
42% of LA Latino Transgender Woman Have Been Propositioned For Sex...By Police!

A study by the Williams Institute just released its findings after interviewing 220 Latino transgender woman in LA and astonishingly reported that "....police officers accounted for the majority of negative reactions reported, representing 56 percent of all verbal harassment cases, and 16 and 15 percent of all reported physical and sexual assaults respectively. When asked whether they had ever been solicited for sex by a police officer or other law enforcement personnel, 42 percent responded in the affirmative." 42% PERCENT!

For the Full Report click Here

Amazingly, a transformation of police behaviour is taking place!

Los Angles Police Chief Charlie Beck responded to this horrific news by announcing that police will no longer conduct pat downs of reproductive organs to determine natal sex before locking up people identifying as transgender or transsexual. He also said by early May a 20 bed facility would be opened for transgender detainees, so they can me housed safely.

I know from experience in Texas the police force often requires special attention in order for them to become more aware of our needs, so who in the huge city of Los Angles should we thank?

Turns out a number of folks. Huge Kudos's go out to Trans Hero Karina Samala and Transgender Law Center's Executive Director Masen Davis.

But these changes have a more profound affect than where trans people will be housed, its about respect. Its about what our hard work as a worldwide community has achieved. As this excerpt from the LA Times announcing the changes so readily points out:

"Davis said the move began in 2007 and involved numerous, long meetings, a survey of transgender people regarding their contacts with Los Angeles police and finally a report last year of recommended policy changes."

"He said the changes reflected not just the LAPD's willingness to listen, but also an increasing political maturity and activism among transgender people."

"(LA Police Chief) Beck agreed. "We've made some real progress," he said, "some of the strongest progress in American law enforcement on the transgender issue."

"Asked how he would deal with officers who violate the policy, as well as any lingering culture of disrespect toward transgender people within the department, Beck replied that he was in charge of discipline and that "rules in the L.A. Police Department are meant to be followed."

And with all due respect Chief Beck, with all of our due diligence these orders will be adhered to.

Morris House

Morris House RHD.org

Morrs house to open

First ever One of a Kind holistic inpatient care of trans identifiy people transitional needs Holistic

Informed consent verses traditional DSM-4 gate keeper model.

Susan Collins a transgender woman will be helping at the Morris house. This opening is special for an number of reasons. First. it is the only inpatient faclity of its kind in the USA to spesifiacly focus on transgender people. The Morris house looks at the whole person taking into account all of the variables and needs associated with transition, substance addiction being biggest reason for transgender death and falutures so the Morris house is born.

Susan when I saw this on your timeline a couple of months ago I became more interested in the Morris house becuse of your personal investment in it.

I would like to learn about you, Susan. Tell us about what brought you to this juction in your life.

The Morris house will be offering services in the following areas. Is substance addiction a requiremnt inorder to be in patient? How will it be determined when a in patient homeless trans person should be discharged? Will Morris house assist that person find housing?

•Addiction Recovery
•Behavioral Health
•Employment & Training

I also understand that Morris house will be assisting in transitional needs for transsexuals. It is a contentious topic within the trans community whether we should be content being pathologized in the DSM or to seek a informed consent route for decideing on whether tnasitioning is in the best intrest of the individual.

How will Morris house approach this and what avanue will your providers use?

As a activist and blogger I have seen time and again the revolving door of homelessness and addiction desicrate our people and as one of those who were flung out. I commend you and Morris House for your work and wish every city hadd a facility like this.


Transgender Angola Rock Star

From TransGriot Titica-Trans Angolan Music Rising Star and she rocks. Yes, she's paid her dues. She's been beaten and stoned.

Hold onto your hats ladies and gents cauze she comes right at you and ROCKS.

Transgender Law Center Matt Wood's Trickle Down Equality

Wait your turn gay transgender people, and be thankful for whatever crumbs same sex marriage advocates brush off the equal rights table.

Essentially that's what I got from the Op Ed written by Transgender Law Center staff lawyer Matt Wood in the Advocate Op-ed: The Importance of Marriage Equality to Trans Community.

And I'm not the only transgender person to be outraged by this article, Matt Wood and the Law Center staff needs to read the comments by the transgender community found on the Advocate and Transgender Law Center's Facebook page.

They should take note of the bloggers like Katrina Rose who replied to the Op Ed on Transadvocate with (and may I add the "great communicator", Ronald Reagan too )The Shills…The Shills…The Shills!!!!!!

Its really wrong that a representative of the transgender law center is making a case that we should be thankful for trickle down equality. But what's even more offensive is the assimilative aspect of the article. Yes Matt, most states do not recognize a marriage where one partner's gender is the same as the others natal gender, but that's the crux of the transgender equality battle!

It is inexcusable for a leader in the transgender rights movement to use that fact as a reason for transgender people to stand down.

Why has transgender law center become an apologist for the gay agenda? Money? Although Matt should be commended for his work he has never walked in our shoes, because he can't. He's a privileged white man. I'm not finding fault with him because of that, just saying.

Now, I fight for gay peoples rights because they are our allies. Allies, but they are not transgender. Their agenda is different, so we must as transgender people work for our own good and if the results of our focused efforts benefits gay people, all the better.

I will guarantee you put a mirror on that statement and that's how gay advocacy groups look at it.

Its our TERN. Transgender Equality Right Now.

Nothing more, nothing less.


C-279 8 Minutes For MP to Justify His Hated of Transgender People

At the eight miniute mark Allison's gesturing becomes more emphatic suggesting that after all was said and done, protecting transgender people under the law would only enable men in dresses to prey on girls in bathrooms. He didn't have empirical proof only validating that statement by recalling the last time transgender Canadians tried to gain protection the same sort of fear mongering defeated it.

But times are changing. Maybe he'd enjoy the Canada Miss Universe Pageant but he wouldn't bring his family because there's a trans contestant and becuse of that there will be lot of men in dresses in the bathrooms attacking children. What a asshat.

Pig of the week, Archaic, transphobic, lying, fear mongering ultra right pandering MP Dean Allison.


Federal Judge Rules In Defense of MN Transgender Marriage

"It really blindsided us," Christina Radtke said. "We've been called liars. I've been called a man and not a woman. It's just crazy."

Christine contacted me on Facebook and asked that I share this victory because it's "such good news for our community". Her heartwarming request reflects her selflessness and love for our community.

Christine's case resulted in the Judge admonishing a health plan administrator for the United Parcel Service making it clear, in Minnesota transgender marriage is not a same sex marriage. Christina, is a post op transgender woman who has amended her legal documents to reflect her correct gender and because of that, according to the judge, she is a woman. Period.

And the marriage between her and her cisgender male husband? Again the judge admonished the administrator, saying it is a marriage between man and woman. Period.

When the United Parcel Service plan administrator counter sued alleging Radtke was not a real woman and fraudulently claimed benefits, the judge had enough and summarily ruled in favor of Christina and her husband.

Its rare we can claim a victory. Thanks to husband and wife, Christine and Calvin Radtke, we have this one to celebrate.

You can read the rest of the story at the Star Tribune.


Equality Maryland's Obscene malfeasance : Seats Under The Table

The article by Owen Smith Field Organizer for Gender Equality Issues at Equality Maryland titled Seats at the table seems conciliatory recognizing the organizations agenda of exclusion of transgender voices but it remains to be seen if any true changes have taken place, becuse too many of us can not communicate with Equality Maryland.

I along with many vocal opponents who dealt the death knell to HB235 which EQMD last year tried to ramrod down our throats remain blocked from commenting on the EQMD Facebook page. And according to Dana Beyer GRMD board member, that will not change.

But as it turns out I was able to comment on this Equality Maryland fundraiser. A Drag show of all things. So I posted this comment which ellisited a response from one of equality Marylands members...While I do appreciate him saying "please" I won't remove it because you don't "like" that I oppose the sexualization and objectification of gender.

I always like to learn a little about whom I am dealing with and found this on his wall...

And found I do not appreciate his sexist crude misogynistic sense of humor.

Reading further into the Baltimore Outhouse article...

.....even more nefarious is this attempted assimilation by the Task Force of the remaining outspoken opponents of a future state transgender bill without public accommodations, and all under the guise of "education". Its only been a year since the task force joined with HRC and the Gill Fund's attempted obliteration of our opposition to Equality Marylands tyrannical behaviour by helping to obfuscate the truth.

The Baltimore Outloud article would be a step in the right direction if they were to be truly stepping in tune with transgender inclusion. Until then its just another invitation to sit under the bus.

Pitt University Demands Medical History before Trans can Use the Correct Restroom

Pittsburgh University just announced a "clarification" of how it intends to deal with transgender peoples use of restroom in thr future. Before the announcement the university said it's unwritten policy considered transgender restroom access on a 'case by case basis".

The new policy contrary to city ordinance and the universities own non discrimination policy singles out a minority, reveals their medical history and in process puts them at risk of discrimination and even violence.

I made this video in Arlington Texas and am not a Pitt student. Early in my transition I tried to attend dental school but the discrimination I encountered was so fierce I dropped out and like Pitt, it all revolved around bathroom use. By placing myself in the Pitt students position I spoke as a transgender person facing this catastrophe.

Even though the Pitt non discrimination policy include transgender people the university has enacted a rule that not only discriminates, it intimidates and jeopardizes the lives of our minority.

Take Action!! Tell Chancellor Mark A. Nordenberg who wrong this policy is by calling the Vice Chancellor of Public Affairs Robert Hill at 412-624-4147.


Parent of Transgender Child Needs Our "Likes" To Win

The parent of a transgender child, Leslie Lagerstrom contacted me via her twitter account TransParenthood asking for help to win a essay contest sponsored by a non profit called "Words and Notes" .

The prize? She would be able to tell her story of parenting a transgender child to thousands of caring people and in the process help to raise millions of dollars for the Oakland Children's Hospital. Her essay "It's a Boy" would help educate people who would otherwise be clueless about the unique challenges our tiny minority's families face.

Without giving too much away I'd like to share the first paragraph of her essay. If you like that please click the link at the bottom of the paragraph, read her essay in full and "LIKE" it to win!

It’s A Boy
by Leslie Lagerstrom

“I’m not right,” my eight year-old child with the old soul explains, as to why our weathered mailbox sits empty. Another classmate’s birthday party on the horizon, we wait anxiously for the invitation that never comes. Simple yet profound, the words slice through my flesh, piercing a hole in my heart, the pain more than I can bear. Pain I have come to know all too well, raising a transgender child. Please LIKE "It's a Boy" on Facebook to help our whole community WIN!

Regardless it's a win win! Just by voting and sharing her note you are raising awareness of the challenges faced by all children, such as the one on the right and help raise money for this great hospital.



Becoming Me: Eight Families Share Growing Up With a Transgender Child

"Eight families with transgender and gender non-conforming children ranging in ages from 5 to 25 share their stories. With the healthy development of their children at stake, parents must confront binary perceptions of gender, widespread transphobia and controversial parenting decisions."

Are you a parent or transgender youth or ally? Perhaps this all is new to you and your just curious? You can communicate with some of the parents and professionals in this movie!

Source Gsfla: "Join us for an hour-long online discussion in the gsfla comments section on April 3, 2012 at 5:30pm Eastern/ 4:30pm Central / 2:30pm PSD. In The Life Media Staff Producer Kathryn Morrison will be online and available to respond to questions and comments. She will be joined by PFLAG National's Transgender Network Coordinator Catherine Hyde, Gender Spectrum Director of Education and Training Joel Baum, and author of the book, "Gender Born, Gender Made," Developmental and Clinical Psychologist Diane Ehrensaft. The discussion is an ideal place for parents, families, friends and advocates of transgender and gender non-conforming children to share their experiences and ask questions.
Read more here: In The Life Media video | An episode about trans and gender-nonconforming children


Demand Freedom for Pussy Riot NOW!

Pussy Riot has been on the cutting edge demanding freedom and change in Russia and has paid dearly for it in the past. Recently some of the band members were beaten and stripped of clothing and abandoned in the forest north of Moscow after a protest in Red Square. That happened before they were known outside the countries borders. Not now, Putin, we know who they are. And we know who you are too. (no more fucking crocodile tears, please)

Read more at freepussyriot.org and find out about the petition on Tabula Magazine.