
American Samoa wins First Ever FIFA game with a GOAL by the First EVER Transgender Footballer

This will thrill you with pride!

Via 101greatgoals "American Samoa’s 2-1 win over Tonga on Wednesday in Oceania World Cup qualifying was not only historic for being the first time they had ever won a competitive game in FIFA competition."

"Incredibly, and this could open up a whole can of worms for Sepp Blatter, American Samoa fielded a transgender footballer called Johnny “Jayieh” Saelua."


Postponed: St Petersburg Legislative Vote on Law To Silence Millions of LGBT people

>>>Update! Gay Russia reports the USA goverment has condemed the proposed legislation. I am so proud!<<<

View the proposed law in English's Here

Gay Russia has a more pragmatic take on the postponement. The article states the second reading was put off until Nov 30th because the legislature couldn't come to a consensus on the fines. Some MP's feel its appropriate to fine 'legal persons' one million rubles or approx US $32,000 penalty for gathering in public places with the intention of "propaganda" advocating for LGBT rights.

Evidently some felt a million Rubles was excessive. After all, that fine would be as obscene as the proposed law is since the medium income in Russia is $7680 effectively making again invisible to the world LGBT Russians since the majority (74%) live in the Moscow St. and Petersburg vicinity. This law would further put at risk millions since Russia proper already has the second highest suicide rate and the countries within its sphere of influence owning 9 of the 10 top spots! This tragic statistic incredulously will be made worst if the draconian legislation is made into law.

Maybe its a combination of factors as Polina believes. Worldwide condemnation. Perhaps a world leader or two have already stepped up to the plate and condemned this proposed atrocious attack on humanity? Maybe disagreeing on the amount the Legislators would find justification in letting the bill die while simultaneously avoiding Putin's wrath?

One thing for certain. This gives us time to martial our forces and respond globally in a unified voice!

Please join the hundreds of thousands who have already signed the petition

Please sign and SHARE the ALL.OUT petition calling on world leaders to take action! Russia: a bill to silence millions


2011 a Tragic TDOR as New Delhi Fire Kills 14 Hospitalizes 40

Today was a tragic day for our family. 40 transgender people died today as they participated at the 2011 New Delhi transgender day of remembrance.

Shortly after the fire occured CNN reported that New Delhi's health minister, A.K. Walia, said an electrical short circuit was believed to have caused the blaze,

One India reported it began in the kitchen. By all accounts our sisters and brothers died a horrifically screaming for help. Our community lost some of our family today. Truly a tragic TDOR and a very sad day. Universally we mourn and offer our condolences.

West Hollywood TDOR Murderer At Large Have You Seen Him?

(Cut and pasted for accuracy sake from L.A. NOW)


This post has been corrected. See the note at the bottom for details.

Authorities continue to search for a man they believe responsible for shooting to death a transgender woman in Hollywood and shooting at another in West Hollywood on Thursday night.
He is described as black, medium-complected, 5-feet-9, 150 pounds with matted hair, light facial hair, skin tags around his eyes and wearing a knit cap. He is possibly a transient and may have been on a bicycle.

Los Angeles police believe he shot and killed Nathan Henry Vickers, 32, on Lexington Avenue, near Gower Street, an area long known for street prostitution. Vickers, known by the street name “Cassidy,” was standing in the street when he was shot shortly before 10 p.m.

About a half-hour later, another transgender woman was shot at during an attempted robbery at Plummer Park, 7377 Santa Monica Blvd., in West Hollywood. No one was hurt in that incident.

Investigators believe the same man was responsible for both shootings.

Anyone with information about the suspect is asked to contact Hollywood homicide detectives at (213) 972-2910, (213) 972-2901 or (213) 972-2912. After hours, call (213) 485-4628.

[For the record, Nov. 19, 10:48 a.m.: An earlier version of this post described the Hollywood slaying victim and West Hollywood individual who was shot at as transgender men. Police on Friday said they were transgender women.]

-- Sam Quinones


Photo: Drawing of suspect in Hollywood shooting. Credit: Los Angeles Police Department


Video: Transgender Tennessee Woman Goes Topless To Protest DMV

A Tennessee transgender woman who went topless in protest of the DMV's refusal to change her gender marker to female has spent 23 days in jail. Andrea Jones, who's driver license identifies her as male was arrested for indecent exposure which according to Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-13-511. Public indecency is

Noted activist blogger Zoe Ellen Brain commented on the wate.com story:
"The Law *can* and does have it both ways. So far, she's spent 23 days in jail for an offence that has a sentence of 2 days. She will probably be found guilty, and put on a sex offender's register as a male, for exposing herself as a female. Logic has nothing to do with it, the idea is to express society's disapproval of those born with medical conditions that make others feel uncomfortable. The persecution is quite deliberate, a matter of policy. // Just look at some of the comments here. // Being in jail, and likely to be so for a while, of course she's lost her job. Regardless of the verdict, she's unlikely to ever get another one. If put on a sex offender's list, forget it - for she's no longer just a Freak, but a sex criminal, a danger to society and a threat to children etc.// This is how Intersex and Trans people are treated in TN, this is not an "isolated case"."
Indeed Zoe, Tennessee citizenry, police and politicians have a history of transphobic and homophobic behaviour, but recently there have been some inspiring local incidents when these same people have stood up for whats right. So the fight for equality goes on and Andrea Jones is asking for help and asks you to email her at berdache1979@ya

Massachusetts Catches Equality Maryland Virus

Transgender activist author Jordan Gwendolyn thinks "its time for a little bit of South Philly straight talk, and this South Philly girl with Jersey provenance is ready to go Jersey on the sellouts".

Cross posted with from amplifyyourvoice.org

"Just when I thought the defeat of HB235 in Maryland sent a message that gender identity should be put on equal footing with race, religion, sexual orientation, etc. Massachusetts, AT THE LAST MINUTE, decides to put a non-discrimination bill up for a vote."

"From The Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition:"

Over the next 24 hours, it is critical that lawmakers hear from bill supporters!

MassEquality will be phonebanking in support of the bill all day today. And we need volunteers! During phone banks, we talk to constituents and transfer supporters of the bill directly to their lawmakers’ voicemail boxes so they can leave messages in support of the bill. Call Justin at 617.878.2344 to sign up or send him an email!

In the days ahead, you may hear confusing things about this bill. To be clear, this bill provides vital protections in employment, education, housing, credit, and hate crimes which transgender residents of the Commonwealth desperately need. The bill is not perfect as it does not include public accommodations protections, but it is a solid civil rights bill that represents an historic step forward in supporting full civil rights protections for the transgender community.
Gwendolyn continues: "I oppose this bill 1000%. All I want is for every type of discrimination to be illegal, based on gender identity, and for the protections to be coequal, NOTHING MORE, NOTHING LESS. I think its time for a little bit of South Philly straight talk, and this South Philly girl with Jersey provenance is ready to go Jersey on the sellouts:" Read why shes so pissed at amplifyyourvoice.org.

Then ask yourself as Monica Roberts has on TransGriot why are "Unjust Trans Rights Bill Advancing In Massachusetts?" Even Queerty is wondering just Why Doesn’t MA’s Trans Rights Bill Protect Trans People From Public Discrimination?

My take on it? A transgender civil rights bill without public accommodations protections doesn't even give us a pot to piss in. Its only worth is the sensationalistic promotional value garnered from its promoter and chief gay.com shill Gunner Scott with whom I have a long history with after I exposed his receiving $25,000 from HRC smack dab in the middle of the HR2015 ENDA crisis.

Like I said then, You don't get money for nothing.

Oh yeah and transphobes and haters because they know a stand alone bill without gay.com's backing for public accommodations doesn't stand a chance of a ice cube in hell.

And of course gay.com who will be thrilled to get the potty problem off their backs now to be considered strictly a 'transgender issue'.

Working Together with Police to Protect and PROMOTE our Transgender Community

Many times crimes against transgender people go unreported. Many times out of ignorance, transgender people are misrepresented and misgendered in police reports only to be amplified by media. With the TDOR at our doorstep this is an amazing video to watch. Please clic-the-pic or link.
