Showing posts with label lesbian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lesbian. Show all posts
Dallas Pride 2008
Dallas Pride 2008,
Broward County, LLV Florida and the Broward School Board say NO 2

What Flordia's Admendment 2 says
"In as much as marriage is the legal union of only one man and one woman as husband and wife, no other legal union that is treated as marriage or the substantial equivalent thereof shall be valid or recognized."
6 Reasons to Say No 2
Taking Away Benefits
Amendment 2 could take away existing benefits from all unmarried Floridians
Hurting Seniors
Amendment 2 could force seniors to choose between important benefits like sharing health care and important government benefits.
"Gay Marriage" Bait & Switch
Amendment 2 claims to ban "gay marriage" but Florida already has multiple laws banning same-sex marriage
Massive Government Intrusion
Amendment 2 puts the government where it doesn't belong - regulating the personal relationships of Floridians

Hiring Expensive Lawyers
Amendment 2 could force unmarried Floridians to hire expensive private lawyers just to protect their basic legal rights
Dramatic Consequences
Amendment 2 could take away job benefits from university employees and be used as a defense to domestic violence - as in other states which passed similar amendments
Who says No 2 government dictating our personal lives? Who sNO 2 amendment 2 Florida?
Broward School Board, Miami City Commission, The league Of Woman Voters Florida
Click here to visit No2
say no 2 florida red and blue,
Queer issues take a global stage at the United Nations

By Emily Geminder
29 July 2008 [MEDIAGLOBAL]: Of the more than 3,000 non-governmental organizations holding consultative status to the United Nations, only a handful address gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and intersex issues. This week saw an incremental but significant step towards change: two groups, COC Netherlands and the State Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Transsexuals and Bisexuals of Spain (FELGTB), gained admittance to the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

South Africa,
United Nationss
A open letter to Bishop V. Gene Robinson
Open Letter to The Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson
Bishop of New Hampshire
HRC's billion dollar baby has begun to stir.
As I was leaving my LGBT youth group I made a mention of a up coming protest of the HRC Celebration of gold in November 2008 at Dallas Texas to a paid staffer at YouthFirst.
I up to this moment had viewed this paid staff member as a somewhat distant person friendly enough, but in as a non committal offhanded sort of way.
I had attributed this to her being a very busy woman and I had admired her dedication to the LGBT youth.
But this void had made my commitment to continue volunteerism a matter of personal dedication because of a seemingly lack of concern by the leadership of this group. I had up to this point accepted this as my personal sacrifice so that I may satisfy my need to be of good to the community I Love so much.
Her first response before realizing the gravity of the situation was to say " Just make sure you are not wearing your YouthFirst Hat while you are protesting." Becuse I am a writer of the goodness and potentials of our LGBT youth.
I had seen the response by the staff to the youth if they even suggested that they were gender variant. Always concentrated looks of disbelief with grins, followed with a comment like " ya right." This results in the youth looking down in embarrassment and shame. I have come to the point where I openly defend their right to gender expression and am quickly put down and ignored by the staff.
Judith stood suddenly between me and the door and asked, sudden concern clouding her eyes "what protest?" I began to tell Judith about the protests I had participated in since being denied by HRC. Her worry began to deepen as she asked what it was I thought might happen at Dallas in November.
I replied Bishop Robinson was scheduled to accept the ELIZABETH BIRCH EQUALITY AWARD at the dinner. I was asking my faith community to stand up for us and for Bishop Robinson to deny this award on solidarity with transgender people who have been unjustly and unfairly removed from being a part of ENDA in spite of the unanimous outcry of 350 LGBT groups that HRC decided to ignore and caused untold sorrow and pain. We are a community on the verge of self destruction because of HRC.
Judith first response knowing that I wrote for the RMN blog, a Methodist affirming outreach group was to say" Oh but the Methodist church in Dallas gets money from this." THIS response made me physically ill. Judith was attempting to use my faith against me, as a club to beat me down with. I responded" I attend this church as a guest not because it is a recipient for HRC funds, which I was previously unaware of , but because of my experience at the Methodist Conference that summer I had fallen in love with the Methodist faith. I will talk to this church about this I said, but my love for them is about trying to help in their struggle to become free to worship, free to Minister and free to marry as I am in AGAPE MCC."
Judith was now HORRIFIED. I asked her why she had turned so pale she told me "I am on the Black Tie Marketing committee." Oh I said. I am so sorry things have come to this point and told her I was interviewed by The Dallas Voice, a local LGBT paper, and had answered the question of protest at the Dallas black tie. We at that time were committed to finding a way to Educate and form a solid coalition and not wanting to detract or degenerate the Dallas Black Tie. WE LOVE OUR COMMUNITY and only want to do good. So we asked the Black Tie Committe if we could hold a Educational Initiative at this Black Tie but were once again denied.I told Judith that we are not asking Bishop Robinson to refuse this award out of spite, but becuse HRC has forced us into a corner and left us no options.
Now Judith's BILLION DOLLAR BABY was in mortal danger. She was horrified by the pureness of my heart, the intent of my soul, in fact my love for our community and Christ. She was protecting a gold jewel encrusted inanimate object which has no soul, no consciousness, no hopes and dreams. It does not have faith.
To Judith, protecting this baby which HRC has been holding in front of it's Dallas Black Tie to shield it self against dissent, was not unlike a mother who relized her child was now in danger of being pried from her loving hands.
Never once did the matter of my faith in the episcopal church ever become a matter of concern for this HRC fund raiser. Never did my struggle to remain employed EVER become a matter of her concern. Never has the DEATH of Lawrence KING ever become connected with the struggle of the gender variant, or become important to Judith. UNTILL NOW when her BILLION DOLLAR BABY became endangered.
Judith and HRC are worried and horrified not because they care about Christianity. Not because they are worried about Trans peoples faith, health or well being. Not because of any concern for gender expressive children like Lawrence King.
They are Praying to their GOLD GOD. The Billion Dollar BABY. Baby HRC.
I am asking you Bishop Robinson not to attend the 2008 Dallas Black Tie. I am asking you to put into practice the inspiring sermon you gave at All Saints Church that brought me out of the shadows, out of fear into a strength and belief that GOD and CHRIST love me and spoke through you.
You see, I forsake my Episcopalian church which I grew up in for 20 years because of a man, who while representing this church had done me such grievous harm.
Because of your sermon at All Saints opened my heart again, to beleave again.
I am asking you to reject HRC. To be the protector of the Gender diverse yet unborn, alive and dead. HRC has thrown transgender people away. Sacrificed For pieces of gold.
Kelli Anne Busey
Gender Advocate
Believer in Christ the redeemer

Open Letter to The Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson
Bishop of New Hampshire
HRC's billion dollar baby has begun to stir.
As I was leaving my LGBT youth group I made a mention of a up coming protest of the HRC Celebration of gold in November 2008 at Dallas Texas to a paid staffer at YouthFirst.
I up to this moment had viewed this paid staff member as a somewhat distant person friendly enough, but in as a non committal offhanded sort of way.
I had attributed this to her being a very busy woman and I had admired her dedication to the LGBT youth.
But this void had made my commitment to continue volunteerism a matter of personal dedication because of a seemingly lack of concern by the leadership of this group. I had up to this point accepted this as my personal sacrifice so that I may satisfy my need to be of good to the community I Love so much.
Her first response before realizing the gravity of the situation was to say " Just make sure you are not wearing your YouthFirst Hat while you are protesting." Becuse I am a writer of the goodness and potentials of our LGBT youth.
I had seen the response by the staff to the youth if they even suggested that they were gender variant. Always concentrated looks of disbelief with grins, followed with a comment like " ya right." This results in the youth looking down in embarrassment and shame. I have come to the point where I openly defend their right to gender expression and am quickly put down and ignored by the staff.
Judith stood suddenly between me and the door and asked, sudden concern clouding her eyes "what protest?" I began to tell Judith about the protests I had participated in since being denied by HRC. Her worry began to deepen as she asked what it was I thought might happen at Dallas in November.
I replied Bishop Robinson was scheduled to accept the ELIZABETH BIRCH EQUALITY AWARD at the dinner. I was asking my faith community to stand up for us and for Bishop Robinson to deny this award on solidarity with transgender people who have been unjustly and unfairly removed from being a part of ENDA in spite of the unanimous outcry of 350 LGBT groups that HRC decided to ignore and caused untold sorrow and pain. We are a community on the verge of self destruction because of HRC.
Judith first response knowing that I wrote for the RMN blog, a Methodist affirming outreach group was to say" Oh but the Methodist church in Dallas gets money from this." THIS response made me physically ill. Judith was attempting to use my faith against me, as a club to beat me down with. I responded" I attend this church as a guest not because it is a recipient for HRC funds, which I was previously unaware of , but because of my experience at the Methodist Conference that summer I had fallen in love with the Methodist faith. I will talk to this church about this I said, but my love for them is about trying to help in their struggle to become free to worship, free to Minister and free to marry as I am in AGAPE MCC."
Judith was now HORRIFIED. I asked her why she had turned so pale she told me "I am on the Black Tie Marketing committee." Oh I said. I am so sorry things have come to this point and told her I was interviewed by The Dallas Voice, a local LGBT paper, and had answered the question of protest at the Dallas black tie. We at that time were committed to finding a way to Educate and form a solid coalition and not wanting to detract or degenerate the Dallas Black Tie. WE LOVE OUR COMMUNITY and only want to do good. So we asked the Black Tie Committe if we could hold a Educational Initiative at this Black Tie but were once again denied.I told Judith that we are not asking Bishop Robinson to refuse this award out of spite, but becuse HRC has forced us into a corner and left us no options.
Now Judith's BILLION DOLLAR BABY was in mortal danger. She was horrified by the pureness of my heart, the intent of my soul, in fact my love for our community and Christ. She was protecting a gold jewel encrusted inanimate object which has no soul, no consciousness, no hopes and dreams. It does not have faith.
To Judith, protecting this baby which HRC has been holding in front of it's Dallas Black Tie to shield it self against dissent, was not unlike a mother who relized her child was now in danger of being pried from her loving hands.
Never once did the matter of my faith in the episcopal church ever become a matter of concern for this HRC fund raiser. Never did my struggle to remain employed EVER become a matter of her concern. Never has the DEATH of Lawrence KING ever become connected with the struggle of the gender variant, or become important to Judith. UNTILL NOW when her BILLION DOLLAR BABY became endangered.
Judith and HRC are worried and horrified not because they care about Christianity. Not because they are worried about Trans peoples faith, health or well being. Not because of any concern for gender expressive children like Lawrence King.
They are Praying to their GOLD GOD. The Billion Dollar BABY. Baby HRC.
I am asking you Bishop Robinson not to attend the 2008 Dallas Black Tie. I am asking you to put into practice the inspiring sermon you gave at All Saints Church that brought me out of the shadows, out of fear into a strength and belief that GOD and CHRIST love me and spoke through you.
You see, I forsake my Episcopalian church which I grew up in for 20 years because of a man, who while representing this church had done me such grievous harm.
Because of your sermon at All Saints opened my heart again, to beleave again.
I am asking you to reject HRC. To be the protector of the Gender diverse yet unborn, alive and dead. HRC has thrown transgender people away. Sacrificed For pieces of gold.
Kelli Anne Busey
Gender Advocate
Believer in Christ the redeemer
Reconciling Ministries New Blog Proactive Radical Inclusion

By Kelli Busey
July 1, 2008
The Reconciling Ministries Network is launching a new blog in accordance to it's mission of bringing ALL of God's children home. In following the teachings of our lord, this vision of radical inclusion has been shaped into action by Antony Hebblethwaite and the staff of of the RMN. Among the writers who are contributing are people who have known personally Dr Martin Luther King's struggle, people who have experienced South African apartheid, pastors who are living with the denial of their Church to minister because of sexual affinity and teachers who have dedicated their lives to the good of human kind. All are human rights activists who are now deeply involved with bringing us together in peace. And one transgender truck driver, thats me. I was so inspired to by what I saw in General Conference 2008 that I self promoted my application to contribute to this blog and to my amazement, was accepted. But I got cold feet after reading the biographies that the other writers submitted. I questioned myself about my abilities. How could I ever write on the level as these educated and wonderful people. And lets face it, I'm not the most pious of people. I'm more akin to the 250lb hot dog with mustard and relish eating 9th inning self appointed 3rd base coach! Antony wrote back to me and said "easy girl". This is what reconciling means. Inclusion. So we are all here. And this is the scoop of my life! This world is after all a place for me.
Reconciling Ministries Network is a national grassroots organization that exists to enable full participation of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities in the life of the United Methodist Church, both in policy and practice.
Committing a felony (feloni rocks)
If you are offended by profanity do not watch this video.
All the rest of you lesbians, you'll love this one!
If you are offended by profanity do not watch this video.
All the rest of you lesbians, you'll love this one!
Russian Gay Pride ONE-O-ONE 2008 or everything you want to know about getting your head bashed in but were afraid to ask

Russian Gay Pride one-o-one 2008
By kelli Busey
Thursday June 12 2008
The 12 commandments of Russian Gay Pride.
1st. Secure a permit from the city to hold a public gathering.
2nd. Make objections to attempts to decertify your permits.
3rd. formulate a plan of action.
4th. Inform TRUSTED media.
5th. Send misinformation to plants.
6th. Evade secret police attempting to do a preemptive arrest.
7th. Conduct a 10 minute Pride event at a alternate location.
8th Get your head smashed in by a Gay hater.
9th. Transport participants to permitted location and barricade behind a sturdy door.
10th Lower a banner asking for fair treatment.
11th Watch in horror as police smash your door down, without a permit.
12th Spend the night in a lovely Russian jail.
After step 12 the sequence restarts.
Click title for Project Gay Russia
Please sign the petition for human rights for LBGT in Russia
"The Moscow Human Rights Appeal"
hosted on the web by, the free online petition
service, at:
Source Gay Russia
We Have a BIG Problem here

By John Wright
May 1, 2008 - 7:48:28
LGBT Methodists, supporters surprised by votes upholding anti-gay church policies
Onlookers tearfully react to a vote Wednesday, April 30 at the United Methodist Church’s General Conference. - PAUL JEFFREY/United Methodist News Service
FORT WORTH — LGBT members and their supporters suffered two major setbacks on Wednesday, April 30, at the United Methodist Church’s 2008 General Conference in Fort Worth.
Laura Ingram and Fox TV at WAR(warbeeaatch)

Laura Ingram and Fox Tv at war (WARbeeaatch)
By Kelli Busey
Febuary 9,2008
Laura Ingraham in this video broadcasted on FOX TV attempts to bully and intimidate CODE PINK'S Medea Bejamin. This defies all standards of broadcast decency and the principles of free speach. Laura Ingraham is in the absence of armed men demanding silence, is by default the enemy of free speach and an America where we respect the right of others to have and express an opposing opinion. As someone who served in the Armed forces I can attest she is not speaking for me nor a majority of service members.
I would hope Laura Ingram would have a more open mind to the Transgender community. According to the WIkapeda, she has involved herself with purposefully harming innocent people by ingaging in Anti-homosexual activism.
According to David Brock (in his 2002 book Blinded by the Right), Ingraham, while writing for The Dartmouth Review in the mid-1980s, once attended meetings of a gay student organization for the purpose of publicly outing them in the newspaper. Ingraham secretly taped a meeting of the Gay Students Association, then published the transcript, identifying students by name and calling them "sodomites." According to Ingraham, however, she attended the meetings to report in the newspaper how tuition money was being spent.
A decade later, on February 23, 1997, however, Ingraham wrote an essay in The Washington Post in which she announced significant changes in how she views gays and lesbians. This was motivated primarily by her experience with one of her brothers rumored to have been estranged from her for a time after the gay student group controversy, as he cared for his ailing partner:
"In the ten years since I learned one of my brothers was gay, my views and rhetoric about homosexuals have been tempered... because I have seen him and his partner of 14 years, lead their lives with dignity, fidelity and courage.
You may contact FOX at and exercise your freedom of speech!
SUPPORT CODEPINK's peace efforts at
Gainsville FL Transgender Debate Draws croud
Transgender debate draws crowd
Sun staff writer
11:57 pm, January 28, 2008
City Hall was buzzing Monday night with both protest and support for a proposed city ordinance that would include gender identity as a class of people protected from discrimination in housing, employment and public accommodation.
Continue to 2nd paragraph The auditorium had standing-room only, as did the entryway where a large crowd watched the decision on closed-circuit television. The vast majority of those who spoke on the issue were against the ordinance.
Those in favor of the ordinance lauded it as a step toward increased human rights for transgender individuals, who some said are marginalized in society.
The ordinance would add gender identity as a category of people protected from discrimination. Discrimination based on race, religion, sexual orientation and gender are already outlawed in Gainesville.
City officials defined gender identity as a situation where people have an inner sense of being a gender other than their gender at birth.
Those opposed reiterated oft-cited concerns of having a man in a woman's restroom, as well as the burden it would place on business owners to provide accommodations in the case of changing facilities.
Commissioner Ed Braddy immediately made a motion to deny the ordinance, and Commissioner Rick Bryant quickly seconded the motion.
"When you boil it down the issue is that because of some people who have some sort of emotional or psychological issue, others have to change," Braddy said.
He said the ordinance would require separate facilities if a business owner decided to deny a transgender individual access to dressing rooms.
"In that sense it makes a claim on other people's property," Braddy said. "This is about granting special privileges to a class of people."
Commissioner Craig Lowe countered. "There is nothing special about being able to have a home, get a job, go to a restaurant," said Lowe adding that those are simple rights that are often taken for granted.
"It does a very simple thing for a group of people that is very intensely discriminated (against). They are few in number but sometimes it is the few in number who need the most protection," Lowe said.
Commissioner Jeanna Mastrodicasa emphasized that there is a standard across the nation for these types of ordinances.
In Florida the cities of Lake Worth and West Palm Beach, Miami Beach, Wilton Manors, Gulfport and Key West have anti-discrimination policies that protect gender identity, as do Orange, Monroe and Palm Beach counties.
Some residents quoted the Bible and expressed anger that the city would make an ordinance protecting people who in their minds were going against the way that God created them.
One man said the commissioners would suffer the wrath of God and another yelled "the blood is on your hands" for supporting the ordinance.
Several pastors, including the pastor of the Rock of Gainesville, also spoke against the ordinance. Many opposed to the ordinance said it was unfair to make the majority uncomfortable in order to protect a minority.
A University of Florida student said in the meeting it was a sad state of affairs when basic human rights were debatable not only among the public but also among elected officials.
Another UF student said, "We have a right not to be hassled, harassed, beat up or killed, and it happens everyday based on what people look like and what we wear."
By press time, the commission hadn't voted on the issue.
Megan Rolland can be reached at 338-3104 or megan.rolland@
Sun staff writer
11:57 pm, January 28, 2008
City Hall was buzzing Monday night with both protest and support for a proposed city ordinance that would include gender identity as a class of people protected from discrimination in housing, employment and public accommodation.
Continue to 2nd paragraph The auditorium had standing-room only, as did the entryway where a large crowd watched the decision on closed-circuit television. The vast majority of those who spoke on the issue were against the ordinance.
Those in favor of the ordinance lauded it as a step toward increased human rights for transgender individuals, who some said are marginalized in society.
The ordinance would add gender identity as a category of people protected from discrimination. Discrimination based on race, religion, sexual orientation and gender are already outlawed in Gainesville.
City officials defined gender identity as a situation where people have an inner sense of being a gender other than their gender at birth.
Those opposed reiterated oft-cited concerns of having a man in a woman's restroom, as well as the burden it would place on business owners to provide accommodations in the case of changing facilities.
Commissioner Ed Braddy immediately made a motion to deny the ordinance, and Commissioner Rick Bryant quickly seconded the motion.
"When you boil it down the issue is that because of some people who have some sort of emotional or psychological issue, others have to change," Braddy said.
He said the ordinance would require separate facilities if a business owner decided to deny a transgender individual access to dressing rooms.
"In that sense it makes a claim on other people's property," Braddy said. "This is about granting special privileges to a class of people."
Commissioner Craig Lowe countered. "There is nothing special about being able to have a home, get a job, go to a restaurant," said Lowe adding that those are simple rights that are often taken for granted.
"It does a very simple thing for a group of people that is very intensely discriminated (against). They are few in number but sometimes it is the few in number who need the most protection," Lowe said.
Commissioner Jeanna Mastrodicasa emphasized that there is a standard across the nation for these types of ordinances.
In Florida the cities of Lake Worth and West Palm Beach, Miami Beach, Wilton Manors, Gulfport and Key West have anti-discrimination policies that protect gender identity, as do Orange, Monroe and Palm Beach counties.
Some residents quoted the Bible and expressed anger that the city would make an ordinance protecting people who in their minds were going against the way that God created them.
One man said the commissioners would suffer the wrath of God and another yelled "the blood is on your hands" for supporting the ordinance.
Several pastors, including the pastor of the Rock of Gainesville, also spoke against the ordinance. Many opposed to the ordinance said it was unfair to make the majority uncomfortable in order to protect a minority.
A University of Florida student said in the meeting it was a sad state of affairs when basic human rights were debatable not only among the public but also among elected officials.
Another UF student said, "We have a right not to be hassled, harassed, beat up or killed, and it happens everyday based on what people look like and what we wear."
By press time, the commission hadn't voted on the issue.
Megan Rolland can be reached at 338-3104 or megan.rolland@
Organizations Establish Pride Coalition - Gay newspaper Gay and Lesbian online newspaper including, Local, National and International
Eight Austin Organizations Establish Pride Coalition - Gay newspaper Gay and Lesbian online newspaper including, Local, National and International
ENDA fight dominated year in gay news
Mara Keisling Matt Foreman NCTE NGLTF,
ENDA let's get it right
The Orginal ENDA 2015 submitted in April of 2007 included laungage which afforded protection to
transgender people and GLB people regardless of how gay you are.Unfortunately it is of our opinion that political mistakes were made based on incorrect interpretation of
history and a skewed sense of political expediecy..Barney Frank is of the opinion that transgender people are new to the advocacy arena and therefor not to
be allowed to enjoy the same status as the rest of the GLB community.Transgender people have been in the forefront at the Compton Cafateria and Stone wall riots.The LBGT community has voiced it's discontent via UNITED ENDA's 7 million..
On 9/27/07 without advance warning Barney Frank intoduced HR(3585) which eliminated transgender
protection. With the exclusion of gender identity laungage it will be subjective depending on the
conception of the judge, what behavior falls within sexual preference or gender identity. Thereby
eliminating the person who on a given time acted too gay, in the judges opinion and the transgender
person from protection under the law.Glbtq people have themselves often criticized identity politics, particularly on the grounds that individuals
possess multifaceted identities and thus involvement in politics based on a single identity does not suffice
On 9/27/07 Barney Frank submitted HR(3586) which has gender only protection launguageTime has shown that incremental steps when applied to a group i.e. shades of black, only serves to
weaken the validty of the entire concept and promote discord and disunity.Time has also shown that if a small portion of a group is sacrificed on the premise that they will be returned
for, then this fails to happen as the motovation to do so is not present.
Therefore It is our goal to allow the protections of ENDA to extend to the entire community.This goal is the wish of UNITED ENDA comprising 368 National, State and Local groups and 171 house
representitives.We emplore you to contact your orginization represenitives and political leaders and lend them your
wisdom. Let us welcome our entire LGBTIQ community at the finish line, together the truth will win
transgender people and GLB people regardless of how gay you are.Unfortunately it is of our opinion that political mistakes were made based on incorrect interpretation of
history and a skewed sense of political expediecy..Barney Frank is of the opinion that transgender people are new to the advocacy arena and therefor not to
be allowed to enjoy the same status as the rest of the GLB community.Transgender people have been in the forefront at the Compton Cafateria and Stone wall riots.The LBGT community has voiced it's discontent via UNITED ENDA's 7 million..
On 9/27/07 without advance warning Barney Frank intoduced HR(3585) which eliminated transgender
protection. With the exclusion of gender identity laungage it will be subjective depending on the
conception of the judge, what behavior falls within sexual preference or gender identity. Thereby
eliminating the person who on a given time acted too gay, in the judges opinion and the transgender
person from protection under the law.Glbtq people have themselves often criticized identity politics, particularly on the grounds that individuals
possess multifaceted identities and thus involvement in politics based on a single identity does not suffice
On 9/27/07 Barney Frank submitted HR(3586) which has gender only protection launguageTime has shown that incremental steps when applied to a group i.e. shades of black, only serves to
weaken the validty of the entire concept and promote discord and disunity.Time has also shown that if a small portion of a group is sacrificed on the premise that they will be returned
for, then this fails to happen as the motovation to do so is not present.
Therefore It is our goal to allow the protections of ENDA to extend to the entire community.This goal is the wish of UNITED ENDA comprising 368 National, State and Local groups and 171 house
representitives.We emplore you to contact your orginization represenitives and political leaders and lend them your
wisdom. Let us welcome our entire LGBTIQ community at the finish line, together the truth will win
Mara Keisling Matt Foreman NCTE NGLTF,
Texas Transgender Adovcates working paper HRC dinner at Austin
Transgender Educational Initialive As proposed by Kelli Busey 214-226-7080
The Intent of the Educational Initiative
It is the intent of the Texas Transgender Advocates(TTA) to work to the ends in a fashion supported and advocated by Barney Frank to Educate non transgender people on transgender issues.
Group organization;
Texas Transgender Advocates is organized and functions to advocate Transgender inclusion in ENDA and does not represent group members on any other issues.
Method of performance;
It is our wish to initiate personal conversations and offer an opportunity to present the history of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender struggle as it pertains toENDA as of April 2007 and our vision of a transgender inclusive ENDA.
Talking points;
UNITED ENDA A history of of transgender only legislation faulture to return for transgender people. New York State GENDA
The importance of including transgender people as opposed to incremental gains.
HRC leadership role in influencing the ENDA vote
Barney Frank position regarding transgender inclusion
The Compton riot
The Stonewall riot
Anticapated results;Awareness of the HRC membership of the benifits of maintaining the integrity of the history and present
day LBGT community and the importance to the the future..
Location of Educational InitiativeHRC dinner Austin TX January 26 2008
HR2015(ENDA) transgender inclusive
d110:HR03685:@@@L&summ2=m& HR3585(ENDA) non transgender inclusive and amendments Transgender only
The Intent of the Educational Initiative
It is the intent of the Texas Transgender Advocates(TTA) to work to the ends in a fashion supported and advocated by Barney Frank to Educate non transgender people on transgender issues.
Group organization;
Texas Transgender Advocates is organized and functions to advocate Transgender inclusion in ENDA and does not represent group members on any other issues.
Method of performance;
It is our wish to initiate personal conversations and offer an opportunity to present the history of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender struggle as it pertains toENDA as of April 2007 and our vision of a transgender inclusive ENDA.
Talking points;
UNITED ENDA A history of of transgender only legislation faulture to return for transgender people. New York State GENDA
The importance of including transgender people as opposed to incremental gains.
HRC leadership role in influencing the ENDA vote
Barney Frank position regarding transgender inclusion
The Compton riot
The Stonewall riot
Anticapated results;Awareness of the HRC membership of the benifits of maintaining the integrity of the history and present
day LBGT community and the importance to the the future..
Location of Educational InitiativeHRC dinner Austin TX January 26 2008
HR2015(ENDA) transgender inclusive
d110:HR03685:@@@L&summ2=m& HR3585(ENDA) non transgender inclusive and amendments Transgender only
Mara Keisling Matt Foreman NCTE NGLTF,
Pam's House Blend ...always steamin'!
Mara Keisling Matt Foreman NCTE NGLTF,
Gay City news
In a article dated 11/07/07 Mara Keisling of the NCTE and Matt Foreman of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force among others expressed dismay for HRC non commitment to a inclusive ENDA all the while working against Transgender inclusion in congress.
Mara Keisling Matt Foreman NCTE NGLTF,
HR(3686) THOMAS (Library of Congress)
Mara Keisling Matt Foreman NCTE NGLTF,
H.R. 3686: To prohibit employment discrimination based on gender identity (
Mara Keisling Matt Foreman NCTE NGLTF,
H.R. 3685: Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2007 (
H.R. 3685: Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2007 ( "Legislation > 2007-2008 (110th Congress)"
Mara Keisling Matt Foreman NCTE NGLTF,
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