blog Post;
The Lateisha Green Murder Trial: Final Trial Blog Post;
TLDEF Statement On Verdict In Lateisha Green Trial.

Show Your SupportPlease continue to send personal notes of encouragement to Lateisha’s family during this difficult time. You can email correspondence by clicking here. We can't guarantee the family will be able to reply to your emails, but we know that they'll read them and that they appreciate everyone's support. Please write!

Stay InformedFor final updates from the sentencing, stay tuned to all of the following sources:our website;TLDEF on Twitter;the “Justice for Teish” Facebook page; andGLAAD on Twitter.

As a final note, thank you for your support of the work we've been doing on this case. Your notes of encouragement motivate us to pursue our work for equal rights. We always welcome your input, and encourage you to continue to contact us. Thank you.

Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund is committed to ending discrimination based upon gender identity and expression, and to achieving equality for transgender people through public education, test-case litigation, direct legal services, community organizing and public policy efforts.

Slaughter of IRAQ Gay and Transgender Unchallenged Human Rights Watch

August 17, 2009 the Human Rights Watch (HRW) published "They Want Us Exterminated" Murder, Torture, Sexual Orientation and Gender in Iraq

AP Press Human Rights Watch: Iraqi gays tortured and killed

"BAGHDAD (AP) -- Militiamen are torturing and killing gay Iraqi men with impunity in a systematic campaign that has spread from Baghdad to several other cities, a prominent human rights group said in a report."

"Murders are committed with impunity, admonitory in intent, with corpses dumped in garbage or hung as warnings on the street," the 67-page report said.

"Reliable numbers weren't available, Human Rights Watch said, blaming a combination of the failure of authorities to investigate such crimes and the stigma preventing families from reporting the deaths. But it cited a well-informed U.N. official as saying in April that the death toll was probably "in the hundreds."

Russian Punk Rock Band PTVP Rage's Alone Against The Machine

In modern day Russia all dissent has been quashed. Human Rights activists shot dead with a single small caliber round quietly dropping them within a mile of Red Square.

All except PTVP (the Last Tanks in Paris) of Saint Petersburg who's lyrics shout for the freedoms once tasted and so cruelly stolen by Putin.

On the web

Russian punk rockers rage against the Putin machine

Twitter RT @queah1 "Let the human mind loose. It must be loose. It will be loose. Superstition and dogmatism cannot confine it." ~John Adams


Rev. Manish Mishra speaks about the Gender Inclusive Enda at the HRC Clergy Call 2009

Rev. Manish Mishra has traveled extensively throughout the world, living in India, Oman, Finland, and for brief periods in Switzerland. This international exposure gave him the opportunity to live in countries where Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity have helped define the cultures. He brings this multi-religious appreciation to his ministry, and draws on a variety of faith traditions and narratives in his preaching and worship.

I stand before you as a Unitarian Universalist minister in the Tampa Bay region of Florida who has witnessed firsthand, and been deeply troubled by, a question that cuts to the very core of who we are as Americans, and that question is this: do we have the right to fire people from the workplace for factors other than merit? Can we fire people just because we feel like it?

The answer should seem obvious — we are a country that values hard work, and believes in rewarding hard work. People who are doing a good job should be able to keep their job. And, yet, this commonly held understanding is not our reality. We need look no further than to former Largo, Florida City Manager Susan Stanton for proof of this fact.

In February of 2007, Stanton was identified by The Saint Petersburg Times as being in the midst of a gender reassignment process. Stanton had served Largo faithfully and well for over 14 years, with strong job evaluations, and in fact earning a pay increase in the preceding year. Upon this story breaking, Largo City Commissioners called for an emergency hearing, and subsequently voted to fire Stanton, explaining that ‘the public had lost confidence’ in her.

What had we, the public, lost confidence in…? Was it Stanton…? Or was it our own ability to work side-by-side with individuals who are vastly different from us? Was it our commitment to judge people on the merit and quality of their work, and not the basis of identity? Yes, Largo faced a crisis of confidence, not in Stanton, but in the American dream.

I am not transgender, and I don’t consider myself to be an activist on transgender issues: I am an activist when it comes to human dignity. We are all activists when it comes to human dignity because we all know how we would want to be treated ourselves — with compassion and respect, with openness and understanding, with the ability to work hard and be rewarded for it.

Employment discrimination is alive and well, but we mustn’t tolerate it, we musn’t be complicit with it. Rather, we must live boldly, giving witness to our most deeply held values. Now is such a time. I call on our Congress to take action in supporting the dignity of every working American.

HRC Clergy Call 2009


Mormon's victims from supporting Prop 8 ?

By Kelli Busey
Is the Latter Day Saints (LDS) or (Mormons) experiencing a backlash from its misogynistic hypocritical support of Prop 8 or are they the victims of the times?


Source AP Gay marriage fight, `kiss-ins' smack Mormon image

"Church representatives don't discuss public relations strategies or challenges publicly, but at a semiannual conference in April, church President Thomas S. Monson seemed to be clearly feeling a post-Prop. 8 sting."

"In an era of "shifting moral footings," Monson said, "those who attempt to safeguard those footings are often ridiculed, picketed and persecuted."


Like many religions the LDS claim to love the sinner and hate the sin. This is more than don't ask don't tell from a church will allow us membership as long as we do not engage in any same sex relationship. The LDS has proven it believes 'the end justifies the means". The LDS will then misinform, misdirect and attempt to obscure the truths about its participtation in efforts that are clearly in violation of the obtruse laws that so poorly define the church and state.

But unlike many other religions the LDS does not have a clean cut mainstream image that is supported by a worldwide following. The LDS has a history of supporting of child farm camps, tax evasion, polygamy and marriages between fully grown men and minor females.

So now the LDS is feeling the lash-back from pouring millions of dollars into a law that strips the most basic of human dignities, civil marriage from LGBT people. The LDS is experencing the results of a religion that forced it's religious views on the general public. The LDS is feeling the anger not just LGBT people but former members who once would have defended the LDS with unquestioned loyality.

This should be a learning experience for all religions that cross the line of civil rights to impose their religious beliefs. People universally will rebel against oppression. People will leave diocese's en mass. No religion is impervious to this truth.

After all, we are all just human.